The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 613 Eyes and Books, the Ability of Moon Butler

"You... took me out of that place?" Miss Zhi felt the surrounding scene, and the vague sense of closure had completely disappeared. Based on the current situation, she was able to make a judgment.

"Well, you and I are one, so we were kicked out of the dungeon together." Yu Liang nodded. He checked his personal page. Among the weird creatures in the universe, there are still the Scrooge, the Snake Eater and the Human Snake. , the rest were basically left in the dungeon, and the created characters in the universe were also left in the dungeon together.

Some are strange creatures, and some act as NPCs.

But now Yu Liang keeps everything simple. Anyway, Miss "Zhi" is with him, and after Miss "Zhi" transforms into "Yu Liang", he can also borrow the power of consciousness and soul, which is equivalent to two people who can use word symbols. combat effectiveness.

In the war with the strange "human beings", word symbols are more effective.

Yu Liang silently memorized the words that he and Miss "Zhi" could use. Miss "Zhi" could use "shadow", "lue" and "hua", and she could also use some words that strengthened her body. Use the word "的".

And he himself uses "feng" and "phantom", which can be regarded as two special words.

Since Aze Zhuyu was in front, Yu Liang recalled the usage of "forbidden" in his mind. In this sense, the effect of "sealing" is somewhat similar.

For example, "Fengci", although it cannot be regarded as a word in the strict sense, you can basically understand what it means.

Maybe it can be used, and the effect may be somewhat similar to "forbidden words", but the subtleties are definitely different.

Secondly, the most important word combination of "seal" is still the word "seal". Yu Liang believes that this word can achieve a very strong effect, and can even seal the source of strange stories, because it is better than those rare words or forcibly formed words in the past. Fudu is more like a word.

It’s this word “print”. Yu Liang hasn’t thought of any good synthesis method yet. Judging from the glyph, it’s really a bit uncommon. I’m afraid it’s impossible to get this word by ordinary methods.

"Then what are you going to do now? You said my favorite to settle accounts with those ghost stories in the Forgotten City?" Miss Zhi asked curiously about Yu Liang's plan.

Yu Liang thought for a while and did not deny Miss Zhi's thoughts: "Absolutely. Maybe I will do something similar along the way."

Now "Zhi" controls Buoying, and Yu Liang himself possesses the talisman "Da Huan". He really wants to try this talisman to see what effect it has.

When faced with a single source of monsters, he and "Zhi" should be able to easily subdue each other by joining forces.

It's not necessarily impossible to help Miss "Zhi" get a few simple revenges. After all, Miss "Zhi" has helped him many times, not to mention that Yu Liang still has the opportunity to use his own ability to collect the source of the ghost story.

Shaping cause and effect and obtaining the source of strange stories is a good and profitable business.

Of course, if you want to accomplish such a thing, you still need some coincidences and the cooperation of the source ghost story itself. If they are not willing, it will be difficult for Yu Liang to force anything.

The more important task is to deal with the guy who released the singularity. This matter is more urgent than imagined.

The original backtracking dilemma was caused by the singularity that was hit by precise guidance from the future timeline. Now Yu Liang has used special means to escape the three minutes of backtracking. He will have the ability to truly face the singularity releaser.

But there is only one chance to reverse the outcome.

The Moon Butler was left in the dungeon. He needed to maintain the operation of the "Land of Dying", so he could no longer provide Yu Liang with the opportunity to save and roll back.

If Yu Liang "missed" the process of releasing the Singularity in Forgotten City, then at least in his timeline, the release of the Singularity has become inevitable, and the Haicheng Alliance players in the dungeon may have to It’s time to face those thirty root causes that cannot be eradicated.

The dungeon of The Land of Dying is only a prototype, and Yu Liang is not sure whether the Haicheng Alliance can escape from the dungeon by "completing the source ghost story".

At this time, Yu Liang was the temporary administrator. Since the prototype of the dungeon was created without the framework of Kaitan World, he did not know whether the dungeon could pass the review of Kaitan World.

Maybe it would be possible to trap the Sea City Alliance and the thirty strange "human beings" all permanently in the dungeon.

If it can pass the review and the Haicheng Alliance can clear the dungeon by completing the root ghost story, then they will have to face a lot of difficulties.

The Haicheng Alliance in the dungeon can rely on backtracking time and time again to slowly reverse the situation, but the thirty root ghost stories will not obey the instructions of the Haicheng Alliance once they are liberated.

The safe zone is such a large area, and it is almost impossible to accommodate thirty source monsters. The Haicheng Alliance is sure to solve the threat of this group of monster "human beings", but to truly solve the problem of thirty A threat with a strange origin...

That's a little difficult.

Besides, judging from Aze's current situation, he couldn't delay it.

Judging from the fact that the "Land of Dying" dungeon goes back every three minutes, Yu Liang must stop the singularity from erupting before Aze is completely eroded, so that the seal of the dungeon space can be broken, and the Haicheng Alliance will naturally get out of trouble.

Due to the ability of [Yue Zu], dual-line operation has become a reality. Both plans have a probability of success, but when it comes down to it, Yu Liang still believes more in the success rate of his own line.

The good news is that those weird "human beings" have never seen a trace of the writer from beginning to end, so they probably don't know that the writer has been gone for those three minutes.

With the intention of sneak attack, maybe we can actually find the location of the attack group.

Yu Liang thought for a while and summoned the Snake-Eating Snake. The Snake-Eating Snake was like a floating long sleeve scarf, lightly held under Yu Liang's hands and body, and led him up into the sky.

Soon, he understood the current location through obvious landmarks and judged the location of the bookmaker's territory.

The scope of the safe zone is the scope of the copy, and the bookmaker's territory is originally near the safe zone, so Yu Liang does not need to travel long distances, and only takes more than ten minutes to enter the bookmaker's territory.

If you want to know the specific situation of the singularity, you might be able to find the answer by asking the booksmith. It is much better than Yu Liang searching aimlessly on his own.

With the help of the enhanced characters, Snake Eater broke out at an extraordinary speed. It only took three backtracking times to send Yu Liang into the bookmaker's territory, and Yu Liang followed the library he found last time and The road map of the bookstore was advancing, and soon I saw the bookmaker.

"Oh? Lost person, you are here again." The bookmaker stopped and looked at Yu Liang who appeared in front of him and the panting snake next to Yu Liang spitting out snake letters.

"I need to ask you some more questions." Yu Liang showed his sincerity, "In exchange, I can bring you a thousand books in various fields and regularly bring you e-books."

"Do you need more questions?" The bookmaker put down the big book he was carrying and looked at Yu Liang's appearance carefully. He smiled slowly, "It seems that you got you under my guidance." The soul and consciousness that you want to get.”

Being able to use one's own knowledge to help other human beings is something that makes bookmakers feel happy, and the conditions Yu Liang mentioned are indeed very tempting.

"The books in Forgotten City are from decades ago. In these decades, humans have corrected some erroneous theories in the past and refuted some erroneous statements. Obviously, your knowledge The library can be updated with new books." Seeing that he wanted to impress the booksmith, Yu Liang struck a chord while the iron was hot, "Even the God of omniscience is still learning non-stop every day, and learning is something new every day. Things, you need to learn more advanced and comprehensive things.”

Yu Liang didn't explain some words clearly, but he knew that the booksmith could understand them.

Sure enough, the bookmaker thought about Yu Liang's words, nodded with satisfaction and said: "You are right, I do need more advanced and sophisticated knowledge, which requires reading new books, but my rules are not It will change, and each human being can only ask one question."

He sighed: "For the books you mentioned, I can exchange them with you for other things. I will try my best to help you get anything in the Forgotten City."

The bookmaker's weather-beaten eyes stared at Yu Liang, with confidence and determination in his eyes. He continued: "In this land, there are many...your so-called root ghost stories who are willing to sell me a favor."

Although the bookmaker spoke tactfully, the determination in his words did not diminish to any extent.

He was willing to exchange other things for Yu Liang's books, but he was not willing to break his own rules for Yu Liang.

"Must be two people?" Yu Liang thought for a moment and asked the bookmaker, "In that case, we should be considered two people, right?"

At his signal, Miss "Zhi" transformed into "Yu Liang" and stood in front of the bookmaker, and Yu Liang himself also appeared as "Kurodo Yu Liang".

"You... miss look familiar." The bookmaker stared straight at the incarnation of "Yu Liang", and finally just smiled, "Okay, in this case you can be considered two people, you still It’s okay to ask a question, but I have a request, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to enter my territory to seek asylum.”

"Oh, if there is really something that can drive us away, I'm afraid you won't be able to protect us at your level." Miss Zhi immediately retorted. She would not spoil anyone. Anyway, the bookmaker is just a ghost story. , it was still a strange story about which she had no impression.

Since it is not in the memory, it means that it is not the group of ghost stories that originally chased her. Since it is not the group of ancient and mysterious ghost tales, there is nothing to be afraid of.

"This is the best." The bookmaker said with a smile, not paying much attention to Miss Zhi's disrespect.

Since they are all origin stories, there is no need for him to pay attention to etiquette, not to mention that what he is thinking about now is just not to get burned.

Now that this guy has appeared in Wangcheng, it means that Wangcheng is really going to become chaotic, and he just wants to keep his fire seat and book, swim in the ocean of knowledge, and does not want to do anything Anything superfluous.

"In the territory of the Lord Rat God near you, I saw an attack from the future. It was a black spot that appeared in the camp. All surrounding objects rotated and were swallowed by it in a short time. , I want to know the specific origin of this attack and how to prevent it." Yu Liang said immediately, he didn't want Miss "Zhi" to continue talking, and he would change his mind later in case the bookmaker was unhappy. , Do you want to save the whole family of the Haicheng Alliance?

"Oh? An attack?" The bookmaker frowned slightly. His brain was like a database, quickly retrieving useful information related to it. And he was worthy of the name of a bookmaker, and quickly gave The most likely answer is, "What you are talking about may not be a means of attack."

While thinking about it, he continued: "The singularity itself is an extremely special source of ghost stories."

"Is it a source of ghost stories?" Yu Liang thought of the singularity that occurred at that time, and was a little surprised.

If it was a source of ghost stories, why didn't Butler Moon, him, or any of the players present notice this?

Such a singularity seems to be a state that cannot be selected by anything. Can this also be regarded as a kind of origin ghost story?

"The Eye of Sand, a long time ago, some humans called him this, and he indeed belongs to the category of source ghost stories." The bookmaker said, "When he sleeps, all things will be collected where his eyes are closed; When He wakes up, the swallowed matter will be ejected in a liquid state, and He will restore everything to its original state, which is just the appearance of a special accumulation of liquid sand."

"In other words, this singularity actually traveled from a certain point in time in the future to that point in time and fell asleep, thereby swallowing everything?" Yu Liang thought of the scene at that time, and the appearance of swallowing everything was indeed It was somewhat similar to quicksand, except that he didn't see the sand.

As for the sand, it will probably be spit out only when the Eye of Sand wakes up, but at that point in time, I am afraid that no one except the source ghost story will be able to survive.

"Time travel? No, no, no, this is too difficult. The Eye of Sand and the Book of Sand are in a symbiotic relationship, and the eyes are constantly looking for the book. Only that book can be eternal while he is sleeping. The earth provides it with something to devour." The bookmaker continued, "The Eye will appear wherever there may be a Book of Sand. He can appear at any point in the timeline in an instant, even if it is just an intelligent life. The Book of Sand exists in my memory, and He will pursue it."

Book of Sand?

Yu Liang immediately thought of Li Huachao's experience. He had seen such a book in the cyber village.

But the eyes couldn't have been attracted by Li Huachao. If he had been attracted, the eyes would have come long ago, and he wouldn't have waited for that critical moment.

Eyes and books have a symbiotic relationship, and it is this relationship that Kaitan "human beings" use to carry out attacks across time and space.

Eyes and books seem to be a special pair of "cause and effect".

Eyes can trace memories related to books, and the strategy team has the ability to transfer memories. In addition, he has always suspected that the strategy team has obtained the stone tablet in the village. This Book of Sand is probably under their control. among.

Now that's the case, it's easier to handle.

Everything that "human beings" control in Guitaan also has it in the Haicheng Alliance, doesn't it?

Li Huachao possesses the memory of the "Book of Sand", and Butler Moon...

Has the ability to transfer memories.

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