The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 572: Cooking raw rice into cooked rice

The diamond girl is still a little hesitant. This hesitation comes from the absence of her brother.

This kind of thing has never happened in the past. Her brother has not come back for such a long time and there is no news. This makes the diamond girl become more nervous the more she thinks about it, and a kind of panic appears in her heart.

But at this time, he remembered his brother's instructions again, and did not get into trouble or show his worries too obviously.

In addition, He still trusts the mice very much, so when the mice guard him, He feels very at ease.

Of course, if this feeling was known to Li Huachao, he would definitely ask with questions in his mind: "Aren't you the source of the ghost story? If you don't protect the rats, how can you expect the rats to protect you?"

Just when the Rat God was hesitating, Yu Liang walked onto the stage, calling the rat people below the stage to come up, while asking the four men and one woman who had just pole danced to continue their performance.

The mouse host understood the situation and took over the hosting task again.

"Father, this situation... you should watch the situation first and don't let the players and the mice conflict. We have to discuss some things." Yu Liang walked to the priest's side and gave instructions.

The priest nodded: "Of course."

He is not stupid, and it is definitely impossible to let the players influence the rat people. After all, it seems that humans and rat people are in the honeymoon period in some kind of "marriage" situation, and the relationship is not bad.

"Okay, after you finish handling the matter, it's best to share the general situation with us. We need to know what happened here." The priest continued, adding, "We don't need to know what you did, we just want to know Current situation.”

"Okay." Yu Liang nodded, knowing what the priest meant.

The priest did not intend to spy on his behavior, he just wanted to know what the current situation was and make a more appropriate decision for the Haicheng Alliance.


Yu Liang said that he didn't know what the situation was, and he would need to ask Li Huachao to find out.

There's no such thing as a happy marriage, if Erha can really be married to a root ghost story...

In fact, it’s not impossible.

She has a strange origin and is quite good-looking. She is also a diamond monster girl. Are you wronged by being a husky?

Of course not wronged.

Li Huachao, on the other hand, pulled the host over in the name of the queen and told the other party in a low voice, don't let these mice people have any conflict with humans, everyone is our own people.

If there is a conflict, there will be no such interesting variety shows in the future.

Naturally, the host, who shined with his own brilliance on the stage, completely agreed with this.

After all, it seems that after the Queen officially becomes the bride of the Lord God, humans and rat people will become one family, and there is no need to fight each other.

These rat people do not have a long history, and after getting acquainted with them, you can still feel their simplicity.

Although it originally ran to the above world to find prey when night fell, and would also attack humans, in the final analysis it was still a matter of territorial awareness, and it was also the order of the Lord God.

The territory of the Lord God has recently been eroded by strange rumors from outside. Of course, the rat people cannot value peace, and they will definitely not be polite to outsiders.

For example, among the original group of players from Ningcheng, only these four men and one woman were captured in the end.

As for whether there will be casualties during the capture process...

This is not something Yu Liang should consider.

Humans killed rat people, and rat people killed humans. That was all in the past. In the process of promoting and capitalizing the interests of the Yuliang Group, these past grievances can be calmed silently by a big hand, and eventually no one will be killed. Remember these things.

In short, wouldn’t it be enough for humans and rat people to form a peaceful and friendly alliance in the future?

Under the dual intimidation of Li Huachao and the priest, it is estimated that there will be no problems between humans and rat people. At this time, Yu Liang, who was standing on the stage, unconsciously exuded a patriarchal temperament.

Yes, Yu Liang, who belongs to the dual parents of the human side and the mouse side, has become an elder-level figure at only 23 years old.

On this point, neither Li Huachao nor the host Mouse have any opinions.

As for the Lord Shushu, he had never been able to read the atmosphere, so he just looked at Yu Liang with a curious look.

Well, this guy...

It seems that I have the same taste as my bride, she must be a good person!

Yu Liang bowed slightly in front of the Lord of Rats and Rats, performed a salute that he saw in an unknown movie or TV series, and then said: "Lord Lord, I am the parent of Li Huachao, and I am also a good person who shares your worries..."

He originally wanted to use some lofty words to describe himself, the head of the Yu Group, but after thinking about it, Lord Shushu probably didn't understand these things at all.

The word "good guy" is more simple and direct. After all, this rat god seems to be the type who believes whatever others say.

"Good people, um... I like good people." Lord Mouse immediately smiled, then he looked at Li Huachao, stretched out his hand and touched Li Huachao's head, "So your name is Li Huachao, your name is really nice."

The elder brother would pat his head when he praised him, so Lord Mouse is now learning how to use it and also chooses to pet the dog's head.

"Uh, thank you." Li Huachao didn't like others touching his head, but after thinking about it, he was still wearing a helmet. At most, the diamond girl just touched the helmet, not the head.

"Well, with your brother's help, the marriage between our two families should be a certainty, so I would like to ask your opinion next." Yu Liang sold Li Huachao without hesitation. And to be honest, this thing is completely different from what I imagined.

He had just asked Miss "Zhi" in his mind and got some reliable information from Miss "Zhi".

Since he is not in the dungeon now, Yu Liang does not need to use the little raccoon as a microphone and can directly communicate with Miss Zhi attentively.

From Miss Zhi, we can learn that the so-called marriage in the source ghost stories is completely different from what humans call marriage.

Do you still expect these guys who are probably incorporeal to give you a hearty wedding night?

It is undeniable that some "human nature"-oriented root ghost stories may be able to do this kind of thing, such as lust in the Seven Deadly Sins, or guys like Slaanesh.

However, for most of the source monsters, it is impossible to communicate like animals. They can directly have divine intercourse, and then produce monster derivatives that contain the characteristics of both parties.

It is similar to giving birth to a child, but completely different, because it is impossible for a Kaidan derivative that possesses the characteristics of both parties to surpass the root Kaidan.

If it could be transcended, then the world would be in complete chaos. The source monsters and the source monsters would give rise to higher-level root monsters, and it would not take long for a lot of root monsters to be born.

Since time has no meaning to the source ghost stories, they do not have the concept of birth, old age, sickness and death. The number of source ghost stories will only increase...

Of course, this is impossible.

However, this kind of Kaidan derivative that combines the characteristics of both parties has another special use, and that is to feed back the source Kaitan itself.

Use the power derived from Kaidan to feed yourself back, thereby achieving the purpose of enhancing the power of Kaitan.

It does not count as strengthening, because the power of the root monster itself has no fixed source, and it does not comply with any law of conservation of energy. However, in terms of performance, it is similar to strengthening, because the expressive power of the root monster has indeed become stronger after receiving feedback. Stronger.

At the same time, Kaidan tokens that get both traits will be very powerful, at least stronger than Kaidan tokens with a single trait, that's for sure.

Whether as a confidant, a guard or something else, they all have unique advantages.

It is precisely because of this that such marriages occasionally occur among root ghost stories, but they are not particularly common.

This is just like the existence of children of the ancient gods in the Cthulhu mythology, and there are also products of two ancient gods giving birth together, but how much emotion is there between them...

Well, the root ghost story doesn’t pay attention to emotions or anything like that anyway.

As an eternal and unchanging part of time, the feelings of the source monsters are definitely gradually becoming thinner. Maybe only the younger ones who are just born may still have some feelings, but there is a high probability that they are just things that arise out of "curiosity". That’s all.


Marriage is definitely an opportunity.

Even "Zhi" had to admire Xiao Huachao's luck for being able to find such an opportunity.

A seemingly dull and silly source of the ghost story, his brother who could give advice happened to be missing, and the other ghost creature derivatives, the rat men, loved him immensely.

What's more important is that the impression of Li Huachao in "Gengen Ghost Story" is not bad. Maybe it's because he has never been severely beaten by society, and everyone seems to be a good person.

If two source monsters jointly produce characteristics to breed monster derivatives, the monster derivatives are called feedback. One source monster and a player produce characteristics to breed monster derivatives...

This is called poverty alleviation!

It is not yet known whether there is any benefit to the source of ghost talk, but for Li Huachao, it is definitely an act of compounding profits, compounding profits, compounding profits, compounding profits, because the derivatives of ghost stories born in this way must have great respect for their own origins, and there is almost no betrayal. possible.

Not to mention anything else, as long as it is one-third of an acre of land near this safe zone, Li Huachao basically has to be given some face, just because he has produced a large number of ghost talk derivatives, and his status is completely different from ordinary people.

It was under "Zhi"'s explanation that Yu Liang made up his mind to try to cook the raw rice into cooked rice before the Lord God Brother came back.

As compensation, he wanted to try to see if he could use the power of the Haicheng Alliance to deal with the source of the ghost story that invaded the safe zone and harmed the Lord Rat Lord.

If an agreement can be reached, this will be a great event for Yu Liang, as well as the Haicheng Alliance.

Yu Liang will obtain the transfer station and port of the new route, and also have a race as a backup. The Haicheng Alliance will also gain trade points and safe zones.

It's definitely a win-win situation for both parties, but Yu Liang's chances of winning are much greater.

Of course, the Haicheng Alliance shouldn't care about this kind of thing. Due to the relationship between the Caoying market and the character exchange, which player in the alliance can't take on Yu Liang's share?

Who wouldn't call Yu Liang respectfully "Mr. Writer" when meeting him?

In a quiet place far away from the stage, Yu Liang seduces the diamond girl and leads her to his own path.

Thinking about it, I still felt a little sorry for Lord Shushu. After all, Yu Liang already understood what Brother Lord Lord wanted to do.

This so-called bride...

It may be another source of ghost talk, which is consistent with the identity of the Shushu Lord God. The two sides produce ghost talk derivatives to feed back, so that the Shushu Lord God can be strengthened and then be able to drive away the intruders.


The effect should be about the same, right?

Regardless of the process, the end result will be the same.

Yu Liang has already made a decision in his heart. He will definitely help the Rat God to drive away the intruders, and he will not hesitate to use his sister for this purpose...

Well, forget it, I still don't need the power of "zhi", just entrust a few founding chairs to go there.

Yu Liang still believed in sister "Zhi". He was afraid that if "Zhi" appeared in Wangcheng, the entire Wangcheng would riot.

The situation will definitely be worse by then.

During a conversation, Lord Shushu completely showed the ignorance of a young girl. She was gradually trapped in the language trap set by Yu Liang step by step, and became a brave girl who wanted to share the worries of her brother.

The sooner you get married, the sooner you can complete the birth of new Kaitan derivatives, and the sooner you can complete the so-called feedback, and at the same time, you can drive out all the intruders.

If you do this, you will be praised when your brother comes back~

Anyway, that’s what Yu Liang said, and Diamond Girl believed it.

Even Li Huachao kept muttering to himself about "being born a writer" and "tauren eating my sword or something."

Regarding this, Yu Liang just wanted to say one thing to the Lord God:

Lao Deng'er, my will-o'-the-wisp has stopped, watch it, and if you don't like it, I'll give you a meal!

Speaking of which, he was quite curious about this strange derivative that combined the characteristics of Diamond Girl and Li Huachao...

What could it be?

Dog-headed lolita?


How weird.


A Ze, who returned home with a full load, was very satisfied. This trip into the underground world, he got what he needed to get, understood what he needed to understand, and witnessed with his own eyes that damn born writer was cheated...

It’s really awesome!

Next, all you need to do is be patient and find a way out of the underground world. For Aze, who has not encountered any danger...

Is there any difficulty?

No, of course not.

After all, almost all the rat people and root ghost stories have gone to Huo Huo Yuliang and the Haicheng Alliance, and he has received news from the Metaverse Designer and the Confessor.

The two of them were selected by transparent bats and thrown out of the underground world. They are now safe. As for Yu Liang and the others...

Probably still very troubled.

After walking around in circles, Aze approached the building where the Haicheng Alliance was originally located. The building stood on the underground square, isolated from the world.

He thought for a while and felt that the way to the above world might be on the building. After all, the building was pulled underground by the power of ghost stories.

Aze walked around the deserted building twice and found a strange thing for him.

Special mirrors, light sources, and some incomprehensible props are combined into a special formation.

This is……

Aze looked at this pile of things in surprise, and he had some guesses in his mind.

Draw prison?

Is this a three-dimensional version of Hua Lao?

So can this thing trap a three-dimensional creature?

Azze came closer and took a look. He seemed to see footprints here, which meant that someone might have entered the painting prison.

No, it seems that the person trapped in the painting prison is not a human, but a rat?

He picked up a special hair from the ground and judged it.

No matter, it's none of my business, buddy, let's go first.

Aze instinctively sensed the smell of conspiracy and ran away immediately.

" me..."

A long time after Aze left, a sound so subtle that it was almost inaudible came from the painting prison.

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