The Best Male God

Chapter 913: I turned out to be a stand-in 1

In the autumn day when leaves fall, Nantong Street on the side of Longning City is regarded as a more famous scenery on the side of Longning City. Once the autumn day, the red maple leaves spread all over the street, sweeping with the autumn wind , Falling on the shoulders of people.

Zhou Zekai, who was driving in a car parked in place, took a look at his mobile phone, and looked at the woman who kissed a man in the distance, only to feel that he had some luck. This time, he was green again ...

what! Why do you want to be green again?

Zhou Zekai picked up the phone, debugged the camera, and took photos towards two people. The fallen leaves are beautiful. The handsome man is domineeringly pinching the woman's chin and kissing each other. The woman is pulling the man's sleeve and gently padding his feet. With the autumn wind of Xiao Se, there are red maple leaves falling on both of them, and a Bgm is beautiful can be regarded as mV ...

Of course, if one of them is not his girlfriend, Zhou Zekai thinks that he will still appreciate this picture.

The woman in front of him is Zhou Zekai's girlfriend Le Yutong, and this time, Zhou Zekai's identity is also wonderful. Who is it?

A well-known playboy!

The Zhou family started as an electrical appliance, and now it is a relatively good big company, but it may be a problem with the ancestors. In the generation of the wishing people, what the wishing people want, money and money, power and influence, brother The elder sister was propped up, she could be a bitch.

Zhou Zekai's elder brother is now the president of the company. He is regarded as a younger brother. As long as it is what the wisher wants, he will not say no! My sister is the same. She loves this younger brother very much. She married an official, so she can find a background for this younger brother.

What can a wisher do in such a family? Rich and powerful, under the pamper of his brother and sister, he successfully became a sister-in-law.

It ’s all right if it ’s just that. After all, my son-in-law is also stunned. It ’s okay not to kill or set fire. But the mistake is wrong. He has a face similar to Xiao Ruize.

Why do you say that?

Xiao Ruize is from Shanghai, and the Xiao family is a person like the Zhou family who has never been able to reach their entire lives. The wishing person never thought that someone would have such a similar face to himself.

But he met Le Yutong, who came back from Longjing to work in Longning.

Le Yutong is not the same as any woman he met. Other women want his money and want him to buy this and buy that, but Le Yutong's likes are so simple that she never asks a wisher to give her Buying expensive things, I just like to do some romantic things with wishing people, go to the amusement park together, watch movies together, camp together, and watch the sunrise ...

All the most romantic and innocent things were revealed from Le Yutong, so that this nostalgia for flowers, I feel that everyone is a wisher who loves his young master's identity.

You see, she doesn't love my money, and she doesn't care if I am the young master of the Zhou family, she only likes me! !! !!

This innocent love made the wishing person completely fall in love and deeply fell in love with this pure and unpretentious woman-Le Yutong.

And he who looks like a **** would know that Le Yutong came to Longning from Shangjing because he was kicked out by Xiao Ruize's family, because of the relationship between Le Yutong and Xiao Ruize, they felt that their identity was not match.

Xiao Ruize was engaged, but fell in love with Le Yutong. Naturally, the Xiao family was dissatisfied, so he assigned Le Yutong to the frontier.

With the ten million yuan given by the Xiao family, Le Yutong certainly has no shortage of money, so after meeting a wisher who looks similar to his boyfriend, he regards the wisher as a target to make up for his emotional wounds.

The wishing person did not know that he was just a stand-in, so he fell into Le Yutong's emotional trap so stupidly.

This is nothing, what really makes the wisher unacceptable is that when he was about to tell his parents that he was going to marry Le Yutong, Xiao Ruize came to Longning City to talk about business. Yutong.

The two people's feelings burned again, like the unburned carbon, hot and hot.

When the wishing man was still reflecting whether he was green, some people who targeted the Xiao family actually wanted to kidnap Xiao Ruize, and when they followed Xiao Ruize, they found that Xiao Ruize was with Le Yutong, and then he showed up with Le Yutong Wishing person was arrested!

After they were taken away, they naturally threatened the Xiao family! When Xiao Ruize was not arrested, when the Xiao family wanted to discuss how to save people, Xiao Ruize told the Xiao family that that person was also their accomplice, because Xiao Ruize knew that Le Yutong had been with the wishing person and wanted to make the wishing person To kill.

This is all right, no one can save the wishing person, was recognized as other people, and finally died of abuse.

A premeditated stand-in love buried the life of the wishing man.

Zhou Zekai, who resurrected the wishing person, not only had to survive for the wishing person, but also fulfilled a wish for the other person.

What is it?

Because the wisher thought that Xiao Ruize had given him a green hat, he requested that he also wear a green hat!

Didn't Xiao Ruize have a fiancee? The wisher hoped that Zhou Zekai would grab that fiancee!

That's right ... You don't understand the brain of a sister-in-law. Is there such a chance of wishing that you don't want revenge? It turned out to be a green man, this operation allowed Zhou Zekai to be speechless ...

After shooting this video, Zhou Zekai started the car and drove towards the front. He felt that before the Green People, he had to take off his green hat first. He already had the evidence of Le Yutong's derailment, so the breakup was not a breakup. Minutes?

Now Le Yutong works at the company of the Zhou family. It is said that he works, and just go to check in all day long. It is not used for anything else. The monthly salary can still reach 10,000, which can be said to be very cheap for his company. Zhou Zekai Decided to fire the other party.

He drove back to the company, went directly to the top floor, and entered his brother's office.

"Brother, I want to go to Shanghai!"

Directly coming is a sentence, letting Zhou Zeyu, the eldest brother of the Zhou family who was reading the document, look up and look at his younger brother.

"Shangjing City? Why are you going to Shangjing City? Play?"

The thought of this younger brother two days ago that he still wanted to marry someone he likes, suddenly he wanted to go to Beijing again, which was strange.

"I'm in a bad mood, and I'm at a loss."

Lying on the sofa in his eldest brother's office, Zhou Zekai looked sad and asked Zhou Zeyu to rush to look at the younger brother who seemed really unhappy and asked.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you unhappy?"

Obviously, I was very happy yesterday, so unhappy today?

"Brother, let's fire Le Yutong. I just discovered today that the person she likes is not me at all, but a man who looks similar to me."

It is not possible to tell others about being green, but my brother can still say that Zhou Zekai pulled his brother's pants and was very wronged.

"What? Le Yutong is derailed?"

Zhou Zeyu immediately understood the meaning of the younger brother, and now he was angry for the younger brother, sitting next to the younger brother with a frown on his face, and wanted to ask, afraid to hurt the younger brother, but finally said.

"You can rest assured that I will immediately get her to be fired by the Ministry of Affairs. Do n’t you want to go to Shangjing to relax? Your brother-in-law just happened to go to Shangjing to go on a business trip. Then you can go to him. This is pocket money. My deputy card, Swipe whatever you like until you are happy. "

The Zhou family has nothing else and has a lot of money. As a top 500 company in the world, Zhou Zeyu is very busy every day. The way to coax his younger brother becomes money.

Reached out to receive the elder brother's card, Zhou Zekai was a little happy, said.

"I know that my brother is the best for me. I'll tell my parents tonight. I'll go tomorrow. I'll find my brother-in-law."

You don't have to make money yourself, and there is still a lot of money. This feeling is really refreshing. As a person who is petted in the palm of your hand, Zhou Zekai can imagine how sad the Zhou family was when the wishing man died.

"Okay, since you're here today, we'll have a meal together later."

Because of his busy work, Zhou Zeyu has n’t eaten with his brother for almost a month. Seeing that his brother is in a bad mood, he naturally wants to have a meal with his brother to comfort him.

When Zhou Zeyu finished working, he took his brother to his favorite French restaurant, and finally made Zhou Zekai feel better.

Just when he was going home, Zhou Zekai received a call from Le Yutong.

"Aze, are you busy now? Can you pick me up at Bauhinia Road?"

Le Yutong's voice is a very energetic voice. It sounds like an innocent girl. It is clear that the other party is already 24 years old, but just listening to the voice, I only think that the other party is only 18 or 9 years old.

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Zhou Zekai agreed. He felt that it was necessary for him to let this Le Yutong know that his young Master Zhou was not easy to mess with.

When the call was hung up, Zhou Zekai found out that his elder brother was watching himself and seemed to care about his situation.

"Okay ~ I just made it clear to her, but I won't be with her, brother, don't worry!"

When I heard my brother say that, Zhou Zeyu was relieved. My brother, I ’m so deceived. Do n’t look at the age of 26. I have n’t experienced anything. This is the first time for such a serious love, but I was found to be cheated. Now, if other men are dying, my brother has forgotten the time of the meal, and I do n’t know if it is big or how.

However, it is not sad to see his brother. Zhou Zeyu is still happier. When the traffic light is on, he touches the other side's head.

"Akai, my brother believes in you, you have grown up and can handle your own affairs."

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