The Beastmaster said that the oath is higher than the gods

Chapter 304 Defeating the Alliance with the Alliance

A roar shook the air.

Wang Yinglong finally realized it too, but by the time he wanted to get away and run away, it was already too late.

Behind him, there is a thunderstorm monster with blue electric arcs all over its body floating, looking fiercely at the front, and the surrounding thunder is blooming.

And above his head, a bronze-colored giant dragon appeared. It was a pet beast he had never seen before. It looked heroic and extraordinary, especially its pair of golden eyes, which were full of majesty.

"This this……"

Wang Yinglong was speechless.

He didn't fully understand it until now.

Before, he had wondered why the speed of this flying bird was so slow. It turned out that he was waiting for him on purpose, and he was careless.

Chen Changfeng and Cao Zhen also stood up.

Wang Yinglong looked around, thinking about his escape plan...

Duanmusheng's side is a dead end.

The Frost Tyrannosaurus could easily pass that kind of steep slope, but he couldn't.

On the left is the thunderstorm monster, which looks better at energy fluctuations than the unknown pet beast. It seems that he can only put all his eggs in one basket.

"Frost Tyrant Wolf, use Blizzard! Break out from here..." Wang Yinglong roared.

And he had already run towards Chen Changfeng.

In an instant, there was a strong wind blowing all around, wrapped in heavy snowflakes like a sharp snow knife, cutting off the emerald green leaves below, whistling endlessly.

Under the wind and snow, the Frost Tyrant Wolf protected Wang Yinglong and broke out to the right.

The target of the Frost Tyrant Wolf was the bronze-colored giant dragon in the sky. The Frost Tyrant Wolf bared its teeth and bared its two long icy fangs, biting towards Chuyi.

And Wang Yinglong rushed towards Chen Changfeng, pulling out a stick in his hand...

This is what he got.

Wang Yinglong flicked the stick, and swung it up very handsomely, but he was undoubtedly "playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong's gate" by doing so.

Chen Changfeng dodged sideways, took advantage of the situation and rushed forward, using his arms to push Wang Yinglong into the air.

Wang Yinglong was astonished.

This guy has so much strength...

But he didn't believe in evil, he waved and swung at Chen Changfeng again.

But this time, Chen Changfeng directly raised his hand to hold the swing stick, disarmed it with a twist, and caught Wang Yinglong behind his back with his backhand.

The latter wanted to resist, but he couldn't break free from Chen Changfeng's force, so he could only let Chen Changfeng pull out the flare gun from the package and raise his hand to fire it.


A red light pierced the sky.

Wang Yinglong stopped struggling, he knew that he had already been eliminated, no matter how hard he struggled, it was useless, and his Frost Tyrannosaurus was also killed by Chuyi and Thunderstorm monster in one move.

After a while, the broadcast sounded:

"No. 94 Wang Yinglong, eliminated!"

Chen Changfeng let him go, and Wang Yinglong sat slumped on the ground directly, with no expression in his eyes.

He lost!

Lost flat...

He knew that he wasn't that strong, but he also fantasized that if he was lucky, he could at least pass the audition, and he would be able to explain to his sister-in-law, but he lost at the very beginning.

Wang Yinglong stood up and glanced at the three of them, they indeed fired their own flare guns...

"Damn! Dirty, despicable, villain. If you don't dare to fight openly, you will play tricks like these villains..." Wang Yinglong cursed angrily.

Duanmu Sheng just wanted to explode.

But on the other side, Chen Changfeng had already waved at Wang Yinglong, "Bye bye!

Wang Yinglong was incompetent and furious.

Even if his mouth can swear flowers, so what, he has already lost, and he has already been eliminated from the quota for the ruins of the ancient Loulan country.

After all, he is still a loser...

Wang Yinglong heaved a long sigh, stopped cursing, retracted the Frost Tyrant Wolf, left the dense forest of Yanshan Mountain silently, and walked out.

After Wang Yinglong left, Duanmusheng laughed maniacally and said, "Hahahaha, I didn't expect it to be so fun to play, I feel so comfortable."

"It's really despicable..." Cao Zhen laughed at himself and said.

"Oh, Lao Cao, don't care about these details, just feel good about it?"

Duan Musheng gave a word of relief, and then looked at Chen Changfeng, "Old Chen, I have lured one person back, shouldn't you go too?"

Chen Changfeng immediately refused, "I'd better forget it, this job is only suitable for you, if I go, I'm afraid I'll eliminate the opponent right away, and you won't be happy."


Duanmu Sheng frowned.

Indeed, the work was too much for either of them, and they could not experience the joy.

"That's fine, you guys keep hiding, I'll go find the next unlucky guy..." Thinking of this kind of happiness, Duanmu Sheng became excited.

My joy is back...

Duanmusheng excitedly went to find the next person.

In this way, using the same method, they eliminated three people one after another, each fired a flare gun, and felt a bit of happiness.

And those who were cheated by Duanmu Sheng, some even chased him even if they were eliminated...

Naturally, Chen Changfeng would not stop him.

after the end.

Duan Musheng was a little addicted, and urged Chen Changfeng and Cao Zhen, "Hurry up, hurry up, you all hide Ang, I'll go find the next one..."


This time, Chen Changfeng stopped him.

"Why?" Duanmusheng asked.

"Three flare guns go off at the same place, which will attract a lot of people's attention. They will also realize that we have already formed an alliance, so they will come to us without you going." Chen Changfeng explained, and Cao Zhen also nodded.

Duanmusheng's eyes lit up, "That means, next time I can fire many flare guns at once?"

He blinked at the two of them.

Chen Changfeng choked speechlessly...

You really dare to think, big brother.

Do you know what we need to face next? Outrage, brother...

If we do this, it will definitely attract the same hatred from everyone. At that time, they will join forces to attack. It would be good if they can report their own flare guns. Do you still want to fire them?

It's true that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. Are you always so brave?

Chen Changfeng said: "This kind of thing can't be done too much. Next, we can't be shady anymore, we can only seek self-protection, even if we meet alone..."

"Then join hands to kill him." Duan Musheng said without interrupting.

The veins on Chen Changfeng's forehead bulged, and he suppressed his anger and said, "Even if you meet a beast master who acts alone, you have to fight one-on-one."

Hearing this, Duan Musheng was stunned, and then he said angrily: "Then you tricked me into sending out the Sky Fighting Eagle, what if I can't beat it?"

Chen Changfeng said: "I'll hit it for you, you just watch from the side."

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Duan Musheng roared, he is here to fight, not to watch the battle...

"If I win, all the flare guns on the opposite side will fire for you."


Chen Changfeng proposed a solution, and Duanmu Sheng smiled and nodded immediately when he heard the words.

At this time, near the gourd-shaped valley.

Many people have already followed the signal gunshots to find them, and even many people have gathered together to discuss the countermeasures.

Inside, there are Yan Qian and Lie Dongxing, a total of seven people formed an alliance.

"Huh? Wei Liao?!"

At this time, someone in the team suddenly gave a suspicious voice, and the others followed his gaze, seeing a young man walking over slowly.

And beside him, there was a sturdy fighting beast, Aretes.

"It's him……"

The only girl in the team, Yan Qian moved her lips slightly and said, in this year's college league, he remembered the performance of Wei Liao's Aretes.

The strength is very strong, if he joins in the alliance, it will be foolproof.

The seven discussed it, and Luo Xing, who knew Wei Liao well, went to invite Wei Liao to join.

"Wei Liao..."

Luo Xing chased after him, and after explaining his purpose of coming, Wei Liao considered for a moment, and finally rejected Luo Xing's invitation decisively.

"I do not need!"

After finishing speaking, Wei Liao left coldly.

After Luo Xing went back, Tan Tanshou repeated Wei Liao's words vividly.

Lie Dongxing had a fiery temper, looked at Yan Qian and suggested: "How about we work together to solve this guy first, and then get rid of the few inside?"

Yan Qian shook her head, "Forget it, his Aretes is powerful, and I'm not sure of victory, so let's go here first."

Yan Qian raised her head and looked at the dense forest in front of her eyes, her beautiful eyes were full of fighting spirit.

On the outskirts of the gourd-shaped valley, there was not only Yan Qian's team, almost everyone was attracted by the three guns and rushed here.

At the entrance of Yanshan Mountain, inside the house.

"Hey! This is a big trouble. Surrounded by twenty-one people, these three boys have played a big game this time. It is almost a deadly situation."

The night watchman sitting in front of the monitor said with great interest, watching the excitement is not too big of a deal.

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