The Best Male God

Chapter 967: Merry Widow 3

The mother Zhou had already known about Hu Chunxiang's scandal, and Hu Chunxiang had long secretly calculated that her husband had died on the mine this time, and the mine had to be compensated. This person died. Don't give at least a couple of hundred thousand? By that time, if you have money yourself, will you marry someone with the money?

I thought so, and the shadow of her husband's death gradually disappeared. I remembered Gao Zichen who had a dewy marriage with him. At the beginning, Hu Chunxiang didn't know why he suddenly mingled with Gao Zichen, but he went to work all day, and was not in the bed. Husband, she still likes Gao Zichen more, speaks some sweet words, and always makes her so comfortable. Lying on the bed, Hu Chunxiang already thought about getting a lot of money, and then remarried a better man Things are up ...

By the next morning, it was clear that neither Zhou nor Hu Chunxiang, even Zhou Zekai, looked like he had no energy. Zhou Mu made some meals at will. In fact, she could not wait to throw these meals she made to Hu Chunxiang. On her face, she thought that as a mother-in-law, she never said she was bullying Hu Chunxiang, nor did she make trouble for her daughter-in-law like a mother-in-law in other villages, and even said that when cooking was free, Zhou Mu also They all made it for the family, and Hu Chunxiang had very little time to get started.

However, it is such a person who is held in his palms by himself, and is carrying his own son with other men! Mother Zhou was naturally very reluctant, and was weird to Hu Chunxiang.

Hu Chunxiang was treated this way by Zhou's mother, and she felt uncomfortable, but thought of the compensation, she also recognized it. After all, she knew that her other son had just died, and she was naturally uncomfortable, so she didn't say anything. vent.

It was Zhou Zekai who finally cleared the siege and then gave Zhou mother a wink and let Zhou mother go out. After all, he already planned to hypnotize Hu Chunxiang. If Zhou mother saw it then, it would be bad.

"I'll go out."

Mother Zhou went out with a black face, leaving Hu Chunxiang and Zhou Zekai. Hu Chunxiang saw Zhou Zekai finished eating and went to clean up the chopsticks. After packing, he started to brush the bowl. Zhou Zekai already found it in his room. With bells, you should be glad that you liked playing bells when you were a kid.

So when Hu Chunxiang brushed his bowl against Zhou Zekai, Zhou Zekai leaned against the door and began to shake the bell in his hand in an orderly manner. If it was someone else, hypnosis might have to face himself, but Hu Chunxiang is not very mental now. Well, plus she should also be in a mess, so Zhou Zekai shaking the bell gently is enough to gradually relax one's spirit. After relaxing, Zhou Zekai can easily invade the person's spirit. field.

In fact, psychology and hypnosis are very fun things. Zhou Zekai often does not like to use this kind of thing to control others, because the other party will become a thread puppet in his own hands, but there is nothing that makes Zhou Zekai feel challenging. This time, Zhou Zekai decided to use this method to deal with Hu Chunxiang for his mother Zhou.

After all, people can't help but pay for their actions. Hu Chunxiang must be calculating his brother's death compensation now, and he plans to fly with her so-called hoe.

The crisp ringtones are very pleasing to the ears, and Hu Chunxiang didn't care about it, but when he brushed the bowl, it was under the control of the ringtones, and gradually began to look away, until his mind was already a nothingness.

Zhou Zekai started to speak after shaking the bell for a while.

"Hu Chunxiang, turn around."

After listening to the words, Hu Chunxiang was more like a puppet, and slowly turned around, but if someone looked closely, she would find that her eyes were empty at this time, which was already hypnotized. situation.

Because of the strength of his soul and the fact that Zhou Zekai has faced various people, Zhou Zekai easily hypnotized Hu Chunxiang.

Looking at the appearance of Hu Chunxiang, Zhou Zekai frowned. He remembered the memories of his elder brother in his mind. Seriously, he thought that the Zhou family was not indifferent to Hu Chunxiang. When he married Hu Chunxiang, the elder brother gave Hu Chunxiang's family took 10,000 yuan. At that time, 10,000 yuan was already very much.

Also, after Hu Chunxiang married the Zhou family, although Zhou's mother said that she lost her husband in her early years, she was not the kind of person who held her son in her heart. She even told Zhou Zeming that Hu Chunxiang married him It is the person who will accompany him for the rest of his life, so it is even more important for the elder brother to cherish her and love her, but what about this woman? What did this woman do?

She betrayed Zhou Zeming, and even killed her mother, all for the wild man outside, for herself, and for money.

"After Zhou Zeming's death, what plans do you have?"

Zhou Zekai asked, he believed that the other party must have thoughts now.

Sure enough, Hu Chunxiang replied after hearing Zhou Zekai's words.

"Get Zhou Zeming's death compensation and remarry a good family."

This answer made Zhou Zekai not surprised. In fact, if it is a woman who has no children and her husband dies, it is not a bad thing to marry another person, but Hu Chunxiang wants to marry someone and wants to take Zhou Zeming for his life. Death compensation, and the death of Zhou mother, that is extremely sinful.

"Are there any other men besides Zhou Zeming?"

Zhou Zekai continued to ask, this is not the reason for his hypnosis, what he has to do is to let Hu Chunxiang destroy himself.

"Yes, I'm with Gao Zichen. He is better than Zhou Zeming."

Hu Chunxiang's dreadful answer gave Zhou Zekai an uncontrollable anger. He now even wanted to beat the woman in the past, but he gave up after thinking about it, because he knew that as long as the plan was successful, Hu Chunxiang will really see what is called **** on earth.

"Then when do you plan to notify him these two days? Talk to him about your husband's compensation?"

Zhou Zekai knows that Hu Chunxiang now looks sad for Zhou Zeming, in fact, it is for compensation. If there is no compensation, she will definitely not be sad at all.

With a smile on Hu Chunxiang's face, he seemed very happy about this matter. After hearing Zhou Zekai's question, he actually told his true thoughts.

"I plan to go home the day after tomorrow and discuss it with Gao Zichen. If he is willing to marry me, I will distribute half of Zhou Zeming's death compensation to him, and then no one will say that I am suspicious ..."

Such a woman made Zhou Zekai hear all of her shamelessness, and Hu Chunxiang's reaction. Although Zhou Zekai expected, the neighboring village was not their home field. He wanted everyone in Zhoujiacun to see that Hu Chunxiang was What kind of person! !! !!

"It's not good. You should call him to see you so he will value you."

Zhou Zekai gave a trap, and Hu Chunxiang immediately jumped into the trap.

"Yes, I have to call him so he will take me seriously ..."

There was a dreamy smile on her face, and she seemed to have seen her future after she married Gao Zichen. Such a Hu Chunxiang made Zhou Zekai somewhat disgusted.

"Then you get a cell phone now, call him and say, let's meet with Xiaolin in our village tonight."

Zhou Zekai continued to control Hu Chunxiang. Hu Chunxiang had fallen into hypnosis. Naturally, he was very obedient. He hurried to his room, wiped his hands on the rag, and quickly took out his mobile phone. Zhou Zeming bought her a mobile phone for more than 1,000 yuan!

Seeing that she took out her mobile phone skillfully and dialed a number that did not exist in the mobile phone before, Zhou Zekai stood sneerly, and then saw that the other party's phone seemed to be answered.

"Hello? Is Chunxiang?"

The man on the phone was obviously a man, and when Hu Chunxiang heard this voice, his face was even sweeter.

"Well, I'm Chunxiang, Zichen. Would you like to come to our village tonight? I have something important to tell you."

Gao Zichen felt strange after hearing Hu Chunxiang's voice. He was agitated about the other party ’s invitation. After all, they were just dew marriages. He had no feelings for Hu Chunxiang. Besides, Hu Chunxiang's man had not died for a few days. She called him and made Gao Zichen look down on such a woman.

"No, I'm fine."

He didn't want to mention the dead. After all, the other person just died her husband, like this kind of woman, and it was comfortable to steal, but after knowing that the other person was a widow, he didn't have any idea in his heart. After all, he never heard of it? Do not touch any widow with any woman!

Widows have bad luck!

Hu Chunxiang was very upset to hear this, but because she was hypnotized, she turned out to tell her heart.

"I heard my mother-in-law said that my husband had an accident on the mine. At that time, there was death compensation on the mine. I wanted to ask you to come out and tell you. If you don't want to listen, then forget it ..."

She said that she was going to hang up, and Gao Zichen immediately got excited when she heard the death compensation. After all, the dead in the mine! Even if someone solves such a big thing, it will cost 100,000 yuan even if they give it less money, right? These 100,000 yuan can do a lot of things ...

"Don't stop, don't I go? I haven't seen you for a long time. Didn't I miss you? Don't you want me?"

Gao Zichen is most adept at flirting with women. For a woman like Hu Chunxiang, to him is a catch.

So he coaxed Hu Chunxiang in a few words, and then agreed to the evening agreement. Zhou Zekai looked at the situation and was very satisfied. He controlled Hu Chunxiang to return to the kitchen, and then set the hypnosis to be automatically released. When he went out, he fell hard. After entering the door, Hu Chunxiang stood in the kitchen for a while, and then found that he was standing in the kitchen and didn't know why he was in a daze. When he saw that the bowl had not been washed, he quickly washed it ...

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