The Best Male God

Chapter 1229: Lovers become brothers and sisters 1

Mingzhou City, on the prosperous Anyang Street, in a high-end cafe, a man in a luxurious costume sits there, looking at the woman in front of his face expressionlessly.

The woman was wearing a simple white shirt and blue jeans, and her hair was like noodles in clear soup. Only that face looked pretty beautiful, and it seemed a little disturbed to sit there.

"I heard about your brother, your parents died, and my brother had such a thing. How do you solve this, a girl?"

He said, seemingly inadvertently, with a good-looking frown, making this woman who had suffered a family accident suddenly reddened.

"Senior ..." Zhou Yishu looked at the senior who was sought after by many people in the school with red eyes, and knew who this person was-Chu Xi.

A famous student in their school, the vice president of the Student Union, a well-off family, a younger sister who has been selected as the goddess on campus, and she is so far apart.

In fact, at this time, she should be staying with her brother at home. Her brother's legs were broken and she was stimulated. She ran out because of a little grievance. As a result, she encountered the senior and Zhou Yishu complained very much. I shouldn't have left my brother alone ...

"So, do you think the money is enough?"

Chu Xi's next behavior surprised Zhou Yishu, because the other party actually took out a check, filled in a number, and pushed it over, making Zhou Yishu full of unbelievable, and then saw the number on the check, two million……

The hand on the side clenched involuntarily. She never expected that the senior would do this, but this cheque should not be meant to help. Let Zhou Yishu sigh in his heart and look at the person in front of her. There was trembling in the voice.

"Senior, you, what do you mean?"

Two million dollars, not two hundred dollars, even if the two of them have a good relationship, it is not money that they can easily get out, but what is it now? She didn't know the senior at school. She came to see her girlfriends this time, but she didn't expect that the girlfriends didn't come. It turned out that she was Chu Xi.

Chu Xi was a little impatient. She glanced at the woman in front of her, thinking of her radiant younger sister, which was a little irritable.

"That's what you think. Give you two million. You take it to treat your brother. I support you for five years. How about that?"

This kind of wording was brought up casually, so that Zhou Yishu felt instantly that she seemed to be stripped off in the eyes of the other person. It was an unprecedented shame in her heart. Although she had an accident at home, she was also dad. My mother's beloved child, although his brother has broken his leg, he will cheer up sooner or later. Why can this man insult himself with his money so casually?

Zhou Yishu felt only a moment of nausea in his heart. Looking more at this man was disgusting. Obviously, this man looks very good.

"Senior, although there is something wrong with our family, I haven't reached that point yet. Thank you for your concern. I am fine now. I am also very good with my brother. Sooner or later, my brother will cheer up. I think these Qian Xuechang should be left to those who are useful. "

After speaking, stood up without waiting for Chu Xi to speak, and turned and left in a panic.

She felt that her self-esteem was insulted, and that her personality was also insulted. The whole person seemed to be trampled under someone's feet, and trampled at will. When Zhou Yishu turned around, she reddened her eyes. People do n’t want to see it. At this moment, I want to see her brother, even if she comes out in the morning, she just lost her temper with her brother.

Seeing the other party running away, Chu Xi became more impatient, but felt that the other party would come to him sooner or later. After all, the situation of the Zhou family, the boy's leg ... Oh, it worked for other men, Chu Xi's face Even worse.

As for Zhou Zekai, who was remembered by Chu Xi, he was broadcasting live to his laptop at the moment. While manipulating the characters in his mobile game, he squatted a wave of people and then said on the live broadcast platform.

"People who like my live broadcast can click to pay attention, and will be a regular live broadcaster for six hours every day!"

His voice was sober and indifferent, but it attracted many fans at first, but after seeing his amazing technology, the fans stayed in this live broadcast room, but a few days of work, this live broadcast room Fans have exceeded 10,000 people.

While playing the game, Zhou Zekai glanced at his broken leg. This time, this wisher was slightly miserable because his legs were broken! Why did it break? Car accident ... What is the cause of the car accident?

There is no other reason, it is because Zhou Yikai's sister Zhou Yishu.

Zhou's father and mother had an accident five months ago. Two people went out for a trip. As a result, the bus had a problem, which directly led to the death of Zhou's father and mother. He was hit by a drunk man. He was not killed. The car's violent collision caused his legs to be abolished. It is impossible to stand up in this life.

The reason why it all started is because of Zhou Yishu's true identity. Some people, in order to hide Zhou Yishu's true identity, hope that Zhou Yishu will be coveted by Jinwu before starting this series of actions.

Zhou Yishu was not a child of the Zhou family, but was brought back from the outside by the kindness of Zhou mother. She said she picked it up, but she did n’t know what was going on, but she was very fond of the girl Zhou Yishu from childhood. Zhou Yishu hasn't missed anything. Zhou Yishu is also a good girl. She knows how to obey her parents. She is a sensible girl, but ... if she didn't go to Mingzhou University, everything would seem so calm.

However, Zhou Yishu is a good learner. Unlike his brother who likes to play games, Zhou Yishu was admitted to Mingzhou University with very good grades. He even received scholarships at the school, which made Zhou Father Zhou Mu and Zhou Zekai always proud, because This is his best sister!

Unfortunately, in this school, Zhou Yishu met his classmate Chu Jiameng, and then met Chu Jiameng's brother Chu Xi. The Chu family was very wealthy, so Chu Xi's sophomore was already the vice chairman of the student union. Become chairman, and Chu Jiameng is also a goddess-level figure in the school. This pair of siblings seems to be very favored by God.

But this kind of care should not be placed on the tragedy of others. Chu Xi is an indifferent person. He is also very indifferent to his family. He only loves his born sister very much, and has been indifferent to other people since childhood. It seems that only when facing Chu Jiameng, it is as if he wants to give all the pets in this world to each other. If this is called fate, then this is really called evil fate!

I first loved Chu Jiameng's Chu Xi, the first to discover Chu Jiameng's true identity. Chu Jiameng had no blood relationship with his parents. The news was stopped immediately when Chu Ximen knew it. After that, whether it was Chu Jiameng's physical examination Still other things were controlled by Chu Xi. When two people reached adulthood and even went to college, no one knew Chu Jiameng's identity, not even Chu Jiameng himself.

However, it was strange that Chu Xi met Chu Jiameng's roommate Zhou Yishu at university. Without him, Zhou Yishu had a unique temperament, although he was not so beautiful, Chu Xi recognized the other party as his grandmother at a glance. Then I asked someone about Zhou Yishu's family, and knew that Zhou Yishu was not a child of the Zhou family.

In an instant, Zhou Yishu became the blocking stone of Chu Jiameng in Chu Xi ’s heart. He was very indifferent in nature. He had feelings for Chu Jiameng alone and was very indifferent to others. Therefore, he did n’t have any feelings for this biological sister. I don't think I can let the other party appear, because once a lie is broken, there are too many things to hide.

Because of this, Chu Xi planned to take action with Zhou Yishu. Originally, he wanted to let Zhou Yishu leave Chu Jiameng's sight. However, after a while, I heard the news of the death of Zhou's father and mother. This news made Chu Xi unprecedented. Nervous, because if Zhou's father and mother died, Zhou Yishu would have no parents. If she knew her life, she would definitely want to find her parents! He must stop Zhou Yishu from having such an idea! Create a drag for Zhou Yishu!

So a drunk car hit Zhou Yishu's brother Zhou Zekai, crushed directly on Zhou Zekai's legs, crushed his legs, and when he was sent to the hospital, how could he not be saved? The compensations given by the parents were all filled in Zhou Zekai's legs.

In this case, although a little girl from Zhou Yishu had taken care of her relatives, the relatives were able to take care of them for a few days. In fact, most of the time, Zhou Yishu was taking care of her brother. After leaving the hospital, his brother's legs had been worn out. My brother's scrubbing task fell on Zhou Yishu. This time I ran out secretly because I felt wronged, but when I was humiliated by Chu Xi, Zhou Yishu still thought of his only relative, his brother Zhou Zekai. .

When Zhou Yishu returned home, Zhou Zekai had finished the live broadcast, and then saw his sister kneeling in front of her, hugging her waist.


With a crying voice, Zhou Yishu has never been wronged as she is now. She dare not tell her brother about her insults, because her brother has such a bad temper, and now her legs have become like this. If something goes wrong, then she will really Has nothing ...

"what happened?"

Gently stroking each other's hair, Zhou Zekai knew what kind of grievance Zhou Yishu had suffered. The appearance of Chu Xi was not sunshine, but real hell.

As the biological brother of Zhou Yishu, knowing the identity of his sister, instead of acknowledging or compensating, he chose to support Zhou Yishu Jinwu Cangjiao. Such a person, Zhou Zekai would like to meet for a while ...

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