The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2418: Spirit Pool

This palm is like the five-finger mountain of the Buddha, and it is suppressed directly towards the sun transformed by Jinwu with the power of extinction.

Rumble! !! !!

The two collided together, and a terrible breath of energy erupted again. Xiao Yifeng pressed down with all his strength.

Dahuangyantianzhang also released an extremely terrible breath, and directly blasted the next day of Wutian to the ground.

The terror forces suppressed it, and the whole land shuddered fiercely. All the people were backed up by the shock, and some stood still.

A huge palm print pit appeared on the ground, and numerous cracks spread in all directions.

After all the energy had dissipated, everyone's eyes swept away, all of them trembling inside, and there was a touch of fear in their eyes.

I saw a huge five-finger palm print on this ground.

And in this big pit, Wu Tian, ​​the young master of the Jinwu ethnic group, lay here. Like a dead dog, he was severely wounded, and his body was unable to move.

Xiao Yifeng walked over and stepped on the head of this Wu Tian severely, coldly:

"I said you must be the one who finally lay on the ground, are you convinced now?"


Wu Tian raised her head, staring at Xiao Yifeng with a pair of eyes, a blood spewed out, and she was fainted to death.

Immediately, Xiao Yifeng's gaze swept the tigers and others, and when they came into contact with Xiao Yifeng's eyes, their hearts were trembling. They had an inexplicable fear and they lowered their skulls.

Today, Xiao Yifeng is totally a demon-like existence in their hearts. Even the divine master of the Jinwu ethnic group has been beaten by him like a dead dog.

Compared with Wu Tian, ​​they are worse by several grades, and naturally nothing in Xiao Yifeng's eyes.

Compared with the Wu Tian who was stunned by the qi, they were fortunate, but they were just so hurt.

"Yanji, go and pick all three heavenly fruits!"

Xiao Yifeng said looking at Jiji.


The uncle had reacted from the endless shock, nodded, and picked up the three heavenly fruits.

Then he sent these three heavenly fruits to Xiao Yifeng.

"I don't need this thing. This thing is useful for your spirit beasts. Take it!"

Xiao Yifeng said lightly.

"How can this be, these three heavenly fruits can only be obtained by you and us, how can we all want them!"

Xi Ji said quickly.

"In the beginning, I shot it to help you get it. This is a little thanks to me for living in the Fox family."

Xiao Yifeng said directly.


Xunji nodded, and gave the three heavenly fruits to his sister to contribute, while Yan Yan gave one of them to the young master of the Golden Ape tribe.


Seeing that he had obtained a celestial fruit for nothing, the expression of the young master of the Golden Ape family seemed very surprised.

"The Golden Apes and the Foxes are very friendly. It's nothing to give you a heavenly fruit!"

Yan Yan smiled.

"Thank you!"

The young master of the golden ape family thanked him, and then went to Xiao Yifeng and thanked him:

"Thank you. If it were not for you, I would not have received this heavenly fruit. I have never been admired by the ape saint. You are the first person to admire me admirably!"

"thank you!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at the young master of the Golden Ape tribe with a smile, and the other person saw that he was an honest and honest existence.

"I'll leave now!"

The young master of the golden ape race turned and left.

Xiao Yifeng went to his own side and said, "Let's go too!"


I nodded my head, and they and their team left here.

At this time, the young masters of the four major beasts stared at Xiao Yifeng's departure, and their expressions were constantly changing.

"Who the **** is this **** guy? How could he be so strong!"

The tiger shouted unwillingly.

"No matter who he is, he made Wutian like this, the Jinwu tribe will never let him go, including the entire fox tribe, I'm afraid there will be big trouble!"

The cat lord hummed coldly that day.

On the other side, Jiji looked at Xiao Yifeng and said with a smile: "Brother Xiao, you are really amazing, even this Wutian is not your opponent."

"Wutian is one of our top ten beasts young enough to rank among the top three beings. My mother said that Wutian ’s strength is extremely powerful even in the outside world. I never thought it would be so easy for you defeated."

"His strength is indeed very strong. In the outside world, I am afraid that few people of the younger race are his opponents, but unfortunately he met me!"

Xiao Yifeng whispered softly that the strength of this black sky is indeed extremely powerful in the ancient world.

Even the Qitian Dao Xuanyuan Hong may not be much stronger than him, but unfortunately this Wutian encounters this more wicked existence.

"You are really beyond my expectation, really a young genius, a talent of a handsome man!"

Yan Yan's pair of fox-eyed eyes stared at Xiao Yifeng with a bit of ecstasy.

"Ahem, thank you for the compliment!"

Xiao Yifeng looked at Yan Yan's slightly seductive eyes and coughed a few times.

"Brother Xiao, I'll take you to a good place!"

Ji Ji looked at Xiao Yifeng and said suddenly.

"go there?"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

"You know when you go!"

Xi Ji said mysteriously.

"Why isn't your girl going to take him? But that place is really for you!"

Yan Yan said, looking at Xiao Yifeng.

"Where is it?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes were full of curious look.

"You know when you go!"

Xi Ji took Xiao Yifeng's hand and went directly to a place.

They came to an overgrown cave and walked hundreds of meters deep into it ~ ~ Soon a huge underground cave appeared in front of Xiao Yifeng.

And in the center of this cave there is a huge pool, the pool is filled with thick radon gas, inside it is a pile of white liquid.

As soon as Xiao Yifeng came here, a strong and pure aura burst into his nose.

The source of this aura is the white liquid in this pool.

"this is……"

Seeing this pool, Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed a shocked look.

"Spirit pond!"

The stars are talking.

"Spirit pool?"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flickered.

"The reiki pool is the essence condensed by the heaven and earth aura after hundreds of thousands of years. Because the reiki is too rich, it has been turned into a liquid by gas, and it has become this reiki pool!"

Said the stars.

"Gas becomes liquid. How much aura does it take!"

Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed a shocked look at this pool of noble fluid, no wonder the pool was full of such terrible aura energy.

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