The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2490: Terrible physical power


At this time Xiao Yifeng's realm also broke through to the Nirvana duality, and once again released a powerful power.

Immediately above the sky, the sound of thunder sounded, and a huge thundercloud gathered, apparently his thunderstorm came.

Xiao Yifeng's nirvana and thunder, but the power is very terrible.

A heavy thunderstorm in Nirvana before was enough to kill the strong.

Now that the double thunder of Nirvana is coming, the power released is also horrible.

"How could the thunderstorm, the dual nirvana of the master, be so horrible?"

Seeing this, a shocked look flashed in Yan Bin's eyes.

"The master is the arrogant of heaven, even Thunder Thunder is extraordinary!"

Optimus said.


In the blink of an eye, the first thunderous calamity came, extremely stout, and violently blasted towards Xiao Yifeng.

The power of this first thunderstorm was terrible enough to kill the nine strong men in Nirvana.

Xiao Yifeng was very calm, still sitting there, without any reaction, even if the thunder and lightning fell on him.

His body lingered around the light of thunder and lightning and made a gurgling sound, and then the thunder and lightning disappeared into his body, but he was nothing.


Immediately after the second thunderstorm, the thunder and lightning were twice as thick as before, and the power reached life and death.

Xiao Yifeng still didn't resist, even if the thunderbolt fell on him, but his body was nothing.

Then the third, the fourth, and the fifth thunder and thunder force came one after another, and the power was more and more terrible.

But Xiao Yifeng all used physical body to resist, this terrible thunder and lightning did not have any effect on his body.

Xiao Yifeng's body glowed a mysterious luster, his bones and internal organs were extremely translucent, and he had an indestructible feeling.

For five minutes, the nine thunder robbers descended on it. This ninth thunder robbery was enough to kill the five strongest in life and death, but it still had no impact on Xiao Yifeng.

However, the ninth thunderstorm ended, and the thundercloud did not dissipate.


The tenth thunderbolt came again, this time the thunderbolt was extremely large, like a dragon of thunder and lightning, hacking fiercely towards Xiao Yifeng.

"So many thunderstorms?"

Seeing this, Optimus was also shocked.

"I'm going, your kid is really awesome. There are more thunder robbers than before!"

Long Gan also sighed at this moment.

Xiao Yifeng's expression still seemed very calm, even if the thunder force fell on him.



Thirteenth way!


Fifteenth way!

This thunderbolt seems to not end. One thunderbolt followed by another thunderbolt. The entire void is flooded with the power of this thunder, and it turns into a sea of ​​thunder.

Xiao Yifeng was in this thunderous sea, but nothing happened. The whole person seemed extremely calm, and his physical body was not damaged in any way.


Sixteenth Thunderstorm comes!

This thunderbolt is already as strong as a dragon, and the pervasive coercion tells the world that it is enough to kill the seven strong men in Nirvana.

After a slash, the void was shining with a thunderous light, and then fell fiercely on Xiao Yifeng.

With a bang, Xiao Yifeng was flooded with thunder, and his body shivered fiercely, but he was still able to resist it.

"Who is crossing the robbery? There are so many thunderbolts?"

At this moment, many strong men in Dongzhou rose into the sky, watching the horror of thunderous lands far away, and their eyes were full of shocking expressions, apparently they were shocked.


The seventeenth thunder robbery came, the size of a grinding disc, torn apart the void directly, terrifying power!

"come on!"

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng's eyes opened, and his eyes were full of attractive spirits, releasing a terrible breath.

His eyes stared at the advent of the seventeenth thunderstorm, without fear, with a look of disdain in his eyes.

With a loud bang, the thunder fell on Xiao Yifeng, and he did not frown.

The thunderbolt flooded him all over, trying to destroy his body, but couldn't do it.


The eighteenth thunderbolt arrived on schedule, and with this thunderbolt coming, the void was filled with a sense of destruction.

This breath is terrifying and makes people feel a sense of palpitations.

Yan Bin looked at Xiao Yifeng with a bit of worry in their eyes.

Obviously worried that Xiao Yifeng would be able to survive. This thunderstorm was several times more horrible than the seventeen previous thunderstorms combined.

Immediately afterwards, a terrible thunder force broke out from Lei Yun, and blasted towards Xiao Yifeng fiercely.

With a sense of necessity, Xiao Yifeng must feel completely killed.

"Hum, try to destroy me, stop thinking!"

"No one can destroy me in this world, even if you are in the sky!"

"I control my own life!"

Xiao Yifeng exuded a supreme might, with a strong momentum, his eyes staring at the sky and drinking.


Then Xiao Yifeng shook his hands, and the whole man rose directly into the sky. He even bombarded with the power of the eighteenth thunder raid.

Others, Nirvana, are trying their best to resist. Not only does he not resist, but he also takes the initiative to attack. If it is passed out, it will be enough to startle the chin.

Rumble ...

Xiao Yifeng punched with the eighteenth thunder robbery, and the endless roar continued.

Xiao Yifeng was shrouded in engulfment by the thunder force, and a terrible breath permeated.

The void was directly smashed, and a huge black hole appeared in space.

Seeing this, Qingtian, Yan Bin, the wind was faint, Xiao Xiu Xiu's eyes were full of worry.

One minute later ~ ~ the thunder force disappeared, and Xiao Yifeng's figure appeared.

He stepped in the void, his eyes were sharp, his looks were unparalleled, and he gave out his mighty power. The eighteenth thunderbolt still did not hurt him.

At this point, the thundercloud finally disappeared, and the dual thunderstorm of Nirvana was completely spent.

After the thunderstorm, Xiao Yifeng's whole breath seemed to have improved a bit.

At this moment, he looked very terrible. It seemed like a mountain was there, unable to shake or even destroy it.

Xiao Yifeng glanced at the Jiuyan Mountain. At the moment, Jiuyan Mountain had no flame.

As if it turned into an ordinary mountain, the fire veins in it disappeared strangely.


Xiao Yifeng blasted away at the Jiuyan Mountain.

The deafening roar sounded, and a surging force fell directly into the Jiuyan Mountain.

Suddenly a roar rang, and Jiuyanshan was smashed and collapsed in an instant.

Then the huge Jiuyan Mountain was destroyed by force. The whole Jiuyan Mountain no longer exists, and a huge pit appeared in front of everyone.

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