The Best Male God

Chapter 961: The Fallen Nation Demon Fairy 7

In any case, the demon fairy has firmly established her idea of ​​shooting this novel. Even if Zhou Zekai intends to let her perform a new act, she is unwilling to see the "domineering president falls in love with me". In the end, Zhou Zekai had no choice. , Let the company's people contact the author, when the author Jiang Hu did not know this thing, the whole person is bad!

You know, this thing was written by Raven when she was young and ignorant! It is really the kind of text that has broken the sky until now! After all, the plot inside is almost supernatural, ordinary women just go out and hit the president ’s car casually! After that, the president even sent her to the hospital and fell in love with her at first sight! Oh ... she remembered that she also wrote that this president seems to have nothing to do. He is proficient in eight languages ​​and has all the documents. When flying a plane and driving a bus to cook, there is no one he can't!

Wo Cao ... can't think about it anymore, think about her feeling ashamed to death!

However, for the sake of money, Jiang Hu still chose to bow his head to the tyrants, and easily sold his young and ignorant work "Overbearing President Loves Me", and did not expect to shoot anything good. Anyway, she didn't dare to look.

Although I felt that this thing was definitely a thunder drama, as an author, she still very sincerely notified this matter on her novel homepage and Weibo.

[I do n’t see you: "The Overbearing President is in love with me" has been purchased for film and television rights, and will be officially filmed on TV series, I hope everyone will support it. 】

Well, that's right, it's so perfunctory. After all, what kind of results can you expect from the early Ray-Man novel?

Think about the scene where the heroine and the heroine were awkward and ended up being kidnapped. The heroine drove the plane to save the person. When they saw him, they immediately shook their heads and put all their thoughts behind.

However, many people have read this novel. Most of them read it when they were young and ignorant. At this time, I suddenly saw that the author said that this book would also shoot a TV series. All of them were suddenly lost! Such a frightening novel used to be cool because of ignorance and mental disability. Now I have to watch this mental disability novel and shoot a TV series! Nima couldn't imagine it!

[Enron I: Wo Cao, I saw this book in my lifetime ... I don't know how to describe my mood. 】

[Invite the demon to the demon: Is that the overbearing president in love with me? Did I read that one? 】

[Bei Lao: Oh my god, I don't dare to imagine which star dares to play this thing. How is this different from giving up the star journey? 】

[Xie Da: I still remember ... the male lead of this book, can he cook while holding the female lead? 】

[A cannonball: Keke, cooking is a wool! Who of you remembers the heroine ’s birthday, the male host contracted the roses of the whole city, and also caused the plane to rain a rose rain on the female host? 】

[Baby Timo: Wo grass! Do you only remember this? Tell me quickly, who remembers the first time the heroine in the novel came to the man's house, the man has a cloakroom, which is 500 square meters ... Can you imagine how big the 500 square meters is? 】

[Stir-frying ginger: I beg you not to wake up my memory, I have tried hard to forget this book, and who still remembers it like me, when the president is exercising, let the heroine sit on the body for two hours? I study medicine. 】

The readers who were not very active suddenly jumped out. After all, when domineering presidents were popular, everyone relied on imagination, so they did n’t know what the domineering president was, so now it is very shocking to think.

It is precisely because of these readers that the overbearing president is in love with me about the upcoming TV series, and even went on hot search, it can be said that it is very powerful.

As for Zhou Zekai, as a global Fortune 500 company, what he does at home does not have much to do with the entertainment industry, because his family is a seller of electricity. In this way, Zhou Zekai can only smash the entertainment industry directly with money. The directors inside.

These things are given to the people inside the company, let them choose the best directly, needless to say.

As the best idol director Yan Weiguang in the circle, he did not want to bow his head for money. Upon hearing the name of the novel, "Overbearing President Loves Me"? Keke, the cliff is the kind of novel that little girls have to read, and the plot must be ridiculous.

However, no matter how high-profile, he couldn't face the erosion of money. Director Yan Weiguang saw the money added by others, and unlimited investment, as well as the actors in it, and then took the drama with conscience.

Who makes the heroine look so beautiful?

Who makes the man so rich?

When the president comes to play the role of the president, the audience should be able to have some sense of substitution, right?

Director Yan Weiguang sent a Weibo to his conscience, and then began to organize the crew's affairs, regardless of what kind of bomb he dropped.

[Yan Weiguang V: I am very honored to be able to shoot the film "The Overbearing President Loves Me", and I will make it the best work. I hope everyone likes it. 】

The fans are even more blinded now, the father of the idol drama! The director of the best idol dramas nowadays, any idol dramas he shoots are not bad, but what do they see now?

As the father of the idol drama, Yan Weiguang wanted to shoot such a drama that he wouldn't want people to see more. Is he threatened?

Fans had a lot of discussions. Zhou Zekai saw that Yan Weiguang agreed to the filming and was very satisfied. The team was given half a month. The overall planning was sent by the company. The money was not a problem. The main reason is that the filming must be good, and in order to be comprehensive Restore the storyline in the novel, from the clothing to any props that appear in it, have been bought by the people in the company, all based on Zhou Zekai as the prototype.

After another half a month, the magic fairy remembered to meet the director, so she and Zhou Zekai first met Director Yan Weiguang, the father of idol dramas in the entertainment industry.

At this moment when he saw the demon fairy, Director Yan Weiguang only felt that the so-called beauties he had seen before were flawed, and the woman who seemed to draw a glance and made his heart beat faster with a smile was the most beautiful in the world. Woman ...

Today's magic fairy wears a small white flower skirt, which is exactly the dress worn by the heroine in the novel when she first touched the porcelain. The white dress came to the knee, exposing the pure white legs, and below was a pair of white sports. Shoes, according to ordinary people ’s aesthetics, the girls who wear them in general have aesthetic problems, but such aesthetic misunderstandings are placed on the magic fairy, but they are more exciting.

Her long hair has been trimmed into shawl hair, black long straight hair, and this pure dress, all of a sudden reminded Yan Weiguang of the female classmate she had a crush on, oh ... shouldn't say that, and It should be said, like seeing the first love that I have been waiting for in my dreams!

How many young girls have a schoolboy in a white shirt and jeans, then men have a black long straight girl in a white dress, which is the favorite in their teenage dreams.

Why do you say that? This involves people's preferences!

In fact, both men and women are, in a sense, sensory animals, so they like to pursue beauty when they are teenagers, then they gradually become older and stop pursuing beauty?

This is not the case, because the older one is, the more they pursue beauty.

This is the case for Director Yan Weiguang. Before seeing the photos, I felt that the magic fairy was so beautiful. Now when I see a real person, he feels that he has been dumped all of a sudden. Such a person, let alone play a thunderstorm, what? Everyone will buy it!

After all, people's pursuit of good things is endless.

"Director Yan, this is our president, and Miss Magic Fairy."

Seriously, as the chief secretary of the president, secretary Fang is a bit tired, and is very powerless to say that his president does not want to debut. The most important thing is that this magic fairy who suddenly appeared next to the president was simply It's not as beautiful as a mortal, just listen to the name ... fairy, fairy! It's really pretty like a fairy!

"Hello, hello, I'm Yan Weiguang, is Zhou always? I'm honored to meet you."

At this time, Yan Weiguang had sobered up from the appearance of the demon fairy, greeted Zhou Zekai, and then he was very satisfied with the conversation. Zhou Zekai did not hold the CEO's shelf, and the other party was his own gold master. This meal.

The three people from the filming to the time of production, in short, it seems that there will be many people watch this show after it is released, it is clear that this show has such a name, and the story of the person in it ...

After receiving this job, Yan Weiguang finished reading this Overbearing President in Love with Me overnight. In short, it is a sentence, Ray! !! !!

But when he saw the demon fairy, he felt like everything was solved! Because the female lead and the male lead are so beautiful and so handsome, plus the identity in the total reality of Zhou, it is proper that an overbearing president is in love with me! At that time, if you speculate a little bit, you won't be afraid that no one will not look at it. After all, even if you are an overbearing president, people will have an aesthetic good? Will not easily fall in love with an ordinary person, fall in love will definitely be a beauty!

After that, fans saw Yan Weiguang's Weibo updated again.

[Yan Weiguang V: Do you like Nangong Yi and Le Jiajia? I like [photo] very much

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