The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 601 T1, Root Writer

"You finally remembered, my master."

Such words rang in Yu Liang's ears, and this sudden turn made him feel as if he had traveled through time.

Just the act of releasing the Smiling Moon, does it mean he has traveled to another parallel universe?

The voice came from the shadows, and it was obviously not the clear and cold voice of "Zhi", but a gentle male voice that had never been heard before.

In the shadow, apart from "Zhi", there is only the source of the moon, so the sound is most likely from the source of the moon.

The root of the moon says "you finally remembered" rather than "you finally did it", which means that the change in causality has caused great changes in the moon's consciousness and even the past that has happened.

From this point of view, the current moon root setting has changed, and Yu Liang can vaguely judge what happened by guessing——

The source of the moon already knew that Yu Liang was his master when he was pulled into the shadow of the earth by Lu Mingzhe, but he did not say it at that time. There must be something unspeakable. Until now, Yu Liang has completed all the causal chains. relationship, he was able to appear in front of Yu Liang without concealment.

In other words, the root of the moon at this time is the smiling moon that has just disappeared into the universe.

Is it really possible to do such a thing?

Until now, Yu Liang just felt that he had opened up an idea that might not be successful, but the effect was unexpectedly good. Just by adding [Copy Source] and [Universe] to simulate it, the source of the moon in the shadow became Become one of your own?

Isn't this income and expenditure completely out of proportion?

When Yu Liang really accomplished a big thing through the time and space setting of "1432" in the Theory of Cause and Effect, he became a little at a loss.

He clearly knew that before he got the Smiling Moon of T1, before he copied the Moon Root and put it into simulation, and before he released the Smiling Moon in the City of Forgetfulness, the Moon Root in the Shadow was still an extremely evil and terrifying monster. But just after he did these things, this terrifying monster suddenly became an appearance. When he peeled off the mask, he saw that underneath was my loyal subordinate.

It turns out that the murderous intention of the Moon Root against me was just to make me grow quickly, and at the same time to dedicate itself to me...


I almost believed it.

This fantastic feeling is probably something that everyone who has never experienced it can't imagine, but it actually happened.

Because the theory of cause and effect is correct, it is completely consistent with the time and space view of the weird world.

When the Theory of Cause and Effect is completed, even existences like the Origin Monster will be deeply affected. They are supposed to be the measure of memory, but they will never remember what the memory was like before the Theory of Cause and Effect was completed.

No, that's not a memory.

Memory is something that actually happened, and the "history" at this moment has undergone irreversible changes.

Yu Liang turned his back to the light and looked at the large chaotic and twisted shadows under his feet, still feeling an incredible feeling in his heart.

I, "created" a strange story about origins?

"Are you awake?" The "Zhi" in the shadow also controls all memories, but she maintains absolute distrust of the origin of the moon, so she said with hostility, "You cannot leave this shadow. "

"Of course, my friend." Moon's gentle male voice continued, "I know that you are wary and hostile to what I have done in the past. This is normal, but I will use practical actions to show you that I am A loyal subordinate of my master, Mr. Yu Liang.”

"Zhi" in the shadow blinked, feeling something was wrong.


Your master is Mr. Yu Liang, and your friend is me?

What do you mean?

"How do you want to prove it?" Yu Liang is somewhat interested in this. With "Zhi" around at any time, and people like Aze are also there, he is not worried about how the moon root will affect him.

No matter how bad it is...

Doesn’t Aze have a script?

Hey, Aze?

Yu Liang noticed Aze who had the ability to write scripts, and subconsciously felt that something was wrong, because at this time, Aze had a confused expression on his face.

Three parts of hesitation, three parts of surprise and four parts of resentment turned into a very speechless one.

Aze has already seen Yu Liang's script. Since Yu Liang is right in front of him, all his scripts emerge step by step following Yu Liang's words and deeds.

The actor's script ability cannot provide the effect of predicting the future. After all, he can only know the content of the script. If he can predict the future, it is equivalent to giving him the ability to change the future, which does not fall within the scope of the script content.

Of course, the script is not useless, at least he can judge a lot of specific information through the words in the script.

You can know people but not their hearts, but the script is completely understandable, just like it is now.


Act XX·In the tent·Sunny 1

Writer Yu Liang finally completed all preparations. After using his abilities, he chose to release the T1 gradient monster creature he had obtained before - the Smiling Moon.

focusing lens

The camp was still empty.

Yu Liang (confused) looked around the room, but still couldn't find his ghost story card.

Yu Liang (panicked) reopened his personal page, and the Smiling Moon character card in the universe had disappeared.

To be honest, when Aze saw this part of the script, his heart was filled with a sense of schadenfreude, and what he was thinking was basically, "Your boy will have this day too," right?

The T1 gradient monsters that were cultivated so hard were destroyed so easily, hahahahahaha.

However, when Aze saw the next line of words, the expression on his face turned into one of confusion.


The shadows rolled, and a gentleman-like gentle male voice came from it. He came from a source who was loyal to the writer.

"You finally remembered, my master."

He was once the smiling moon of the T1 gradient. After going through a thousand twists and turns, he finally became the root ghost story in response to the expectations and wishes of the writer Yu Liang.

The source of the ghost talk about "it" (beware)

"You've woken up?"


Aze no longer wanted to read the rest of the story, because he already knew the most speechless fact so far.

No, don't tell me that this damn writer just performed some operations that I can't understand, and then turned a T1 gradient monster into a loyal root monster?

The content in the script has a "qualitative" function, and there is no deception. Therefore, it is obvious that this root ghost story is a new thing created by Yu Liang.

Aze scratched his head and asked Yu Liang: "You turned a T1 gradient monster into a root monster?"

"Uh..." Yu Liang looked at Aze, feeling like he didn't know when to start explaining, so he finally nodded, "As you can see, this is my new root ghost story."

"No, no, no, my master." At this time, Moon Monster's voice sounded again, and it was possible to hear the joyful emotion hidden in this voice, "I am not your new Root Monster. In comparison, I and I Your acquaintance was thousands of reincarnations ago, and now you just remember it all."

It seemed that he had gone through thousands of reincarnations, and it was only now that he appeared in front of Yu Liang in this capacity again, so there was some uncontrollable excitement in his tone.

And in the shadow under her feet, "Zhi"'s head popped out, like a little mermaid emerging from the water, but she frowned and stared directly at everyone present with an eerie gaze.

"New source of ghost stories... haha." Aze looked at the cloudy spots on his arms and suddenly lost interest in communicating with the other party.

Originally, I wanted to show Yu Liang the super cloud point human form he was researching, but now it seems that it is not necessary.

He was still studying the source ghost stories and rejoiced at some small discoveries, trying to show off, but it turned out that Yu Liang had already set his sights on conquering the new source ghost stories.

It sounds like, is it possible that Yu Liang was not deceiving him just now?

This guy really wants to let more people get the source monster and realize the freedom of the source monster.

Why the hell didn't you show up earlier?

Do you have to wait until I have failed so many times before I come out?

Aze felt annoyed and frustrated at the same time. He knew that he could no longer communicate well with Yu Hao.

But fortunately, as a "loser", he has an excellent mentality and quickly understood one of his advantages.

Yu Liang has a strange origin, but it is also Miss "Zhi". The relationship between the two parties is just an alliance at most. How can it be as stable as the father-son relationship between him and Wu Dian who has signed a contract?

Take the fusion at the micro level as an example. It is an extremely painful and torturous thing for Cloud Point. If it were not for the father-son relationship, I am afraid that Cloud Point would not be able to do this.

Thinking of this, Aze smiled again.

"You said you could make me believe you, what could you do?" Yu Liang stared at the shadow on the ground.

Soon, a slate was handed over from the shadow, and then the voice of the source of the moon came: "This is a contract slate written in the word "root". It has an absolute binding effect on any consciousness in the world. I am willing to seal it." My consciousness will be driven by you for life.”

Aze: "..."

He looked at this somewhat familiar stone slab and opened his mouth several times, but in the end he failed to speak.

"What's wrong, Aze, do you know this kind of slate?" Yu Liang noticed Aze's strange behavior and asked immediately.

"It's pretty much what He said." Aze shrugged, feeling bored. He turned around and went to the card table on the other side, snatching away Liu Yan, who had been "happy and reluctant to miss Shu" for several rounds.

He would rather go to jail at the card table than be hit by Yu Liang again.

Yu Liang, on the other hand, ignored Aze. After "inspection", he had confirmed the facts stated by Yue Yuanyuan, so he accepted the contract slate smoothly.

With the contract slate restricted by the word "root", any "root ghost story" must abide by the above rules.

"'Moon' is willing to become Mr. 'Yu Liang''s loyal subordinate forever, until his consciousness disappears and remains unchanged forever."

The sound coming from the shadows clearly reached the ears of everyone present, and then the contract slate became brighter, and the Chinese characters on it shone brightly and began to take effect.

Then, the moon's voice continued to sound: "Now, please allow me to salute my master."

"Tch." He curled his lips, raised his hand and released the moon sealed in the shadow.

She could feel the reality of the contract slate. This restriction definitely existed, because she had seen a pair of shackles that could only be noticed through vague perception connected to the moon in the shadow, and the other end of the shackles was connected to Yu good.

Yu Liang is the most absolute master and has become the superior of the moon root.

In this case, she has nothing to continue sealing the moon. Under Yu Liang's operations, the moon has become herself.

It's just that this guy's appearance made her a little unhappy, but she couldn't tell what made her unhappy.

It’s impossible to think that the moon has taken away the position of Yu Liang’s slave, right?

It was impossible for her to become Yu Liang's slave. Yu Liang was only qualified to be her slave.

And Yu Liang, who had truly gained the surrender of the moon root, noticed that a new explanation had been sent to his prompt box.

[Completed "Root Creation" and promoted to T1 Gradient-Root Writer]

"Yeah, it's T1." There was a little surprise in Yu Liang's voice, but this was not completely beyond his expectation. After all, he had even "created" the root ghost story.

Then he heard a bang on the card table on the other side.



Gradient: T1

[Creation]: Each round of ghost story copy is limited to one time. You can create a character and put it into a copy of Kaitan (identity, personality, etc. are random), obtain its approval or kill the character to bind it to the "universe". If you kill a player with a mutated profession in this dungeon, that profession will be included in the "waiting list", and you can use the professions in the waiting list when creating a character. The capacity of the waiting list is 3, and the retention period is three copies. If the waiting list is full, you can choose to consume three creation quotas and enhance one skill of the existing created character (the degree of enhancement depends on the gradient level of the players in the waiting list, and each skill of each created character can only Strengthen once)

[Nuxu]: Only once per round of dungeons. After completing the source ghost story of the current dungeon, you can bind the dungeon to the universe; limited to once per week, you can project part of the scene card (depending on the field of view) In front of you, the projection can cause damage to the current world and the degree of damage will be preserved. The projection lasts for 5 minutes.

[Copy]: Only one copy per round. You can design a complete root ghost story and store it as a ghost story card. You can put the Kaidan card into any scene card in the universe for simulation. The design content includes the existence logic, rule capabilities, expression form, etc. of the root ghost talk. The more complete the setting, the smoother the operation of Root Monster, and the higher the fault tolerance rate of the simulation process. The Kaidan Card will have self-awareness and retain the changes in consciousness during the simulation process.

·The content of the simulation is fantasy, and all processes and endings cannot be realized, but can be recorded and observed in the universe at any time.

[Yuezu]: You can apply for the right to create a copy and contract to host the copy. The copy that passes the review will be put into operation (running in the universe), and participating players will enjoy the same rights in the copy. You cannot participate in a copy you created. For details, please contact the nearest Kaitan World official staff for communication.


【Universe】(optimized operation feel)

(…) (End of this chapter)

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