The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2467: Tian Haigui 1

Holy city——

When Xiao Yifeng returned here, a figure also came here, which is Chu Jizi, the master of Tianji Pavilion.

Seeing Chu Jizi, Xiao Yifeng's eyes were frozen, and his eyes were filled with strange looks.

Both Optimus and Xiao Xiuxiu stared at this guy, with killing in his eyes.

"You're here to catch me!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Chu Jizi and said.

"I didn't expect you to be able to emerge from the endless abyss, it is indeed the one!"

Chu Jizi looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

"Not to mention these nonsense, what are you doing here?"

Xiao Yifeng drank directly.

"What about Youmeng? How is she now?"

Chu Jizi said.

"Youmeng is very good. She is now in a very safe place. You don't need to worry about it. I won't let you have a chance to hurt her again."

Xiao Yi drank coldly.

"She already told you!"

Chu Jizi said complexly.

"Of course, I didn't expect your father to be so cruel, and you actually cut out your daughter's eyes, you are really vicious!"

Xiao Yifeng watched Chu Jizi coldly vomit.

"If I don't, Tianjige will no longer exist."

Chu Jizi sighed.

"That won't change the behavior of beasts that you dig out your daughter's eyes with your own hands, and I really want to know who that person is, that can control the life and death of Tianjige!"

Xiao Yifeng said in a deep voice.

"Who is he? I can't tell you, maybe when you recover your true identity, you will know who he is."

"But anyway, as the owner of Tianji Pavilion, I cannot let Tianji Pavilion be destroyed in my hands, so I must take you back!"

Chu Jizi said.

"I want to take the young master away, I'm afraid you don't have that ability!"

Qingtian stepped out one step, staring at Chu Jizi with all his eyes, and drank with a terrible power.

The Chu machine did not speak, his hands twitched a mysterious seal, which prompted a mysterious mystery, and his body was surrounded by a mysterious atmosphere.

"Everything in the world, yin and yang in heaven, change!"

Tianjige mysteriously shouted.

A black light and a white light erupted on this Chu machine. The two rays of light intersected together, making their strength start to skyrocket.

This Chu Jizi's original strength has reached the seventh level of the dominating realm, but now his strength directly breaks through the eighth level of the dominating realm, and even reaches the peak of the eighth level of the dominating realm.

Now the strength of this Chu machine is even better than the strength of Ling Xiuyuan. The fearful coercion has squeezed Xiao Yifeng and his frowns.

Both Qingtian and Yan Bin looked dignified, with a wary look in their eyes staring at Chu Jizi.

"I don't want to do anything with you, you still obediently go with me, I don't want to hurt others!"

Chu Jizi groaned.

"Want to take away the master, defeat me first!"

Optimus held a spear and looked at Chu Jizi with unparalleled vigor.

Yan Bin and Xiao Xiu Xiu both looked at this Chu machine with a eager array.

"Who is Xiao Yifeng, get out!"

Just then, a terrible voice spread throughout the holy city, shocking the entire holy city.

Hearing this voice, Xiao Yifeng and others looked surprised.

Judging by the tone of the voice, the owner of the voice is not good.

"It looks like you have a lot of enemies!"

Chu Jizi looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

Soon Xiao Yifeng felt a powerful spirit scanning towards them.

In the next second, a figure wearing a gray robe appeared here, and it was the sea of ​​heaven that came from the Nine Heavens.

"You are Xiao Yifeng?"

Tian Haigui stared at Xiao Yifeng with a gaze and yelled sharply.

"Yes, who are you?"

Xiao Yifeng looked at this Tian Haigui and said.

"It was you who took the lead to destroy me Tianhaizong!"

Tian Haigui stared at Xiao Yifeng with a gaze, although he did not exude any breath of strength.

However, Xiao Yifeng felt a sense of suffocation, as if the other party was God, and he could be understood in one thought.

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng's eight big points in his body were all out of the power of a horrifying star, and his body was full of starlight, which directly dispelled this feeling.

Xiao Yifeng exuded a unique demeanor, which resolved the feeling of oppression brought to him by the title master.

The dignified Master of the Starry Sky, even if he has not recovered all his strength, cannot be affected by the breath of a title master.

"You are the one in the sky!"

Xiao Yifeng heard the other party ’s words and understood the other party ’s identity.

Obviously, this person is the strongest of Tian Haizong in Tian Haihan's mouth, and has reached the title of dominating level.

And this day, Hai Guiyi has indeed reached the Dominant Level of Ninefolds.

This level of existence is already the most powerful existence in the ancient world, and it is not necessarily that one can be born for more than 100,000 years.

It can be said that reaching the title of dominance can basically be regarded as the master of the ancient world. The people who really stand at the top of the ancient world pyramid are worshiped by thousands of people there, and all major forces surrender.

Xiao Yifeng did not expect that he would face an enemy with the title of **** so soon, if he put it in his previous life.

The dominion of the title is nothing, not to mention himself, even the subordinates in his previous life can easily resolve a title master.

But now Xiao Yifeng's strength has not been restored, and his men in previous lives have not all gathered.

Now facing an enemies with the title of **** ~ ~ has a great sense of oppression and danger for him.

"At a young age, dare to lead me to destroy Tianhaizong. Are the young people in the ancient world so proud now?"

This day Hai Guiyi's voice was cold, watching Xiao Yifeng yell.

Qingtian and others looked at the heaven and the sea, and looked more dignified. This heaven and the sea was more terrible than Chu Jizi's strength, but the existence of a real title level.

Even if Qingtian faced the other party, he might not be able to make a move. He had reached this state and knew that the title was terrible.

Reaching the title dominates the existence of this level. Unless it is the same level or higher, it may be able to compete with it.

Even if the powerful man who dominates the Yae region exerts any secret method, he cannot compete with the title master.

Of course, except for one of them, it is Xiao Yifeng's previous life.

At the beginning, the Lord of the Starry Sky did not reach the title master but killed the title master, but this definitely belongs to nothing.

"If you want to kill me, just say it, no bullshit!"

Xiao Yifeng said indifferently, his expression seemed very calm.

Even in the face of the title that can dominate the ancient world, Xiao Yifeng still does not have any fear and tension.

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