The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 597 I am great, no need to say more!

After hearing the noise coming from Li Huaniang, Yu Liang immediately opened the curtain of the tent and walked out. He knew that he couldn't get any information out of "Zhi", so he might as well go and see what Li Huaniang was up to.

"Zhi" was born almost during the time when the Forgotten City Ghost Story was initially revived. He is not an aborigine of Forgotten City, so he doesn't really know much about it.

Well, I don’t know much, but I still know the source of the ghost talk quite well. After all, there were quite a few people who came to deal with her at that time.

Out of a grudge mentality, Miss "Zhi" remembered it quite well. She had already prepared the words and was gearing up to regain the face she had lost back then.

"What are you doing?" As soon as Yu Liang left the tent, he saw Li Huaniang standing and dancing among the people. This embarrassing appearance made him want to retreat into the tent.

Li Huaniang quickly ran to Yu Liang and said with joy, "Come here, I discovered a shocking secret!"

"What? Is the child born between you and Zhuan Bao... Lord Rat and Rat already born?" Yu Liang asked curiously.

"It's not just this. In fact, the first child has been conceived a long time ago, but it was not able to give birth to wisdom. It was a deformed child, so it was re-analyzed into energy to feed back the diamond treasure itself." Li Huaniang He continued, "During this process, Zhuan Bao and I suddenly discovered something very interesting."

"What's going on?" Yu Liang suddenly felt a bad feeling in his heart when he saw Li Huaniang's excited look.

He clearly remembered that Li Huachao was like this when he had to do some work.

"You come with me first, and you can figure it out when you get to the underground palace." Li Huaniang said happily, leading Yu Liang into the sewer, looking like he was familiar with the road.

Yu Liang, on the other hand, waved his hands to the crowd around him and said, "There's nothing going on here. I'm going to take a look at the newly cultivated monster creatures. There may be new ones tomorrow. You can look forward to it."

The discussion in the crowd suddenly became noisy. With Cao Ying, the writer has become familiar among the players. Now that there is a possibility of new products, he is naturally very happy.

But everyone couldn't help but hesitate in their hearts, this newly bred strange creature...

Can you afford it?

On the other side, Yu Liang simply said to the magician, founder and others that he was going to enter the underground palace first to check the situation.

At this time, he suddenly felt that a guy in the universe started to jump, and the entire zoo scene card was also beating continuously.

Yu Liang pulled Li Huachao's character card out of the zoo and wanted to see what he said.

"Quick, I'll count on my fingers. My children will be born soon. Let me stay with Zhuan Bao!" Li Huachao said hurriedly, looking very much like his wife singing and drinking outside when she was about to give birth. , when I woke up, I suddenly realized what I had done.

Therefore, Yu Liang was not polite to him and said directly: "The baby has been born, weighing four pounds and six taels. You came late and you are an unfit husband."

"Ahhhhhhh--" Li Huachao suddenly made a strange sound, as if he was mourning for an heir.

"Stop shouting, we are about to go down to see the situation now." Yu Liang stopped Li Huachao from going crazy and asked instead, "Has the 'big' character you were looking for found?"

"Of course, that's not difficult. Find my sister Tuyou and immediately pull over thirty big dogs. Just cut off part of the upper right corner to get the 'big' character." Li Huachao said, "But the next batch The big dog still had to wait for a refresh, so I ran back to finish a lap with my old friends from the zoo.”

"Okay, give me the character later." Yu Liang nodded. He was now very interested in the symbol "Big Fantasy". He didn't know whether this symbol could have the ability to kill instantly.

Li Huachao responded: "Oh, then you have to find an adventurer to release me first."

But now Yu Liang has followed Li Huaniang into the sewer. The adventurer is still listening to the magician explaining the current situation. Yu Liang is too lazy to look back, but goes to ask Li Huaniang what he found.

"Hey, this is an epoch-making discovery. I'm very glad that you put Li Huachao into the zoo, so only I can discover this wonderful breeding theory." Li Huaniang said with a smile, "But because Li Huachao and I are of the same lineage For the sake of homology, I can reluctantly ask him to help me and appear on the paper as the second author."

"Breeding theory? What do you mean?" Yu Liang was a little interested in his heart. He didn't expect that after he went out for a walk with the magician, Li Huaniang would be able to use the diamond treasure to research something good?

Li Huaniang smiled: "I discovered the underlying logic of this world, and I call it the fertility theory."

"What?" Yu Liang really didn't understand.

"It's very simple. Almost all the weird creatures with autonomous consciousness that we have seen so far have a hidden fertility setting. I can't see the specific values, but I can get some numerical ranges through speculation." Li Huaniang seemed very professional, but this Some of the words in the words were told to her by Brother Lord God.

"Then what?"

"The difference between humans, monsters and monsters is very large. To put it simply, humans can be between 1 and 3, monsters can be between 2 and 95, and monsters can be between 96 and 100. "Li Huaniang continued, "To a certain extent, this hidden fertility is also the difference in individual values."

Yu Liang almost understood what Li Huaniang meant: "Does this have any special purpose? Does it mean that the individual value of human beings is smaller than most of the monster creatures and source monsters?"

"Of course, ordinary humans are relatively weak in front of Kaitan creatures. On the one hand, the player's strength is brought by the Kaitan world, and on the other hand, the physique has been strengthened by some good things." Li Huaniang continued, but her expression on this issue It wasn't very good, so she just skipped it, "Anyway, understanding the three intervals is the most important thing."

She continued: "As for the mating I just mentioned, it cannot actually be called mating. Using simple sexual behavior to describe this kind of thing is an insult to scientific research. At least I prefer to call it 'reproduction'."

With these words, Dr. Hua Niang's image suddenly became high.

I am great, needless to say.

Yu Liang complained happily in his heart.

"Please remember the formula I'm going to talk about next." Dr. Hua Niang said seriously, in a tone that revealed the truth of the world, "When two people reproduce, the fertility of the product is the reproduction of both parties. The mean value of force.”

Hearing this, Yu Liang was suddenly stunned for a moment, doubting his ears.

Wait a minute, what you are talking about...

Could it be that...


I thought you were going to talk about a difficult formula. Isn’t this very simple?

Don't tell me that it took you so long to study this thing with Lord Rat and Lord Brother Lord God.

Yu Liang suddenly showed the expression of an old man on the subway cell phone, as if the last dish of the Manchu-Han banquet was the army pot.

"Hey, I think you don't understand at all." Li Huaniang shook her head regretfully and patted Yu Liang's shoulder, "The fertility of a specific race is also specific. Basically, this only applies to humans and a very small number of strange creatures. It’s the exception.”

"What do you mean..." Yu Liang frowned, and he suddenly had a very bold guess.

Li Huaniang showed a mysterious smile: "Yes, the strange creatures created by this reproduction method can ignore biology and genetics."

She used a simple example to explain to Yu Liang: "If a person's fertility is 1, and the fertility of an alien is 50, then theoretically this person can reproduce this creature by finding the source of the monster with a fertility of 99. In the same way, a grass baby with a fertility of 2 can reproduce an alien with a fertility of 98 and a root monster with a fertility of 50."


Hearing Li Huaniang's words really verified his bold guess just now, Yu Liang's mind stopped for a moment.

No, is it possible to be so careless?

Completely ignore all biology and genetics and simply rely on fertility to determine "offspring"?

"When I first discovered this matter, I was as surprised as you, but when I think about it carefully, it doesn't seem impossible." Li Huaniang said leisurely, "Essentially, all monster creatures, including the source monsters, are not Are they all derived from the manifestation of the power of ghost stories?"

"Strictly speaking, the things that make up Kaitan creatures are not carbon elements, but the power of Kaitan condenses carbon elements, etc., and these materialized things are constructed into Kaitan creatures." Li Huaniang said what came from the Lord God Brother part of the judgment.

And Yu Liang's mind has begun to quickly search for the use of this special setting.

If we could know the exact fertility of Kaitan creatures, could we find a formula for breeding corresponding Kaitan creatures?

For example, if I want to get a specific monster creature, I can breed it through grass babies, eating snakes, and other random things.

But if this happens...

"Li Huaniang, how did you find out about this? What did you do in the underground palace during that time?" Yu Liang looked at Li Huaniang with a strange look.

Li Huaniang's face showed her lofty spirit of scientific inquiry: "I said, don't bring this to scientific research. Besides, this kind of 'reproduction' does not have to rely on mating. These are two things." The passionate confrontation of the power of ghost talk, this is the exciting resonance of the essence of two souls!"

Yu Liang: "..."

I don't know why, whether it is Li Huachao or Li Huaniang, when they encounter these things related to the "Xia San Road", they are a talented person.

"Yes, don't use ethics, chastity, or anything like that to judge this kind of scientific research, and you don't need to talk about creatures really going into heat to mate." Li Huaniang glanced at Yu Liang with disdain, as if she was despising it in her heart. Yu Liang’s pedantic views on three things.

She asked back: "When you reproduce bacteria, do you think that they may be mating with their parents? Or when you eat oranges, do you think of the special relationship between citron, grapefruit and orange?"

Yu Liang: "..."

Okay, I'm almost convinced by you. It's because I have incorrect views and I'm too pedantic. So what did you do in the underground palace?

The grass baby in the monster column should be fine, right?

Yu Liang thought of those poor grass babies and couldn't help but lament them in his heart.

"Based on this, there are some derivative settings." Li Huaniang continued, "For example, offspring have a probability of inheriting high-quality genes from their parents, and priority is given to inheriting rule-based abilities, but the degree of control will be compromised. Control The more rules there are, the shallower the ability to master them, probably because of the lack of talent, they cannot be as unscrupulous as those root ghost stories."

She walked at the front and soon brought Yu Liang to the underground palace.

The underground palace at this moment is slightly different from the original one. One of the most obvious features is that there is an additional moon above the underground palace in addition to the "sun" light ball created by the original priest.

Yes, a small and exquisite moon exudes this extremely bright and light blue light.

"This is..." Yu Liang saw this round of the moon, and his heart trembled instinctively. After passing the moon community, he had already developed a stress syndrome towards this thing.

"This is the weird creature I bred for the third time. It's a moon." Li Huaniang didn't show any surprise, because it was something left over from playing with her half an hour ago.

She looked at Yu Liang's appearance of having never seen the world, and she was secretly amused in her heart while still maintaining a calm look: "It should be regarded as our newly discovered strange creature. It has the ability to affect memory and its own retrieval, and it also inherits When it comes to the rule of giving priority to shot speed, it’s pretty good.”

As if he heard someone he knew praising him, the moon in the sky couldn't help but turn around, showing a grinning and sinister expression.

Yu Liang remained silent, crazily tapping Miss "Zhi" in his heart until he got the news from Miss "Zhi"——

The moon in the shadow is very stable, has not escaped, and has not caused any trouble.

So he breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that it is really a monster of the moon created by Li Huaniang. Maybe it is the same species of the monster with the origin of the moon in the moon community.

Yu Liang looked at Li Huaniang: "Then can your method produce a root ghost talk? Logically speaking, if the sum of the fertility of two root ghost stories divided by two, a root ghost talk will definitely be born, right?"

"No, no, no, this involves the second rule." A little regret appeared on Li Huaniang's face, "What is the source monster? Those who have mastered the ability of the source are the source monsters, and those who have the rules are the source monsters. What truly differentiates it from other Kaitan creatures is the rule-level ability, which can only be mastered by a fixed number of Kaidan creatures."

She continued: "And the fertility of the creatures created by this method cannot reach the range of the source monster. This has been tested by me."

"Hmm...what else? You can tell me all the other rules of reproduction." Yu Liang knew that Li Huaniang was trying to cheat, and he didn't like cheating.

"There is also self-breeding. The same weird creature will definitely get the same weird creature when it reproduces, but the genes of the first three generations will be optimized, and it will inherit the excellent genes of its parents." Li Huaniang said, "On this basis, , I launched a new breeding plan.”

A mad scientist's smile appeared on Li Huaniang's face.

"I want to create an empty shell of a creature that is close to the Source Kaidan, and then fill it with rules-level power. Isn't this a new Source Kaitan?"

Yu Liang's eyes widened, marveling at Li Huaniang's imagination.

Damn it, now it’s really “I am great, no need to say more”. (End of chapter)

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