The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 604: Both the Founding Chairman and the Strange

For every "human", the source of ghosts is the weapon in their hands. Some people are knives, some are axes, and some are RPG-29 single-shot anti-tank rocket launchers, but it is undeniable that Putting aside these weapons, these strange "human beings" themselves are relatively fragile.

A little stronger than the mortal players, with a ghostly nature rather than a human nature, but it's not much stronger.

They are also vulnerable in front of the RPG-29 single-shot anti-tank rocket launcher with a soul.

Possessing the word talisman, they have the absolute right to take the lead, but after this secret core technology was leaked, especially when Aze discovered the use of "forbidden words", the strange "human beings" were in danger in the face of the specialized source of strange words. It seems a bit difficult to compete.

From beginning to end, from ancient times to the present, the source monsters have been the most powerful existences in the world. They may not be living beings, and this is their greatest advantage.

So when the word symbols in the hands of two strange "human beings" were shot down by the "forbidden word" symbols, the Moon Butler took the opportunity to take over the situation.

When his hand touched the deepest connection between the physical and spiritual connection between Kaitan's "human beings", this short battle was completely over.

An overwhelming flow of information poured into the minds of strange "human beings", forcing them to only have complicated and massive "everything is fine" in their memories, and there is no self-awareness beyond that.

"Huh -" Butler Moon made a slight tut, and then showed that charming smile, "the structure of these guys is very interesting, they are not human."

"Well, they are pure 'weird stories', just disguised as humans." Yu Liang agreed with Yue Yue's words.

Butler Moon nodded and said: "Indeed, normal people should have collapsed under the attack of this kind of memory flow, but they seem to be able to withstand it. This level of attack does not seem to be their limit."

To use a simple example, the original memory of "human beings" is about 10G of information, but at that moment, the butler filled their brains with 500G of complicated information, which is equivalent to using garbage. Data attacks the weird "human" brain.

A normal person's brain may only be able to accommodate 100G of information, so under a 500G attack, the system will inevitably collapse, eventually leading to mental disorder.

However, the weird "humans" are different. Their brain capacity is almost infinite, and they can easily withstand such attacks. However, because only 1/51 of the information in their brains is original memory, they are trapped. in temporary chaos.

To put it simply, they can't find themselves, but obviously, as long as they are given some time to sort out their memories, they will be able to recover immediately after deleting these 500G junk files.

This kind of resistance to the root power and self-healing ability moved even the Moon Steward.

"Can you continue to output? Don't let them have the opportunity to contact the strategy team for the time being, and don't let them send back the situation here." Yu Liang didn't know what the housekeeper had done, and he still had a wretched fantasy.

The power of "Humanity" is too huge now. Even the author who is good at using power to suppress people only thinks about growing it again.

After all, these guys have been developing for several years in Forget City, which has the highest concentration of kaitan, and Yu Liang is just a new kaitan player who just entered the world of kaitan this year.

If he was given so much time, he would be confident that he could compete with the Kaitan "human", but now...

Not yet.

"No, those weird 'human beings' should already know about our arrival." The housekeeper shook his head, "In order to prevent them from sending the news here back, I sent 'Everything is fine'."

He shrugged helplessly and put down the two strange "human beings" who had just been controlled in his hands: "Their base should be able to tell that the news I transmitted back is false, and I have no way to tell from these two people. I got the memory in my mind, and I didn’t know what their normal habits and format were for communicating information, so I simply provoked them outright.”

When he mentioned "provocation", the butler smiled, as if he didn't care about the consequences of such provocation at all.

And Yu Liang had just understood what the butler's "everything is fine" meant, but he didn't feel that the butler did something inappropriate.

Half of the members of the strategy team disappeared in this safe zone, and the two scouts did not detect any useful information. Their area is probably already a mysterious and dangerous zone in the hearts of Kaidan "humans".

Next, it is possible whether the army invades or the troops stand still and continue to test. This is not critical.

Our own strength is far inferior to the Kaidan "humans", and sudden destruction is very likely.

It is better to risk the troops. If the "Humans" of Kaidan gather, he will directly release Miss "Zhi" of Wangcheng's nuclear weapons to attract the third-party force "Genesis Kaidan".

Transform the conflicting situation between the two armies into the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, so that you can survive in the cracks.

On the other hand, Yu Liang was also prepared to observe the situation and then go to the rabbit-shaped god's territory.

First, he thoroughly understood the dungeon design capabilities of [Yuezu], registered in the world of ghost stories, and after mastering a dungeon, Yu Liang could feel that he had some resistance capabilities.

Using the dungeon beacon, he may be able to transfer all these players to the dungeon. After reducing the number of targets, it will be easier if he fails to reach an agreement and wants to run away.

By the way, let the Haicheng League players experience the newly launched Ghost Story Factory and give them some feedback.

After all, players from all over the world may be recruited to work here in the future, so preparations must be made in advance.

The original Yu Liang felt that with the pseudo-root ghost stories that might be created, every player could master the power of the word symbols, which might be able to compete with the ghost tale "humans" with the help of standard equipment.

However, when I thought about it, there seemed to be tens of thousands of "human beings" in the strange story, and many of them had root-level power...

Well, there are not as many people in the human sea tactic as there are in the opposite side, and the quality is not as good as in the opposite side. What the hell is that?

"Just keep these two people. You can take care of them and use them as tools to transmit signals. Sooner or later, we will need to make contact with the weird 'human beings'." Yu Liang continued, looking at the remaining three people. Weird talk about players suspected of being "human", "As for them, just like the two T1s just now, just put a lock on the memories that don't belong to them to ensure that they won't rebel."

"Okay, Mr. Yu Liang." Butler Moon walked to the two players and said gently with a smile, "Don't resist. The more you resist, the more likely things will happen."

One of the players immediately said: "I... we won't resist, but we want to know what happened. We don't want to die in confusion."

Yu Liang looked at these three people: "Don't worry, it's just a small operation. Didn't the two T1s just have nothing? As for these two people, they are not human beings."

Some things still need to be explained to the players, and losing trust is also a very troublesome thing.

"There is a memory in your mind that is destined to bring pain. Your instinct has blocked it. When you recall this memory, you will have a mental breakdown and become an alien-like monster." Moon. The housekeeper took over Yu Liang's words and explained to the three people in front of him, "What I have to do now is to strengthen your memory so that you don't have the risk of becoming an alien. Do you understand?"

This explanation was very thorough. The three people now had no objections. They could probably understand what mental pollution meant, just like a mortal looking directly at the body of an ancient god.

At this time, the founding chairs also gathered over to learn about the current situation.

The coach noticed that the aura on Yu Liang's body was completely different, and asked with some surprise: "You have been promoted to T1? Congratulations."

"Yes." Yu Liang just nodded lightly, not showing much joy.

In the past, when he was in T2, he would always look forward to upgrading to T1, but when he gets to T1, he will find that it seems that the direct promotion on the gradient has not brought much changes in his strength.

Moon Butler?

That was done by himself, okay? What does it have to do with gradient promotion?

Summon scene card?

You still need to invest your energy to completely conquer the scene cards, right?

Gradient promotion has made the career of a writer more exciting, and the tasks that need to be done have increased instead of decreasing. This kind of management feeling has undoubtedly weakened the joy of being promoted to T1.

Forget it, a writer is a profession that requires hard work, but he is just too lazy.

The creation of kills in T4, the collection of monster cards for the completion of T3, and the control of the Cao Ying market and a large amount of trading resources in T2 all require hard work in exchange for real enhancements.

A simple gradient promotion won't make you much stronger.

Several other Creation Seats also congratulated Yu Liang one after another. For them, it must be a good thing that their combat power has been greatly improved at this time, but some people don't think so.

Miss "Zhi" in the shadow is well aware of the urinary nature of the game.

There must be supplies before the war. Now Yu Liang has received such a big wave of reinforcements, probably just to give him some strength to fight back when he is beaten.

"Is this... the new source of ghost talk?" The programmer habitually used his ability to scan everyone present, but found a guy who couldn't be scanned at all, so he noticed the Moon Butler.

At the same time, the new face of Butler Moon was something she had never seen before.

"Yes, it's a new source of ghost stories. We came here mainly for this matter." The priest responded to this sentence first. He naturally knew the details of Moon Butler.

No, it was probably Butler Moon who knew his true identity, but he hadn't yet understood what the upper limit of Butler Moon's abilities was.

"I am Mr. Yu Liang's butler, you can call me 'Mani'." Butler Moon saluted everyone present, and then walked to Yu Liang's house with two strange "human beings" who were still fighting against garbage data. behind.

His appearance is indeed extraordinary, and his height is also outstanding. With a height of 1.9 meters and the shoulder width of a double door, he feels very safe just by looking at him.

Of course, this is also because Yu Liang did not release Yan Hu, otherwise Yan Hu would definitely be bigger than this guy.

And the founders who knew Yu Liang's background couldn't help but sigh in their hearts. Is this another weird story about becoming a writer's butler?

It seems that he is still a character who has just appeared, and the writer's speed of improvement is a bit too scary.

"To put it simply, I need you all to relax. Moon Butler will search your memories and find the one among you who belongs to the weird 'human' species." Yu Liang continued, he needed to thoroughly screen these founding chairs. Just make sure there are no moles among these people.

Find the strange "human being" in time to see if the memory of the strategy team has awakened. If not, the butler can put another lock on it to ensure the purity of the founding seat.

Yu Liang said: "If the memory belonging to the strange 'human' has not yet awakened, the butler can lock this memory so that it will never awaken and the purity of the current consciousness can be maintained."

The founders present looked at each other, with no reason to refuse.

It would be great if the attacker's memory could be suppressed.

This is equivalent to knowing that you may not be a human being, but an alien, and you may be on the anti-human side. For this reason, you will abandon your relatives, friends and children, or even raise a butcher knife against them...

Now there is a possibility that will prevent you from becoming such an alien, and the founders naturally want it.

"Beekeeper, please call the magician back. He will come back in an instant." The priest said to the beekeeper.

Since we need to check the ingredients, of course we have to do it together, otherwise no one will be satisfied.

So half an hour after the scout bees went out, the magician returned here with a solemn expression. His first sentence was to ask everyone present: "Why are you so anxious to find me?"

"Let's see if you are a mole." The coach's reply is always so straightforward.

Next, the five founding seats stood together, and the blue light from Butler Moon swept across their bodies.

There are origins of ghost stories among the founders, so they are not afraid that the butler will do anything to their memories.

After some searching, Butler Moon made a "tsk" sound. He turned back to look at Yu Liang and shook his head: "There is no memory related to the strange talk about 'human beings' among them."

"Huh?" Yu Liang looked at the founding chairs with different expressions present and asked, "Is it because of the weird talk about 'human beings' being hidden through some means?"

"No." The butler denied, "I am the root ghost story related to 'memory'. I control the rules of the origin. There is no memory that I can't even perceive."

Yu Liang sighed and looked at the founding chairs present: "Okay, now there is a question. How do you know that there must be a mole among you? I suspect there is something wrong with this news."

"No, there is no problem with the source of the news. The problem is another guy." At this time, the magician sighed, as if confirming his guess, "This is also the clue I found while exploring the Forgotten City this time. "

"The guy who is both the founding chair and the Kaitan 'human being' should be Xue Wubin. Xue Wubin corresponds to the founding seat, and S1 corresponds to the Kaidan 'human being'. The actual meaning of this news is actually this."

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