To be precise, it is not the strange "human beings" who are migrating, but the players who are looking forward to solving the crisis in the Forgotten City?

Yu Liang thought about the possibility of this kind of thing and felt that it was feasible.

The player obtained the signal receiver and was subtly transformed into a Kaidan "human". Then after entering the Forgotten City, he received the transmitted memories of the attackers, thus transforming into a complete Kaidan "human"?

"But now it is a corpse that is receiving the memory. Is this still useful?" Aze asked, "Do you have any profession of autopsy? Don't they always say in forensic novels that the dead can talk and tell him the truth? You Want to try it too?"

"No." Yu Liang rolled his eyes at him, but then he thought of something.

Create characters.

It seems that the created character can have the memory of the original person, right?

So is the memory transferred into the corpse also included?

Yu Liang glanced at his page. Unfortunately, he moved a little faster. The creation was completed, and the pilot animation of the creation had been recorded, and there was an "unread" mark on it.

Let's take a look at the situation first, and after an hour, ask Lu Baoshen to pull this newly created guy over to ask about the situation.

He started the pilot animation for character creation almost without hesitation, and his consciousness entered a pure white space.

It is the birthplace of lawyers.

Yu Liang narrowed his eyes, and everything in front of him gradually became clearer. He saw a masculine figure appearing in front of the gate.

Wearing a suit and leather shoes and polished leather shoes, he looked like a successful man.

Ah, how come he is almost like a normal lawyer?

I thought I could see a hip-hop rap lawyer.

Yu Liang complained in his heart, and at the same time he did not forget to add a mockery of the world of ghost stories.

Could it be that Jiang Lang has exhausted his talent?

No more work?

Just as Yu Liang showed his disdain, the male lawyer in the white space turned his head.

A face with no obvious facial features suddenly appeared in front of Yu Liang. The cracked corner of the mouth was slightly raised, revealing a hollow black on the head, which looked extremely strange.

"What?" Yu Liang cried out in horror, but the lawyer did not give him a chance to observe carefully. The faceless man easily crossed the turnstile and entered the real world.

In reality, Aze waved his hand in front of Yu Liang and repeated Yu Liang's words: "What 'what'? What did you see?"

"No, it's a bit bad." Yu Liang's face turned serious, "I doubt my ability to recreate the strange 'human being' represented by the lawyer."

“Hiss—” This was not a roundabout statement, but Aze still thought about it for a while before saying, “You mean you resurrected the lawyer?”

"It's not resurrection, I recreated him." Yu Liang frowned, "But my ability description didn't mention that I can still do this..."

At this time, Lu Baoshen introduced him matter-of-factly: "I have the memory of that guy Lu Xing, so strictly speaking, I can be regarded as Lu Xing being resurrected, right?"

It's a pity that no one paid attention to Lu Baoshen's wit.

"Let's see..." Aze flipped through a small book, which recorded the details of alienated professions such as "writer", "hunter" and "gambler", and he quickly found the answer, "Look at your [ [Creation] says that the identity and personality of the character you create are random. Doesn't this mean that the character is randomly transformed into a "human"? It's very reasonable."

Yu Liang looked at Aze with a dark face: "Where did you get this book?"

"Both each other." Aze just smiled.

Yu Liang thought about it and thought it made sense. After all, he also knew the abilities of each of Aze's personality clones very well.

That's okay.

But what Aze said still makes sense. The lawyer must have randomly become a strange "human being".

This is a small probability event in theory, but in practice it may evolve into a high probability event. After all...

White space can be considered outside the Forgotten City, right?

This is also where historical observers can influence.

And what made him even more troubled was that this confirmed a guess he and Aze had made before, that is, lawyers are indeed very important to ghost talks about "human beings".

To be precise, the lawyer's "legal" ability is useful, so the strange "human being" will personally control the lawyer.

Whether it's the original lawyer or the creative version of the lawyer, they all want to control it.

Thinking of this, Yu's conscience twitched, and he doubted whether Lu Baoshen could catch the current lawyer with the goblin hook gun.

For such a guy who has neither met nor seen his specific appearance, Lu Baoshen's strong luck may not be able to do anything about it.

I can only wait an hour and try again.

"The loading progress is 58%...the loading progress is 59%..."

At this time, the lawyer's original corpse was still reporting on the progress, and Aze looked at the corpse and then at Yu Liang: "Your creation was used before turning on the receiver, right? So, this created guy is No memory has been received.”

"You can say that." Yu Liang thought for a while and felt that this was quite logical.

"The resurrected Kaitan 'human' has to get his memory back, right? If it's the same one, he's already in Strategy Team 27321. I'm afraid it's not that easy to switch accounts." Aze continued, "In this case, he will probably come back. Get your memory back?"

"Retrieve his memory? With just a T1 alienation professional, does he dare?" An answer popped up in Yu Liang's mind.

Others don't know, but if it's his created character, maybe he really dares to do it.

The classic session of criticizing the original body may be staged again.

Aze's problem-solving ideas are more diverse: "Can't we just bring more people of the same kind? Be prepared, there may be a night attack."

"Well, the old squad leader should have recovered, right? You will also help with the defense then." Yu Liang looked at the time recorded in his glasses. It is already two o'clock in the afternoon. It is best to take advantage of this period during the day. Decorate it quickly.

By the way, I would like to tell the coaches and others this good news, which is not good news at all. Finally, there is a formal big battle to be fought.

If only the creative character of the lawyer is on the opposite side, he may not necessarily take the initiative to collectively cause trouble for the Haicheng Alliance, but the key is that the new lawyer knows that Yu Liang and others have a corpse of a strange "human" in their hands, and there is also a signal receiver.

The combination of the two means that the players may obtain the memories of the strategy team, which is absolutely unacceptable to Kaidan "humans".

Therefore, the battle started by this fuse is likely to develop into a vicious battle, a vicious battle involving the entire Haicheng Alliance.

But this is normal. If only the founding chairman participated in Operation Forget City, it would be considered a infiltration mission at most. But now it has brought so many players with it, and it is ready for war.

It is certainly not small in terms of the scale of the battle.

What's more, Aze's words just now reminded him that among so many players, there might be someone who can read the memory of corpses.

A complete memory of the strategy team is the best gift for Yu Liang now.

With this thing, subsequent plans can be carried out more smoothly, and maybe more solutions can be found from Yuanshen.

With this thought, Yu Liang and Aze began to wait for the lawyer's body to complete receiving all the information.

At the same time, in order to prevent the lawyer's corpse from becoming incontinent, Aze thoughtfully asked a shadow puppeteer to handle it and complete the drainage.

Anyway, Yu Liang couldn't stand it. He couldn't imagine that this guy who cut up corpse excrement with a perverted smile would be a shadow puppet artist who brought joy to thousands of households.

Well, it's really perverted.

"Loading enters 99%...Loading progress 100%. Loading completed." The lawyer's corpses finally finished counting, and a faint blue light was released from his eyes, which then went out completely and became a corpse again.

"Quick, he just died not long ago, there must be enough memories in his brain." Aze asked the shadow puppeteer to put the lawyer's body into the inventory. Only there can the lawyer's body be kept absolutely fresh.

It's not necessarily just the player who can extract the corpse's memory. The source of the ghost story may also be able to extract it. The memory must be extracted before the "human" attack from the ghost story arrives.

The group left the underground world, came to the central camp of the Haicheng Alliance, and informed the other founding chairs of what happened.

Of course, the lawyer was not arrested, but he was filled with resentment and attacked the writer who was only T2 with the strong attitude of T1, resulting in the writer being injured.

Aze, who was passing by, acted bravely and volunteered to help. As a result, he accidentally beat the lawyer half to death.

At this time, they suddenly discovered that the lawyer was actually a weird "human being" who wanted to catch him alive. However, in order to protect the secret of the weird "human being", the lawyer wanted to die and ended up in the hands of the writer.

In short, it was so simple and so sudden that the founders believed it without hesitation.

Well, Yu Liang had used Cao Ying and other Huimin agricultural products to increase the favorability of the founders before, so the founders basically turned a blind eye to this matter.

Anyway, it can be confirmed that the lawyer is a "human being" in Guitaan, which is equivalent to the finality of the whole matter, so it doesn't matter what the process is.

What matters is what it can bring to the Haicheng Alliance.

"You mean that a large number of strange 'human beings' will appear and attack our stronghold here?" The priest checked his page and calculated the time. Now he should be able to set up another sacred barrier.

The effect may not be as good as last time, but it's certainly stronger than nothing.

"They should bring a lot of strange stories about their origins... Should we avoid the edge for a while?" The programmer looked at the other people.

He was putting it mildly to avoid the edge temporarily, but in fact he just wanted to run away.

This idea was immediately rejected by the coach. He said solemnly: "You can't escape by running. There are a large number of players in our team. How can we outrun those weird 'human beings' whose roots are so close to us? But that's not the case. You need to worry, those Kaidan 'humans' have an agreement with the surrounding Source Kaitan and do not dare to use the source power on a large scale, so there should not be too many enemies coming."

"That's right, you must not run away this time. The underground rat god is still here. Those weird 'human beings' are coming. If they don't see us, they may capture the rat god. Then our safe zone will be gone. I have hope." Among the crowd, Li Huachao spoke plausibly, looking at the issue from a public perspective.

"It makes sense. Without the safe zone, this Wangcheng will eat us all up sooner or later." The beekeeper agreed with Li Huachao's statement, maybe because he thought so too, or maybe because Li Huachao was a hunter. In essence, he is also a member of the workers' and peasants' armed forces.

The coach nodded and said: "In this case, please send a message to the magician and tell him to come back as soon as possible. We are going to fight the enemy."

He looked at everyone: "In the next time, we must set up a defense line as soon as possible, arm this street, and distribute the reward. Players who can extract the memory of the corpse will be brought directly. If the memory of the strategy team can be extracted, , big reward!”

"It's best to look for other corpses, otherwise I'm worried that there will be weird 'human beings' mixed in, waiting for an opportunity to destroy the lawyer's corpse." The programmer wanted to be more careful, so he came up with a guess.

After making the decision, everyone quickly dealt with their own affairs and began to set up defense lines respectively. They also sent Li Huachao, who was under Yu Liang, to inform the Rat God of the underground world about the matter.

Regardless of whether the Rat God decides to help them or not, he must first take care of his own safety.

Only with the presence of Lord Rat and Rat, can there be a safe zone. He is more important than imagined.

And just when everyone was busy nervously, an unexpected person appeared at the corner of the street.

He has a red and yellow flat-top hat, medium-to-short hair, and a small and fair face with big, thick sunglasses. He is also dressed in a pure hip-hop style, with bold and lively colors.

Before he spoke, no one noticed his presence, and after he spoke, all the players in the entire street looked up at his position.

"Hello everyone, let me just say a few words." The boy with a handsome face pushed up the big sunglasses on his face, and tugged on the gold chain around his neck that had a strange combination of earthiness and fashion. "My name is' Half', you may not know me, but you will soon."

He coughed dryly and continued with a cute and neutral voice: "Just like my name, my ability is also very simple, also 'half'. Starting from one minute later, every five minutes, listen to this Half the 'humanity' of the words is gone. I'm done with my speech, thank you."

Half gone?

Yu Liang stood at a high place, his eyes locked on the small figure in the distance, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

In one minute, half of humanity will disappear?

In other words, half of the people will die randomly?

This ability sounds extremely simple, but the degree of terror is even more bizarre than concrete.

There is no cause or effect, just casually telling you that half of the human race will disappear...

While Yu Liang was shocked, Qin Haijian let go of his hand on the street a thousand meters away.

He chuckled and said to the magician: "Go ahead, Half has already spoken. Now you don't have to worry about you dying suddenly."

"Is that person named 'Half' so scary?" The magician stretched his muscles, tilted his head and asked, "One minute, right?"


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