The Best Male God

Chapter 959: The Fallen Nation Demon Fairy 5

Regarding the fairy fairy's request to go to an amusement park, in fact, in the impression of Zhou Zekai, he has not been there for a long time, let alone taking others ...

He could almost imagine what would happen to a face like a magic fairy if it appeared in an amusement park, so he did something that felt strange to him, and he entrusted a dream amusement park in Shanghai , The day after tomorrow.

Demon Fairy was very happy after knowing this, but she became obsessed with eating fruit. The fruit in the floodland is not the same as the urban plane. After playing Demon Fairy, she became aware of cherry. Zhou Zekai knew that in the near future , She will like more fruits, but these are not difficult things for Zhou Zekai.

On the day when he was going to the amusement park, the magic fairy was very happy and changed into sportswear for the amusement park. Zhou Zekai also wore black sportswear to match her. The two were black and white. They seemed like a couple. Look like.

These days, the people of the Zhou family have become accustomed to Zhou Zekai's petting of the magic fairy's bottomless line. It can be said that as long as it is what the magic fairy wants, there is nothing to lose.

"Shall I keep calling you the fairy?"

Zhou Zekai was sitting in the car and suddenly remembered that he had been calling the demon fairy, and he didn't know the name of the other person. Now he looked at the demon fairy next to her. She was playing a mobile game. The phone was thrown aside.

"No one has called my name for a long time. Some people like to call me the demon fairy, and some people like to call me the demon girl. A Kai, you are the first person to ask my name in these eight thousand years. My name is Zhen Shilan. Doesn't it sound fun? Really lazy? "

She said that she laughed, and that face, which was more beautiful than flowers, was even more beautiful at this time, which made Zhou Zekai laugh helplessly.

"Then how do you like me calling you?"

For them, the name is just a code name. For example, Zhou Zekai, even if the demon fairy always calls him old ghost, he won't mind, because for him, whether it is Zhou Zekai or old ghost, he is himself.

The demon fairy thought for a while, or just sulked.

"Let me be a fairy. I don't like people calling me by name."

When talking about this, there was a sadness in Demon Fairy's eyes. Someone once called her name, but now that person no longer knows where to go.

"Well, fairy."

Zhou Zekai was as good as a stream, and didn't ask any questions, then his arm was hugged, and the demon fairy leaned on his shoulder, his voice was a little depressed.

"Actually, I haven't been with people so close for a long time. Ah Kai, you make me feel at ease."

It feels like being guarded, not a lover, but it makes the fairy more relaxed than a lover, as if the other person would accept the shameful thing no matter what shame on that person's face paint.

Zhou Zekai laughed, reached out and stroked the hair of the demon fairy, and he would not tell her how long he had been there. Compared to the other person who has survived for tens of thousands of years, he was actually a real old ghost.

Two people soon arrived at the fantasy amusement park. Because of the private booking, there were few people here, and Zhou Zekai hoped that the fairy fairy could experience the joy of that kind of playground, so the playground was beautifully decorated.

After entering with the fairy, everything made the fairy fairy curious, accompanied the fairy to the merry-go-round, the ferris wheel, and the roller coaster, etc. Zhou Zekai may have never played these things for a long time, but it was because of his side. Demon Fairy is as happy as a child, so Zhou Zekai is also very happy.

Zhou Zekai was very happy with the magic fairy here, but Wen Qingqing, who had returned home, did not know how many times he had been educated by his parents and elder brother-in-law.

"Qing Qing, since Mr. Zhou was in love with you at first sight, he must have liked you. I see, this divorce is just a momentary impulse. Would you like to ask him? He must still like you."

This is Wen Qingqing's sister-in-law, Wen Qingqing's brother's wife, originally saw Wen Qingqing marry into a wealthy family, was thinking about how to get closer and closer to the Zhou family, but Wen Qingqing came back to live and urged a few days later They only knew from Wen Qingqing's mouth that Wen Qingqing had divorced Mr. Zhou! !!

It is for this reason that there is such persuasion.

Wen Qingqing was so annoyed when he heard such words. It reminded me of the things that my parents and brother-in-law did in my last life, and it was even more mad to explode.

"Xunzi, I already said, I have divorced Zhou Zekai, and he has other women! You do n’t understand? And mom, even if you said that, even if I married, the previous gift of Zhou Zekai was also It's mine. I want to start a company recently. Give me that 50 million ... "

This is her plan after thinking about it for a few days at home. Since it has come to this point, she no longer expects men and decides to start her own business. The reason why she went home is because she remembers when Zhou Zekai married her before 50 million for the family.

With 50 million, even if she invests or does something else, she can make a lot of money.

She couldn't stay in this house. Every time she saw her parents and brother-in-law, she reminded her of her divorce from her last life. These people refused to let them go home and said that she was ashamed. Now Wen Qingqing is also annoyed Very, if it wasn't for the money, she wouldn't come back to this house ...

Mother Wen also wanted to persuade her daughter to stay with Zhou Zekai again, but she did not expect that her daughter said such a thing. Although 50 million yuan was a gift from Zhou Zekai to her daughter, she received it directly. I invested in the company and now I'm working on a project. How can I have money for my daughter? Besides, she had raised a daughter for such a long time, shouldn't it have been a gift? Moreover, the big companies like the Zhou family are among the top 500 companies in the world, and they are tens of billions casually!

"Qing Qing, you don't know anything about starting a company. Besides, you said that you divorced when you divorced Mr. Zhou? Why didn't we know? There was no answer or the like, and there was no news report, let alone It ’s a divorce, is n’t Mr. Zhou so stingy, and I do n’t know the compensation for divorce? How about you, a couple of days a night ... ”

Both Wen ’s father and Wen ’s elder brother were condensed. They did n’t understand Wen Qingqing ’s divorce with Zhou Zekai. He originally thought that his daughter did not like Zhou Zekai, but Zhou Zekai was not only excellent, Well-growth and rich, why the daughter will like it for a long time, but who knows, after the daughter came back, they said they were divorced! !! !!

The two people actually wanted to call Zhou Zekai to ask, but they didn't dare. Although they are now Zhou Zekai's in-laws, they are lower than others, so even if Wen Qingqing said divorce, they had some doubts in their hearts. True or false, but did not dare to call Zhou Zekai, but neither of them could understand Wen Qingqing's behavior.

For a woman, is it not good to be able to marry a handsome and excellent rich man, and be a rich wife? Their Wen family said that it was an upstart, and a company had only one or two billion yuan of assets. A casual dew on the company's Zhou company was enough for their company to survive, but this daughter, what this daughter did ...

If you do n’t mention this, if you mention this, Wen Qingqing remembers those things that happened to her in your life, and even has an annoyed expression on her face, and speaks directly with emotion.

"Mom, you still told me this. Before that, you had to ask me to marry Zhou Zekai. In order to show that you don't care about the property of the Zhou family at all, so you signed the pre-marital property agreement. Do you not remember? If we divorce ,I have nothing!!!"

When Zhou Zekai divorced in her last life, she was already with the man, so the expenses and the like were also managed by that man. When Wen Qingqing wanted to go to buy clothes these days, she took out her card and swiped it. After learning that the card had been frozen, I remembered that I had divorced Zhou Zekai, and the property of the other party was not yours after the divorce ...

It is precisely because of this that Wen Qingqing thought of going home and asking her parents for her gift money. In this way, she would be able to invest in some companies or start her own company, and she would be able to live a good life after leaving the Wen family.

When Mother Wen heard her daughter's words, she froze for a moment, then looked at her daughter's questioning appearance, stretched out her hand and patted Wen Qingqing's head.

"You stinky girl, I and your dad are also for your good. Besides the situation of the Zhou family, the head of the Zhou family can see you, and they have already left the shit. The two doors are not proper. Of course, it is to prove that we value people's attention. Moreover, at the time, I thought that if you were married to the Zhou family, it would definitely be a blessing at home. Qingqing, you tell the truth to your mother, why did you divorce Mr. Zhou? "

Now Wen mother is still not sure why Mr. Zhou liked her daughter so much before, but now she is divorced one week after she got married. What happened in it ...

Others also looked at Wen Qingqing, but they saw it before. The head of the Zhou family fell in love with Wen Qingqing at first sight. At that time, everyone couldn't believe that Wen Qingqing was able to get away with that kind of shit. But now, It was not good to see Mr. Zhou when I was married before. How can I divorce in a week now?

Facing everyone's doubtful eyes, Wen Qingqing felt a pain in her heart. She didn't know why God had teased her so that she was born again, but she also made Zhou Zekai come back. She obviously wanted to make good compensation for him ...

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