The Best Master of Beauty CEO

Chapter 2201: Income sky tower

This golden flame rushed out of Xiao Yifeng's body and rushed towards the mysterious strongman, who immediately felt the death crisis hit and turned back sharply.

He saw a golden flame burst out, and a terrible death crisis struck. He could not think too much, and a horrible flame broke out on his body to resist the golden flame.


A fierce roar sounded, terrible energy swept away in all directions, and immediately the mysterious strong man flew out, smashed to the ground, and a blood spurted.

All the flames on his body were gone, his clothes were turned to ashes, a black hole appeared on his chest, a large area of ​​skin had disappeared, and Bai Sensen's bones were exposed.

Under the blow of this golden flame, this super powerhouse with at least six dominances was directly hit.

With a single blow, the strong man was severely damaged, and the golden flame returned to Xiao Yifeng's body, becoming extremely quiet again, as if nothing had happened.

Xiao Yifeng first stumbled, then reacted, and there was a shock in his eyes.

Since this golden flame entered his body, only the last time he encountered a Nineth Level Spirit Beast in the restricted area of ​​the Earth's Kunlun Realm, it appeared and killed the opponent in seconds.

Now the other party appears again, and he has directly hit a terrible leader who is so terrible. This golden flame is really terrifying!

At this moment, Xiao Yifeng felt the horror of the golden flame again.

"Oh my dear, this flame is too scary. This guy is the one who at least dominates the territory. He was injured in one blow. Is it so hanging?"

Even Long Gan marveled.

"Ahem ... how is this possible? What flame is that?"

The mysterious strong fell to the ground and coughed, but his eyes were filled with fear.

His face was incredible, and apparently he hadn't reacted to the sudden change.

With his strength and his understanding of the law of flames, even Skyfire could not seriously hurt him with a single blow.

But the golden flame just hit him badly with a single blow, making him unable to move, it was horrible.

"What now? Can this guy still attack?"

Xiao Yifeng asked secretly.

"Master, he has been wounded by the golden flame. It is difficult to act for a while. Would you please kill him, master?"

Said the stars.

"It's a shame that such a strong man killed, but it's a pity that my strength is too low, otherwise I can use the soul contract technique to control it for my use!"

There was a shameful look in Xiao Yifeng's eyes. He obtained the soul contract technique from the Star Soul God, and he could contract to control the soul of the other party.

Unfortunately, the strength of this strong man is too strong, reaching his dominance. With his current soul power, even if the spirit contract is performed, he cannot control the opponent's soul, and he may even be bitten by the opponent and hurt his soul.

"It doesn't matter the master, you can't control it now, then wait for strength to control it!"

The stars said lightly.

"But this guy won't let me wait!"

Xiao Yifeng said helplessly.

"Just leave this to Xiaohuang!"

Said the stars.

"Uh? What do you mean?"

Xiao Yifeng looked for a moment.

"Little guy, it's your turn!"

Said the stars.

"What do you want me to do?"

Xiaohuang said.

"Don't think that I don't know. You can put people in the barren sky tower. You put that guy in and wait until the master has the power to control him, then you let him out!"

Said the stars.

"This barren tower still has this function?"

Xiao Yifeng looked startled.

"Huh, I'm a heavenly tower is the supreme fetish, what is it to pretend to be a person!"

Barren Tower disdain.

"Don't be fooled, if the ancient seal of my starry sky is not enough energy, it can still be a man, and it won't need you at all!"

The stars hummed.

"Well, don't argue, why don't you say it early if you can pretend!"

Xiao Yifeng swaggered.

"Although the barren tower can hold people, it contains a terrible storm of energy. If this guy goes in, I'm afraid he will be tortured to death!"

Xiaohuang said.

"It's okay, as long as you don't let him die, you will be tortured if you are tortured a little. This is also his punishment for trying to kill me!"

Xiao Yifeng said.

"You haven't fully grasped me yet. If I load him into the Sky Tower, it will definitely consume part of my energy, and you must compensate me later!"

Xiaohuang said.

"sure, no problem!"

Xiao Yifeng said directly.

Immediately, this barren sky tower emerged from Xiao Yifeng's body, releasing a bright light suspended in front of this superpower who dominated the realm.

"what is this?"

Looking at the barren sky tower, the mysterious strong man's face changed.


A horrifying breath erupted in the barren sky tower, and a light burst out from this barren sky tower, directly covering the mysterious strongman.

The next second, the figure of the mysterious powerhouse disappeared before him, apparently being received in the barren sky tower.


Seeing this scene, Xiao Yifeng's eyes flashed a look of astonishment.

It was the first time he saw that a weapon could still be loaded.

"I did not think that the paradise of the towering heavenly tower was filled with a guy who had not reached the reincarnation situation today. It was a hit on the face of the towering heaven!"

Xiaohuang said with a sigh.

"What kind of people were you holding in the barren tower before?"

Xiao Yifeng curious.

"Well, in the past, reincarnation was not eligible to enter my barren sky tower!"

Xiaohuang disdainfully said ~ ~ is very powerful, but unfortunately I am your master now, you must do whatever I want you to do! "

Xiao Yifeng said.

"Yes, if you dare not obey, you are ready to be violent!"

The stars hummed, Xiaohuang was silent.

After clearing up the strong, the power of the law on the golden bull also disappeared and returned to Xiao Yifeng.

As for Xiao Yifeng, he went directly to the fire vein and came to the front of that fire.

Watching Xiao Yifeng appear, the Chiyan Skyfire began to tremble, and there was a feeling of excitement and seeing the family.

Xiao Yifeng gently stretched out his right hand, and the Chiyan Skyfire fell directly into his hands. Once the power of this Skyfire fell on other people, I am afraid it can be turned into ashes in an instant.

But Xiao Yifeng was not harmed in any way. The Chiyan Skyfire was like his child, and had a very close relationship with him.

When Xiao Yifeng waved his hand, Chiyan Skyfire returned to his body.

With a shout, Xiao Yifeng's whole body burst into a horrible red flame, making him like a fire god, tall and mighty, and powerful.

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