The Best Male God

Chapter 1296: Male Model Counterattack 13

Carlos has been really busy lately, so he is busy with his fiancee and preparing for the wedding, so he does n’t know anything about Zhou Zekai. His life came through the plan over and over again, whether it ’s The pursuit of Elizabeth, or the current marriage proposal, is a line that must be taken for him.

It's just that he never expected that Zhou Zekai would appear ...

So when Carlos was busy with his fiancee to get married, he was informed by the family that it was too late when his uncle found his biological son and wanted to introduce it to everyone.

Sitting in his room, Carlos had a beautiful cheek that looked like a god, and it was extremely cold at this time. Looking at the photo of Zhou Zekai on the notebook, it was a photo of the model before Zhou Zekai. The whole person was like a fireworks blooming, blue eyes Full of smiles, this is a person who knows that he is completely different from Carlos at a glance.

Carlos was born in the Rolls family, everyone may be a little bit envious. In fact, after Carlos's mother married Cyril then, because of rekindling the love with her old lover, she chose to abandon Carlos and talk to her. The old lover was together. At that time, Cyril was still young, so he was very angry at the fact that his wife had gone with other people. So he really did n’t really like this son. If it was n’t for the blue pupils of the other party, it is estimated Will be suspected of being a biological son.

In this case, Carlos was taken care of by Anthony almost from an early age. After his father's illegitimate children became more and more, Carlos learned how to plan for himself. His uncle had no children, and Carlos even more Sticking to Anthony, almost treating Anthony as his father.

When Carlos was about ten years old, Cyril reached a reconciliation with Carlos under the guidance of his brother. He knew that things about that woman could not be blamed on his son, so in this case, Carlos also obediently reached an agreement with his father. With reconciliation, as to whether it is sincere, then it may not be necessary.

Over the years, relying on Anthony and his father Cyril, Carlos has become very good. Because of what happened as a child, he is a very self-contained person. No matter what he does, he will have a plan in advance, and in order to let himself To get the Rolls family, he did a lot of things.

Now that he has passed the marriage to Elizabeth, Carlos has more and more chips in his hand, but he never expected that his uncle would have a son who suddenly jumped out!

In particular, seeing these blue eyes, Carlos has an unprecedented boredom in his heart. The Ye family is the person who likes the blue eyes the most, so he has always taken care of him, and his uncle, if this person comes back, Then everything about him ...

His fingertips were a little pale, and Carlos didn't know why he thought so, but at this moment, a deep sense of weakness was covering him, letting him understand that many things could not be implemented as planned.

Time passed quickly. The day when Zhou Zekai and Carlos met was on the day of the Rolls family banquet. At this banquet, many famous families in England came over, and some counts like Viscount, and even Princess, although the British royal family has little use now, and the earl and the viscount also sound good, but as long as they can manage, they can still have a place in Britain. For example, Cyrillic, not only the earl, but also the British The biggest executive in diplomacy can be said to be very powerful.

Anthony's happy face even smiled today, and introduced his son to these old friends he knew. Zhou Zekai's wisdom made everyone look at Anthony, the son he suddenly got back, because Zhou Zekai is not only proficient in various languages, but also in business There are many things that have a lot of insight, but it makes everyone think that this child is very good.

Anthony as a father is called a proud, because he really did not expect that A Kai would be so good, the more so, the more he wanted to give his own things to A Kai, he knew that he would earn more Money was useless. I wanted to leave it to Carlos in the past. But now that I have heard from my brother that Carlos doesn't have to worry about it, Anthony wants to leave everything to Zhou Zekai.

After introducing them one by one, I saw Carlos, who came with Princess Elizabeth over there, and Anthony led Zhou Zekai over.

"Carlos, Elizabeth, it's nice to meet you ~"

Anthony kissed Elizabeth's side face. The little princess was a beautiful princess, her golden hair was very gentle at this time, and she smiled back and kissed Zhou Zekai with a pair of eyes secretly.

Carlos focused his eyes on Zhou Zekai. Zhou Zekai was the same. Both were blue pupils, but one was like an abyss, and the other was an exhibition like the sea and blue sky. Zhou Zekai could clearly feel Carlos Rejection of himself, although the other person showed nothing, but from the expression, Zhou Zekai can feel it.

"Hello, it's Kai Kai. I'm your brother, Carlos. Welcome back home."

Carlos spoke, giving a very gentleman-like feeling, reaching out to Zhou Zekai, holding the two hands together, Zhou Zekai also responded, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

"Carlos, Ah Kai has just returned home. You can take him to play more in the future, but now he is filming in the crew. There may be no time during this time. Elizabeth, don't you want to go to the crew to watch the film? Let Carlos accompany you over to the squad. "

Anthony didn't seem to find the flame between the two people, but recommended it to Elizabeth, to make Elizabeth happy. Everyone was wearing a mask to speak. As for the sincerity, it may not be true.

Zhou Zekai looked at the indifferent Carlos in the eyes before him, but he understood why he was somewhat similar to this person. Although he liked to laugh, when he did not smile, his eyes were similar to those of Carlos. of.

To a certain extent, Sheng Jiaxian can be regarded as someone who likes to do whatever it takes to find a substitute or something.

The contact between the two was only short-term. After all, Carlos brought the little princess. After a while, someone came to ask Carlos and the little princess' wedding. After all, recently, Carlos and the little princess were preparing for the wedding. clear.

Anthony was also dragged and asked, but Ye Yan came over and took Zhou Zekai to the side of the balcony to rest. They held the goblet, but you were not red wine, but juice.

"How? Are you still used to it?"

Ye Yan turned his head and looked at Zhou Zekai. The other person is indeed a model, and wearing this suit is good-looking. The temperament of the whole person is okay. Coupled with Zhou Zekai's long superb face, Ye Yan can't help but appreciate it.

"It's okay." In these so-called high society, Zhou Zekai actually has more contacts, so even if you see these people, you won't feel nervous and scared, and you won't have any feeling. He is right about the card. Los was very interested. When he did not see Carlos, he would have guessed whether his affairs had something to do with Carlos. Now, after seeing Carlos, he has determined one thing.

That is, even if Carlos did not do the wishing person's thing, then he must know it, otherwise, it would not be possible to make such a behavior, which will contribute to the flames.

After all, he heard his father say that all of his father ’s property was left to Carlos, but his appearance caused Anthony to change this idea. He lost 30 billion at once, and Carlos was able to Feeling good?

"What do you think of Carlos?" Looking at Zhou Zekai's calm appearance, Ye Yan felt that he had just broken the heart for the other party and took the initiative to raise Carlos, but let Zhou Zekai take a look at the other party.

"He? Do you have anything to tell me?" It seemed that he didn't agree with this person. Zhou Zekai looked at Ye Yan, but found Ye Yan skeptical.

"If you stay in the Rolls family, I advise you better not to contact Carlos too much, because he is a person who can't see through. I believe you also know that because of your aunt and grandma's relationship, the Ye family has a lot of The blue pupil's child is especially cared for. There are only one Carlos in these generations, so he is very favored in the Ye family. Of course, this is not the main thing. I mainly want to tell you that Carlos does not seem to show it. It ’s so harmless. His father, Cyril, has many illegitimate children, and now Carlos can still get the inheritance of the Rolls family. The big reason is because your father Anthony, even before Anthony intended to take his own hands. Something to Carlos, and you, the sudden heir, must have broken his plan, I still say that, Kai, if you can, I hope you return to China, and the Ye family will give you a best survival surroundings."

Ye Yan said, looking a bit serious, and then approached Zhou Zekai, his voice was low, so that Zhou Zekai heard his last sentence clearly.

"Otherwise, why don't Anthony have his own son for so many years?"

In a word, it is enough to expose Carlos' wolf ambition and make Zhou Zekai sure that the tragedy of the wishing man has a lot to do with Carlos, but the wishing man did not wish to take revenge. Zhou Zekai intends to let Carlos know in another way What kind of person is he?

"Returning to China? I think it's good. I can return to China with you after the filming."

Zhou Zekai's words made Ye Yan smile instantly. The thought of Zhou Zekai wanting to return to China with him would not be happy. At that time, his family would certainly be happier ...

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