The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2409: Fox tribe

"Is it an endless abyss here?"

At this moment, Yan Bin looked at the nine-folded spirit beast in Nirvana and turned into a human form, and guessed where it was.

After all, in the ancient world, only the ten beasts under the endless abyss can be transformed into human figures in Nirvana.

Otherwise, other spirit beasts can transform into human form only when they reach the dominance level.

"Yes, we are indeed under the endless abyss!"

Xiao Yifeng nodded.

"It's troublesome. Once the orc people know that there are people in this endless abyss, they will certainly not let us go!"

Yan Bin said in a deep voice.

"So you hurry up and talk again!"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

Then Yan Bin sat on the ground and began to take the elixir and elixir to quickly recover his strength.

With the escape of those spirit beasts, the news that human races appeared in the endless abyss also spread quickly among the ten major orcs.

In particular, the Tigers were very angry when they learned that their people were killed, and immediately sent a large number of Tigers to kill Xiao Yifeng and others.

Ten minutes later, several tiger clan powers with a real life and death strength brought a group of tiger clan people to Xiao Yifeng's place.

Five Elements Banner!

Because Qingtian and Yan Bin have not recovered their strength, Xiao Yifeng has not talked nonsense with them.

Directly exhibiting the Five Elements Banners and trapping them in them, it will be difficult to get out of the Five Elements Banners for a while.

After an hour, Yan Bin's strength has all recovered, and Qing Tian and Xiao Xiu Xiu's injuries have also recovered by half.

As for the injury of this golden bull, he recovered.

Xiao Yifeng withdrew the banner of the Five Elements, and this group of tiger people showed up again.

"Damn people, dare to kill my tiger people, you all **** it!"

The tiger tribe master of life and death strength turned pale and looked at Xiao Yifeng and yelled.

They stayed in these Five Elements Banners and received great attacks. The people they brought were already wounded and wounded more than half. Unfortunately, they did not even touch Xiao Yifeng's body.

"Abusive the master, die!"

Qingtian gave a cold drink, and a shot came out.

With a bang, all these tigers were completely destroyed.

Yan Bin's eyes glanced at Qingtian, and a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

"Master, where are we?"

Xiao Xiu asked.

"We should be in the endless abyss, where there are ten orcs!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"It turned out to be in the endless abyss, these ten orcs are really powerful!"

Optimus also said.

"We are leaving this endless abyss now!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Master, this endless abyss can't go out as long as it comes in. There is a seal on this abyss. This endless abyss can only go in but not out!"

Optimus said.

"What then?"

Xiao Yifeng frowned.

"Since this endless abyss is here, just stroll around here, maybe you can find a chance to go out!"

Youmeng said at this moment.

"That's all we can do now, let's go!"

Xiao Yifeng nodded, he was holding Youmeng, and the group left here, ready to explore the endless abyss.

Gradually Xiao Yifeng found that the space under this endless abyss was quite large, just like another world.

Do not know how long, Xiao Yifeng finally found other figures.

A young girl wearing white fluffy clothes, long snow-white hair, exquisite and beautiful face, with a pair of fox-eyes and a **** and **** figure, was surrounded by two groups at this moment.

These two groups are headed by two youths, one of whom is wearing a tiger-skin-like dress.

The other is a blonde, both of whom have reached the duality of dominating the territory.

Xiao Yifeng's perspective glanced at these people and found out that they were all transformed by spirit beasts. The perspective had the ability to see through their original shapes.

The fox-eyed girl was a fox, and the other two were a tiger and a lion. Obviously, these were the ten orcs.

"Give yourself, obey us, obediently. This is far from the territory of your fox family. No one will help you!"

The youth of the tiger clan looked at the girl of the nine-tailed fox clan with evil look.

"I haven't remembered you for a long time. I didn't expect that you ran out to play by yourself. It just caught us. This is a **** help us!"

In addition, the lion's youth looked at the girl with a cold smile, and his eyes were full of sorrow.

"You ... you shameless guys!"

At this moment, the fox spirit girl looked at the two guys with a look of anger and fury.

In the distance, Xiao Yifeng heard the young girl call her own, and was almost shocked to bit her tongue.

Fox family?



Is this the rebirth of the terrible fox spirit of the earth?

Xiao Yifeng had a feeling of being shocked. After all, the two people in Huaxia were not unfamiliar with the two words of self-confidence. The famous fox spirit in ancient times harmed a woman in the dynasty.

Unexpectedly, this girl was actually called Jiji. The most important thing was that she was really a fox, which shocked Xiao Yifeng, a person from Huaxia on earth.

"Do n’t talk nonsense with her. Take her directly. She is the first nine-tailed fox after the first patriarch of the fox family. She has an extraordinary physique. If she can repair it with her. It will be very helpful for our strength improvement. "

The lion's youth flashed evil light and couldn't wait to look at the uncle.

The tiger youth nodded his head and headed straight for this self.

"You bastards!"

Xi Ji shouted loudly and wanted to resist ~ ~ but her strength has just reached the weight of life and death.

It is not an opponent of these two guys at all, not to mention there is a group of experts around them, she can hardly escape! "

"Do you spirit beasts like to do this kind of humans?"

Just then, Xiao Yifeng came over and said.

The eyes of this tiger and lion people all turned to Xiao Yifeng, including that of their own self.

"who are you?"

This tiger youth looked at Xiao Yifeng and yelled directly.

"They look like humans?"

The lion's youth groaned.

"What? Terran? Damn, there are still Terrans who dare to come here, and bother us, it is a sin to die, and the people have killed me all!

When the youth of the Tigers heard that Xiao Yifeng and others were human, there was a flash of anger in his eyes and he drank directly.

Immediately, a group of tiger tribe masters rushed towards Xiao Yifeng and others.


Xiao Yifeng said indifferently, with a wave of Yan Bin's hand, a flame passed by.

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