The Battle of Devouring the Starry Sky and the Battle of Yan Shen

Chapter 129 What? Emperor Yan, don’t you know?

Ordinarily, the clan leader, Emperor Yan, should support him in bringing benefits to his descendants.

However, if the benefit was too great and he had to pay part of it, Emperor Yan hesitated.

The alliance's reward for geniuses is, of course, those at the top.

Normally, the thirteen universe masters share the majority equally, and the seven top universe overlords share the smaller portion equally.

Therefore, if Yan Lie's request is agreed to, Emperor Yan will also need to contribute.

Looking at Xiaoqian's terrifying figure, even if it is divided into a dozen parts, each part cannot be underestimated.

Frankly speaking, Emperor Yan didn't want to agree.

If it is a heavy treasure, even if he is asked to bring out a top-grade heavy treasure alone, he will not hesitate at all in this situation.

How can the face of the Lord of the Universe be stumped by a precious treasure?

Of course, Emperor Yan has no great treasures.

He doesn't even have ordinary treasures.

He wouldn't even look at such low-grade goods.

On the contrary, there are high-level treasures and top-level treasures. There is more than one Emperor Yan, there are several, well, they are all left in the warehouse to gather dust.

In short, he has always disdained treasures lower than high-level treasures, let alone reluctant to take them out.

From this point of view, the reason why the Universe Venerable of the Yan Divine Clan is so poor is no wonder that Emperor Yan is stingy and is reluctant to give away even a valuable treasure.

If he doesn’t have it, how can he grant it?

Not mentioning this.

But the divine power restoration treasure is different.

Things are rare and valuable. To Immortal and the Universe Venerable, although the treasure that restores divine power is precious, it is far less valuable than the valuable treasure.

However, at the level of the Lord of the Universe, heavy treasures and even ordinary treasures are nothing. On the contrary, treasures that restore divine power are more valuable.

A small amount of divine power restoration treasure is nothing, but a large amount is different.

What is the concept of plant tentacles that are hundreds of millions of kilometers long?

Not to mention a total of one thousand nine hundred and fifty-eight.

With Xiaoqianna's body size and 1,958 plant tentacles that are hundreds of millions of kilometers long, the divine power required to restore the treasure is enough to restore Emperor Yan's 10,000-fold gene and 10,000-kilometer-high divine body of the Lord of the Universe more than ten times!

Therefore, Emperor Yan instinctively did not want to agree.

But the person who made the request was a descendant of his own clan. It was really unjustifiable to refuse in front of so many masters of the universe.

Therefore, it was difficult for him to make a decision for a while.

As expected of the Soul-eating Chisuhua!

While Emperor Yan was deep in thought, the Lord of the Universe next to him smiled and said:

I heard that the ultimate soul-eating Qian Xuhua is a top-notch universe overlord-level existence. Not only does it possess the master of the universe's ultimate soul secret method, these tentacles are also infinitely powerful!

Even if the Lord of the Universe sees it, he will have a huge headache, but...!

As soon as his voice changed, the Lord of the Universe said curiously:

It is extremely difficult for Soul-Eating Qianxuhua to evolve into the ultimate body. It is even more difficult for ordinary beings to be promoted to the Lord of the Universe. Even to be promoted to the Lord of the Universe, the requirements are extremely demanding!

A hundred years ago, when the Fierce Spear King was on the battlefield outside the territory, this Soul-Eating Thousand-Beard Flower was still immortal. I don't know what opportunities it has received in these hundred years, but it has evolved into the Lord of the Universe!


After hearing this, Emperor Yan laughed and said:

Lord of Envy, you don't know something. When the Fierce Spear King was on the battlefield outside the territory, his auxiliary plant life was already the Lord of the Universe!

Is it?

The Lord of Envy said in surprise:

No way? The Lord of Catfish Jiao told me personally that out of curiosity, he went to look at the battlefield outside the territory and found that the auxiliary plant life of the Fierce Spear King was only at the immortal level!

The Lord of Catfish and Jiao has made good friends with me, so you won't lie to me, right?


Hearing this, Emperor Yan looked surprised and asked:

Seriously? Did the Lord of Catfish Jiao tell you this himself?


The Lord of Envy nodded and said affirmatively:

The Lord of Catfish Jiao said that he heard that the soul defense treasure appeared on the battlefield outside the territory, and out of curiosity, he went there himself!


Having said this, Lord Xianyu laughed and said:

The Lord of Catfish Jiao has no shortage of attack and defense treasures. His armor is even a peak defense treasure, but he has never had a soul defense treasure. The reason why he rushed to the battlefield outside the territory must be because he was tempted by the rumors spread by the human race Cody, haha !”

Ha ha!

As soon as these words came out, the Lords of the Universe around him burst into laughter.

The soul defense treasure is the most special treasure and the rarest treasure. Even the ordinary soul defense treasure is worth more than many high-level treasures.

The most important thing is that soul defense treasures are rare and extremely rare. Many universe masters even have pinnacle treasures, but they can't get an ordinary soul defense treasure.

Therefore, it was reasonable for Cody to spread the rumors and let Niu Jiao, who lacked the soul defense treasure, take the initiative.

In this regard, the Lords of the Universe present all understood this tacitly.


Emperor Yan laughed a few times, but his face was a little gloomy and he asked:

So, the Lord of Catfish Burnt used time and space retrieval to see if there is a soul defense treasure?

For Emperor Yan, who possesses the pinnacle soul defense treasure, a mere ordinary soul defense treasure has no appeal.

But the Master of the Universe can clearly and unmistakably know the truth by using time and space regression. This is very important to him.

indeed so!

The Lord of Envy smiled and said:

Of course it turned out not to be the case. The human genius Coty was obviously lying and trying to trick the King of Fierce Spears. However, the Flame Dragon Pot, the most important treasure in the top realm, does exist, so that's why so many King Invincibles rushed over!

Haha, so...!

Emperor Yan smiled and asked:

The Lord of Catfish Scorch also saw the auxiliary plant life of the Fierce Spear King. Do you know it is the immortal level?

That's why I said that the Fierce Spear King must have had a great opportunity in the past hundred years to let the auxiliary plant life Soul-devouring Qianxuhua evolve into the Lord of the Universe!

The Lord of Envy nodded and smiled, and then asked curiously:

What? Emperor Yan, you don't know?


Emperor Yan smiled, controlled his expression, and said:

The King of Fierce Spears has just returned to the clan, and before I had time to ask him, I would have thought that the Soul-Eating Thousand-Belted Flower had evolved into the Lord of the Universe long ago if it hadn't been for the Master of Envy who told me!

I see, but you, the Yan God Clan, have a rare genius!

The Lord of Envy sighed:

This Fierce Spear King's own strength is comparable to that of a mid-level Universe Venerable. He has assisted the plant life in evolving into a Universe Venerable. His combat power is comparable to that of a high-level Universe Venerable. There is almost no possibility of his death!

In the future, once we are promoted to the Universe Lord, or the Soul-eating Chisuhua grows into the ultimate body, we will be the top universe overlord, and can be on par with us!

Congratulations Emperor Yan!

Congratulations Emperor Yan!

The surrounding universe masters and top universe overlords all expressed their congratulations.


Emperor Yan responded with a smile, looking quite pleased and satisfied.


The Lord of Envy and Education glanced at Yan Lie who was waiting for a reply, and said to Emperor Yan:

The Fierce Spear King is still waiting. What should I say? Do you want to agree to him?

All super beings looked at Emperor Yan.

If Emperor Yan agrees, they will also agree.

As one of the most powerful beings in the Nine Domain Alliance, he still has this reputation.

It's just the value of a treasure.

It's not just for a single being, but it's actually not much if divided among the thirteen universe masters and seven top universe overlords.

Facing the gazes of all the super strong men, Emperor Yan pondered for a moment and suddenly smiled:

The Soul-Eating Qianxu Flower is so large that it requires countless treasures to restore divine power, and its value is no less than a treasure!

Although the King of Fiery Spears is outstanding, he is only immortal after all. Obtaining such a huge fortune rashly may not be a good thing for him!

Even though you are a member of my tribe, you should not be overly pampered!

Emperor Yan seemed to think for a while and finally said:

Let's do this. Give him a treasure that restores divine power that is equivalent to a hundred times the gene and a hundred kilometers high of the life body of the Lord of the Universe. What do you think?


After hearing this, the surrounding super beings were greatly surprised and looked at each other. Finally, the Lord of Jue Feng came forward and said:

That's okay. These divine power-restoring treasures are almost as valuable as a top-notch heavy treasure. They are worthy of the reward for first place in the Immortal Battle!

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