The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 599 Everything originates from me

Find an origin for the root ghost stories, so as to achieve the effect of limiting the root ghost stories.

When Yu Liang thought of this, he immediately had the thought "Am I really a genius?"

Since the Origin Ghost Stories transcend time and have no past or future, then we will artificially create a past and future for them. Doesn't this mean finding a father for the orphans?

No, strictly speaking, it’s not about finding a father for an orphan, but about finding a father for a creature like Sun Wukong that jumped out of a stone.

If we could use the causal chain relationship to connect the moon with the smiling moon created by Li Huaniang, wouldn't things be easy to handle?

A source monster is most powerful when it has no "past". When it has a "past", it will be extremely worried that its "past" will be killed in advance.

It's a pity that this "past" is temporarily stored in Yu Liang's place, which is enough to make every source ghost story feel frightened.

The origin of Kaidan is an existence that comes from nowhere. The reason for the revival of Kaidan is not clear from the current knowledge. It is only known that they each have their own consciousness and the purpose of coming to this world is also very different. , and controls the most original rules in this world.

Some players believe that they are the embodiment of the core rules of the world, because they are born with extremely powerful power; some players believe that they are special creatures that ran out of other dimensions, and are extremely advanced special life forms.

Speculations about the causes of these strange rumors are made all the time, and the discussions on the official forum of the Haicheng Alliance are endless.

Combining some of "Zhi's" views, Yu Liang's understanding of the source of ghost stories has basically been confirmed.

No matter what kind of guess it is, it can be correct, because the answer to this question does not exist.

It’s not because current human cognition cannot explore the answer, but because the answer does not exist.

The source of ghost stories comes with the help of the consciousness of any subject on this planet. Simply put, if any creature recognizes and realizes their existence, they really exist.

This is a relatively idealistic setting, but Yu Liang guesses that these origin ghost stories may have already existed, and are just a projection mapped on the planet. When living creatures notice them, they will It can come naturally through this projection.

However, this process was not even known to the source Kaitan himself. It was as if they leaked into this space along with the escaped Kaitan energy and took root from then on.

For these beings who have no concept of time, they may feel that they have lived on the earth for hundreds of thousands of years, and are the original inhabitants of the earth earlier than humans and all living creatures.

At least "Zhi" had mentioned this matter. She just appeared in the Forgotten City inexplicably. It was a bit like a sleeping person suddenly waking up, kind of like sleeping until he wakes up naturally.

A group of things infected with Kaitan energy has its own consciousness and cognition, and gradually masters the power of its own rules just like humans control their own hands.

The good news is that the advent of root ghost stories may be traceable and related to "cognition". It seems that this is the source of their basis in reality.

The bad news is that the power of "It" can only affect some of the root monsters that require the use of biological cognition, and there is no way to completely eliminate the logic of the existence of the root monsters.

The root ghost stories are indeed caused by some kind of cognition, but since they cannot be distinguished by time, as long as something in history recognizes their existence, they will not block their cognition because of it. ability disappears.

They have existed in history and biological memory for a long time, and have achieved immortality in a one-sided sense. Perhaps only the stone tablet in the hands of "human beings" can use small compositions to change them or kill them.

Of course, the concept of "killing" is just talk. At most, it only causes their current consciousness to die, and at the same time, a new root consciousness is born.

The origins of these rules are like scarce pits. When one person leaves, someone will surely come.

And this is the only flaw of the root ghost stories - one-sided immortality.

It is they in the main consciousness of this planet who are immortal, not them.

To put it simply, it is the body that is immortal, not the consciousness of the source.

Yu Liang didn't know whether this was considered immortality in the minds of the source ghost talkers, but he felt that it definitely didn't count.

How can a person be considered immortal if he no longer has consciousness but is implanted with the consciousness of another living being?

The strange story about the origin of iron, the independent consciousness of flowing water.

This is because the existence of root monsters is essentially based on "cognition", and they have never arrived in a complete state.

Therefore, Yu Liangcai felt that his idea was very practical.

These guys are just floating in this space. They just need to create an origin for them, and everything will fall into place.

It's just like--

It is completely a lie floating on the surface of the world. Yu Liang is looking for evidence of their existence, and it is easy to make the root ghost stories actually exist in this world.

With "past" and "future", with "cause" and "result", the consciousness of the root monsters will be permanent. This is the real eternal life!

It's like you know that there is a university professor in your community, right down to his birth date and name preferences, but these are all hearsay, and you have never really known him.

If you haven't really met him, then this person is amorphous to you. Even if he is replaced by some alien, you will not find him. What Yu Liang has to do now is to connect people and let the main body of this planet Let’s get to know consciousness and root ghost talk.

He knew that the two parties had wanted to get to know each other for a long time, and they just needed someone to act as a matchmaker.

Once someone acts as a matchmaker, it will inevitably ignite the fire.

Yu Liang will eliminate the only flaw of the Origin Monsters on this planet, so that their consciousness can truly live forever, without having to worry about being sealed or erased, and the price is——

All strange stories originate from me.

Isn't this fair enough?

Yu Liang looked up again and looked at the moon hanging in the sky of the underground palace. A smile that was just like the moon appeared on his face. He had already begun to sort out and construct the specific process of this matter in his mind.

The first source of ghost stories to enjoy eternal life...

Of course it is our dear moon.

Now that the moon has been deprived of its power and imprisoned in the shadows, isn't it the best experimental subject?

In the moon community, he was played with by the moon's modified memory and the first and second weeks after the retrospect. This was just because he couldn't communicate with "it". Now he is in reality, and "it" can do it at any time. Jump out, why are you afraid of the moon?

"Zhi" sister is the measure of his memory. In addition, the power of the moon has been continuously reduced during this period of time. It is estimated that there is not much energy left to influence Yu Liang.

On the other side, the Lord God Brother did not urge the writer to make a decision, because he knew that such a major matter as breeding would take a long time to think about. He did not expect that at this time, the writer was not thinking about the immediate matter, but It's an even crazier plan.

Soon, Yu Liang came back to his senses. He smiled apologetically to Brother Lord God for his distraction, and then continued: "As for your and Li Huaniang's breeding plan, I will send more people to assist you. And there is definitely a sufficient supply of strange creatures.”

"In that case, it couldn't be better." Brother Lord God showed a smile. This result is very satisfying.

After a brief contact with these players, the Lord God Brother also realized the power of humans. This is definitely a race that surpasses the rats in terms of hard power.

Although there were some not so good contacts with these humans in the early days, it can only be said that both sides have their shortcomings. Now it is naturally a good thing to take advantage of the harmonious relationship to establish a more stable alliance.

Brother Lord God also knows that his Lord Rat Lord is definitely a fledgling in the Origin Ghost Story. The rules he masters are indeed very potential, but at present, he should be regarded as the weakest existence in the surrounding area, so that's why He was immediately targeted by Qin Haijian.

Now, the arrival of humans has brought temporary stability to the rat clan. The Lord God Brother almost did not hesitate to agree to the alliance request sent by the humans.

Brother Lord God can see that what this group of humans need is nothing more than the above-ground world. Anyway, the above-ground world is the part that the Rats and Rats don’t need, so why not rent it to humans?

"Well, the second thing is about building a safe zone." Yu Liang continued. He looked at the Lord God Brother and asked, "I wonder what you mean...?"

"Of course, the above-ground world can be the territory of humans." Brother Lord God immediately nodded in agreement, showing a shy smile, "But we need to leave an area for planting, because our food is now insufficient. .”

"No problem." Yu Liang didn't think there was anything wrong. "At the same time, there will be another market area set up near the planting area so that we can conduct trade."

The special ores produced by the Shushu clan are relatively easy to use and are definitely needed by the player community. It is in the best interest of everyone to establish trade standards in advance.

I think the rat clan may need more things than the players. After all, they are completely like a primitive society and are curious about everything human beings.

In the past, they went to the surface world at night to collect some junk from the Forgotten City. Some things they didn't know how to use, but they would be able to conduct normal trade in the future.

For example, the coins made by Lord Shushu and the special diamond armor were all rare items, and Yu Liang was willing to pay a large amount of materials to trade them.

It feels like using glass beads and muskets to exchange gold, spices and black slaves with the indigenous people. The influx of large amounts of benefits creates an absolute sense of satisfaction, and both Yu Liang and the Scrooge are very satisfied.

After completing the simple handover, Yu Liang took the moon hanging in the sky into the universe and took it away. For Li Huaniang, this moon was just a product of her and the main god brother's play, and its value was far less than that big mouse. But for Yu Liang, this is a good thing that can control the roots of the moon.

Everything originates from the writer.

It's exciting just thinking about it.

And if you think about it this way...

It seems that Yu Liang is only T2, right?

What level will it be when you reach T1?

There are already Root Hunters and Root Adventurers, is it possible that he is the Root Writer?

After entering Wangcheng, the speed of upgrading has been greatly accelerated. Now Yu Liang can vaguely feel that he has hit a bottleneck, and now he is just short of an opportunity for a writer.

Just like the hunter's "ultimate hunting" and the adventurer's "ultimate adventure", he needs a "creation".

After discussing the general situation, Yu Liang left Li Huaniang in the underground palace to continue research, and at the same time released the elephants in Li Huachao's monster column and the ghosts in Lu Baoshen's monster column.

Different ghost creatures have different reproductive capabilities. These are all samples that can provide a lot of ideas for the breeding plan, and Yu Liang has only one requirement for these samples -

Be kind.

After all, he is very good to his grass babies. It is impossible to see that strange creatures such as grass babies suffer from a mad scientist like Li Huaniang.

Maybe thousands of years later, this prosperous Cao Ying clan will continue to praise his reputation as a writer.

After doing all this, Yu Liang returned to the surface. At this time, the magician seemed to have ended the discussion.

The magician looked at Yu Liang and continued: "Nuo, let him talk about the next thing. What we see is basically the same."

"What's next? What did you just say?" Yu Liang asked.

"Well, until S1 dies." The magician continued without hesitation.

Yu Liang looked at the founders who were in a state of curiosity, and then at Xu Cixi who still didn't know what was going on. He cursed the magician ten thousand times in his heart.

Okay, okay, just leave the news about Xue Wubin to me, right?

"In memory, we saw Xue Wubin." Yu Liang said seriously. He looked at Xu Cixi, "But his condition is not very normal. He may be possessed by something. He was about to die just now. I've been to S1, this may be the reason why Kaitan'humans' restarted the current timeline."

He continued: "The Bucket Man destroyed the 'hope' they forged."

"Xue Wubin?" Xu Cixi frowned slightly, and she looked at Yu Liang, "Are you sure it's him?"

"Well, the magician can also testify, and the barrel man calls himself 'Xue Wubin'," Yu Liang continued. He was not going to say the sentence "Xue Wubin, killing indiscriminately" because even he felt it was too Weird.

"Okay." Xu Cixi nodded and looked at the other founding chairs, "So we are probably going to look for traces of the Bucket Man, right?"

"Yes." The coach responded immediately. He already valued Xue Wubin. In the past, he had the best relationship with Xue Wubin, so naturally he wanted to see it in person.

Moreover, Xue Wubin was related to the strange "human being", and he had to go both public and private.

"That's right, now that you already know the situation, I'm going to go find the dock. If anything happens, you can just take care of it." The magician looked at the time and immediately disappeared in front of everyone.

He was used to being a loner and basically acted alone.

Due to limited abilities, a magician is most efficient when acting alone.

And Xu Cixi's reaction was much calmer than Yu Liang expected. She didn't mess around. It seemed that she had definitely grown a lot in the world of ghost stories over the years.

After doing these things, Yu Liang turned around and entered his tent.

He is going to start studying the cause and effect of the moon's roots.

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