The Best Male God

Chapter 1207: Look at the world of faces 1

Zhou Zekai, who woke up again, opened his eyes and saw a cheap room, full of cheapness, and even the posters of many unknown stars posted on the wall. The colorful hair on that head was really spicy. eye.

Getting up from the bed, Zhou Zekai felt very heavy, and instantly realized that he had come into the body of the wishing person.

This cheap room is a rented house. After graduating from college, he lives in this cheap rented house, even for some special reasons, he can't even find a job ...

Although this room is messy, there is a place that is still clean, that is, a mirror on the wall, and a weight scale in front of the mirror. Seeing these two things, Zhou Zekai also frowned, looking from this waiting mirror To the body this time.

In short, it is a word-fat! !! !!

There seems to be no other adjectives except a fat word!

Not to mention the appearance of bloated body, it is said that this face has been wrinkled with fat, eyes can hardly be seen, lips look scary, and when the face is full of meat, the nose will give The feeling of a person collapsing, and the natural curls that make people look more irritable, people really don't want to look at it more! Because my body is not only fat, but also ugly! !! !!

When Zhou Zekai was looking at himself in the mirror, he suddenly heard a sound in his mind.

[Master, welcome to get up. You got up an hour, 46 minutes, and 23 seconds earlier than yesterday. Do you start exercising? 】

This voice reminded Zhou Zekai, where he was, and what the talking thing was.

This is a strange urban plane. In this plane, the face value is king. It is a true beauty age. Anyone who wants to survive in this society must have a favorite face. If you look ugly and sorry, 80% of the resources in this world will be closed to you!

The wisher was also a little angel who looked at him well. He even shot commercials when he was a kid, and then it became a hit! It ’s just a pity that this time did n’t last long. When the parents died, the relatives divided up the wisher ’s property, and then the wisher ’s life began to take another look. Although he had a good friend, he was getting along with this good friend. He It started to get fatter and fatter. The cute little angel who was once gone is gone. What is left now is the bloated and cumbersome fat man.

His good friend Yang Yihai has already become a star, and even now is a very red idol group, and the wisher has spent his life in such a cheap rental house.

In this country, each person will have a matching light brain after birth. It is actually a kind of personal information controller controlled by the main brain. It can help the host to do something and can provide the host with a lot of information. It can be said to be very useful.

As for this light brain reminder, it is the wishing person to arrange a weight loss task for himself every day, although he has never really completed this task.

"No exercise for now."

Zhou Zekai rejected the invitation from Guangnao, and then walked to the weight scale. After standing up, he heard the sound of the scale's machinery.

"Your weight is 98.6 kilos. I wish you a good day."

After hearing this result, Zhou Zekai raised his eyebrows, and some missed the fairy slimming pills, but his task this time was very simple. The wisher hoped that he could lose weight and then become a person who likes it! I hope countless people like him!

This is about the last request made by a fat boy in such a face-seeing world.

The wishing person is one meter eighty-three in height and weighs almost two hundred pounds. If you want to lose weight, you have to pay hard work that ordinary people can't pay! Of course, Zhou Zekai can also choose to improve himself with drugs, but the problem now is-he has no money!

That's right! Having accepted the memory of the wishing person, Zhou Zekai found that at most he had less than a thousand dollars left. In this world, if he wanted to buy drugs for making medicine, at least tens of thousands would be needed. It's hard to walk.

From the weight scale, Zhou Zekai looked at the bloated man in the mirror and seemed to understand why he couldn't find a job himself.

how to say? In this age of beauty, if you look ugly, you are sorry for the society. To put it bluntly, even the judges on TV will say, "Why don't you try to save money for cosmetic surgery?

In short, 80% of the professions in the world are related to looks. They are like their own wishers. They tried hard to find work before. Even when they were in college, they did very well. OK, even if there are no good people who wish, because the employees in the company are good, then guests will feel good when they see it.

There are many stars in this world, but there are not many famous ones. Because there are too many good-looking people, it leads to endless levels in the celebrity circle. Everyone is like a meteor. After red, it is forgotten by everyone. Over time, the celebrities have also formed a profession. It is absolutely false to say that it is more profitable. Just the company ’s training and hype, it has invested a lot of money, like Yang Yihai, Zhou Zekai ’s friend, who has debuted for four years. It's one of the hottest men's groups today, and that's it, even the houses on Beijing can't afford it ...

From this point, it is enough to prove how many beautiful people are in this world.

Looking at his face in the mirror, Zhou Zekai suddenly thought of a sentence that he had seen on the Internet before, saying that the beautiful face is the same, the interesting soul picks it all out ... Now seeing his own face, he suddenly feels very Want to know, who would be willing to discover the interesting soul under this skin through such a bad-looking face?

Sometimes, the first contact between a person and a person comes from the impression. It is better to say that Zhou Zekai is superficial and to say that he is face-controlled. At least in Zhou Zekai ’s view, seeing each other ’s face is the first level of understanding of a person. Want to keep in touch with a person, at least you have to dislike his face?

Now having such a face that people don't want to see, Zhou Zekai can only think of ways to make himself look better.

Every fat man is a potential stock, Zhou Zekai still believes this sentence.

However, it is urgent to make money now, because the wishing person has been unable to find a job, which has graduated for almost half a year, and has always been a good friend Yang Yihai to give the wishing person money to support him every month. This is for Zhou Zekai. It is a very shameful thing.

After all, as a man, he is unwilling to be supported by others.

Before making money, Zhou Zekai decided to clean up his little nest. Otherwise, it would be too messy.

It took almost an hour before Zhou Zekai cleaned up his rental house. After packing, Zhou Zekai, who was already sweaty, took a bath. Of course, he didn't dare to look at the fat on his body. This is the first time that I have become so fat.

In such a messy place, Zhou Zekai didn't expect that he could clean up a treadmill, which made Zhou Zekai feel a lot better. Open the refrigerator and find that it is full of messy snacks. It will be fatter if you eat it! In the end, I only took one apple, and then got on the treadmill.

After setting the time and speed, Zhou Zekai began to sweat on the treadmill. After all, for men, if they want to lose weight, they must work hard in addition to a healthy diet. Now he has no money and only has a treadmill at home. , Then you can only use this treadmill to exercise!

While running, thinking about the memories belonging to the wishing person, Zhou Zekai found that the wishing person grew up well as a child, but later fell down because of an accident at home, but from the heart, he still wanted to be a star, but this world The requirements for being a star are too high. If you don't grow well, you will be scolded like a dog every minute.

Zhou Zekai can understand that if the environment is such that people will inevitably follow the crowd. It is also certain that ugly people will be excluded. Otherwise, the plastic surgeon in this world will not be so hot, so Zhou Zekai, the former doctor, would like to go I have a cosmetic doctor certificate, because in such a world of beauty, plastic surgeons are the hottest profession and the highest paid profession!

Thinking about everything that happened to the wishing person, a song on the radio on the treadmill was finished. Seriously, it was not very good ...

"Thank you for your original song" Love River ", do you like it? If you like it, you can log in to the Light Brain App, which we love to sing and sing, and vote if you like singing. If you like singing, do you like to write? Share your own voice and songs with everyone? As long as you want, you can call us to sing and sing in the show group! Any player who shares his music will get our program bonus ~ and we love The top five of the singing-and-singing show all have super bonuses! If you like to sing and want to share your voice with everyone, then hurry up and call ... "

Listening to the voice of the radio anchorwoman, Zhou Zekai thought that the girl's voice was still pretty good. Anyway, there was nothing left to do. Zhou Zekai asked his light brain to download the app of singing and singing, and then logged in to this app. This is a software for singing, and as long as you sing in your favorite song, your song will be automatically uploaded in this app, and then everyone will vote, the top five will have such a program The bonus is voted once a month, and this month has just begun on April 4th.

Zhou Zekai took a special look at the bonus above, and suddenly came to interest.

I love to sing once a month. The first prize is 200,000! The second place is 100,000, the third place is 50,000, and the next two are 30,000 and 10,000 respectively! The money seems to be small, but because I love to sing, there will be new sounds every month, so it is very hot! The most important thing is that if you listen to songs in this app, the first time is free, but if you continue to listen, you must buy this song, one song for one dollar, half of the program group, half of the singer According to the download volume, there is a fixed share every month ...

This is simply a pie in the sky! For Zhou Zekai now, the best way is to join this showless show group and also make money!

It must be mentioned here that although the wishing person's appearance has almost been destroyed, he has a good voice, and a good voice that can make people pregnant.

"Dial the number of the favorite singing and singing group!"

An order was given to Guangnao, and Zhou Zekai waited for it. Another person was singing. Guangnao dialed the program group's phone once and again. Finally, after the other person finished singing, it was Zhou Zekai's turn. Connected!

"Now it's a new voice call to the program we love to sing and sing. His name is-Ugly Bagua? Hehe, it seems that this singer is also a very funny person. May I ask Mr. Ugba Bagua, can you Can you hear me? "

The sound played by Guangnao to Zhou Zekai is simply surround sound. It can be said that it is very powerful. After Zhou Zekai heard the voice of the hostess, she suddenly realized that the wishing person had changed his name of Guangnao to ugly and strange, which made Zhou Zekai I gave up the original song, but remembered a song.

"Hello host, I can hear you, I'm ugly."

His voice is full of magnetism, and the ears will turn red after being listened gently. The hostess feels that as long as the person is not singing badly, it is estimated that there are many People vote ...

"Hello, Mr. Ugly Bagua, I don't know what kind of song you prepared for the audience today?"

I like to sing this program group. It looks like a radio program, but the number of listeners is the highest in the country. It can be said that it is much stronger than the TV dramas or TV programs in some places. Many people are good at singing because of singing. Of course, it is popular, of course, there are people who leave after taking money. After all, after one month of voting results, not to mention the 200,000 bonus of the program group, the download volume, the first place has never been less than five million of! At that time, it is enough to change a person's voice just by sharing the download amount.

"The song I prepared for everyone is called" Ugly Eight Monsters. "

Such an answer made the hostess freak out a bit. I did not expect that the ugly Bagua could be written as a tune. They live in this era. The most annoying thing is the ugly person. Because the person is ugly, the soul Can it be beautiful? Working with good-looking people can always make your mood more pleasant.

"Okay, then, please enjoy the new" Ugly Bagua "prepared by the new singer Mr. Ugly Bagua. I hope everyone will like it ~"

After the hostess has finished speaking, it is actually possible to start accompaniment, but how can Zhou Zekai now have time to engage in accompaniment? There was no money to accompany the accompaniment, so after a while of silence, everyone heard the nice sound, and was suddenly attracted.

"If the world is dark, in fact, I am very beautiful. I advance and retreat in love and are consumed at most ..."

Zhou Zekai's ability to sing is beyond doubt, after all, he has also been a singer many times, so when he opened his voice, everyone calmed down.

At this moment, whether listening to the radio at home, driving to the radio on the road, or people who are doing all kinds of things, they can't help listening to the sound of such an oratorio.

"Ugly Bagua ~ Can't you turn on the lights, the love I want ~~ haunted the dark stage ~ Ugly Bagua ~~ In this ambiguous era ..."

The magnetic voice seemed to tear people apart, and the words "ugly and weird" kept repeating and repeating in everyone's minds, so that everyone began to listen to this song quietly ...

Zhou Zekai knew what the song originally said, but at this moment, the three words ugly and strange are given new meaning by him.

Even if it is the age and respect for beauty, everyone has the right to survive. Whether it is a good-looking person or an ugly person, a good-looking person does not necessarily have a pure heart, and an ugly person does not even have an ugly heart.

This "Ugly Eight Monsters" didn't know how many people sang in a moment, because in this world, beautiful people are part of it, but ugly people also have to live, not because ugliness will not continue to live, some people for some Some things, with a false mask, some people see through the real life and want to imagine the future.

The song "Ugly Eight Monsters" is a song of how many people who are struggling to survive in the dust. They don't have such beautiful cheeks, but in this era, they still have to live well.

An oratorical "Ugly Eight Monsters" silences people who hear this piece of music for no reason. Even if they are perfect now, what happened? The past, which cannot be ignored, was torn by this tune.

Zheng Yinger was like this. Listening to this song, she buried herself in her quilt and cried. How many people outside said that she looked ugly, but she was born like this, was she willing? If she can, she also wants to be more beautiful! She has undergone cosmetic surgery since junior high school. She has experienced such pain four times, and she can truly transform again two times. But looking at her different face every day, Zheng Yinger does n’t know whether she should be happy or not. I should be sad.

Because for the eyes of others, she gave up on herself, who once fell to the dust.

In addition to Zheng Yinger, many people have heard this song, and they are also in a mixed mood. Perhaps they now have a new life and get rid of the ugly and strange title, but these three words are still like a sharp knife. They pierced the heart wrapped in their hard work and died with a stab.

Yeah, born in this era, who can be ugly?

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