The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2464: Devotion shot

All Tian Haizong's eyes were present at Tian Haihan.

Obviously what to do now depends on the opinions of the Tianhai Sovereign.

"Xiao Yifeng, do you really want to be my enemy to Tianhaizong?"

Tian Haihan's eyes flashed a thick anger, and a terrible anger permeated his body, and his strength had reached the fifth level of dominance.

"Father, this guy killed me Elder Tian Haizong, he must not let him go!"

At this time, Tianhai Hongyu came to Tian Haihan, pointing at Xiao Yifeng and yelling.

"Tianhai Hongyu!"

Xiao Yifeng watched Haihongyu drink indifferently at this day, and then vomited: "Last time I killed you, it seems that I did something wrong, only **** is the best for you!

"Damn boy, don't be arrogant. You dare to kill even my elder Tian Haizong. You must not get out of Tian Haizong today!"

Tianhai Hongyu looked at Xiao Yifeng and shouted.

"Can I get out of Tian Haizong, I don't know, but you will definitely die here today!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Tianhai Hongyu with a cold hum.

"Father, you must not let go of this **** kid!"

Tianhai Hongyu looked at Tian Haihan and vomited.

"Xiao Yifeng, you have completely angered me. I didn't want to be your enemy, but you provoked me Tian Haizong one after another and killed me Tian Haizong strong. If I don't kill you today, what is the majesty of Tian Haizong!"

Tian Haihan stared coldly at Xiao Yifeng.

"If you want to kill me, it depends on your ability!"

Xiao Yifeng dismissed.

"Young man, do you really think I am empty?"

At this moment, the sound of a twilight morning bell sounded throughout Tianhaizong.

Then ripples rippled in the void, and then three terrible coercions spread toward the entire area where Tian Haizong was located.

Three old men in white robes appeared directly in the void, and the middle one was older, with white hair and white beard, and a look of age.

However, he seemed to be trembling, with sharp sharp eyes in his eyes, exuding a mighty deterrent to the world.

His strength has reached the eighth level of his dominance, only one step away from the title master. He is the strongest in Tianhaizong and the pillar of the entire Tianhaizong.

It is because of its existence that Tianhaizong has been able to pass on for so long. On its left and right sides are two old men who look like 50 or 60 years old.

However, they have survived countless years, and their strengths have stepped into the seventh place of dominance.

These three are the biggest hole cards in Tianhaizong, and also the biggest relying pillars.

The appearance of the three ancestors of Tian Haizong's ancestor level immediately excited the whole Tian Haizong, and they all showed an excited look in their eyes, and their hearts were relieved.

With the existence of these three strong men, they naturally do not have to worry about anything. After all, Tian Haizong encountered strong enemies in the past.

As long as these three strong men make a shot, all those strong enemies will cease to exist.

"The younger Tian Haihan met with three ancestors and asked them to take the shots and win these thieves who provoked Tian Haizong!"

Tian Haihan looked at the three ancestors of Tian Haizong and said directly.


All three eyes turned towards Xiao Yifeng. The terrible coercion shrouded the world, and they carried the momentum of suppressing everything towards Xiao Yifeng.


At this time, Qingtian, Yan Bin and minor repairs all hummed, and a terrible power broke out on them.

The power of dominating the Seventh Kingdom completely broke out, and competed with the three ancestors of Tianhaizong.

The momentum of their six powerfuls confronted in the air and directly smashed the void.

The entire empty air stream has been annihilated, and the terrible energy overwhelms everyone present with a feeling of breathlessness.

These people in Tianhaizong were shocked to see that the three people around Xiao Yifeng had erupted with a power not worse than their ancestors.

Even the three ancestors of Tianhaizong were shocked. The ancestor of Tianhaizong who dominated Yae stepped out.

The overwhelming pressure of **** over the territory erupted completely, as if the sky was rolling, carrying the power of extermination towards Xiao Yifeng to suppress them.

In each of the dominated realms, there is a gap like a gap, especially the later, the gap between the seven dominated realms and the eight dominated realms is completely 18,000 miles.

The horrible dominance of the dominating realm all broke out, and Yan Bin and Xiao Xiu Xiu, who were under pressure on the spot, changed their looks and could only work to resist them.

As for Qingtian, his brows are slightly frowning, but the situation is better if Yan Bin repairs it slightly.


The ancestor of the Eight Emperor Tianhai Sovereign ordered that the endless rule of water came and completely destroyed Xiao Yifeng and the four.


However, a sudden invisible force was born in the void, which directly destroyed the power of the ruler of the eight ancestors who ruled the territory. The figure appeared in front of Xiao Yifeng.

Now that Ling Xiuyuan's dark wound was repaired by Xiao Yifeng, his strength has also recovered to the point of dominating the territory.

As a descendant of the divine eye, although this devotion is far from the birth of the divine eye, his strength is extremely scary.

It is also considered to be a top presence in the **** of Yae.

"who are you?"

On this day, Haizong's ancestor stared at Ling Xiuyuan and yelled.

"What are you going to do?"

Ling Xiuyuan didn't answer the ancestor of Tianhaizong, but looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.

Apparently wondering how he was going to deal with Tian Haizong.

"This group of people is stubborn. Now that it is dead, it is of course endless!"

Xiao Yi wind coldly ~ ~ Well, my strength was restored because of you, I will repay you today! "

Ling Xiuyuan said directly.

This spiritual long-distance vision glanced at the people of this day Haizong.

"I didn't want to do anything with your Tian Haizong, but why do you offend people who shouldn't offend, then Tian Haizong will be removed from the name today!"

Spirituality said indifferently.

"Well, if you want me to be removed, then see if you have that ability!"

This Tianhaizong ancestor was cold.

"The spirits of heaven and earth, gathered in all directions, and the art of attracting spirits, heaven and earth are destroyed!"

Ling Xiuyuan began to drink, his hands twitched with the mysterious seal, and his body was surging with a mysterious power of law.

Suddenly, with the Tian Haizong as the center, all the heaven and earth aura within tens of thousands of miles swept towards the Tian Haizong.

At this moment, tens of thousands of miles of heaven and earth aura instantly turned into nothingness, and those martial arts practitioners who practiced within this range all showed a shocked look.

Because they could not absorb the heaven and earth aura at all, the whole heaven and earth aura seemed to be exhausted.

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