The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 595 Xue Wubin makes a grand appearance!

There are traces of the raiders in the memories of the raiding team. It was when the Forgotten City Ghost Story was about to be completely revived. The raiders were active in the streets and alleys as the light of the city, using their only ordinary power to suppress the revival of the root ghost talk.

Yu Liang knew that this was an epic story with great difficulty, but he also knew that this solution was not perfect.

He already understood this when he heard the magician speak out about this problem first. Since normal people can think of this solution, why haven't the weird "humans" tried this?

The strange story is that "humans" control the memory of the strategy team, so it stands to reason that they would try it themselves, right?

It didn't.

Assuming that the "human" setting of Kaidan restricts them, they can't go back to the Forgotten City period to be the "Raider" themselves, but they can always let others go, right?

For example, adopt a human child, raise it as a son of Kaidan, and then send him back to the past timeline at the appropriate time so that he can serve as a new attacker to "cover" the route of the past attackers.

Doing this is definitely much better than if a player discovers the Raider's memory on his own, then comes up with a similar idea, and runs back to recreate the Raider.

At least the "Humans" of Kaidan can train this son of Kaidan and teach the secrets step by step, how to solve this ghost story, how to solve the next ghost story...

Yu Liang believed that these tens of thousands of strange "human beings" would be able to develop a precise strategy.

Well, they are a strategy team after all.

But why haven't they succeeded?

Apart from the fatal flaw in this method, Yu Liang could not think of any other explanation.

And if this method can be used, why would strange "human beings" want to prevent the lawyer's body from falling into the hands of the Haicheng Alliance?

Wouldn't it be a good thing to have more people to help navigate the past timeline?

"No, it's unreliable." Yu Liang replied immediately, "If it's that simple, there's no reason why Kaitan 'humans' shouldn't give it a try, and they shouldn't prevent us from getting the memories of the strategy team."

He continued: "Strictly speaking, our purpose is the same, isn't it?"

"It makes sense." The magician thought about this problem while controlling the memory to continue playing. "Indeed, as long as they don't choose to restart so stubbornly, maybe we can still become allies with the strange 'human beings'."

"What exactly happened here may be answered in the memories of the strategy team." Yu Liang continued, without urging the magician.

But the magician clicked his tongue and seemed a little uncomfortable: "It's broken. The brain of this corpse has begun to self-destruct. We don't have enough time."

"Then don't look at the specific process of the attackers conquering Wangcheng. First, look at what happened after the fall of Wangcheng. Those things are more critical." Yu Liang suggested immediately.

Obviously, the development and changes of "human beings" in the subsequent ghost stories are more important to the current situation.

The process for the Raiders to suppress the root ghost story and so on...

There is no need to rush to see them at any time. Anyway, there are quite a few strange "human beings". If you try to catch one by then, you might be able to see them more carefully.

Finally, the magician found the files other than the lawyer's own memory and the raider's memory, and immediately played them.

Appearing in the picture are the strange "human beings" who are swarming like bees. At this time, they have been awakened and have a unified goal, working towards the same thing.

They are exploring the City of Forgetfulness.

The traces of strange "human beings" are like tentacles, exploring the surroundings from the center of Forgotten City and gradually extending out.

Most of the time they will hit a wall, because many source monsters occupy the territory, and they will not allow anyone to act freely on their territory.

After observing for a while, Yu Liang understood what these weird "human beings" were doing.

They are looking for humans, real humans, humans who have not been contaminated by the smell of ghost stories.

After the fall of Wangcheng, urban residents disappeared on a large scale, and the population dropped to 1% within a month.

The human beings who can survive this cruel situation are either very lucky and have received the help of kind-hearted source monsters, or they are smarter and more realistic, and their mentality has quickly changed from city dwellers to supernatural wasteland survivors.

Survivors at this stage may think that the end of the world is over, because no outside rescuers will enter the Forgotten City again.

In their world view, the old world was destroyed several years ago, and they have become the remaining humans in the new world.

Until one day, a strange "human" broke into the small camp of survivors. After a search, he took away the only three children in the camp.

From Yu Liang's perspective, these three children all have obvious characteristics - they are young.

Youth is not a clue that can be easily ignored. At least Yu Liang judged one thing from it.

These three children are under three years old because they were all born after the fall of Wangcheng.

Survivors will also have physiological needs, but children's burping condoms are not a priority resource to obtain. Even if they are obtained, they will be used to make various more useful props. After all, they are made of high-strength natural rubber.

In short, Yu Liang and the magician can tell from this scene that these strange "human beings" are looking for human children, and they are young human children.

The scene in the memory jumped again. The strange "human beings" had collected twenty or thirty human children and started the next plan.


Relying on the memory of the attackers collected previously, the Kaidan "humans" began to train these human children, during which they quickly mastered excellent Kaidan thinking and skills in solving basic Kaitan incidents.

The second stage is to cultivate their physique and conduct a new round of training until the strange "human beings" select the best seedlings.

His name is "Strategy Team S001", or S1 for short, and he is extremely valued by the "Humans" of Kaitan.

Everything in the picture was moving forward in an orderly manner, and Yu Liang heard the magician's voice.

"Tsk, it seems that the Kaitan "Humans" have already thought of the method we just did. Isn't this S1 the guy they introduced to inherit the rule of Raiders?" The magician naturally understood what the Kaidan "Humans" were doing.

Yu Liang nodded and said, his association ability was stronger, and some doubts in his heart were solved.

Why are the Kaitan "humans" called the "Strategy Team" in my memory?

Because they are originally a strategy team!

The members of the raiding team searched for the memories and traces left by the raider in Forgotten City, reviewed the ghost stories that had been solved or suppressed, and followed in the footsteps of the previous raiders to record the solutions to the ghost stories.

This set of strategies was prepared by Kaidan "Humans" for S1. They planned to let S1 go back in time and walk the same path as the Raiders, thereby completing the replacement and becoming a real Raider.

For Kaidan "humans", this is like an extremely difficult game that requires slow exploration and research before finally figuring out the strategy path that best fits the original timeline.

In this method, there are two possible endings for S1:

One is that he is destined to become a victim. Even if he is certified as a Raider and turns himself into a Raider, he will still follow the path of the original Raider and die generously, and everything that the strange "human" has done is useless. Meaning, they are back to square one.

The other is that S1 truly became a raider and found a way to solve the crisis in the Forgotten City in the past timeline, thereby completing a perfect raid on the incident.

In order to complete the original strategy path, the Kaidan "humans" as the strategy team will do everything they can to achieve this goal.

With the ability to "restart", even if the S1 fails and becomes corrupted, there will be no problem. They can do it again anyway.

The strategy team really lives up to its name.

Yu Liang and the magician briefly communicated and postponed the memory part. They wanted to know what level S1 had reached after completing the training.

Since the "human beings" in the ghost story are all faceless, the ones with their own faces are naturally the children who were captured and trained before. There are four people in total, headed by S1, and their names are just simple numbers, S2S3S4.

However, according to the judgment of the strategy team, the level of the other three people was far from S1, and they were not qualified for the task of traveling back to the past timeline.

S2 is only a genius that is unique to one in a hundred, while S1 is a peerless genius that is unique to only one in a hundred thousand. Only S1 can barely reach the level of the original Raiders.

One day after S1 came of age, he chose to tentatively attack a root territory in Forget City.

At this time, he already had the source of strange stories around him, and he had developed a unique fighting method, which was very powerful.

Although in the past timeline, S1 could only appear as an ordinary person, but he has not yet returned to the past, and the root ghost story must be set up to protect his safety.

As a result, the accident happened.

A pier appeared inexplicably in the root territory. Originally there was no ocean around it, but the appearance of the pier brought an ocean.

And this was just the beginning. There were countless wooden barrels floating on the ocean. They moved from far to near and quickly attacked towards the dock.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are heads on these huge wooden barrels.

The heads are alive, and most of them have ferocious faces and make strange smiles and noises.

There are twisted and thin limbs on both sides of the barrel, which are constantly beating the water to provide power for the barrel.

Bucket man?

Bucket Man!

Is this the special creature chasing those paper figures?

The bucket men came in droves and soon reached the docks and rushed into the streets.

They are like locusts crossing the border, destroying everything they encounter, and S1 is also among the targets of destruction.

At this time, he had realized that something was wrong and wanted to pull away, but a barrel man suddenly accelerated unreasonably and covered a distance of several hundred meters as if he were an inch. He rushed forward and bit off S1's arm in one bite. head.

Then, a new head grew from the bottom of the barrel, and S1's somewhat confused face appeared in the screen.

And the head on the top of the barrel also revealed its true appearance——

"Xue Wubin?!"

At the same time, Yu Liang and the magician screamed at the same time.

Although his face was obviously violent, his facial features were distorted, and his sharp teeth were stained with blood and connected with flesh, but judging from this face, this was definitely the Xue Wubin that Yu Liang and the magician knew.

Barrel man Xue Wubin killed S1?

To simply kill the seedling that the strategy team had cultivated for more than 20 years?

Such a dramatic scene made Yu Liang's brain almost shut down. He really didn't expect such a thing to happen in Wangcheng.

Doesn’t S1 have a bodyguard from the source of Kaitan?

And he was obviously very capable, so why did he die directly due to the barrel man's attack?

No, he didn't seem to be dead, he was just assimilated into a part of the Bucket Man.

The top is Xue Wubin and the bottom is S1.

Strictly speaking, there is no difference between the top and the bottom of this wooden medieval-style bucket. It can also be said that the top is S1 and the bottom is Xue Wubin.

In the picture, the barrel man Xue Wubin, after biting S1 to death, stepped on his corpse like a swagger, raising his once unyielding head high:

"Xue Wubin, kill indiscriminately!"

Yu Liang: "..."

Okay, it can be confirmed, it is definitely Xue Wubin.

From the looks of it, Xue Wubin still seems to have retained his memory and intelligence, but his personality and state have been deeply affected by the strange stories.

At this moment, Yu Liang was a little hesitant. He really wanted to find Xu Cixi and talk to him.

Good news, there really is your brother in Wangcheng.

But here's the bad news. Something doesn't seem right about your brother.

The clues about the barrel man, the dock, and the news about Xue Wubin's presence in Wangcheng all corresponded to each other one by one.

He even contacted the current main task, but Yu Liang's mood was extremely complicated.

Not only the appearance of Xue Wubin, but also the death of S1.

More than twenty years of preparation were lost due to such an accident. If he were on the strategy team, he would also have the urge to destroy the world.

There seems to be another reason to restart.

It's equivalent to playing a game and getting 10 Hearts of Steel. Just when you were about to start playing the game, the computer was shipped. In this case, do you want to restart like crazy and go back to that time to continue playing?

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that this is not an accident, but a necessity.

If there really are several reincarnations, and S1 has not been able to escape this destiny so many times, it is naturally a situation that will definitely happen.

Bucket man Xue Wubin seemed to have used some ability to find S1 on his own, then bit off the opponent's head and placed it on his bucket. This series of actions was smooth and smooth, which was enough to show that he had been eyeing S1 for a long time.

After more than 20 years of hard work, the strategy team finally failed, and everything ended up being a wedding dress for the barrel man Xue Wubin, and it ended with this sudden incident that seemed like a joke...

And this memory ended here. Yu Liang didn't know what happened to Xue Wubin afterwards, but he already had a general direction.

Forget City Pier.

If you find those buckets floating on the ocean, you will definitely be able to find traces of Xue Wubin.


We can also find traces of S1 and really get closer to the truth from that angle.

"No, the lawyer's brain has been completely burned. It may be some kind of self-destruction program, or it may be that the amount of information in these memories exceeds the carrying limit of a corpse." The magician took off his helmet and his eyes drifted unconsciously. Toward the distance.

Xue Wubin's appearance made him become a little silent, and at the same time he felt at a loss.

They did know more information, but they always felt that the situation had become more confusing.

The Bucket Men seem to be a group of monsters with an even longer history. (End of chapter)

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