The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2432: Many people are waste

Seeing the miserable look of the Demon Dragon clan, all the beasts present were full of shocking expression.

Including that of the Kunpeng patriarch and the Jinwu patriarch, they all stared at the Thunder Beast with a dignified look.

The strength of this beast is not worse than them, but they are also very puzzled.

How could there be so many powerful beasts around this Terran kid.

"You want to kill me, you are not qualified!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the disdainful expression in the eyes of the demon dragon tribe chief.


The eyes of the Demon Dragon clan were full of anger and unwillingness, watching Xiao Yifeng, and blood continued to drip from the corners of his mouth.


Just then, the figures of Yan Bin and Qingtian appeared here.

Seeing the emergence of these two powerful men, the faces of the three major beasts changed even more, giving up the urge to Xiao Yifeng directly.


The Xunpeng patriarch and the Jinwu patriarch looked at each other and were ready to enter the real beast temple. It was the most important thing to get the treasure in the beast temple.

"Who allowed you in?"

At this moment, a cold drink sounded in the ears of the two orc chiefs.

This shout was exactly the voice of Xiao Yifeng, his eyes staring at the two men indifferently.

"What do you mean?"

The head of the Jinwu tribe glanced towards Xiao Yifeng deeply.

"I am going to enter this beast temple, Xiao Yifeng, so no one else is allowed in!"

Xiao Yifeng spoke directly.

When he came to the Beast God Temple, Xiao Yifeng felt that there was an inexplicable force calling him inside the hall.

He could feel that there should be something related to him in the beast temple, so he naturally entered into it to search.

Of course, since there is something about him in this beast temple, naturally he will not allow others to enter.


Hearing Xiao Yifeng's words, the faces of all the orcs who were present were all changed, and it was extremely ugly.

They expect the Beast Temple to open and enter it just to get the treasure in the Beast Temple.

Now that the baby is near, how can they not enter it.


The Jinwu tribe cried immediately.

"Yes, Terran, it is already our kindness to let you enter this beast temple. You have to take a step back. Do you really think that so many of us will be afraid of you?"

The head of the Kunpeng clan stared at Xiao Yifeng.

"A lot of people is just a bunch of waste!"

There was a look of disdain in Optima's eyes and he hummed.


Hearing the words of Optima, the eyes of all the orcs were full of anger and looked at Optima.

"Tiger patriarch, lion patriarch, Sirius patriarch, Tmall patriarch, I see if we should join forces to eliminate these guys who are not among our top ten orcs Drop. "

The Jinwu tribe chief's eyes glanced at the other four chiefs of the beast tribe.

Obviously want to join them to eliminate Xiao Yifeng and others.


The four chiefs of the beasts said in unison.

Although this Jinwu tribe is also their competitor, in contrast.

Xiao Yifeng is more threatening to them, and they are all hostile to Xiao Yifeng, naturally they are willing to join hands to deal with them.

"Master, you advanced people's hall, they will deal with us!"

Optimus said directly.

"Can you do it?"

Xiao Yifeng said with a bit of worry.

"Relax, master, just a few guys, even if I join hands, I can wave and suppress, waste is waste, no matter how much waste is added together is waste!"

Optimus looked indifferent and said in a proud tone, as one of the top ten warlords under the masters of the ancient sky.

Optimus naturally has its arrogant capital, even though its strength has not been fully restored, but this group of people has not been taken into account by him.

"it is good!"

Xiao Yifeng nodded and walked towards the beast temple.

"Brother Xiao, I feel like there is something in that beast temple that attracts me. Can I enter it?"

At this moment, Ji Ji looked at Xiao Yifeng and said.


Xiao Yifeng nodded as he looked at himself, and led the other person toward the beast temple.


The patriarchs of the major beasts all opened their mouths and rushed over to prevent Xiao Yifeng from entering the beast temple.


At this moment, Qingtian wielded a spear, and a terrible shot came.

Suddenly a terrifying explosion sounded, and terrible energy trembled.

The patriarchs of these big beasts were directly backed by the shock.

Immediately afterwards, the Thunder God Beast and Yan Bin both shot one after another. Endless lightning and hot flames all descended on the people of these big orcs.

With the exception of the Ten Great Beasts, the Golden Apes, and the Foxes, the remaining seven strong beasts all joined forces and attacked the three of them.

Dozens of superpowers who dominate the realm have shot together, and the momentum is extremely appalling.

However, Qingtian, Yan Bin, the Thunder Beast, two of them and one beast strongly resisted all the seven beasts.

As for Xiao Yifeng and Li Ji, they came to this real beast **** temple.

But before the two of them pushed in, the door of the beast temple shot out two rays of light to envelope them both, and they disappeared in the moment.

At this moment, Qing Tian Yan Bin and they have launched an extremely fierce battle with the seven orcs.

In this real beast temple, Xiao Yifeng and Xunji appeared here.

As soon as he entered the beast temple ~ ~ Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed a look of surprise.

In this hall, there are ten huge statues, and these ten statues are a fox statue with nine tails, and a giant tiger statue with a golden king character on the forehead.

A statue of a golden lion covered with golden hair, and then a statue of Sirius, Tmall, Bull, Golden Ape, Golden Blackbird, Kunpeng, Beast, and Dragon Beast.

These ten statues represent the ten orcs!

The top ten statues are located in two rows of the hall, facing the front of the hall, like a courtier, and in the middle of the front of the hall, there is a humanoid statue.

This humanoid statue looks very sacred, like a god, with a black pagoda on his right hand, looks magnificent.

"This is the statue of our fox ancestor, the nine-tailed **** fox. Why is it here?"

At this time, I looked at the statue of the fox tribe with eyes full of surprise.

At this moment Xiao Yifeng had an inexplicable force in his heart to draw him towards the human statue.

In front of the human statue, Xiao Yifeng couldn't help but reach out and press on the statue.

Immediately, a large number of star power poured into the statue from the eight big holes in his body.

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