The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2444: Changes in the Valley of Frost

At this moment, Menger's eyes glowed brightly, with a mysterious and terrifying breath.


There was a roar from this dream, as if something had exploded in his head, his eyes closed.

"How are you dreaming?"

All the girls looked at Menger with a worried look.


Immediately after this, Menger opened his eyes, and there was a special look in his eyes.

"I'm fine, you all go back!"

Menger said crisply and ethereally.

"Is it all right?"

Liu Xuan'er looked at Meng'er and said.


Menger nodded.

"Then you take a good rest, and call us in time!"

Ye Ziyan looked at Menger and said, then they left the room.

When only Menger was left in this room, there was a sacred breath on his body, and his eyes were completely different from the past.

"I didn't expect to meet you so soon in this life!"

Menger murmured to himself.

"I believe you will be fine. Next time I meet, I wonder if you remember me!"

Meng'er said softly, a complex look flashed in his eyes.

And in the Ninth Heaven, among the gingers.

Jiang Pengfei, the patriarch of the Jiang tribe, wore a gorgeous robe, sitting majestic in the first place, and stood on the sides with several **** elders.

In the middle are two figures kneeling, Jiang Qianjue and Jiang Yuhuan.

Before the elders of the Jiang ethnic group were killed, the Jiang ethnic group was furious and sent someone to investigate.

However, they accidentally met the brothers and sisters Jiang Qianjie and immediately brought them back to the Jiang clan.

"Say, who was killed by the Jiang family, the Yang family, and the Cao family, and who was killed by the five elders of the Jiang family?"

Jiang Pengfei watched Jiang Qianjue and Jiang Yuhuan drink with opulence.

Under this terrible coercion, the brothers and sisters trembled, especially Jiang Qianjue. His strength was abolished, and it was even more difficult for him to withstand such terrible coercion.

"I said, I said, it was all Xiao Yi doing it!"

At this time, Jiang Yuhuan quickly said, she told Xiao Yifeng some things in the holy city, including the destruction of Jiang family, Yang family, Cao family all three things.

"The elder Jiang must have been killed by the people around him, and my brother's strength was also abolished by him!"

Jiang Yuhuan said with an expression of anger.

"Xiao Yifeng!"

Jiang Pengfei said in a deep voice.

"He is just the number one in the worldly long list of ancient worlds. He has such ability and courage to dare to fight against my Nine Heavenly Powers!"

An elder **** clan said inconceivably.

"Because he is not an ordinary person!"

At this time Jiang Qianjue said.

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Pengfei looked at this Jiang Qianjue.

"Before, the patriarch explained that I went to the ancient world to find a man with talents and evils who can summon the energy of the stars. This person is Xiao Yifeng. Later, I asked my father to contact the Jiang family and said that if he found this person, he was Xiao Yifeng.

Jiang Qianjue said.

"you sure?"

Suddenly Jiang Pengfei's face changed, his pupils shrank, and a shocked look flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, it's true!"

Jiang Qian absolutely sank.

Jiang Pengfei's eyes flickered suddenly. Others did not know who this man who controlled the stars and the talented evildoers deserves the attention of Jiu Zhongtian, but he knew a little.

Knowing that this person has a relationship with the Lord of the Starry Sky in ancient times, and is also an enemy of the Nine Heavens.

"Okay, so far, no one can say it, as for the two of you ..."

Jiang Pengfei thought for a while and spoke directly.

Finally, when talking about the arrangement of Jiang Qianjue's siblings, he was hesitant. Now that Jiang Qianjue's strength has been abolished, it is naturally impossible to get the attention of the Jiang clan again.

"Father, this chick is good. Let her be my maid!"

At this moment, a young man with a wicked look in his eyes came in, and it was Jiang Pengfei's son, Jiang Hao Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao came to Jiang Yuhuan, glanced at Jiang Yuhuan lightly, stretched out his hand and slid on the other's fair face, but Jiang Yuhuan didn't dare to say a word, his body was tight.

"You want her to be your maid?"

Jiang Pengfei glanced at Jiang Yuhuan and looked at his son Jiang Hao.

"Well, she's pretty, and it's enough to be my maid. As for her brother, let's be a janitor in my courtyard!"

Jiang Hao said softly.

"Okay, everything is as you said!"

Jiang Pengfei nodded.

When Jiang Qianjue heard that he had become a gatekeeper, his eyes were full of unwilling expression, but he dared not say anything.

"You're Jiang Yuhuan, aren't you?"

Jiang Hao looked at Jiang Yuhuan and said.


Jiang Yuhuan nodded.

"Come in my room later!"

Jiang Hao looked at Jiang Yuhuan with a smile, and Jiang Yuhuan's body shuddered. She wasn't stupid, so she naturally knew what Jiang Hao meant.

It's just that she always considers herself high, but now ...

The change suddenly made her a little unacceptable.

"Why not?"

Jiang Hao sank when he saw Jiang Yuhuan not answering.

"No, I would!"

Jiang Yuhuan nodded quickly, she knew that she and his brother now wanted to survive in the Jiang clan, and everything depended on Jiang Hao.

What made her like this was because of Xiao Yifeng, and Jiang Yuhuan's hatred for Xiao Yifeng reached an extreme level.

Dongzhou, Tianshuang Valley.

In a room in the Frost Valley that was guarded by strong men, Aoshuang was sitting by the bed with an unsightly expression, and looked at a middle-aged woman in front of him with an unyielding and angry look.

This middle-aged woman is the master of Tianshuanggu, proud Tianfang, and the mother of Aoshuang.

"Shuanger, I know I'm sorry to do this and make you sad!"

Aotianfang looked at Aoshuanger and said ~ ~ Mother, since you know why you still do this, I only like a lot of people, and I wo n’t like No. Two men! "

Aoshuang sighed resolutely and resolutely.


"Why don't I know what you think, but I can't help but have no choice."

Ao Tianfang sighed and then spit out: "Shuanger, this Cangzong is one of the ancient gates in the ancient world, and it is above the ten gates."

"And our Tianshuang Valley is not even as good as the top ten gates. Compared with Dian Cang Zong, it is completely a ants-like existence. This little master of Cang Zong fancy you, and I have no use for it.

"Once I have annoyed the other person, the entire Tianshuanggu Valley will cease to exist. As the owner of Tianshuanggu Valley, I cannot let the inheritance left by my ancestors be destroyed in my hands."

"And even if I were willing to do so, you elders would not let me do it."

"Will you sacrifice me like this? I don't like that little Cangzong Master at all."

"And I married him as his little sister-in-law, this is an insult to me, I never agree!"

Aoshuang yelled indignantly.

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