Chapter 36 Purchase


The mechanical clan in charge of registration said with a somewhat excited tone:

Yan Lie, from the Yan Divine Clan, has applied for a military merit quota of 100 billion, please confirm!

An instrument that records mental fluctuations came to Yan Lie.

Yan Lie explored his mind and imprinted his own mental fluctuations on it.

In this way, the registration is over, and he is already a member of the mechanical tribe camp.

Dear Sir Yan Lie!

After Yan Lie completed the imprinting of his spiritual mark, the machine clan responsible for the registration said respectfully:

Your military merit is at the highest level, and you can enjoy the greatest discounts. All scientific and technological instruments sold on overseas battlefields can be purchased at a 40% discount!

Remind me again, you are not allowed to leave the extraterritorial battlefield before completing your military merit quota. Violators will be severely punished, and all strong men from the ethnic group are prohibited from entering the extraterritorial battlefield!


Yan Lie nodded slightly to show that he understood.

40% off is the biggest discount.

The powerful aliens who join the mechanical tribe camp will enjoy different purchase discounts and different purchasing rights according to the amount of military merit they apply for.

The high-tech auxiliary instruments purchased by the mechanical tribe are divided into five grades.

Those with a military merit of less than 10 trillion are of the lowest grade. There are no discounts on purchases, and they can only buy some outermost technological auxiliary equipment.

Those with military merit of 10 trillion yuan belong to the fourth level. They get a 10% discount on purchases, and the high-tech auxiliary instruments they can buy are better than those with military merit of less than 10 trillion yuan.

Those with 100 trillion military merit belong to the third level. They get a 20% discount on purchases and the high-tech auxiliary instruments they can buy are better than those with 10 trillion military merit.

Those with 1,000 trillion military merits belong to the second level. They get a 30% discount on purchases, and the high-tech auxiliary instruments they can buy are better than those with 100 trillion military merits.

This level of high-tech equipment is already very high. Except for the human race and other minority groups, few races can reach this level of technology.

The highest level, one hundred billion military merit, 40% off on purchase, can buy all the high-tech auxiliary instruments that have been released.

This level of high-tech instruments is comparable to the highest level of human technology!

It is also Yan Lie’s goal.

This is the military recorder, please keep it!

Finally, the mechanical clan responsible for registration handed Yan Lie a small cylindrical instrument, briefly explained how to use it, and then left.

This instrument can record the details of the battlefield, including the law fluctuations and secret attacks emanating from the battle, and is used to verify military merit.

Apart from this, there are other features.

You can identify the identities of strong people in the same camp, communicate, contact and socialize with each other.

Of course, the distance is limited and can only work within one light year. Moreover, verification of military achievements can only be done back to the rear and cannot be done anytime and anywhere.

It is possible to ignore distance and check military achievements at any time. Only the human race's virtual universe has this ability.

That is a method that transcends all technologies, and the machine race cannot do it.

But compared to the communication equipment of the Monster and Zerg camps, which cannot even transmit videos and pictures and can only communicate verbally, this instrument of the Machine Tribe is already very good.

Your Excellency Yan Lie, during the overseas battlefield, this manor belongs to you for post-war adjustment and rest!

After logging in the information, a member of the Immortal Mechanical Tribe took Yan Lie somewhere, pointed at the manor opposite, and said.

Following the direction it pointed, Yan Lie saw a huge manor covering an area of ​​500 kilometers.

The strong men on the battlefield outside the territory cannot always fight on the battlefield. They always have a place to rest. This is the temporary residence prepared for them, the strong foreigners from the mechanical camp.

Looking around, there are such manors nearby.


Yan Lie said calmly.

Since arriving here, his attitude has been very cold.

Others thought he had such a personality, but only Yan Lie himself knew the real reason.

Trillions of epochs ago, the machine race was our sworn enemy!

The mentality has not changed yet.

Subconsciously, he still thinks that he is a human being.

Stepping into the manor, the immortal power fades away, leaving his own spiritual imprint on the control center.

From now on, no one can enter except Yan Lie.

Exceptions are made by invitation.

His thoughts passed through the manor to the left and right.

He wanted to see who his neighbors were.

Unfortunately, no one was in the nearby manor. It seemed that he was on the battlefield and had not returned.

Contact the Military Supplies Department and see what we can buy!

After settling down, Yan Lie was not in a hurry to go to the battlefield. He planned to buy some high-tech auxiliary equipment from the mechanical tribe first.

He had already planned it before coming.

First, you need to buy a high-performance spaceship.

The F9-class spaceship of the Bloody King is only built at the peripheral technological level of the human race. It cannot even match the core technology of the five major forces, let alone the mechanical race's spacecraft.

Moreover, it is not worthy of his current status.

How can the ultimate king use the spaceship of the elementary king?

In addition, he needs a top-notch intelligence to help him handle various chores including controlling the spacecraft.

For the strong men in the universe, a personal intelligence is essential.

Not only can it handle many tedious things for itself, but over a long period of time, it will also have the opportunity to evolve into an intelligent life and become the best assistant, subordinate, and even brother and friend.

Intelligent life is the most reliable subordinate and will never betray that kind!

The same is true for auxiliary life forms that give birth to spiritual intelligence, such as Xiao Qian.

However, assisted life and intelligent life have different divisions of labor and cannot replace each other.

In addition to spacecraft and intelligence, detectors are also needed.

The observation range of the detector is far greater than the exploration of one's own thoughts.

Moreover, the extraterritorial battlefield is in a secret realm with a complex environment. In many places, mind detection is ineffective and requires technological means such as detectors to explore.

In addition, a high-end weapon is also needed.

Although the flame gun is not bad, with Yan Lie's current strength, it can no longer keep up.

His mind penetrated into the military merit recorder and entered the munitions department of the mechanical tribe through the network. Yan Lie issued the command to 'purchase equipment'.

Soon, a three-dimensional mechanical clansman light and shadow appeared in front of him.

Your Excellency Yan Lie, the Munitions Department ASE21486555 is at your service. What do you plan to buy?

Spaceship, intelligence, detector, force gun!

Yan Lie said.

The next moment, a light curtain appeared with four options on it, spaceship, intelligence, detector and force gun.

First click on 'Spaceship', and a dense number of spaceship models will appear on the light screen, as well as introductions to various functions, prices, etc.

Yan Lie looked carefully and saw that the models of these spaceships were similar to those of the human race, and they were all arranged with ABCDEF serial numbers.

Of course, it is more likely that it is the human race's spaceship model, set according to the mechanical race's method.

After all, almost all the technologies of the races in the universe are imitated and learned from the mechanical race.

But imitation is always just imitation, including the human race. No race's technology can compare with the mechanical race.

After observing for a while, Yan Lie removed the five sequences ABCDE and only looked at the F-class spacecraft.

The performance of the spaceships of the mechanical race is generally one level higher than that of the human race.

That is, E-level is equivalent to the human race's F-level, or even much higher.

If you want to buy, buy the best.

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