The Best Male God

Chapter 1260: Brother and Sister Sold 3

Zhou Zekai's performance shocked everyone and made Chen Xian very satisfied.

Looking at the appearance of Zhou Lixin's snot, Zhou Zekai retracted his hand, took out his knife, looked at the bright red blade, and then looked sideways to Chen Xian.

"Xiang, my dad's usury can be repaid, but I hope you can let my dad take a good note and let him know that gambling is a bad behavior. Otherwise, I don't know what I will do ~ "

The teenager's voice was clear, but the words spoken made Zhou Lixin hate to death, and Chen Xian nodded with satisfaction.

"Of course this is fine, but your dad's usury, I can help you pay it back. In this case, you and your sister don't have to carry debts, of course, as long as you promise me one thing."

Chen Xian has decided to make this child his own heir. At this time, a smile appeared on his face, but it seems quite blooming, so that everyone else understands, I am afraid that Brother Xian has looked after Zhou Zekai, otherwise , Will not say such a thing.

"Xiang brother, you say, this is already the case anyway, and I have nothing to promise."

Zhou Zekai shook his hands. In fact, more than 6 million was just a matter of time for him. It was just that the time he came here was too unfortunate. He just met Chen Xian, so Zhou Zekai didn't mind showing his own alternative, let Chen Xian Fancy your own.

When Chen Xian saw this child, he knew that he was a smart person. He got up from the chair and walked in front of Zhou Zekai. Then he reached out and took the **** knife in Zhou Zekai's hand and smiled.

"Children are not suitable to play with this kind of thing. So, you come to be my son. I will help you pay off your father's debt. Of course, this is my son, but it has nothing to do with your family in the future. . "

This child, like a wolf, is definitely suitable for survival in the circle. Chen Xian is looking forward to seeing the future of this child.

After all, there are not many children who can make a choice between family relationships. This child's calmness makes Chen Xian very much appreciated.

Zhou Zekai guessed Chen Xian's idea. In fact, in the wishing person's memory, Chen Xian did find a godson, and that godson was really powerful. In the end, he even killed Chen Xian. He can be considered very powerful, so because These are the first calculations made by Zhou Zekai, Chen Xian. As long as he can become Chen Xian's son, those people will not dare to move him.

However, six million yuan is completely stress-free for Chen Xian.

Looking at Chen Xian in front of him, this is a more human person in the Black Dragon Gang, so Zhou Zekai feels that it is still possible to be the son of this person.

"Yes, but Brother Xian, I want to take my sister. This is an exchange."

At this time, Zhou Zekai was extraordinarily calm, letting Zhou Xianxian aside, she looked down at her brother, she really did not expect that her brother would be attracted to the underworld people, and she would let her be his son. This is What development ...

Chen Xian also glanced at Zhou Xianxian. Although she was not very satisfied with this girl like filigree, she did not object to Zhou Zekai taking her sister. After all, everyone needs a soft underbelly. Otherwise, there is nothing flawless. He would not rest assured if he was in his hands.

"Okay, of course your sister can take it. You will all be my children in the future."

He smiled softly, and seemed to be completely different from the man who was full of aura before, and Zhou Zekai also laughed.

Chen Xian and Zhou Zekai, who have just become father and son here, are very satisfied with each other's identity, and the abused Zhou Lixin is now extremely embarrassed, his hair is soaked with sweat, because of the pain and gnashing his teeth. After a while, I ca n’t even call it now, so when Zhou Lixin heard this, he felt terribly hated. His own son even easily recognized others as fathers ...

"Then what do you think he should do?"

Chen Xian looked at the newly-born son and was in a good mood. Such a child, if cultivated well, would be a very good person, so Chen Xian felt that he had accepted Zhou Zekai's younger sister with difficulty.

At this time, Chen Xian looked to Zhou Lixin aside and gave the person's treatment to Zhou Zekai.

Zhou Xianxian only saw the situation of his father Zhou Lixin at this time and was taken aback. He took Zhou Zekai's arm and shouted weakly.


His voice was trembling, and the sixteen-year-old was scared by the scene in front of him.

"Okay, okay ~ it's okay, don't be afraid ~"

Gentle to appease her sister, Zhou Zekai then looked at Chen Xian in front of her, but also his future father, and spoke directly.

"Father, I hope he never shows up in my sight again, and so does the casino."

This father pleased Chen Xian very well, so that Chen Xian, a childless man, had a strange feeling in his heart, so he nodded.

"Take someone away."

There is no need to explain other things, these younger brothers also know what Chen Xian meant, and the two people quickly pulled Zhou Lixin away.

After Zhou Lixin left, the atmosphere was a little embarrassing. Chen Xian looked at the newly released son very satisfied, but did not know how to speak. Zhou Xianxian was a little afraid of this person, and always felt that the usury was not a good person.

On the contrary, Zhou Zekai was the most comfortable, and introduced his sister.

"Xianxian, this is our father in the future, you remember, Zhou Lixin is no longer our father, understand?"

Zhou Xianxian was forced to look up at Chen Xian. This man who still seemed to have a bit of scholarly style was not so scared, but he was still a little shy at the thought of his identity, but he listened to his brother's words.

"Father, father ..."

Since the death of his mother, what his brother said was what, Zhou Xianxian believed that his brother would not harm himself. Even if he was so scared of the man in front of him, he shouted at each other.

Suddenly there were two children, although Chen Xian was not in the consideration for a while, but Chen Xian looked at the beautiful little girl and called herself, but she did not object.

"Well, you can go with me. You don't have to pack anything here. Get your ID and go home with me."

That ’s right, it ’s going home. Since you want to raise your family as a future child, of course, Chen Xian is going to take them home. As for the money owed by Zhou Lixin, that ’s not a problem.

"Okay, father."

Zhou Zekai did not object to Chen Xian ’s father. He took his sister to find his identity certificate. After arriving at another house, he quickly found the identity cards and household registration books of the two. When he wanted to go out, he was stopped by Zhou Xianxian. .

"Brother, brother ... we, shall we really go with that person?"

She's still a little scared. It's not clear how things turned out like this, and her father owes so much money. Will my brother be cheated ...

She looked at her brother pleadingly, and seemed to want a good explanation.

Zhou Zekai is also unable to such a soft sister, reaching out and touching each other's head.

"Xianxian, that person is our future father. He won't lie to us. Besides, Zhou Lixin is the one who pushed us into the fire pit, do you understand? Do you remember mother's death?"

Soothing her sister, Zhou Zekai thought of the mother of this body. When she was ill, she only said that she would let her brother and sister depend on each other, but she did not mention her former husband, and she even wanted her two children to avoid her husband. From this matter, pay attention Prove one thing, that is, she has seen through Zhou Lixin, knowing that two children will be destroyed by Zhou Lixin.

Zhou Xianxian also remembered her mother's confession before her death. Although she was still a little afraid, her brother made the right choice. She believed in her brother.

"Well, I remember what Mom and Mom said. I know. I will be obedient."

After the two had spoken, they went out. Chen Xian watched them smile and went out of the rental house together.

There was such a big thing here, but looking at so many people, everyone didn't dare to worry about it. After Zhou Zekai and his sister Zhou Xianxian came out, Zhou Zekai and the landlord said goodbye. The landlord didn't say anything, just hope that the brother and sister One can be good.

After going out, there was a black car, Chen Xian got on the car, the brother and sister sat behind, the atmosphere was a little silent, but soon, the car started, and the destination was Chen Xian's villa.

Anyway, for more than 20 years, Chen Xian has a villa of her own. The car arrived at the villa almost an hour later. As my brother Zhou Xianxian got off the bus, it was very shocking to see this villa. She never saw her. Been to such a luxurious place.

Zhou Zekai was very calm. After walking in with Chen Xian, he saw the housekeeper and servants inside.

"Uncle Wang, this is my future son, Zhou Zekai, and a daughter, Zhou Xianxian, you ask Wang Aier to help arrange the room."

Chen Xian told the housekeeper of his villa that two outsiders came to the house all of a sudden. In fact, Chen Xian was a little uncomfortable.

Uncle Wang was surprised when he saw the two beautiful brothers and sisters, but didn't say much, and hurriedly asked his wife to arrange.

Zhou Zekai and Zhou Xianxian stood in this magnificent European-style decoration hall, and Chen Xian sat on the sofa.

"Sit down, this will be your home in the future, feel free."

After he finished speaking, Zhou Zekai pulled Zhou Xianxian to sit aside, making Chen Xian even feel that the child had a color and could be cultivated in the future.

"My real name is Chen Xian. The constitution of the constitution will be your father in the future. I hope you will be satisfied with me. In this way, everyone will be more happy with each other. I do n’t need you to change your name, but the hukou is moved ,is that OK?"

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