The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2474: Responsible

"Meet Lord Ghost King!"

Immediately, these strong men of ten thousand ghosts looked at ‘Xu Ruoxing’, that is, the ghosts screaming.

"Who is the person who is now the master of all ghosts?"

Ghostly vomited.

"Master Ghost King, Wan Li Sect is now the son of the former Sovereign Wan Li, but Wan Li Sovereign is now in retreat, Wan Gui Sect is currently responsible for the five Great Ghosts!"

Said the group, Shen Sheng.

"Five big ghosts? Got it, call them all!"

The ghost drank.

Among the spooky halls in the headquarters of Wan Guizong, ghosts stood here, and in front of them stood five men lingering with strong spirits.

Their strength has reached the point of supreme dominance, which is the top five generals of Wan Guizong's current affairs.

"Subordinates meet Lord Ghost!"

The five of them were half-knelt on the ground, and shouted at the ghostly respectfully.

Although their status in Wanguizong is very high, they can only be regarded as juniors in the face of the ghosts of one of the four great ghost kings, which is naturally respectful.

"Yes, the strength is okay. It seems that Wan Guizong has recovered well these years, and has the opportunity to return again!"

Ghostly said.

"Master Ghost, I didn't expect you to be alive. Now we are even more hopeful to revive the hegemony of Wan Guizong once again, so that those enemies who started against me will pay a price!

One of these five ghosts vomited with excitement and coldness.

"Don't worry, I won't let go of those people at that time, I will let them all go to **** of endless reincarnation!"

The ghostly eyes sighed coldly and coldly.

"That's right, of course, the ghostly master has a lot of power, and now he is resurrected again. If the news spreads, I am afraid the people in the major gates will be disturbed!"

Said another ghost.

"It's not that easy to make me die, and it's not just me, the three remaining ghost kings of Charm, they will all appear at that time."

Sneaky coldly.

"Really? That's great. There are four great ghost kings here. Why worry that you can't let Wanguizong dominate the ancient world again!"

These five big ghosts will hear the other three big ghost kings appear, and their expressions look very excited.

"My memory has just recovered and my strength has not fully recovered. I will be in retreat for a while."

"Before I didn't go out, don't take any action from Wan Guizong, and don't attract the attention of the ancient gates of the ancient world!"

He sneaked his voice.

"Yes, Master Ghost!"

These five ghosts will nod.

"By the way, how are the other four doors now?"

Ghostly said.

"Yinlingmen, Luosha Sect, Pluto Hall, and Blood Moon taught them the four forces have disappeared since World War I. They are estimated to have been extinct."

These five ghosts will speak.

Ghostly shook his head and said, "These four forces cannot be destroyed casually. They should be recuperating like we are."

"When the opportunity recovers again, pay close attention to the trends in the ancient world, they will definitely make a shot."

Ghostly said.

As time passed by, night fell.

Ling Yi, Xiao Yifeng's room, Xiao Yifeng was practicing, and a knock on the door sounded.

Xiao Yifeng got up and opened the door, and the drunk Jiao Niang stood here.

"Jiao Niang, you're here, come in!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the drunk Jiao Niang and said, the latter came in.

"What's the matter with you?"

Drunk Jiao Niang looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

Xiao Yifeng sat in front of the drunk Jiao Niang, staring at the other side. The latter was slightly reddened by Xiao Yifeng's eyes, and his expression was somewhat shy.

"Do you have anything to do with me?"

Drunk Jiao Niang said.

"Jiao Niang, I came to you to talk about something between us!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"I said that everything I arranged last night has nothing to do with you, you don't care about it!"

Drunk Jiao Niang said.

"Nevertheless, I have a relationship with you after all, and you are still pure, and I cannot help but be responsible."

"Although I am Xiao Yifeng, this person is insane, but if this happens, I will be responsible. I am not the kind of person who just sleeps."

Xiao Yi Feng Shen Chen.

"Then what are you going to do?"

Drunk Jiao Niang looked at Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashing.

"Although we don't have too deep feelings, but feelings can be cultivated, I will be responsible for you, and you will be my Xiao Yifeng's woman in the future!"

Xiao Yi announced aggressively.

"Your boy, I think you are fancy of the beauty of others, so I took the opportunity to win the other party!"

Long Gan said.

"Anyway, it's already my woman. It's not normal for me to win. Besides talking about a big beauty like Drunk Jiao Niang, I've already won it. How can it be more difficult to let it go!

Xiao Yifeng said inwardly.

"Are you serious?"

Drunk Jiao Niang glanced at Xiao Yifeng.

"Of course, I have always taken women seriously!"

Xiao Yifeng said solemnly.

The drunk Jiao Niang looked at Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickering, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Well, starting today, your drunk cousin is my woman, and I promise you, I will help you to completely eliminate the Wumeng League and get revenge for everyone in your family!"

Xiao Yifeng walked to the drunk Jiao Niang, grasped each other's palm, said solemnly.

"thank you!"

The drunk Jiao Niang heard Xiao Yifeng's words, her heart was full of emotion, her eyes were dripping with tears, and she stood up and kissed on Xiao Yifeng's lips.

And Xiao Yifeng also took advantage of the situation and hugged each other, preparing to have a fierce battle, the taste of this drunk cousin was not finished yet.


Just then, the door of the room was suddenly opened ~ ~ The figure of the Lanyi people appeared here.

Immediately, the drunk Jiao Niang and Xiao Yifeng let go. The three men and six eyes were opposite, and the time seemed to be still and silent.

Or this Lanyi person took the lead in reacting, came in and closed the door, looked at Xiao Yifeng and the drunk Jiao Niang, with a playful smile, then looked at Xiao Yifeng:

"It seems that your life is really full of heart, so even this drunk cousin was won by you!"

"Rany people I ..."

The drunk Jiao Niang watched what Lan Yiren wanted to say and was interrupted by the other party.

"It goes without saying that I understand that the charm of this guy is not so resistant, and you live here, and it will be sooner or later to become his woman."

"We have been called the holy city Shuangjiao before, but we did not expect to end up as a woman of the same man."

Lan Yi people looked at the drunk Jiao Niang and said softly.

"What? You and him ..."

Hearing the words of the Lanyi people, the drunk Jiao Niang looked startled and looked at Xiao Yifeng.

"Yes, Yiren is also my woman!"

Xiao Yifeng held the Lanyi people directly and looked at the drunk Jiao Niang with a smile.

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