The Best Male God

Chapter 932: Women's Big Cap 1

Changying City's second junior high school, eighth grade third class, and another student from another school, named Zhou Zekai.

For example, this kind of half-way from another school to the second junior high school, it is better to study, after all, although the second junior high school is not embarrassed, but it does not accept new students casually. Experimental junior high schools from other provinces have been studying very well. They took a bottom test before entering the school, which directly surpassed the performance of others in their junior high school.

The students in the third grade of the eighth grade are actually looking forward to such a schoolmaster coming to their school.

"Hello, Ahong, have you heard? The one named Zhou Zekai, the performance is even better than you! I secretly went to see his roll noodles, it was really very clean and neat, and the words were very beautiful, I Look, do you want to stay in the first place ~ "

The speaker was a young man who laughed and watched Dang Erlang as his name. He was named Jiang Honghui and had a few yellow hairs on his head, which made him look even stranger.

The person being questioned was a handsome man with an expressionless face on his glasses. He was also an eighth-grade third-class Xueba class grass. He was a very indifferent person in terms of appearance and character, but even so, There are still many girls who like Flaming Red.

The reason why Huo Hong and Jiang Honghui have a good relationship is because of the fate brought by the names of the two, and the name has a macro word, which makes the two become good friends. Of course, Jiang Honghui's results are also good.

"I don't think so. Ah Hong didn't care hard every time he took the exam. Unlike some self-righteous school bulls, he was buried in the book all day. This Zhou Zekai came from the experimental school. It must be a bookworm!"

Qin Boyu also glanced at Huo Hong before opening his mouth with a smile. He squinted as he smiled. Like the little fox, although his face was handsome, it always gave people a different kind of charm.

After a few more conversations, the teacher came and everyone was quiet.

"Classmates, Teacher Zhang will bring a transfer student later, I hope everyone can greet this classmate with enthusiasm, okay?"

The classmates naturally expressed goodness, in fact, they did not feel much about the transfer student. After all, the name of the other party's Xueba has made everyone aware of it. Like in this class group, who wants to see another study then Good people exist ...

However, what the teacher said was not something everyone would say.

After a while, the classmates all looked forward to the door. Well, hey, I heard that this transfer student is quite mysterious. No one in their school has seen this transfer student. Classmates in class 8.3 are still Very curious.

Followed by the teacher, Zhou Zekai, who was at the gate of Class 8.3. When ‘she’ appeared in front of the door, everyone was surprised. I did n’t expect that this classmate named Zhou Zekai turned out to be a girl!

The girl's white shirt and dark blue skirt, beautiful long legs, and the black long straight, but when everyone's eyes fell on this person's face, the class was silent for a while. No.

Sitting in the middle, Huo Hong, Jiang Honghui, Qin Boyu, and others saw the girl's appearance for a moment, and then he looked pale, and all three looked poor.

Zhou Kaikai's eyes fell on the classmates, and then he entered the classroom with a sweet smile on his face.

"Let me introduce to you, this is our transfer student Zhou Zekai, who will be a member of our class in the future. Everyone should take good care of her, understand?"

In fact, the teacher was somewhat surprised, because this female classmate named Zhou Zekai did n’t say the same name. She was like a boy, but she looked like a girl she had taught before, just that. The girls are always very silent in the class. Later, it seems that they jumped off the building because of depression, so after reading Zhou Zekai's materials, the teacher felt that he had a special fate ...

Really. Women's big brother. Zhou Zekai, Xiao Yan's eyes were put on Huo Hong, Jiang Honghui, and Qin Boyu's eyes, smiling and smiling, so that these three people suddenly lowered their heads, it seems a little afraid to look directly at Zhou Zekai's eyes.

After that, Zhou Zekai was placed in the fourth row by the window, without the same table. After she sat down, the class was silent, the teacher was giving lectures on the podium, and the students had no idea of ​​listening.

Because they saw Zhou Zekai at this moment, they were really scared, because at that moment, they thought it was Zhou Shanshan who came back ...

Zhou Shanshan is also a name they never dared to mention in the second half of the eighth year of class three. It seems that mentioning this name will open up a world of taboos, and the arrival of Zhou Zekai broke this taboo.

Because Zhou Zekai is exactly the same as Zhou Shanshan. There is really nothing different that is not the same except for the difference in temperament.

What would happen if someone who had died suddenly reappeared in front of you?

It can be said that everyone in class 8.3 is frightened and pale, only to feel that the classroom suddenly became cloudy and windy. Someone looked at Zhou Zekai secretly in class, and made the smile on Zhou Zekai the last time, it was suddenly scared. I dare not look at it again.

Zhou Zekai was sitting there comfortably, completely unaffected by everyone. After class, she sat there to pack her things so that everyone's eyes fell on her, but no one approached her.

Zhou Zekai is not surprised by the current situation. After all, he came to school here for no reason. In the end, it is to make some people think of themselves, and ... those not so cute girls, Pay a price.

One morning after Zhou Zekai came to this school, Zhou Zekai and Zhou Shanshan, who had died of jumping off the building, were linked. After all, it didn't take long for Zhou Shanshan to jump off the building six months ago ...

Finally, at noon, a soft-skinned girl approached Zhou Zekai quietly.

"That ... hello."

She also looked pale, but tried to calm herself down and talk to Zhou Zekai.

Zhou Zekai showed a gentle smile toward the other side, but his face turned whiter.

"Hello there."

She smiled completely differently from Zhou Shanshan. Zhou Shanshan was a kind of cautious smile, and the girl was smiling so softly in front of her, and seemed to be full of stars, so that the girl finally calmed down.

"Hello, my name is An Ran, shall I take you to the cafeteria?"

An Ran asked Zhou Zekai for an invitation, and Zhou Zekai naturally readily agreed. In fact, the beautiful little white rabbit in front of him has actually been sharpened.

The two went to the cafeteria together. An Ran only felt that walking with this person became uncomfortable, but when looking at Zhou Zekai's smile, he felt that the other person was not so cute.

"That ... I can take the liberty of asking, why is your name a boy's name?"

When everyone heard the name of the transfer student before, they thought it was a boy, but they did not expect to be a girl, and they looked so similar to Zhou Shanshan, which made people nervous.

"This is because I haven't been very good since I was young. The family felt that the girl's name couldn't hold my life, so she gave the girl a name."

Zhou Zekai's voice was gentle and watery, calming and soothing the nervous girl next to him, letting the girl gradually relax, and finally asked her the most wanted question in her heart.

"So ... do you know Zhou Shanshan?"

Hearing Zhou Shanshan's name, there was no change in Zhou Zekai's face, and there seemed to be some confusion, reassuring An Ran, and then he heard the other person say.

"I don't know, are they classmates in the school?"

With such an answer, An Ran was more at ease, and the smile on his face was a little bit more, said.

"Yeah, but if you don't know it, there's nothing to say. The cafeteria is here. I'll tell you that the burnt eggplant in the school cafeteria is the best ..."

An Ran seemed unwilling to mention this matter, and quickly shifted the topic. Zhou Zekai didn't ask much, as if he really didn't know this one, called Zhou Shanshan. After two people had a meal, they sat down to eat together. The look of a good friend.

Only the appearance of Zhou Zekai surprised a lot of students in the school, because many people had seen Zhou Shanshan at the beginning. This time suddenly a person who looked exactly like Zhou Shanshan appeared in the school. How could they Not surprised? Not only surprised, but scared ...

On the side of the cafeteria restaurant, Huo Hong, Jiang Honghui and Qin Boyu sat in the corner, but they set their eyes on Zhou Zekai's body. After looking at it for a while, Jiang Honghui said.

"Is she ... has nothing to do with that person?"

His voice was a little uncertain, and a little floating, remembering that he had watched Zhou Shanshan's corpse from the beginning, only that he couldn't eat the food.

"I'll arrange for someone to investigate."

Qin Boyu retracted his sight and gave a reply. He always felt that the appearance of the other party was not an accident. It was absolutely for a reason. What happened half a year ago was something he didn't expect, but it happened. Who Can't stop it.

Huo Hong was still expressionless, his glasses reflected the cold light, without saying a word, he was eating, as if things had nothing to do with him.

It is just that his hand holding chopsticks today clamped the dishes he did not like to eat, which proves that his mood is definitely not so calm as he has shown.

Because he did not want to admit, what kind of relationship would this Zhou Zekai have with that Zhou Shanshan.

But what if it matters? That matter has nothing to do with him.

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