The Best Male God

Chapter 971: Endless love

In a blink of an eye, it was another two days. Finally, it was time to raise Hu Chunxiang. Like this time, the rights in the village were still great. People in the village received the news and came to the shrine. Then I saw Hu Chunxiang and Gao Zichen who were tied to their bodies. I realized that this is probably a stolen wild man ...

In fact, the so-called trial in the village is nothing more than telling everyone the scandal of the two people, and then taking the person to dissolve the marriage relationship. For example, if you encounter shameless people, even if you are derailed, you are not willing to dissolve the marriage relationship. It is necessary to deal with it in a unique way.

Seeing that everyone was here, Mother Zhou was sitting by her side, expressionless. In the past few days, her tears were almost crying, so now the whole person is indifferent, but the tears are no more .

Zhou Zekai also sat aside. Although such a thing would give people a feeling of ugliness, but because of this, if everyone in the village knows it, they can avoid causing more harm than Since the harm that Hu Chunxiang may have caused to Zhou's mother, Zhou Zekai feels that rumors are not even harmful.

To him, gossip is the least valuable thing in the world.

After seeing someone coming, the village chief coughed twice, and then stood on the pedestal's platform and said.

"Three days ago, I took someone to catch Zhou Chunming's wife Hu Chunxiang and Gao Zichen of the neighboring village Gao Zichen who had an affair. Many people who followed me at that time, everyone saw the situation, so today I will For the Zhou family's Cao Peini to preside justice! Now that Ze Ming's funeral has been completed, such a thing happened, I think that even if Ze Ming knew the matter below, he would not tolerate Hu Chunxiang's behavior! Today, please everyone Come here to let everyone witness, although Ze Ming is dead, but Hu Chunxiang did this kind of thing, not ours in Zhoujiacun! Ze Ming's death proves that I have brought it! We want to let Ze Ming Go innocently! This woman is not worthy of being Zeming's daughter-in-law !!! "

The village chief made clear the context of the matter in a few words, so that everyone immediately understood the context of the event. Looking at the mother of Zhou aside, I knew it was a tear. If Zhou Zeming is still alive, maybe this Even if something is discovered, it will not be so popular, but now Zhou Zeming is dead, so if Hu Chunxiang is again chaotic with the identity of Zhou Zeming's daughter-in-law, it is to damage Zhou Zeming's reputation, and in this way, it is really true It is better to tear everything up at this time!

Of course, there are people in the village who know that Manager Wang is here. They think that Zhou's mother drove her daughter-in-law out of the house to swallow Zhou Zeming's compensation, but at this time, of course, they can't talk nonsense.

After listening to each one, I felt that the village chief was right. People should not die like this. If everyone died, Hu Chunxiang was still so high that he would be discovered one day sooner or later. Not more shameful?

It can be said that from the beginning to the end, Zhou Mu and Zhou Zekai did not need to talk. After the announcement of the incident, they were brought to the county by people. Although the person died, the marriage relationship was still required. Zhou Mu With his son's death certificate, as well as those found at home, Hu Chunxiang married his son with his marriage certificate, identity card and household registration book, and the group went to the county vigorously.

This situation of Hu Chunxiang must be noticeable. Mother Zhou doesn't care about her face anymore. Naturally, she doesn't want Hu Chunxiang to be good, so when the proof of dissolution of marriage is done, many people in the county already know that Hu Chunxiang stole it. What happened to someone ...

Although this kind of thing is awful, it's better than endure it! After the formalities were completed, the villagers directly pressed Hu Chunxiang and Gao Zichen to Gaojiazhuang, and then gave the people to the village head of the village before leaving.

After all, Hu Chunxiang did not do this to their Zhou family anymore, so what about Hu Chunxiang in the future is not something they need to manage.

Zhou Mu and Zhou Zekai are very grateful for the help of the villagers. Zhou Mu prepared the red envelope and sent it. In fact, there is not much money in the red envelope, and it is also obscene. After all, it ’s like this kind of thing, which is uncomfortable to say. After doing so, there may have been many rumors recently, but she still felt that she had done nothing wrong when she thought of her eldest son.

After sending the villagers away, Zhou Zekai accompanied Zhou mother to Zhou Zeming's graveyard. This was the first time that Zhou mother came to the graveyard after being buried, but at this time, she tried to suppress her crying, but her eyes were red. , While burning paper money, said.

"Ze Ming, don't blame mom for being cruel. Mom can't bear Hu Chunxiang so to you. If you are still alive, you will definitely be unwilling. Today, Mom and the people in the village took Hu Chunxiang to the county for identification. You have nothing to do with Hu Chunxiang, take a good job, you can meet better people in the future ... "

Mother Zhou said, Zhou Zekai was also uncomfortable. After all, for a mother, her son's injury is the most unacceptable thing in the world.

Zhou Zekai knelt aside, but in the end there was still no snoring. After a while, the two returned to their homes.

Because Zhou Zekai was still going to school, Zhou Zekai took his mother back to organize her luggage. People in the village knew a lot about her going, and promised that she would show her the house well. As for the Zhou family, The ground was also given to the neighbors for planting. At night, Mother Zhou made a lot of delicious food, and delivered it to the villagers from house to house. She also said that she would leave tomorrow morning. Although the villagers were surprised, Also understand her thoughts.

The eldest son has an accident, and his daughter-in-law has done such a thing, so there is only such a young son, naturally it is necessary to watch carefully, otherwise what should happen if something happens again?

After a farewell, the next day, Zhou Zekai took his mother away from where he stayed for half his life. Because he had previously decided to let his mother go near his school together, Zhou Zekai had asked his brother in the bedroom to help find one outside. The house was already there when I went there. It was a three-bedroom apartment, and the rent was not too expensive. After paying with my mother, I started to settle here.

After returning to school, Zhou Zekai felt empty in her heart. She went to study during the day and would come back to eat with her at night. She was afraid that she would be bored. However, she did not expect that after two months of coming here, she was thinking Set up a stall on the school side and sell nothing else, just make an egg cake or something. She was afraid of boredom, so she thought about doing business.

When Zhou Zekai heard this, she felt uncomfortable, but she also knew that her mother did n’t do it to make money, but to make her life not so difficult. In the end, she did n’t have the heart to let Zhou ’s mother take the coolness and set up a stall with Zhou ’s mother. After some discussion, I rented a store near the school. Although it was a bit expensive, the rent for a year was 20,000, but Zhou Zekai felt that he could still earn it.

After discussing with Mother Zhou, the store prepared several kinds of food, such as egg cakes, ham sausages, millet porridge, various porridges, and milk tea, etc., and the prices were also able to be consumed by students. Up.

Although many students now live on campus and eat more at school, the flow of people at the university is very high. Some teachers and students always live outside this area, so this is called [泽明 蛋饼The shop just opened like this, because the brother's death compensation was used, so the name was named after the brother.

Zhou Zekai was afraid of being out of business and deliberately promoted it to her classmates. When she opened it, she helped out in the store. The business was very good. After a day, although it was tiring, it was fulfilling. With a smile, Zhou Zekai was relieved.

In the next two years, Zeming Egg Cake has become a famous snack bar in the university here. Many people will choose to eat here, and Zhou Mu has become more motivated, not to make money, but to enrich it. Life makes her feel comfortable.

After graduation, Zhou Zekai originally wanted to go out to work, but worried that Zhou's mother's shop eventually chose to open a coffee shop in front of the school, which is more approachable. Students like to come here and come to part-time. Student, life is pretty good.

Every year, Zhou Zekai will accompany his mother back to see the elder brother's graveyard. People in the village said that since Hu Chunxiang was sent back, he was considered famous. No one later married her. For her money, her family She married an old man in his forties in a poor mountain ditch, which is unknown.

Regarding such an ending, Zhou Zekai can only think that it really is evil and bad news. Zhou mother felt a bad breath, but after returning to school, she started to urge Zhou Zekai to make a girlfriend.

Zhou Zekai looks good, and is the owner of the coffee shop. Many girls who go to school like him. Over time, Zhou Zekai really met a cute little girl, not the Bai Lanjiao who the wisher met, but another A soft-nosed little girl. When the little girl was a sophomore, they were together. Not long after graduation, Zhou Zekai went to propose to the family. After the test of the little girl's parents, she was finally able to send the little girl Marry home.

Next week, my mother is very happy. It is naturally very happy to see that my younger son has a daughter-in-law. Even when the daughter-in-law gave birth to her grandson, she did half-price activities in the egg cake shop.

The dead have been buried deep in the ground, but the living still need to welcome a new life.

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