The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 606 [God] wants to fight, [God] wants to fight!

This is war.

Yes, this is already a war.

Yu Liang quickly recovered and his brain started working quickly.

According to the Moon Butler's speculation, more than twenty root ghosts have been driven by ghost "humans" to attack, and they will launch a surprise attack in three minutes.

In just an instant, all the players from the Haicheng Alliance present will be destroyed.

During this period, Yu Liang was only vaguely aware of Aze's clear resistance and used "forbidden words" to shoot down those strange "human" words hidden in the dark, but this only delayed the progress to a certain extent. Just stopped the enemy's offensive steps.

Except for Aze, several founders did not know whether their abilities were suppressed or not discovered at all. In short, they disappeared silently until Butler Moon used backtracking to resurrect them.

It's quite funny to think about it. As Aze, who has been wanted by the Haicheng Alliance for several years, he was the first and only one to fight back when the Root Monster invaded, but the force of the counterattack was a little weak.

In any case, dozens of root monsters gathered together in one place, and the energy they erupted could easily overturn the entire safe zone. It was definitely more than enough to destroy all the players in the Haicheng Alliance.

Yu Liangshang still remembered everything that had just happened. A black singularity appeared from the center of the Haicheng Alliance camp. Everything began to rotate around it, followed by annihilation and shrinkage. Eventually, all life and consciousness merged into this In this singularity, there is no possibility of survival.

Since the strange "humanity" has chosen to destroy the Haicheng Alliance in this way, there is no doubt that after the singularity appears, the death of the players is almost inevitable. Only time can be traced back to this kind of cheating. Able to forcefully reverse it.

To be able to prevent the possibility of all this happening, in the three minutes before the source of the ghost story comes, he must find a reasonable way to avoid this attack.

The only good news is that the existence of Moon Steward gives him the ability to go back. Before the player dies, the steward can draw enough power of faith and launch a retrace, making everything go back to three minutes ago.

In the Moon Community, the Moon's backtracking can rewind all players for a large period of time, but under the influence of these dozens of root ghost stories, it can only go back three minutes at most.

At three minutes, it is still a bit urgent. It is like traveling back to the three minutes before the first bomb of a Japanese fighter plane hit the Pearl Island. What can you do if you know the subsequent plot?

I don’t know, it’s really unclear whether the Haicheng Alliance can be saved, but if you just want to save yourself...

Very easy.

Not to mention the title ability of "Legend of Immortality An Buchen", Yan Hu's [Passive Blessing] alone can help him escape safely.

Well, the premise is to give Yan Hu a little hypnosis, or directly ask the Moon Butler to modify his memory, otherwise it is very likely that Yu Liang will be sent directly to the face of the strange "human" to crush the darkness with thunder.

That is a very painful thing.

However, just his own preservation is far from Yu Liang’s goal. The main players of the Haicheng Alliance are all here, Zhuan Bao is also here, the production line is here, the trade transfer station is here, and the breeding base is also here. The future of the Yu Group The development of everything is here, this is something that Yu Liang cannot give up at will.

Under the premise of the moon's wireless retrospection, Yu Liang will not give up these things easily.

The three-minute timer has started. The first thing to do is to inform everyone present of the news. Yu Liang wants to see if the founding chairs can find any way to prevent this from happening.

Yu Liang quickly ran towards the camp of the founders, leaving only the adventurers with question marks on their heads.

"Hey, I have something big to tell you. Why did you just leave without listening?" The adventurer quickly chased after me.

Now Yu Liang didn't have time to listen to him again, so he repeated what the adventurer said: "I know that you can use the collected root power as a symbol."

"Is that so? How did you know?" The adventurer stepped forward and followed Yu Liang in a few seconds. He even walked in front of Yu Liang, walked backwards, and asked face to face, "I just found out about this. Well, can you predict the future?"

Yu Liang was in a very anxious mood, and then he found that he was running at a very fast pace in a very urgent situation. It was still about the same speed as an adventurer taking a leisurely stroll, and he was a little speechless for a while.

"I'm in an emergency now. It's useless to tell you what happened. You won't remember it later anyway." Yu Liang replied, and then came to the founding chair camp in the center. When he opened the tent, he saw the priest inside. , he said to the priest, "Call the other founders for me, the strange 'human being' is calling."

"What?" The priest heard the last sentence, and a shocked expression appeared on his face. Looking at Yu Liang's appearance, he knew that the situation was critical, and immediately used [God's] magical power of communication to inform the founders of the news. , which is why Yu Liang came to him in the first place.

However, Yu Liang still had too good thoughts. When the priest called God's name devoutly, he did not get any response.

"The connection between me and [God] has been severed." The priest frowned, "You are right, the power of the strange 'human beings' has affected this place."

He tried to perceive [God] again, but failed. A more terrifying vortex appeared in his heart, urging him to tighten the string in his heart more quickly.

After losing the power of [God], the source of ghost talk, his combat effectiveness level will plummet, and he will easily become the one holding back the founding chair.

In the past, he had a close connection with [God].

He could feel the presence of [God] in every breath. Until just now, he didn't realize that the presence of [God] was very small until he couldn't use his root ability.

This is an extremely dangerous thing. If he continues to get along with [God] in this state, he will probably no longer be able to sense the other person's existence.

That’s when faith really collapsed.

For the priest, this is something far more terrifying than death.

"Mani, directly absorb the power of faith." After learning the news, Yu Liang did not hesitate at all. He ordered his Moon Butler to get the opportunity to go back first. Only with the ability to go back can he try without limit. Go down.

The reason why I didn't directly absorb the power of faith before was because I was worried that the founders would notice him. If they thought that the writer was harming the players, they would probably take action against him, which would waste more time.

Now he has understood that the abilities of these founding seats have been blocked in advance. This blockade is silent and almost controlled by the blocker's own thoughts. Otherwise, the priest would never have discovered this thing now. matter.

Since the founders couldn't use the source of strange stories, he didn't worry about it. He would get the power of faith first.

At this time, the priest took out a piece of equipment from the inventory, with a serious expression on his face, as if he was looking forward to death: "Yu Liang, tell me, is the current situation a strange "human" general attack?"

"The general attack may not be enough, but we can be easily destroyed. There are dozens of root ghosts near the safe zone waiting to tear us into pieces. There are still two minutes before they arrive." Yu Liang quickly explained the situation clearly, and at the same time He also saw clearly the piece of equipment in the priest's hand.

It was a nail stained with a lot of dried blood and rust spots. It was about the size of a palm. There was an ominous aura lingering on it, as if it could swallow people's eyes. Even Yu Liang spent some effort to look away from the nail. Move away.

"This is...?" Yu Liang had already vaguely guessed the answer when he asked this question.

The priest said solemnly: "The Holy Nail, the real one, I have never shown it in front of any outsiders. The source ghost stories outside... I can help resist some."

"Okay." After Yu Liang got the affirmative answer, he turned around and left the camp. He knew that the priest was serious about it.

This guy said "resist some", which shows that after using the Holy Nail, the priest can resist at least two more root monsters.

The priest in the camp raised the holy nail in his hand with a pious expression, looked up at the holy nail bathed in the light, and then pierced it downwards, piercing deeply into his heart.

He didn't know what those weird "human beings" had done to him, but he knew that he and [God] existed as one.

"Father" is the manifestation of [God's] will in the human world. Similarly, the existence of [God] is also the imprint of "Father"'s will in high-dimensional space.

The two are inseparable. If any existence wants to sever such a connection, it will surely receive the wrath of both parties.

As a priest, he has never lacked the determination to die as a martyr. [God's] will needs someone to pass on, and [God's] wrath must also be unleashed.

As the holy nails were inserted, the priest's body quickly began to become transparent and transformed into the form of "light". Energy from higher dimensions was being continuously input into his body, making his body capable of controlling this extremely special will.

He had discovered this a long time ago.

When he was near death, he was closest to [God] and could hear the most direct divine voice.

Now, half of his feet have entered heaven. He is stained with rust spots and blood stains on the holy nails, which means that the blood of "god" is flowing in his body.

Yu Liang didn't care what the priest was doing. He didn't have much time and had to investigate the situation of the founders faster.

Judging from the situation of the priest, every founding bench should have this kind of desperate method, but the last raid happened in a moment, and the details of the founding benches were found out by "Half" and the two scouts. , they were targeted with priority and had no time to use any means.

After walking out of the tent, the outside of the tent at this time had been completely dyed into the dark night sky by the Moon Butler. The players walked out of their tents as if they were sleepwalking, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the moon in the sky, offering majestic faith. Power.

Under the shroud of this vision of heaven and earth, several founding chairs walked out of their tents one after another. They didn't understand what exactly happened here, but the disturbing atmosphere was already filling the air.

"I did it." Yu Liang quickly explained to the founders, "There are dozens of source ghosts approaching the safe zone. The attack of the ghosts' humans will begin in a minute and a half."


Judging from the reactions of these founding chairs, they were indeed not aware of it at all.

This is not because they are too weak, but simply because their background has been noticed by the strange "human beings", and they cannot do much when they are targeted.

In the previous fight against "Half", Aze had not exposed his strength, so he was the first person to discover the invasion of Kaitan "human beings", and he was also the first person to be killed.

Well, he was the second person killed, and he was the thirteenth person killed.

Aze is really miserable.

"Be prepared for battle and use whatever trump cards you have." Yu Liang instructed, and then looked at the shadow at his feet.

Now he began to hesitate about one thing.

Should we use Miss "Zhi"'s ability?

Yu Liang was convinced that Miss "Zhi" must be very happy to come to the rescue, because she handled the difficult things that the Moon Butler couldn't handle, which to a certain extent meant that she was stronger than the Moon Butler.

Don't think that this kind of comparison is very boring and childish, because Miss "Zhi" is such a boring and childish guy.

The "Humans" of Kaitan should not know the specific situation of "Zhi", so by removing the knowledge of the Haicheng Alliance, "Zhi" may be able to make them "disappear" in the Forgotten City, thus avoiding being destroyed by "Humans" of Kaitan .

But this will have another consequence, that is, more source ghost stories in Forgotten City may be disturbed by "it". Once they get involved...

Regardless of the outcome, Butler Moon's backtracking ability will definitely be greatly limited.

The "Human" side's source ghost talk limits its backtracking. Now it can only go back to three minutes. With more source ghost stories coming in, it is really powerless if it can only go back one minute or even dozens of seconds. Damn it.

The tent in the center of the camp was suddenly opened, and the priest, who had been transformed into a point of light, floated out. Behind him was a huge, almost solid shadow.

The phantom was wrapped in vast light, and the whole body was enveloped in a holy aura.

The name "God" actually has no form, but everyone present knows that He actually exists here and exists in the three-dimensional space.

Players have basically seen the source monsters. To a certain extent, the source monsters are no different from gods, but they are completely different from the shadow behind the priest in front of them.

This god should be closer to the gods, because he is the manifestation of the "divine will" in the priest's heart in the human world.

"Coach, sword." The priest opened his mouth. Through his glowing lips, you could see that there were no organs inside his body, and only large or small light spots were left moving and colliding.

The coach threw out his sword without hesitation, but it was not the priest who took the sword, but the shadow of the god behind the priest.

The moment he took the sword, the shadow of the god became more solid and had a metallic luster, as sharp as the sword of origin.

At the same time, a huge light wheel appeared behind the god. The light wheel seemed to be composed of thirteen equally enlarged root swords, and it was constantly rotating.

After contacting God in this situation, the priest knew two things.

[God] is the carrier of omnipotence and the object of omnipotence. He naturally possesses the compatibility to bring out the maximum potential and power of other sources of ghost talk.

He is the most powerful amplifier, bursting out infinite energy with "will".

Another thing is-

[God] wants to fight.

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