The Best Male God

Chapter 1226: Become a Domestic Violent Man 10

The purpose of coming to the casino is certainly not to make money. The main thing is to be close to the legendary Bai San Ye. The reason why Bai San Ye is called Bai San Ye is because Bai Kun is the third young master of the Bai family. As for Uncle Bai and Erbai Bai? Sorry, when fighting for power, Uncle Bai was dismissed, Grandpa Bai died, and Grandpa Bai was in a strong position. Although there are two younger brothers below, they were all abolished by Grandpa Bai.

It can be said that Bai Sanye's resolute and popular approach at that time let everyone on the road know that this man was a wolf cub, and then in time, this wolf cub became a real wild wolf.

As for why Bai Sanye wasn't close to women, he later adopted a child. It is said that it was because he got offspring when he was fighting for power in the early years. Some people also said that adopting that child was to discourage Bai Sanye. Anyway, everything is said, but the people outside don't know it. Bai Sanye raised this child and raised it, and he became a lover?

Although Bai Sanye likes Bai Baiyu at this moment, the two have already been in touch, but because he doesn't want to destroy Bai Baiyu, he always bears it, and he doesn't have the heart to let anyone hurt Bai Baiyu. This is probably like, like someone. I just want to give this person all the best things, and I don't want this person to be harmed in any way.

Zhou Zekai's visit this time is to help these two people. After all, who makes people love each other sincerely? Those who truly love should be together forever, don't they?

Zhou Zekai, who re-entered the casino, was quickly invited by Manager Wang to go upstairs. Sure enough, after Bai Yeye knew this, he was also very curious about Zhou Zekai, what is the legendary gambling method and what Can a person make everyone forget what he looks like? In particular, a few minutes before Zhou Zekai came, their monitoring system here was hacked. Even if they want to do a good job, it will be as early as tomorrow morning ...

So is this person doing the monitoring? Bai Sanye was curious about this person, so in the lounge, he saw Zhou Zekai brought in from the outside.

Seeing this person's appearance, Bai Kun's pupils tightened for a moment, because he knew the person in front of him.

Bai Kun's love for Bai Baiyu is needless to say, so he knows everything about Bai Baiyu. His paintings about Bai Baiyu are slightly imitated by this person, or Bai Kun's explanation is to drop people out of school. He had seen this face, but in the picture he saw, the other person was obviously a harmless young man, but now, the person standing behind Manager Wang is just like the sharp sword of Kaifeng. With the bloodthirsty light.

Manager Wang quickly retreated, leaving Bai Kun and Zhou Zekai in the lounge. Zhou Zekai was sitting in front of the Bai Sanye casually.

I have to say that this third white man has the capital to talk about forgetting his new year's love. Don't look at the other person's age. This person is almost forty years old. He looks handsome and has a good figure. It's excusable for people to like it, but what Zhou Zekai doesn't care about most is that the other party's wanton use of power to destroy others' lives.

Of course, from this point, Zhou Zekai feels that he is actually very similar to the other person, because he has too many things, so when he is used to punish others, it is very easy to use. , You will not look at yourself as a person, to people, naturally there is no sympathy and empathy.

Bai Kun also looked at the boy who seemed to be transformed. The atmosphere in the lounge was frozen, but with a touch of tension, the silence between the two people was like a tug of war, it seemed to see who started first.

Zhou Zekai wore a bracelet with a bell on her wrist, and her fingers were gently placed on the sofa, waiting for Bai Kun to talk.

Bai Kun originally intended to press the other side, but when he heard the crisp bell sound, all the aura he created disappeared, so he could speak coldly.

"You're the one who took 50 million of my casino last night? Zhou Zekai?"

Zhou Zekai's name was called, and Bai Kun's response made Zhou Zekai very satisfied. This Bai Kun still remembers the name of the victim.

"I didn't expect Bai Sanye to remember my name. I thought Bai Sanye was busy. He's been busy for more than a year. I should forget about me ~"

Zhou Zekai smiled, and the bell on his hand continued to make a noise, which made Bai Kun even more unhappy about the young man in front of him.

"Oh? Then you come here this time, do you really want to be a dealer in my casino, or come to avenge me?"

At that time, all the things he did were the simplest things in Bai Kun's view. These people were like ants to him. If they wanted to die, they would die. Now suddenly a ant became stronger. This is a challenged thing for Bai Kun.

Zhou Zekai's words to Bai Kun were shaken by the index finger, and then slowly said.

"How dare I take revenge on Bai Sanye? I just ... Well, as your adopted son's classmate, I want to talk to Bai Sanye. Don't Bai Sanye want to know about it?

He was not afraid that it was Bai Kun's territory. For Zhou Zekai, even if Bai Kun was killed at this time, he still had a way to go out safely, and the police could not find any clues.

But how fun is it to die? He just wanted to thank Bai Baiyu for his best behavior, didn't he give Bai Baiyu a gift?

"You can say it." Bai Kun seemed calm, in fact, with a gun on his body, he was not afraid of how the young man was treating him in front of him, and all of his people were outside. Out here.

Zhou Zekai likes to deal with such people. Bai Kun, because he has seen too many lives and deaths in the underworld, is particularly obsessed with clean people, such as his appearance Bai Baiyu, Bai Baiyu is probably in his heart It is as pure as an angel. It is precisely this spring that made Bai Kun like Bai Baiyu, but what Zhou Zekai wants to dig is the dark side of this kind of person.

For example, people who have been on the battlefield will have the sequelae of the battlefield. People like Bai Kun are most afraid of being betrayed by their own people. This is the demon of such people, so Zhou Zekai will amplify this demon.

"Well, then I said, you have a relationship with my classmate, your adopted son Bai Baiyu, isn't it?"

With a smile in his voice, Bai Kun in front of him took out the gun directly, and the muzzle just hit Zhou Zekai's forehead, as if the next second, he would shoot the other person to death.

"Zhou Zekai, you should know, know too many people, what is the end."

Bai Sanye has been concealing this matter, and no more than three people know about it. As a result, a person who suddenly appeared said that he could see the situation between him and his adopted son. Why wouldn't Bai Kun be anxious?

Because he was hinted by Zhou Zekai before, he was extremely uncomfortable before taking out his gun, which proves that Bai Sanye has stepped into Zhou Zekai's hypnosis.

"Bai Sanye, I do n’t know too much, but sometimes, people are still very sensitive. You think you do n’t know, in fact, maybe everyone knows, just pretending not to know, the king ’s new clothes have not heard No one cares whether the king wears clothes or not. What they need to do is flatter the king. A clever man like Bai Sanye must know what I mean? "

Even after being pointed at the gun by the gun, Zhou Zekai was very calm. After saying this, he continued to say.

"Of course, besides that, there is also Bai Sanye your age. How old are you than Bai Baiyu? You know in 20 years. When you are old, he is still in his prime. Take care of him, he must have become a great painter. Will you say that he still has you in his heart? Oh ... No, I should say, is he really dealing with you now? Is it really because you control it? Is his life? "

Zhou Zekai's eyes were very calm, and he looked at some flustered Bai Sanye and sighed in his heart. Anyone who encounters such things as feelings will always have some problems.

This kind of thing is probably called brain flooding ...

Bai Kun was really messed up at this time, because Zhou Zekai was right. He was a person with a strong desire for control. After adopting Bai Baiyu, he also had a strong control over Bai Baiyu. Later, he became more like Bai Baiyu. Needless to say, he knows that he has been controlling his feelings for so long, and has been controlling himself not to impose yoke on Bai Baiyu.

That was his last clean harbor. As soon as he returned to that home and saw the smile on Bai Baiyu's face, he felt that everything could be cured, but now, Bai Kun was said by Zhou Zekai, and even some doubts that the adopted child is true. Do you like yourself? Or is it just playing at the scene? And those of his subordinates, do they already know their relationship with Bai Baiyu? Are they deceiving themselves?

Once he had such an idea, Bai Sanye felt that he couldn't control his thoughts, and there was more worry in his heart.

Zhou Zekai believes that no one under Bai Sanye can see this situation. No matter how good the relationship between an adoptive father and adopted son is, it will not be as sweet as the lover, so let alone men are slow and men are sometimes very smart. .

"Xiao Yu likes me, he won't betray me ..."

Talking, Bai Sanye's eyes had been emptied. Zhou Zekai watched that the man had been hypnotized by himself, reached out and took down the gun in front of him, then looked at the flustered man, and continued to seduce.

"He will. If you keep giving him freedom, he will meet people he likes better. You are too old and he will hate you, so what will you do before he abandons you?"

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