The Best Male God

Chapter 259: Virtual boyfriend 10

Not only was Shao Yunfei stunned, the roommates who followed Shao Yunfei were afraid of her being cheated, but she was also blinded at this moment, looking at the big gods who were known as the best cows from Qinghe Electronic Information Technology School, all of them Already.

He Yaqing looked at the male **** in front of him, but he didn't know how to react. He just felt that looking at the male **** so close, the male **** was really handsome!

"Is this your roommate? Do you still have classes today? If there is no class, I will take you out to play and eat by the way."

Zhou Zekai's smile at this time was almost uncontrollable. The height of one meter eighty-six looked down at Shao Yunfei who was only one meter six, so that Shao Yunfei still looked up. I really couldn't believe it. I always liked it. Person, turned out to be Zhou Zekai senior! !! !!

Just before Shao Yunfei hadn't spoken, Ai Yutong beside him reflected over, and quickly shook his head to refuse.

"Senior, we will have classes later. You take Yu Tong out to play. We are a bit busy, so we won't go, we won't go ..."

Previously, Ai Yutong was full of feeling that Shao Yunfei, a male netizen, was really unreliable, and did not know how much soul soup he had filled Shao Yunfei, so that he was fascinated by this little loli in her bedroom, but now I see By the time Zhou Zekai knew it, there was a person who, even if he didn't know his name or his appearance, could only attract someone's like from his personality and actions.

Zhou Zekai in front of me is obviously such a person ...

"Yes, senior, we will leave after we have lessons."

Yi Lingxue is also the same. He tacitly held up He Yaqing with Ai Yutong and blocked what He Yaqing wanted to say. After all, everyone knows that He Yaqing's worship of Zhou Zekai, if you let her say a few more words, when the senior learns about Yun What should I do if my opinion is bad?

How could Zhou Zekai not see their lies, but still nodded.

"Okay, you go, rest assured, I will take good care of Yun Fei."

Waving at the three, watching the three people walk into the school while peeking back, Zhou Zekai looked at Shao Yunfei again, only to find that Shao Yunfei was still staring at him, but now he bowed his head. I don't know what I'm thinking.

"I seem to come earlier today. Have you had breakfast?"

Looking at the little girl in front of her, Zhou Zekai smiled. He had just seen Shao Yunfei's face. Today, her exceptional **** makeup is very beautiful, and her whole body is very delicate, like pink lips like jelly. And it makes Zhou Zekai feel so cute.

"I've eaten it." Shao Yunfei's voice was a little uncomfortable. When she didn't know the identity of the other party, she was able to make jokes at will, but after she knew the other party's identity, she dared not make jokes.

After speaking, I suddenly thought of something and looked up at Zhou Zekai nervously.

"You, did you have breakfast?"

Asked this sentence, Shao Yunfei just felt that he was too speechless! I just thought that the person I liked turned out to be Zhou Zekai, and the person who chatted with myself for so long turned out to be Zhou Zekai! Shao Yunfei felt that he was all bad!

"I've eaten it too. So, I know there's a good coffee in a dessert shop. How about taking you to try?"

Zhou Zekai saw the other person looked down and said nothing, and thought whether the surprise he had given turned into a fright, so he decided to slowly get the other person used to his identity.

"Okay, okay ..."

The soft voice sounded sweet and gave a feeling of numbness sweeping on the apex of the heart. Shao Yunfei didn't know how cute her voice sounded at this time, and naturally she didn't see it. The control on Zhou Zekai's face Uncontrollable idiot smile.

Well, netizens are right. As long as they are men, they can't extricate themselves from this cute loli.

Zhou Zekai felt that he also seemed to have hit the spell.

Zhou Zekai walked in front of him like this. Shao Yunfei followed her like a little daughter-in-law, occasionally secretly looking up at the tall back in front of her, with countless questions in her heart.

How could it be him? How could it be him?

Although Shao Yunfei admits that the other party is taller and better than he thought, but ... it is too good! Shao Yunfei even got a retreat, thinking that ... could he really be with such a person?

Zhou Zekai walking in front opened the door and let Shao Yunfei sit in the co-pilot position. He used to sit in the driving position and started the car.

The dessert shop is relatively close to Qinghe. It was Zhou Zekai ’s favorite shop before. It arrived in less than ten minutes. After finding a place to park, Zhou Zekai took Shao Yunfei to enter this dessert shop. Sit down by a window.

The waiter came over quickly and brought the dessert list.

"Look at what you like to eat. I used to eat Black Forest cakes. The chocolate inside is bitter. I don't know if it suits your taste, and this matcha and strawberry sweets are classic desserts in the shop."

Shao Yunfei introduced the dishes carefully, so that Shao Yunfei sitting there put her eyes on the menu, then gradually relaxed herself, and accepted that the person who has been chatting with herself on the Internet is Zhou Zekai in front of her.

"Then a Black Forest cake, a strawberry sweetheart, I want latte, how about you?"

Ordered the cake, looked up at Zhou Zekai slightly, and found that the other party was watching her, making Shao Yunfei blush.

"I want a caramel macchiato."

Zhou Zekai smiled and looked at Shao Yunfei's face flushed, ordered the meal, and the waiter left. The atmosphere between the two became a little strange, a little embarrassing. If there is nothing like ambiguous.

Reaching out to Shao Yunfei, Zhou Zekai looked at each other so seriously.

"Yun Fei, hello, I always wanted to introduce myself carefully after we met. I am the vast starry sky, and also your senior Zhou Zekai. When I came to the school last time, I saw that you were off the stage. There should be I've heard my name and I'm happy to meet you. "

Shao Yunfei stretched out her hand and was caught by Zhou Zekai. She only felt that her opponent's hand was very large, which made her confused.

If it was said that Shao Yunfei had told the people in the bedroom before, if he saw that this netizen was not bad in all aspects, he planned to confess, but the people in front of him were not in bad condition! It is their male **** of Qinghe! Such a person, Shao Yunfei really can't afford to have the courage to confess ...

"I and I are also very happy. I didn't expect it to be you, Zhou Xuechang."

I did not expect to be an excellent you, an excellent one, I dare not approach you.

Girls like good boys, but this boy is still different from the male god. Not everyone has the courage to chase the male god. Shao Yunfei can hardly imagine if he was with Zhou Xuechang. I can keep up with the pace of last week's seniors, and my mind is very chaotic. I think of the other person's shining appearance on the podium, the other person's appearance of solving difficult problems, and the other person's always serious work at night ...

Suddenly the virtual person in his mind suddenly had a real image, and after all changed into the appearance of Zhou Zekai, Shao Yunfei felt only very nervous, and also thought that the other party said that he would go to work for his company, that is not Hanhan Networks What? Her level, after entering, it is estimated that it can only be mixed up, right?

"Really? Then what is the vast sky in your mind?"

After releasing Shao Yunfei's hand, Zhou Zekai was a little curious. Don't girls like handsome and handsome boys with a successful career? Why now Shao Yunfei was uncomfortable after seeing him.

When Shao Yunfei heard this question, he looked at Zhou Zekai who was very good in front of him. What was the vast sky in his heart? Probably ... probably the look of an ordinary person. I never imagined that it would be Zhou Zekai, and Shao Yunfei never expected that the senior was so good, she would also be online dating, no! Perhaps the relationship between them, for seniors, may be a chat with ordinary netizens ...

"Probably ... that is, I can't even imagine it anyway, I just think you don't look like someone who will chat with netizens."

A smile awkwardly revealed, Shao Yunfei didn't know what she was talking about, but felt very embarrassed. Fortunately, the waiter brought cake and coffee to make the atmosphere less rigid.

After the waiter was gone, Zhou Zekai put sugar in the coffee. After finishing, he smiled and looked at Shao Yunfei.

"I never thought I would chat with an online friend like this."

This meant something, and let Shao Yunfei's hand holding sugar bewildered, and the crushed heart in his heart was about to move to the heart again, the senior student ... Would he like himself too?

Probably this is a girl, everything has to be tangled, tangible questions that can be asked in one sentence, but you have to keep tangling in your heart countless times, and your brain has made countless answers, but each is wrong .

"This, this ..."

After making the sugar and gently stirring the coffee with a spoon, Shao Yunfei even felt that he should ask the senior's identity in advance. This would be too embarrassing.

She never thought that the person chatting with herself for four months would be Zhou Zekai.

"Yes, Yun Fei, you said last night that you wanted to ask me a question today, and now you can ask."

Zhou Zekai was able to guess last night that his little girl must have confessed to him, but from the entrance of the school to the present, Shao Yunfei's entire state was a deliberate situation, so Zhou Zekai deliberately raised this topic.

The spoon in his hand suddenly fell into the cup, and Shao Yunfei suddenly looked up at Zhou Zekai.


The question I asked last night ... My thoughts quickly returned to the cage. As soon as Shao Yunfei thought that she planned to confess to the person in front of her last night, she felt like she was getting water in her head! What to do if rejected by Zhou Xuechang!

"No, senior, I don't have anything to ask, it's about code."

I found an answer I didn't believe. Since it is a code, why should I ask for it? Shao Yunfei thought that he was simply too stupid, and did not dare to look at the expression on the opposite Zhou Zekai.

"Oh? Then you have no problem asking me, I have a question for you, do you mind?"

When people ask questions, it doesn't seem to be polite to look at others. Shao Yunfei tries to make himself less persuaded, and looks at Zhou Zekai. This time, he looked seriously.

"Well, senior, you ask."

The bait that was thrown out was already hooked. Zhou Zekai did not change or was busy. He also stared at Shao Yunfei to prevent the other party from escaping from his sight.

"We have known each other for four months. I like you very much. I want you to be my girlfriend. What do you think?"

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