The Best Male God

Chapter 989: Alleged Phoenix Men 8

When Zhou Hongfeng heard all this, he didn't expect it. He just smashed it with a glass cup, and there would be such a consequence. Before the second brother's learning, the father would hit him and use a ruler. With a lot of things, I haven't beaten people up. Why can I just make a glass cup and make people vegetative?

Although Zhou Hongfeng had never been to school, he also knew what a vegetative person was, and a vegetative person could do nothing in bed ...

Eventually came out from his girlfriend, hurriedly wanted to go to the police station to find his parents.

Zhou's parents were in the police station at this time. They had been so nervous for a long time, and a policeman came.

"Your son is called Zhou Zekai, right?"

The police stared at the two men with contempt. What he hated most was the eccentric parents, not to mention that the parents had already tilted their hearts to their elbows ...

"Yes, yes, Comrade Police, Zhou Zekai is my son. How is he now? Is it all right?"

Mother Zhou quickly nodded, while Father Zhou was still angry. He didn't think he could be caught in the police station just because he hit his own son. The relationship between father and son, how could these policemen be able to The master?

If he can give birth to his son, this son will listen to him. He will fight as he wants, or whatever he wants, otherwise, is this child so old? Isn't it just asking him to get 200,000. For a college student, isn't it 200,000?

Father Zhou didn't realize his mistake at this time, that is, the person who thinks that the whole family is the best should make a contribution to the family.

"Oh, all right? Let me tell you, the police from the hospital have returned, and your husband got your son to the emergency room, or the surgery fee given by your son's company. Now people have been saved. Maybe you are going to be a vegetative. Are you happy now? "

The police really hate such parents. They have been doing this for a long time and have seen such strange things. But it is the first time that a father like this has made his son a vegetable.

Father Zhou and Mother Zhou were both blinded when they heard this. Mother Zhou couldn't believe that the so-called vegetative person was the vegetative person whom he thought of. Father Zhou had a cold face, only to think that the police was lying to him.

"Comrade Police, is that vegetative that you said the vegetative that can't move?"

Mother Zhou has seen vegetatives before, and lying in bed is just like dead, but her body can still move. She is pale at this moment, and I really did n’t expect it to be like this. Obviously, the glass cup is very small. What kind of thing?

"Yes, it ’s the kind of vegetative you said. The doctor has diagnosed it. Your son's brain was beaten by your husband. Although the operation was done, I do n’t know if I can wake up for a period of time. If time does not wake up, it will become a vegetative. "

When the police spoke, they were even more bored, because this kind of thing was originally reported by Zhou Zekai's company to the police. Now, at most, they can only hold Zhou's father and mother for three days or a week because of the dead. As for the identity problem, there is no way to punish the vicious couple.

I just pity the young man. I heard that I finally went to college and worked hard for two years in the company. Now, my dad has turned into a vegetable.

Father Zhou was also foolish. He didn't say a word, his hands were shaking. He really didn't think he would turn his son into a vegetative. He had also seen vegetative, but he obviously did n’t work that hard. Vegetative ...

Sometimes people are like this, and when they lose, they will have all kinds of ideas why I don't cherish them.

On the hospital side, Zhou Zekai's colleagues have already donated money for surgery. In the end, Fan Yiming stayed here to take care of Zhou Zekai. If they knew that the Zhou family husband and wife would actually work with Zhou Zekai in the company, they would not hide, now it is like this Things are simply scary.

Has Zhou Zekai really become a vegetable? Of course not. He has practiced the longevity formula. One of the methods is to make people unconscious. This coma can be controlled for about three months. I believe that many fun things will happen during these three months. When he wakes up, he can move on to the next step.

Zhou Hongfeng did not come to the police station until late at night, but the news was that he was not able to take Zhou Father for a while. Mother Zhou could do it, but because of the murder on the spot, Father Zhou had been photographed. It is a real hammer, and even if there is no result in the end, people still have to stay in the police station.

At this moment, Zhou Hongfeng regretted his death. He knew that he would not let his parents come to the company to find his brother. Now that things are so big, his girlfriend broke up with him, and even the company over the phone called to dismiss him. And if the younger brother becomes a vegetative, who will take care of it in the future? If he doesn't work, he can't get 5,000 yuan a month for his family. What should he do at home?

All sorts of thoughts came to mind, but Zhou Hongfeng had no choice but to take Zhou mother first according to the requirements of the police, went outside to find the hotel, and planned to see what to do about it.

He graduated from junior high school and didn't know how to find a relationship. Now the only thing he can do is wait.

When Zhou Hongfeng waited, the latest video about the hospital interview also came out, and the name was directly called # 生生 爸爸 打 儿子 子 成 植物人 #. Such a hot title, people just clicked in after reading it. After all, tiger poison If you do n’t have a son, what kind of person can turn your son into a vegetable?

After opening the latest video, the reporter appeared, explaining the situation of the alarm at that time and then interviewing the doctor.

"What was the situation when the patient arrived?"

The doctor was a surgeon who performed surgery on Zhou Zekai. In fact, he was tired and obviously there was nothing in his mind, but the patient was not awake. After passing various instruments, he was able to determine at least one state of the world, that is, Zhou Zekai ’s body was Recovery, but when people wake up, it is not necessarily.

"When the patient came over, there was a wound an inch above the forehead. The bleeding may be caused by the sharpness of the glass. Before I had the surgery, I found that there was a wound on the back of the patient's head, which was also a sharp wound. After the operation, we immediately observed the patient's body and found that the patient had many old injuries. "

Those old injuries were actually hit by Zhou ’s father in order to force Zhou Zekai to study in these years, but because they played more than ordinary people, they left a lot of marks. At this time, the doctor said that it was even better. People feel scary.

"So when will the patient recover after the operation is completed?"

The reporter once again asked a question, which caused the doctor to freeze his face, said.

"The patient's body is not a big problem, but the brain has been hit, so I'm afraid there are some things in the brain that can't be solved by current medicine. So the patient is still in a coma. If he doesn't wake up within a month, it may change. Adult vegetative ... "

This kind of interview made everyone really realize the seriousness of the incident, and the picture taken by the reporter about Zhou Zekai lying on the bed, and the interview with Fan Yiming, let everyone understand one thing.

That is, Zhou Zekai has an older brother and a younger sister. It is better to study from an early age. After the older brother dropped out of the school, he worked very hard, because if he did n’t work hard, he would be beaten and scolded by his father. Later, he went to college hard, but his family always said no. Money, Zhou Zekai's summer vacation and winter vacation are working to earn living expenses for themselves, the school side even gave a loan, after graduation, Zhou Zekai and Fan Yiming applied for the current salary, leaving money for one month.

Even so, after learning about Zhou Zekai's salary, his father and mother Zhou would have to go for five thousand yuan each month. If Zhou Zekai does not fight, the other party will always call and so on. Later, Zhou Zekai's salary gradually became somewhat It rose, but Zhou Zekai still gave his parents 5,000 yuan a month, and the remaining money was returned to the school loan. Just two months ago, his school loan had just been repaid. As a result, no one expected that this would happen. Things ...

In short, after the interview video was posted on the Internet, it caused a shock, especially the detailed description above. Zhou Hongfeng was forced to be dismissed by the school because of a fight with someone, and Zhou Manzhen was also dug up. The reason for not going to school was because Falling in love while pregnant in school, his father and mother also threatened the man's parents to ask for 50,000 yuan, and so on. These exposed things made the netizens frightened.

Zhou Zhimin really has the heart to die. Seeing the netizens picking skin quickly, he just wants to say that this is a family thing in their family. Why should he be stabbed? However, in the face of the various words of netizens, he was unable to do anything.

Zhou Manzhen even looked at the full screen to discuss his words. She had the heart to commit suicide. The thought of everyone knowing that she had a childbirth made me afraid to see anyone and was very upset.

After knowing this, Zhou Zekai also went out for public relations and said that the company would donate to Zhou Zekai to spend this time. He is a good employee of the company and so on. He did a wave of publicity, and turned his father to Zhou ’s face. Mother Zhou has sued! The reason for the complaint was indoor murder! Anyway, you do n’t care if you kill people in other places, you ca n’t do it in our company, which has a reputational impact on our company.

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