The Best Male God

Chapter 1265: Brother and Sister Sold 8

I'm afraid Long Mengzhe can't think of it. I like it. The poor little girl will be a violent person in her bones. After all, Zhou Xianxian looks like a man, let alone a woman. , I also feel that the other party is a girl who can't help but be the one who can bully and cry in a few times.

But no one expected that such a great change happened to Zhou Xianxian. To say that the age of sixteen is the youngest and most in need of change, although Zhou Xianxian usually does not ask Zhou Zekai what he is doing all day, but I also know that my brother is still a mixed race, so in order not to hinder my brother, Zhou Xianxian is very hard, only hope that he can become stronger, not to mention protecting his brother, at least do not have to hinder his brother.

Even she once thought that after her father had done that kind of thing, she was able to live like this. She also had a great relationship with her brother. If it wasn't for her father's fancy for her brother, she would not be taken together. Bringing to this kind of place, Zhou Xianxian has worked even harder. It can be said that he has worked very hard both in learning and self-exercise.

After asking my sister, after knowing that her relationship with Long Mengzhe is good, Zhou Zekai didn't say much. After all, it is normal for young people to get to know each other. Now his sister is not so worried because after coming to Chen Xian's house, he Have already made clear the position of the two of them.

Chen Xianyue saw that the brothers and sisters of the Zhou family were becoming more and more satisfied. Even during the Chinese New Year, the gang gathered and took Zhou Zekai and Zhou Xianxian together. The high value of the two people surprised a lot of people, but about Zhou Zekai The name is already in the first half of the year. Everyone will not want to mess with Chen Xian's son, not to mention that this son is still capable. In addition to looking at the scene, he has also made a lot of famous names in business. Xian has made a lot of money in the past six months, causing eyes to be hot.

Of course, the most amazing thing for everyone is the relationship between Long Mengzhe and Zhou Xianxian. Once Zhou Xianxian arrived at the venue, Long Mengzhe was taken care of by him. As long as someone came to chat with him, Long Mengzhe was more like Like nursing food, anyone can tell that he likes Zhou Xianxian last week.

Chen Xian also knows the interesting things between Long Mengzhe and Zhou Xianxian. They feel that both are children and play and play, but the boss of the Black Dragon Gang thinks this girl is good.

"Xiao Chen, I see that your son and daughter are really good. Look at my little bunny. After seeing people, I haven't walked away. It's the same as anything else. Otherwise, let's get together. ~ "

Long Boss don't look at the many mistresses, but Long Mengzhe's son is not because Long Mengzhe's mother is capable, but really, the woman who has followed Long Boss gave birth to two girls, but Can not give birth to a handle, so Long Lao Nature is extra pampered with his only son, and intends to leave everything to him in the future.

Of course, Zhou Xianxian is a beautiful and sensible girl, and she is also very generous. The main thing is that she is Chen Xian's daughter. In this case, if her son comes to the fore, Chen Xian Tie will help ...

Boss Long fell in the middle of Chen Xian's ears, so he naturally knew what it meant, but he didn't feel strange, nodded.

"I think this is fine, but it depends on whether the two children are willing or not. If they are willing, they can be considered a natural pair."

For half a year, Chen Xian has been enough to understand the two brothers and sisters of the Zhou family. Don't look at Zhou Zekai who doesn't like to talk, but when he encounters things, he is very capable. Although Zhou Xianxian is young, he is not stupid. Can be with Long Mengzhe, who will control who is not necessarily at that time ...

"Oh? That's OK, I'll let them call them over!" Boss Long is honest. As long as his son likes it, Boss Long is of course willing to help his son.

Soon, Zhou Xianxian and Long Mengzhe were called over.

"Father, Uncle Long." Zhou Xianxian wore an ice-blue dress today. The whole person is really like a fairy. When the boss looks closer, he feels that his son has a good vision. If he has a child in the future, he will definitely look good. of.

"Dad! Uncle Xian!"

Long Mengzhe is very active. I don't know why his father and Uncle Xian came to him.

The boss looked at his son's happy eyebrows and smiled.

"Xianxian, right? I heard Mengzhe say you are classmates?"

Zhou Xianxian knew that the person in front of him was the boss of the Black Dragon Gang. Naturally, he did not dare to neglect, and a sign smiled on his face.

"Yes, Uncle Long, we are in a class."

"Is there any girl Mengzhe likes in school?" Long Boss continued to dig. Before Xianxian had time to speak this week, he was directly interrupted by Long Mengzhe.

"Dad! Why are you doing this! I go to school to work hard, what girl I like!" Long Mengzhe said and took a peek at Zhou Xianxian. With this careful thinking, I guess only I don't know, the others are At a glance.

This is the case for young children. When they like someone, their eyes can't lie to them.

"Oh? Then I just called you and there is another good thing I want to tell you. It seems that you don't want to listen to it." Boss Long deliberately teased his son. Although Boss Long has been mixing on the road for so long, his son is a bit naive. Some, but the boss knows that the child will grow up in the future.

Long Mengzhe has long been accustomed to his father's routine, and did not answer. He just looked at his father and waited for his father to speak. This old boss, who was always unsmiling in front of other younger brothers, was quite wrong in front of his son.

"That's it, isn't Xianxian your Uncle Chen's daughter? I think you are also quite old. You might as well get engaged when you become an adult. Let me be your in-laws with your Uncle Chen. What do you think? Xianxian, my child is still very good, do you like it? "

Zhou Xianxian was stunned by such news. He couldn't help looking at Long Mengzhe next to him. Long Mengzhe was also blinded. He never expected that his dad would put himself together with the girl he likes. Full of stars.

However, he still suppressed his happiness, looked at Zhou Xianxian aside, and found that Zhou Xianxian was not as happy as he was, but he didn't know why he was lost ...

In fact, Zhou Xianxian doesn't mean to hate Long Mengzhe, but she feels that Long Mengzhe doesn't look like a gangster master, weak. Compared to being a girlfriend, it is still very good. If she is her man, Zhou Xianxian is really I was afraid that Long Mengzhe would not resist.

Thinking of Zhou Xianxian looking at Chen Xian, this man who is now her father, she believes that any decision made by this person, even if she is to be with Long Mengzhe, is no problem.

It was this person who saved her and her brother.

Although Chen Xian promised to be the in-law's relative to the boss, he knew that the girl Zhou Xianxian had an idea, so he said.

"Xianxian, Longge means that if you like Mengzhe, we will be your in-laws. If you don't like it, then we adults will not force it."

It fully gave Zhou Xianxian the opportunity to choose, so that Long Mengzhe on the side seemed to be entangled. Although I was expecting that Zhou Xianxian could promise to be engaged to him in the end, but I was also afraid that if the other party refused on the spot, wouldn't he be very shameless ?

Long Mengzhe, who was caught in self-abandonment, didn't know that he looked like he had fallen in love at this time. He absolutely liked Zhou Xianxian.

Zhou Xianxian lived so big, because such a beautiful face has also been liked by many people. When she first met Long Mengzhe and was saved by the hero, she knew that Long Mengzhe was because she liked her. s face.

That's right, love at first sight is to get acquainted with it. Of course, Zhou Xianxian understands this, but when thinking about the appearance of Long Mengzhe around him in the past six months, Zhou Xianxian also thinks that the boy is very cute.

"Uncle Long, I think Mengzhe is fine."

Zhou Xianxian thought for a while and gave the answer, which made Long Mengzhe next to her overwhelmed and overwhelmed, and also made the boss very satisfied. After all, his son can be happy, and of course he is also happy.

Chen Xian glanced at Zhou Xianxian and said nothing else. For the brothers and sisters of this week, Chen Xian has always adopted a stocking model. The relationship between the two brothers and sisters has naturally been a thousand miles in the past six months, so I understand that since Zhou Xianxian herself After making such a decision, he should know what the outcome of this matter is, so he does not stop it.

"Okay, okay, just like Mengzhe. In this case, I'll arrange your engagement when you're mature."

Looking at the appearance of his son and little girl, the boss of Long felt that this girl must be able to change many things of Mengzhe. Now Mengzhe is too soft-hearted and needs to be educated.

As for Long Mengzhe on the side, he had been aggressive at this time. It never occurred to him that he only chased the girl for more than half a year. Before this man caught up with him, his dad took the shot and made the girl all of a sudden. With his fiancée, this made Long Mengzhe happy and silly.

Boss Long is helpless for such a son.

"Mengzhe, Xianxian agreed with you, what do you think? Would you like to get engaged with Xianxian?"

When Long Mengzhe heard this, why didn't he dare to rush? He nodded madly, just like a marmot happily, he couldn't bear to look straight.

So after the two big men left, Long Mengzhe was nervous and didn't know how to talk to Zhou Xianxian.

"You, rest assured, Xianxian, I will always be good to you!"

Listening to Long Mengzhe's voice of assurance, Zhou Xianxian was speechless and glanced at the man's thin body.

"Good to me? If you're good to me, exercise well, I don't want to take the time to save you next time I fight."

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