
Yan Lie was surprised and ordered:

Release all the information on the reward order!


Immediately, a projection appeared, displaying the detailed information of the reward order.

The human genius Cody appears on the seventh battlefield!

Anyone who provides Coty's position to the mechanical tribe will be rewarded with 10 billion Yulan units. If you kill Coty once, you will be rewarded with 1 trillion Yulan units!

If Cody can be soul-enslaved, in addition to one trillion Yulan units, the Machine Tribe will be rewarded with an additional valuable treasure!

“The relevant information from Coty is as follows:

The Realm Master is good at swords, specializes in the law of fire and air, is at the pinnacle level of secret arts, has an immortal-level auxiliary plant life, and a treasure that can perform teleportation. He is suspected of possessing a top-level domain treasure...!

The relevant information is very detailed, such as being a disciple of the Chaos City Lord, carrying treasures, level of secret techniques, combat power levels, having clones, etc., all are recorded.

However, there are still some unclear points, such as which clones are, how strong the will is, etc. The description of the reward order is very vague.


After reading the reward information, Yan Lie took a breath of air.

A treasure that can be used to teleport? It is suspected of possessing a top-level domain treasure?

These two things really surprised him.

Especially that top-level treasure, in terms of value, it is not inferior to ordinary treasures at all!

For a mere realm lord, even if he possesses peak king-level combat power, possessing such a treasure is too much.

You know, even the high-level universe venerable is not qualified to possess the most precious treasure!

As far as Yan Lie knows, except for Venerable Xiao Ming, who has an ordinary treasure armor, among the five cosmic sages of the Yan Divine Clan, none of them has treasures such as treasures or top-level domain treasures.

Under Venerable Xiao Ming, Venerable Rangxi, the oldest Venerable of the universe, only has one high-level defensive treasure and one high-level offensive treasure.

The other three Universe Venerables, including Master Chi Yan Venerable, all have only one common attack treasure.

Therefore, one can imagine what it means for a realm lord to possess a top-level domain treasure that is comparable to ordinary treasures.

Of course, this is a conclusion based on Yan Lie's life experience, vision and experience.

Like most life in the universe, it is a perspective for ordinary people.

But Cody is clearly no ordinary person.

As a monster-level genius who emerged from the human race's tens of millions of eras, this configuration is actually quite reasonable.

Especially combined with that inexplicable memory.

In the memory of the dream, Luo Feng, the protagonist of the future world, was still ahead of Coty in his realm master stage configuration.

After talking for a long time, Yan Lie ordered Zhi Zhi to put away the reward information.

Of course he wasn't going after Cody.

Not to mention his mentality, he still believed that he was a human being and would not do such a thing even if he was considering the future.

In any case, the future of the original universe is dominated by the human race.

Now that the human race has been offended to death, what will happen in the future?

Even if he really becomes the most powerful person in the universe, and even has the opportunity to escape reincarnation and establish a holy land, he cannot offend the human race so much.

Coty is the direct disciple of the core figure of the human race, the Lord of Chaos City. Countless years later, he is still missed by the Lord of Chaos City. It is a pity, a pity that he is a genius disciple!

Killing Cody would make the Lord of Chaos City bear a grudge, which would be tantamount to a complete break with the human race.

Yan Lie is not Emperor Yan and would not do such a thing.

Unless he has the confidence to surpass Luo Feng in the future.

But judging from the dream memory, this is almost impossible.

To sum up, regardless of personal emotions or future interests, Yan Lie will not go after Cody.

Even though he is extremely coveted for that top-level domain treasure.

Even if Cody will die sooner or later, it will be a death that cannot be resurrected by time and space, and will completely fall.

It doesn't matter whether Cody dies or not, what's important is that he can't die in Yan Lie's hands.

As for rescuing Cody, it was even more unnecessary.

Judging from the memory in the dream, Cody did not die on a battlefield outside the territory.

Therefore, they don’t need rescue at all.

To take a stand and show favor to the human race so that we can have a good relationship with the human race in the future, and even bring the Yan God Clan back to the human race?


At least not possible now!

First of all, Emperor Yan couldn't pass that level.

Secondly, the strong have their own dignity, and Yan Lie is not a person who likes to backtrack.

Even if you want to build a relationship with the human race, you have to wait until he becomes a strong person.

As for feelings for humans, they are useless in this kind of thing.

The primitive universe does not believe in feelings!

The top leaders of the human race also didn’t believe it.

If the top leaders of the human race were driven by emotions, they would not implement the policy of raising gu in the human race's territory, condone all kinds of evil, encourage fighting, and select the strong among them.

Do you know about the life and death battle in the giant axe arena?

Do you want to know about the various mandatory adventure missions of the Universe Armed Forces Alliance?

Do you understand that the core geniuses of the five major forces have a death rate of over 90%?

Of course, it's not that the top brass of the human race are ruthless.

But the original universe is ruthless!

The laws of the universe are ruthless!

The law of the jungle is ruthless!

The universe is cold, and the strong must adapt.

To put it bluntly, people who are not from my race must have different hearts. Since the Yan Shen Clan has separated from the human race, no matter what the cause is, they are now a foreign race and cannot gain the trust of the human race.

As an immortal who has lived for millions of years, Yan Lie sees these things very clearly.

More than eight hours later.

The Feiyan arrived at the predetermined coordinates.

Book the shuttle point closest to Star Tower.

Slow down.

Ripples appeared in the void, and the whole body was fiery red. A swordfish-shaped spaceship, five kilometers long and two kilometers high, appeared in space.

In the spacecraft control room, Yan Lie, wearing a blood-red ferocious battle armor, looked ahead quietly.


The plant tentacles on her shoulders waved involuntarily, and Xiao Qian exclaimed:

So big, so scary!

An extremely majestic black nine-story tower surrounded by endless and colorful nebula whirlpools appeared in front of them.

The Star Tower, which is nine light years high, is comparable to a large star system, covering half of the universe, vast and majestic.

As for the colorful nebula whirlpools surrounding the Star Tower, they are the 'nine spiral nebulae' formed by the Star Tower spontaneously devouring the endless energy in the universe over countless years.

There are nine spirals in the Nine-Spin Nebula. The further inward, the more dangerous it becomes.

If he is not the Lord of the Universe, he cannot even penetrate deep into the Nine Spiral Nebula.

This is the Supreme Treasure of the God King, the Star Tower!

Looking at the majestic Star Tower in front of him, Yan Lie felt mixed emotions in his heart.

In fact, he had been here before trillions of epochs ago.

However, Yan Lie, who was only in the realm of Realm Master at that time, did not dare to approach at all. He just glanced at it from a distance and left quickly.

At that time, he had no idea what the Star Tower was or what it meant!

Now I know.

It is the supreme treasure of the God King prepared by Mountain Guest for the disciples of the Earth lineage.

When this treasure appears, it means that Mountain Guest has given up on the Yan God Clan and turned to cultivating another race!


For some reason, Yan Lie sneered and immediately gave the order to Zhi.

Fly towards the entrance directly in front of the bottom of the tower!

The bottom of the tower is not shrouded by the Nine Spiral Nebula, and is the only way to enter the Star Tower.

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