The Best Male God

Chapter 1231: Lovers become brothers and sisters 3

National private science and technology forums are no longer hidden private forums in a sense. They are like private forums of a national nature. People staying in this place are not only national red guests but also Many scientific researchers, some of them will send some of the things they find out for communication and use, so the confidentiality is very strong.

The administrator of the forum, Heilong, found the K's message as soon as possible. After all, people hung the word directly on the head of his website, so Heilong didn't realize that the other party was so arrogant.

Correct! Arrogant! If it weren't for the message above in Chinese, I'm afraid that Heilongjiang would take all of this as a provocation to their country. After all, putting such things in such a national forum is really a bit strange to the mind.

The first time after Heilongong saw the news, he was controlling the background and wanted to delete this message. After all, since the other party can leave such a sentence on their forum, it proves that the other party must have cracked the background of the forum. The background side cannot control this message.

After that, Heilong started to enter the code the first time, and wanted to eliminate this message, but Zhou Zekai has experienced so many worlds, and every time the technology is changing, so this little thing is just the simplest for him. It's just code, although it may be a bit difficult for others.

After working for more than ten minutes, Black Dragon found that he could not crack the code, nor could he delete the message. He directly contacted another administrator to start the operation. In addition, he looked at the login record in the background and wanted to check it. Ip, but found out that this message seems to be implanted out of thin air, there is no Ip information at all.

The administrators of the forum also joined these breaches. Some people also listened to the recordings left by Zhou Zekai, but they didn't hear anything strange, they just thought it was an uncivilized transaction, and didn't think there was anything wrong.

However, the mad dragon in the forum called the administrator directly.

"Lao Hei, this person seems to be surrendering ..."

Although it seems to destroy the website, it actually proved his ability in this way. After all, this is a very difficult task for Heiduo hackers.

"This is not what we need to consider for the time being. What we need to consider now is to quickly eliminate this message and reduce the impact of this matter, as well as the recording. I have made people investigate, and now people are really brazen. Yes, no humanity! "

Heilong doesn't plan to look for someone like what he said in the message, but the contents of the recording show that there is a problem at first glance. In order to prevent a little girl from jumping into the fire pit, he still intends to let people investigate and follow his first Six senses, the person who sent the recording is most likely related to the girl, otherwise they would not be told this way ...

"Okay, I'll try again, but I don't look good at it. The code he uses is a serial code that I have never seen before, and it will automatically reset after cracking one. In this case, we will always never Can't crack this code ... "

After the mad dragon spoke up, he hung up the phone, and the black dragon could only continue to want to withdraw this message, even if the other party was strong, but this behavior was already provocative to the country, so he decided to find this person IP address.

This night is destined to be unsettling. In addition to the Black Dragon, many people saw this sentence and the audio after logging in to the forum! The two million in it and the five-year fostering, the parents of the girl's twins who had broken off their legs, these data were integrated together, making these researchers all bite their teeth.

Can a person do whatever he wants when he has the money? How did you want to raise another girl?

That night Heilong received a lot of calls from these academies. All the old experts said that they must investigate what this man is, even if they dare to be so crazy, they dare to raise a girl for two million Five years of youth! They did n’t even see these before, but now that they have seen them, of course they are reluctant to let this happen again.

Heilong is called a busy man. He must be busy cracking this code, and he must be busy investigating the old experts who these two people are!

Although there is no name from beginning to end in the audio, the term “student” is still more targeted, and the condition of the girl suddenly came out. The parents died, and the brother broke his leg recently. The side news network started the activity as soon as possible.

How fast is the country's network of relationships?

It was only an hour. Heilongjiang got all the information of Zhou Yishu. He was held by his parents when he was a child. After he grew up, he studied and was admitted to a good university. Five months ago, his parents went out to travel and died. Brother's legs were broken by the driver, and everything seemed to fall on the girl at once, making people feel a little sympathy for her.

I can imagine how shocked the girl was when she made such a request while the school principal was struggling to take care of her family. In the audio, the girl's voice was shaking, I do n’t know if it was fear or fear.

Black Dragon carefully studied Zhou Yishu's data, and did not find any strange people around Zhou Yishu. So who is the person who is injustice for Zhou Yishu?

That's right, the Black Dragon is very certain. The legendary K puts this audio up to make him find the trouble of the man. As long as he pushes the boat, he can find this magic K!

As for why Black Dragon's mood has changed, I'm sorry, it was because he found a lot of red guests to crack Zhou Zekai's message, but found that it didn't work at all, the other party even skipped the background program and became a whole, This kind of technology is simply not available to ordinary hackers, so Black Dragon has decided to recruit this hacker!

With Zhou Yishu's information, then it is good to investigate who this so-called senior is!

The student information of Zhou Yishu School was also quickly transferred to Heilong's hands. It was easy to find this person. First, the foreigners were screened because the man's accent was local, and the second was to screen those rich people. !! Those who can take out two million to support other people must be rich. In fact, there are only a few schools at a time!

As long as the boat is pushed so smoothly, the news of this man will soon be recruited.

The relationship network of Heilong is in action, and the red customers are also trying to overcome the messages on this official forum. After all, it is very bad to leave such things here.

Zhou Zekai slept very comfortably this night. Although his leg was broken, he only needs to get used to life without legs. Recently, Zhou Zekai designed a wheelchair that is convenient for him. When those people come over, he Let those people do it, I believe they are still happy to bleed!

Zhou Yishu was lying in bed and she couldn't sleep over and over again. She couldn't figure out why Academician Chu Xi suddenly asked her so much. Obviously she had n’t met the senior a few times before. Even if the senior really wanted to Looking for someone to do such a thing, it shouldn't be for yourself ...

I remembered that when I was at school, many students said that Chu Xi was a male god. Zhou Yishu never thought that the other party was such a person! Isn't it pure emotion to like? Why does the other person raise a puppet? Has it been done so many times before?

All sorts of speculations came to mind, making Zhou Yishu almost sleepless, because she was too hard these days.

Is it really the legendary misfortune? Every thing that happened since this year was so unacceptable. Mom and Dad went out on a trip and managed to deal with Mom and Dad's affairs. His brother's leg broke. Zhou Yishu almost collapsed when he knew about it. Instead, when I saw the quiet brother, my heart was even more sad, and I cried several times while carrying my brother.

My older brother obviously likes to laugh, but since the surgery, my brother has not laughed much, and in order to take care of my brother, she has taken a lot of leave. If my brother's mood can no longer cheer up, Zhou Yishu feels sure Will crash.

In this world, she has only her brother and a relative, so she is determined not to allow her to leave her!

Holding messy thoughts, Zhou Yishu shed tears secretly again. Previously, Zhou Yishu loved to laugh, but now she burst into tears.

When I woke up in the morning, Zhou Yishu saw that his eyes were reddish, and he hurriedly applied makeup. After all, his pale face looked really terrible. If my brother saw it, he would be a little bit refreshed. Worry my brother.

Because his brother had a broken leg, Zhou Yishu was afraid that his brother would go to the bathroom. He went to bed at twelve in the evening and got up at five in the morning, so he quickly painted himself. Outside the door, shouted towards the inside.

"Brother, are you awake? Would you like to go to the bathroom?"

At first, the brother and sister would still be a little embarrassed, but now, Zhou Zekai no longer feels embarrassed. Hearing his sister's voice, he said.

"I woke up, come in ~"

There is a wheelchair here, so after Zhou Yishu came in, he lifted Zhou Zekai's quilt first, then picked up his trousers and replaced his brother. After the brother had a leg problem, this little girl Zhou Yishu was waiting for Zhou Zekai ...

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