The Best Male God

Chapter 257: Virtual boyfriend 8

After waiting for Shao Yunfei for more than an hour before waiting for someone from Shao Yunfei's community, Zhou Zekai left directly. Shao Yunfei wanted to ask his name, but before he had time to ask, I saw The other party disappeared into the crowd, and Shao Yunfei, surrounded by fans, could not find someone, but he could leave the other party alone.

Xiao Ya still didn't know where to find out that Shao Yunfei was almost taken advantage. Later in the second half, she stood by Shao Yunfei to protect Shao Yunfei. For Xiao Ya, these girls are all she needs. The people who take care of them, therefore, will not allow these girls to make any mistakes.

All in all, this event is still very successful, more popular than the game ’s official imagination, especially the community brought by Xiao Ya, which has attracted a lot of popularity for the game side, and even Shao Yunfei ’s Meng Ji returned. With the game company on the headlines, in the evening, at the checkout, the game company specially prepared a red envelope for Xiao Ya's side. Shao Yunfei was wronged in Xiao Ya's eyes and was compensated for five Thousands.

When returning to the bedroom, Shao Yunfei had removed her makeup and changed into everyday clothes. She looked like an ordinary cute girl. She was lying on the bed, tired and dead. She didn't want to move at all.

You know, although such an event makes money, Shao Yunfei has to rest for three days at one event. It is not to say that any money is easy to make. She received money from other companies. Naturally, she wanted to promote the game. Even if I had to stand there to communicate with the fans and take photos with everyone, I was very irritated and tired when facing these things all day.

"Fei Fei, you go to bed quickly. I think there are the most people on your side today. Let's go to sleep. I went out with Ling Xue to find Xiao Yaxue. She said that we should try the clothes we made before."

In this bedroom, only Shao Yunfei, Ai Yutong and Yi Lingxue participated in the animation club. As for He Yaqing, she recently took a leave to go home. I do n’t know if something happened at home. The other one is Diao Aixiang. She didn't know what she was doing. She never appeared in the bedroom.

"Okay, you two, I'll take a break, I'm really tired."

Shao Yunfei lying in bed was like a salted fish. She was really tired! Although this kind of activity is profitable, it is also overstretched. When I first went to participate in this kind of activity, Shao Yunfei came back with swollen legs. Now it ’s better than before.

Two people looked at Shao Yunfei's appearance on the bed, they knew that the other party must be tired, so they nodded and left, and brought the bedroom door by the way. So far, only Shao Yunfei was left in the bedroom.

Shao Yunfei was lying on the bed, tired and terrible, but her mind was still very clear. The exhaustion of her body could not stop her emotional excitement. All existed in Alipay, and it was a little closer to the road of buying a house, and Shao Yunfei's face was a satisfied smile.

At this moment, Shao Yunfei's mobile phone suddenly rang. It was Shao Yunfei's exclusive ringtone specially set for the vast starry sky on the penguin. When the ringtone sounded, it was the other party's message.

Hurriedly reached out and found the phone. After unlocking, I saw the latest news on Penguin.

[Expansive Starry Sky: How's it going? Is work over? Have you returned to your bedroom? 】

Three consecutive questions can make Shao Yunfei feel the concern of the other party. It is almost eight o'clock in the evening. Shao Yunfei originally wanted to type, but it was helpless that every part of the body didn't want to move, so I took the phone's headset and made a voice call, and then called.

The recent relationship between the two people has tended to be ambiguous, but he often talks together by voice. Every time Shao Yunfei hears Zhou Zekai's voice, he feels a different feeling.

It was a voice that sounded completely different from the voices of other boys.

Zhou Zekai was still working on the file at the moment. The news was sent when he suddenly remembered it. As a result, he did not expect that the other party sent a voice call, so he connected it directly to the computer and put on the computer's headset.

"Han Han, I'm so tired ~ I stood for a day today and felt my legs swell."

As soon as I came up, I heard Shao Yunfei's nice voice, with a lot of coquettishness and complaints, which made Zhou Zekai feel a little distressed after listening, and said.

"Then have you taken a bath? You can go for a few feet, it will be more comfortable. Today, I watched the activity of" Long Yu Jiang Hu "and made headlines, which is very good."

As Zhou Zekai said, the files continued to look and chat with each other, but he did n’t bother himself to read the files. Zhou Zekai suddenly thought that this little cute was going to send a photo to himself, but there was a bit of anticipation. I did n’t know if I did n’t speak, the other party Will you speak first.

"Really? Did you watch it?" Shao Yunfei's voice was a little excited, and she did not expect that she could make headlines in her lifetime, and even directly brought the game company to the headlines. The red envelopes that other game companies gave later were mainly Shao Yunfei, but Shao Yunfei does not like to eat alone, everyone is a community, many people take care of Shao Yunfei, so this time the game company added another 50,000 yuan, Shao Yunfei let Xiao Yaping share Students from the community, of course, Shao Yunfei still has the most five thousand yuan.

"Well, I watched. There is a Meng Ji in it that is really beautiful, and netizens are boasting."

Mentioning Meng Ji intentionally, Zhou Zekai thought of her completely different performance today, but she felt that this girl had a tenacity, and she would work harder to do what she wanted, so Zhou Zekai appreciated it very much.

Shao Yunfei never expected that one day she would hear compliments about herself among the people she likes, and that when neither of them had exchanged photos, the other side also praised her for being beautiful! !! !!

Suddenly, my mood became extraordinarily refreshing. Originally, I was in a good mood because I was paid a salary, but now it is so good that it explodes. Shao Yunfei pretended to be calm and asked.

"Then, do you think she is beautiful? What netizens don't say, do you like her?"

The meaning of this question was pointed out. After Zhou Zekai heard it, he laughed even more, only to think that the little girl's careful tentative temptation was very interesting, and she pretended to think about it, and answered.

"I like it very much. The boy has no resistance to this cute girl, and there is a video of her on the Internet, talking voice ... I want to be like you, you must be more beautiful than her."

First of all, praise Meng Ji, and then the peak turns, making Shao Yunfei feel like a roller coaster, she really wanted to beat people along the phone! But when the other party praised her for being beautiful, the girls always bought it.

"You haven't seen me again, how do you know I'm pretty, maybe I'm a big dinosaur ~"

Girly feelings are always poetic. Even if Shao Yunfei is very happy to hear the compliments of the people she likes, but like other girls, she still says something wrong.

"Really? If you're a big dinosaur, I'm Altman."

Zhou Zekai joked, while inquiring about the situation of the documents, only felt that he could talk with such a pistachio, making his work pressure disappear.

"Huh! You are the big dinosaur!" Shao Yunfei was really cold and humorous to Zhou Zekai, but she kept poking on her mobile phone with her finger, and found several photos of herself. There are also people with light makeup, as well as today's Mengji dress. Her mobile phone has a lot of her own selfies, not because she likes to take selfies, but to run the Weibo account, and for fans, she needs daily It's time to put some photos, and these photos are from this.

"Han Han, are you working now?"

Being able to hear the sound of the other party clicking the mouse, Shao Yunfei knew that the other party was already a working person, so lying there was a little curious.

"Yes, I'm dealing with some work, but you have something to tell me, I listen."

Zhou Zekai did not hide from Shao Yunfei. The relationship between the two was very comfortable. Zhou Zekai felt that the other party would not be unhappy because of these things.

After hearing Zhou Zekai's answer, Shao Yunfei was stunned, but then he understood it. After all, the other party said that he wanted to go to his company for an internship. It must be a management person. The work must be busy. Every day, I was chatting with each other, and Shao Yunfei suddenly felt that she was really sticky. At the same time, there were some small delights in her heart. In this case, is it proof that he likes himself too?

Because I like it, can I be so inclusive of myself? Thinking of replying to information every second, Shao Yunfei's face was full of happiness.

"That ... Before, I told you not to tell you my photos after this event? Would you like to see them?"

Careful, Shao Yunfei actually wanted to ask the other party for a photo, but think that she does n’t even have the other party ’s name, and she is embarrassed to speak. She believes that she looks so cute. After watching it, he should ... probably ... … Maybe you like it?

Didn't he just say that boys are not resistant to such girls?

"Okay, you can send it."

Zhou Zekai agreed to understand the little girl's careful thinking, but still felt that Shao Yunfei was really cute and didn't know what photos the other party would send him.

So, soon, the penguin on the computer lights up. Zhou Zekai opened the dialog box and saw the photo sent by Shao Yunfei. It was a photo of life and Shao Yunfei with two ponytails. It's so cute, the skin is blown and broken, and her little round face is really fascinating. Zhou Zekai thinks that netizens are right.

Man, there is really no resistance to Loli.

For a long time, he didn't hear Zhou Zekai's speech. Shao Yunfei felt very uneasy and couldn't help asking.

"That ... did you see my picture? Why didn't you talk?"

Zhou Zekai only reduced the photo at this moment, and there was a little smile in his voice.

"I saw it, Yun Fei, now I think about it, I seem to have seen you at school. You wore a little blue dress at the time, right?"

Shao Yunfei didn't expect to hear the other person suddenly say this, and immediately began to think about the day he wore this dress. Before he thought about it, he heard the voice of the person he liked.

"But to be honest, you are more beautiful than you are in the photo. You can invite beautiful women to dinner as if I made a profit."

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