The Best Male God

Chapter 211: Want to get married? 16

In the morning, news about Zhou Zekai and Zhou Zekai's fiancee had made headlines. When it was noon, when Zhou Zekai's car stopped at the gate of Jinghua University again, everyone understood that this national husband was really moving! Have you ever seen a man so attentive to a woman?

Hao Shiqi and Ruan Jiani also felt that Zhou Zekai was very attentive to Zhen Linjing, took Zhen Linjing into the car, and left the date for the unmarried couple who had just been engaged.

After all, things like light bulbs only need to be done once. If there are more times, it is really boring.

After seeing the car go, Ruan Jiani said with a little apprehension.

"Fortunately, Hu Xueke didn't come to class today. Otherwise, if she saw Zhou Zekai, I'd like to post it immediately!"

Ruan Jiani was awful to speak, and Hao Shiqi nodded aside, she felt thankful. Hu Xueke had been asking about Zhou Zekai's news before, and she thought about Zhou Zekai through Zhen Linjing, which was enough to annoy her, not to mention that the other party had had The lesson learned, when Huo Shiqi's fiance came to the bedroom before, Hu Xueke didn't know where to get his phone number, and then he kept texting with her fiance, but Hao Qiqi's fiance was a sweetheart, and the relationship was very good. After that, she also reminded Hao Shiqi to pay attention to this woman. Since then, Hao Shiqi has no good impression of Hu Xueke.

"Let's go too, she will ask us again when she sees us."

Although Hao Shiqi and Ruan Jiani have a phone call from Zhou Zekai, this is a good friend's boyfriend. Even if there is a phone call, it ca n’t be called casually. Unless you really ca n’t find Zhen Linjing, you will call someone ’s fiance. phone.

Girlfriends are the closest distance, and the distance most likely to make mistakes. Hao Shiqi and Ruan Jiani are often very sensible and can maintain this relationship perfectly.

Here, Zhou Zekai didn't know that someone was following him. He drove Zhen Linjing to the last private restaurant and booked a seat in advance. After entering, he went all the way to the box.

After the two sat down, the dishes were served. Zhen Lin Jing had texted her that she liked to eat them, and they were all prepared in advance.

"My grandfather said let me thank you, and said that the painting you sent him, he liked it very much."

While eating and talking, Zhen Linjing suddenly thought of his grandfather's explanation, and said gratefully to Zhou Zekai.

She had already heard from parents about the engagement. The Zhou family was really sincere. Let ’s not say that the bracelet that Mom Zhou wore directly to her at that time was invaluable. The money for the engagement alone was 999. Nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, which means long-lasting meaning, in addition to various jewellery and gold jewelry, and high-end dress companies that need to be customized later, or other things, are very elegant, Zhen The family is very satisfied, and Zhen Linjing is also very grateful.

But the most expensive of them is a painting of Tang Bohu sent by Zhou Zekai ’s grandfather on behalf of Zhou Zekai. His grandfather is a painting fanatic. His favorite thing in this life is painting, which is very researched. After getting this painting, it ’s called One put it down, and after a while inquiring, I found out that this Tang Bohu's "Creek and Mountain Hidden Picture" was auctioned by Zhou Zekai at a foreign auction site two months ago, and it actually cost 800 million!

Any antiques, paintings, or paintings that have been taken abroad will have a certain increase in value, not to mention the kind of place in the auction house. This painting of Tang Bohu photographed by Zhou Zekai is at an overseas auction house. Those with Tang Bohu's paintings in his hands were all in his own private collection. At most, they were taken out and played for a few minutes. It was absolutely impossible to put them on the auction. After knowing this value, Zhen Linjing was absolutely flattered.

Their family is also rich, and their grandfather has a good family foundation, but if he wants to buy a painting of these 800 million yuan, his grandfather would be reluctant. Because of this, Zhen Linjing is absolutely certain that the other person cares about him.

Maybe it ’s weird to judge someone who cares about themselves from the point of view of money, but sometimes girls are like this. The best way to see if a man cares about her is to see how much the man has spent for you.

"Is it? Grandpa likes it? That's good, I also happened to deal with company affairs when I was abroad. I think that your grandpa's favorite is Tang Bohu's paintings. It is really not available in the domestic market. I encountered it, and luck. "

Zhou Zekai doesn't care much about money. His entertainment company looks inconspicuous, but he doesn't make a lot of money a year. The net profit is only 2 billion yuan a year, so buying this thing is nothing. influences.

"Well, the next time I take you to my grandfather, my grandfather wants to see your own writing. My grandfather also likes it very much, and he re-framed it in his living room. My mother knows this. Not happy for a few days ... "

Zhen Linjing felt that her cheeks were hot. She couldn't say anything about Zhou Zekai's so-called familiar grandfather, so she could only keep talking. She also liked Zhou Zekai's adverb very much.

"Oh? Really? Are you talking about" Aunt Qinyuan "taken by your aunt? Grandpa likes it. If my aunt still wants it, I will send some of my words to my aunt tomorrow, as long as she doesn't dislike it. "

Looking at Zhen Linjing with a smile, Zhou Zekai felt that this kind of life was the life he wanted. It was comfortable, stable, and there was no sense of oppression every second with Zhen Linjing.

"Then, let me ask you."

The change in the relationship between the two made Zhen Linjing no longer treat Zhou Zekai as an outsider, heard the other's words, and nodded.

"Follow me, please? By the way, do you have class in the afternoon?"

The food is almost finished. Zhou Zekai thought that he wanted to take his fiancee to buy a diamond ring. He hoped that Zhen Linjing could choose a diamond ring that he liked.

"No, the instructor only has one morning class in the morning. In the afternoon ... if I'm fine, I might go to the company."

In addition to studying, Zhen Linjing spends most of her time in the company, and she doesn't see Zhou Zekai's desire to stop.

After the meals were finished and the two were ready to leave, Zhou Zekai suddenly took Zhen Linjing's hand and seriously looked at Zhen Linjing.

"Lin Jing, actually I want to go out with you today for a date. I won't go to the company today, okay?"

At this moment, Zhou Zekai seemed to be a pitiful little child in Zhen Linjing's eyes. He was obviously such a big man. When she held her hand to speak, she shook and let Zhen Lin Jing thought that when she pleaded with her to take her out to play, she couldn't help but suddenly.

"Of course you can. Our company is not too busy. If you are with me, I still have time."

Holding his opponent's hand with his backhand, Zhen Linjing felt that although the opponent's hand was large, it was soft and comfortable to the touch.

When Zhou Zekai heard this, he immediately laughed, his eyes were smiling, he pulled Zhen Linjing out, and after Zhen Linjing was arranged in the car, he was a little emotional and started the car.

"Take you to a good place."

With that said, the car moved quickly. Zhen Linjing turned her head slightly to look at Zhou Zekai's side face. Although she didn't know where this good place was, she was happy to date with such a person.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, the car quickly came to the Yongle Street. This commercial street is the most prosperous. After parking the car, Zhou Zekai took Zhen Linjing to turn left and right, and came Walked directly in front of a Tiffany jewelry store.

When Zhou Zekai went in, Zhen Linjing's mind was chaotic. She had already guessed why Zhou Zekai came here, but she still felt a little strange, but there was a hint of sweetness in her heart.

Others were engaged in engagements and diamond rings. They were directly engaged. They did not buy diamond rings. She had thought that she would wait for a period of time before buying them ... but unexpectedly, Zhou Zekai took her directly to the jewelry store.

"Help me show the latest diamond ring to my fiancee."

After speaking to the waiter inside the table, Zhou Zekai turned to look at Zhen Linjing.

"Lin Jing, wait a moment, you choose a jewellery you like, engagement and wedding, my mother will not let me buy it, said she prepared it myself, I don't know which one you like, try it later."

He also held Zhen Linjing's hand. Zhou Zekai could feel that Zhen Linjing's hand was a little hot, but he was unwilling to release it.

Zhen Linjing also understood after listening to Zhou Zekai's words. It is estimated that at that time, the engagement and wedding diamond rings and the like will be customized by Aunt Zhou, so the other party will bring her to the store here to buy. Thinking of this, Zhen Linjing really My heart was happy and a little overwhelmed, and my palms started to sweat.

Fortunately, the waiter came here and took out the latest diamond rings for Zhen Linjing to choose. She hadn't recognized Zhou Zekai and Zhen Linjing yet.

After all, Zhou Zekai is just a ‘Internet celebrity’. I do n’t know so many people ...

Looking at the diamonds on the table, they gave out a beautiful luster under the refraction of the light. This woman Zhen Linjing was also confused by the light of the diamond. After watching for a while, she was held by Zhou Zekai and kneaded her. The ring finger also took a six-pointed star-shaped diamond ring and asked her what she meant.

"How about this? Do you like it?"

The hand was held by the other side, and when she saw Zhou Zekai's slightly expectant eyes, Zhen Lin nodded. She hadn't bought a diamond ring before, but the feeling of buying herself was really different from that of others. Especially after nodding, she saw Zhou Zekai carefully put the diamond ring on her ring finger. Zhen Linjing only felt that her hands were shaking. She was nervous, nervous, and her heartbeat was rapidly accelerating ...

The diamond ring was worn on her ring finger, making her slender fingers look particularly beautiful, and it was extremely white under the light, which made Zhou Zekai unable to bear it.

"Sure enough, it looks good on your skin. Do you like it?"

Zhou Zekai asked Zhen Linjing, but her hand was unwilling to let go of Zhen Linjing's hand. Even if she felt the strength of the other party's retraction, she was still pinching her hand, the gap was to Zhen Linjing's reddish ear.

"Yes, I like it."

They all noticed the attention of the waiter next to him. Zhen Linjing finally spoke and admitted it. Zhou Zekai had a good look. He chose this ring, which is already the most beautiful one on the table ...

"Well, then this, are there any other couple rings? We also want a couple ring, preferably one that can be engraved."

Zhou Zekai looked up at the waiter, and did not even ask about the price. This made the waiter bewildered, then nodded immediately, and took out several pairs of rings from the counter.

"Guests, these are the latest ones that can be engraved on the spot and are the latest ones. Which one do you like?"

The opportunity for this choice was given to Zhen Linjing. Zhen Linjing chose a simpler pair. After Zhou Zekai paid the bill, the diamond rings will be used for lettering and will be sent to Zhen Linjing's company in the afternoon. The diamond ring that Zhou Zekai chose for Zhen Linjing was already worn on her right hand and was pulled by Zhou Zekai.

Zhen Linjing didn't know what happened to her, she found that she couldn't refuse any request from this man, just like now, this man, stubbornly holding her hand, couldn't bear to let go ...

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