The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2405: Endless abyss

"Everything goes to the elders!"

Mingyue said extremely calmly, and then the moon left the palace.

After leaving the palace, Mingyue's eyes were full of complex expressions, and a sad and sad expression appeared in his eyes.

In a courtyard in Luna Temple, the figure of Mingyue appeared here.

In this courtyard, under a osmanthus tree, stood a woman wearing a long white dress and a long bun, with an air of ethereal temperament.

It is full of holy temperament, like the fairy of Guanghan Palace, whose face is carefully carved out by nature, perfect, flawless, exquisite, and beautiful.

The woman stood there, as if the Moon God had come, letting people look at it from a distance and not play tricks!

If Xiao Yifeng is here, she will be extremely excited to see this woman.

Because this fairy-like woman is his fiancee and his wife Ye Yaxin.

Ye Yaxin's whole person today seems to have changed dramatically.

The whole person seems to be more beautiful, more temperamental and immortal, like a true luna.

"You are here tomorrow!"

Ye Yaxin watched Mingyue appear and yelled, her voice was equally empty and sweet, like a fairy sound.

"Master Luna!"

Mingyue came to Ye Yaxin and shouted very respectfully.

"I'm not a true luna yet, you don't have to call me that!"

Ye Yaxin looked at Mingyue and said.

"Master Luna, you have the same constitution as Luna, and now you inherit the heritage of Luna, and you are the true Luna!"

Mingyue looked at Ye Yaxin and said.

"Just do it, by the way, why do you come here suddenly, and it looks like you have something on your face!"

Ye Yaxin looked at Mingyue and said at a glance that the other party was thinking.

"The elder is going to let me and Master Jianzong become married!"

Mingyue said.

"Master Jianzong? Yes, this Jianzong seems to be a very famous ancestral gate in Dongzhou, not weaker than our Moon God Palace!"

Ye Yaxin said.

"He is good, but I don't like him!"

Mingyue said.


Ye Yaxin whispered softly, a flash of confusion flashed in her eyes.

To her now, she doesn't seem to know what it means to like.

"Chu Gongzi is good, but it's not my favorite object!"

Mingyue said, Xiao Yifeng appeared in his mind.

It reminds me of the scene where Xiao Yifeng rescued her in the secret city of the holy city, and Mingyue unconsciously showed a smile.

"What happened to you, Mingyue?"

Ye Yaxin looked at Mingyue and said.

"Nothing, Lord Luna, do you have anyone you like?"

Mingyue looked at Ye Yaxin and asked.

"the person I like?"

When asked by Mingyue, Ye Yaxin immediately froze, her eyes filled with confusion.

At this time in Ye Yaxin's blank memory, a phantom appeared, which was a vague figure.

It seems to be important to her, but no matter how Ye Yaxin recalls, she can't remember who this figure is.


Ye Yaxin suddenly got a headache and shouted.

"What's wrong with you, Lord Luna?"

Mingyue said quickly.

"I'm fine!"

Ye Yaxin shook her head.

"Mingyue, do you know what I looked like before? I just remember what happened after I got the Moon God. I don't remember anything that happened before."

Ye Yaxin looked at Mingyue and said.

"I don't know, it seems that you are brought back from the outside by five ancestors, Lord Luna, and said that you have the same black moon body as the first Luna, so I found you."

"Bring you back to accept the legacy of the first Lord Luna, I don't know what you were like before!"

Mingyue said.


Ye Yaxin nodded.

A few hours after Xiao Yifeng's fall into the endless abyss, this matter spread directly to the entire Dongzhou.

Xiao Yifeng was besieged by a group of people who dominated the realm, and eventually fell into the endless abyss, and there was no dead body!

As soon as this news came out, the whole Dongzhou was shocked, and the holy city was a sensation once again.

Everyone was shocked to learn the news, and no one expected that such a thing would happen.

However, many people don't feel too surprised about this. After all, Xiao Yifeng, the first genius of the current Dragon List, is too wicked, and martial arts talent is too terrible.

The more such a wicked genius, the easier it is to be jealous, and eventually die, but I did not expect this day to come too fast.

A day ago, Xiao Yifeng just wiped out the three big families and the Wolf Gate in the Holy City, showing everyone his powerful power.

A day later, they were besieged by a group of dominating powerhouses, fell into an endless abyss, and died without a burial place. This change, like a tornado, came too quickly, making people unable to react for a while.

Among the spirit gates, when Luo Chiyan fell, Ye Ziyan was hit hard when they learned the news.

One after another showed an incredible expression, Ye Ziyan, Liu Xuan'er's daughters' faces changed, tears flashed in their eyes.

"How is that possible? No, Brother Xiao will be fine!"

With tears in her eyes, Ye Ziyan said in tears.

"I'm going to find Brother Xiao!"

Ye Ziyan said that she was about to rush out and was stopped by Bei Mingshuang and Ouyang Shaohan.

They are relatively calm and calm, but their faces are also full of worry.

"Isn't he heading to Tianji Pavilion, how could such a thing happen suddenly? Isn't Tianji Pavilion going to him?"

Luo Qianyu said somberly.

"Probably not. Tianjige will not do such a thing, it should be done by other forces that are hostile to Xiaofeng ~ ~ Ling Xiuyuan said.

"Where is the endless abyss?"

Feng Youyou asked coldly.

"The endless abyss is the place where the top ten orcs were sealed in ancient times. Among the abyss, it is said that there is another alien space. There are the ten orcs of ancient times."

"At the time, the top ten beasts were extremely strong, occupying one third of the territory of the ancient world, and they have been fighting with the ancient people, and they want to completely occupy the ancient world and destroy the people."

"As a result, they were repressed by the strong human race, and they were all sealed in the endless abyss. Any spirit beast can never leave the endless abyss."

"Therefore, the spirit beasts inside are very hostile to human races. Every human race enters the endless abyss, they will die without burial place, and never live out. If the small wind really falls into the endless abyss, I am afraid ..."

Ling Xiuyuan said solemnly.

"No, he must be fine. The kid has gone through so many calamities and can't die, and he won't die this time!"

Lu Qianyu Jian channel.

"I went to the endless abyss to find him!"

Feng Youyou said directly.

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