The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2438: Surrender to the 10 Orcs

"Yes, this coercion is strong!"

Xiao Lei also said Shen Sheng.

"The power of this beast **** is so horrible!"

There was a look of surprise in Xiao Yifeng's eyes, looking at the beast god.

"That is of course. This is the famous beast **** of ancient times. It has been researched against the beast god's unique power of the spirit beast, and specifically restrained the beast god."

"No matter how powerful the spirit beast, under the oppression of the beast god's power, they cannot fight."

The Devouring World of Warcraft said.

"You know the beast **** too?"

Xiao Yifeng said inside.

"I'm from the ancient times. Naturally, I know the beast god, one of the four gods of His Majesty the Star Emperor, dominates the army of one million spirit beasts, majestic the entire starry sky, and everyone knows!"

"It's just that I didn't expect your kid to be the reincarnation of the Starry Sky Emperor. Before I learned that you were the Lord of the Starry Sky, I had some guesses and thought that you had anything to do with the Starry Sky King, but I did not expect that you were the Starry Sky King!"

The tone of World of Warcraft seemed extremely heavy and shocking.

Obviously, Xiao Yifeng's identity as the star emperor made this World of Warcraft look very shocking.

Of course, the more reason is that this Sky Devourer knows the terribleness of the Star Emperor.

So I knew Xiao Yifeng's identity was so shocking.

"Is the Star Emperor strong?"

Xiao Yifeng asked inside.

"Strong and strong are suffocating. In ancient times, there were many superlords at the level of the emperor, but the starry emperor was the suppression of countless kings and was called the starry emperor."

"Not only the original world was awe-inspiring, but even the powerful men of the stars and the universe would tremble when they heard the words" The Emperor of the Sky ".

"This starry sky emperor is also known as the first strong under this universe starry sky. I never expected that this starry sky emperor would be reincarnated and become you."

Devouring World of Warcraft said solemnly, when it comes to this starry sky emperor, it is even more admiration and worship.

"You should feel fortunate to be the instrument soul of the weapon in the hands of the Emperor of the Starry Sky. This is your honor!"

Xiao Yifeng smiled slightly.

At this time, the ancestors of the ten major beasts looked at the beast **** and finally believed that the other party was the master beast **** of the legendary beast temple.

Then the names of the ten beasts dominated the strong, one after another kneeling on the ground to worship the beast god, as if the other party was the emperor, and they were the courtiers.

"Meet Lord Beast God!"

The ancestors of the top ten beasts shouted respectfully.

This scene filled the eyes of the orc tribe, such as the magic dragon and the Jinwu tribe, with dull and incredible eyes.

"Not kneeling yet!"

The beast **** looked at the patriarchs of these big orcs and drank directly.


The power of the beast **** once again strengthened, and the chiefs of the major beasts all kneeled directly on the ground.

At this moment, basically all of the top ten beasts knelt on the ground to worship the beast god.

The beast **** stood here, looking grimly at the people of these ten beasts, his expression seemed extremely calm, and the spirit of dominating the army of one million spirit beasts in ancient times has returned.

"From today on, the ten orcs live together peacefully, no one is allowed to invade each other, all unite, and this is your true master of the ten orcs!"

The beast **** said, and finally pointed his finger at Xiao Yifeng.

Seeing the beast **** said that Xiao Yifeng was their master, the chiefs of the ten major beasts looked different.

Leng Ji, Saruyama with a look of surprise in their eyes, but a little joy inside.

The beast patriarchs of the Demon Dragon and Jinwu clan look very ugly, especially the Demon Dragon patriarch, Xiao Yifeng killed his son, but his enemy.

Now that the other party has suddenly become his master, this change naturally makes him hard to believe.

"I disagree!"

Cried the Demon Dragon clan.


As soon as the beast **** waved his hand, the elder dragon clan's body suddenly burst open, and instantly turned into ashes and disappeared into this world.

This scene trembled the spirit beasts of the major beasts, and a look of fear appeared in their eyes. This beast **** was too terrible.

"Who else has anything to say?"

The beast **** looked coldly at the group of guys and drank.

Suddenly no one of the major orcs dared to say a word, otherwise the one who waited for them was death.

"Since there's nothing to say, don't see your master yet!"

Beast God said again.

"Meet the master!"

The people of the top ten orcs, including the ancestors who dominated the titles in the major orcs, all kneeled in front of Xiao Yifeng, exclaiming with respect.

Seeing this, Li Ji, Yan Bin, Qingtian, they all froze, and their eyes were full of surprise.

Obviously, no such thing would happen. In a short time, the top ten beasts met Xiao Yifeng as their master.

Even Xiao Yifeng did not expect that this change came too fast like a tornado, leaving him unresponsive.

Looking at all the ten beasts bowed down to worship themselves, including the orc powerhouse of the title dominating level, bowed down to themselves, Xiao Yifeng's expression was also extremely complicated.

However, Xiao Yifeng also revealed a domineering king, although he did not awaken the memory of the Star Emperor.

But he has begun to awaken the memory of the Lord of the Starry Sky, and facing such a scene is naturally extremely calm.

"From today, who of the top ten orcs will dare to dislike, kill!"

Xiao Yifeng said coldly.

"Yes, master!"

The beast **** nodded and looked at the ten orcs and said, "Did you all hear?"


All the spirit beasts of the top ten orcs nodded one after another.

"Remember, I want to kill you. It's just a matter of thought. Your life today is not in your hands, but in the hands of the master. Whoever the master wants you to die must die!"

The beast **** said coldly again.

"Okay, go back to your own territory obediently!"

Xiao Yifeng said lightly, and then the people of the major orcs left one after another.

"You all get up!"

Xiao Yifeng saw the fox people say ~ ~ Then Leng Ji, Yan Yan and others got up, looking at Xiao Yifeng was extremely complicated.

Apparently, they did not respond to the fact that Xiao Yifeng became their master.

"Mother, sister!"

At this time, Jiji ran over and hugged them both directly.

"Yiji, your blood has been inspired?"

Leng Ji immediately noticed the change of Jiji, and said with a look of surprise.


Xunji nodded, and then told her what was inherited from her ancestors.

This Leng Ji and the surrounding fox ancestors looked very happy.

The bloodline of the nine-tailed fox is naturally a good thing for their fox family.

"Your body is broken?"

Immediately Leng Ji frowned and looked at his own heart.

Upon hearing her words, Yan Yan and the rest of the Fox clan looked at Jiji with a shocked look.

Obviously, the blood of this uncle was opened, and his body was broken.

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