The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 552 Priest and Lawyer

The first night in Wangcheng has arrived, and Yu Liang and others are already in the high-rise building at this time, and they don't intend to cause any more trouble.

Just spend the evening calmly like this.

Now they just hope that the people from the Sea City Alliance will not rush at night and can enter the safe zone during the day. Otherwise, they may have direct contact with these rat people at night.

Everyone present does not want to come into contact with such rat people. The best situation is to keep each other's wells and do not conflict with each other.

"Eat something and take a rest. With Li Geng and An Buchen here, keeping vigil is not a problem." Yu Liang looked at Xu Cixi who was standing on the edge of the tall building looking down, and reminded him, "Be careful Only by rest can we be able to support the subsequent explorations. Our profession is not that of physical warriors, so we still need more rest."

There is no way, physical warriors have a natural advantage in this regard. Players in other professions have better physical fitness than ordinary people, but after a long journey, their physical condition will still decline and it will be difficult to perform at their best.

"Yes, I know." Xu Cixi nodded, turned around and walked back into the building, standing next to Yu Liang, "This time when entering Wangcheng, do you need to set any 'heart anchor'?"

[Heart Anchor] is her ability. She can give instructions to others like a switch, but she must be prepared in advance.

"No need for today." Yu Liang shook his head. He already had a better anchor plan, and he planned to set it up after spending this night's dream.

Last time in Flatland, Xu Cixi set an anchor for him, which made him unable to think of some things during the entire battle, such as Miss "Zhi", because he didn't want to know the specific relationship between himself and "Zhi". The situation was intercepted by Azer's script.

For him, it is still very troublesome to use the "Zhi" method in the dungeon. It requires a sacrifice of sufficient quality of life, and it can only use power for five minutes...

There are still a lot of restrictions. It is best not to let Aze know about these things, otherwise it will be easy to get into trouble.

"Okay, there's not much I can do for you." Xu Cixi looked at Yu Liang and forced a smile.

For her, this was a very frustrating thing.

Her growth rate is far less rapid than that of Yu Liang. So far, she can only barely exert her pseudo-T1 strength, and this is the limit of what she, an ordinary person, can achieve.

Whether it is Aze or now Yu Liang, their fighting ability is far from the ability to touch porcelain.

Only by relying on the power of the hamster shadow and the disintegration of the golden eyes can she exert some T1 level combat effectiveness less stably.

It’s hard to have any spare time just by living like this, let alone making any big contribution to the entire team.

She knew this very well, and what she had done was far from enough.

If she had the uncontested personality of a perfumer, that would seem fine, but unfortunately, her position dictates that she must compete.

Moreover, she also wants to find the whereabouts of her brother Xue Wubin. This not only requires fighting, but also risking her life, otherwise it will be difficult to survive.

"Don't worry, there will be tall people to hold up the sky when it falls. Now your team is not a bunch of weaklings. I won't let those guys underestimate you." Yu Liang patted Xu Cixi's shoulder and gave With his own encouragement, there really weren't many things he could do, but "fighting with Xu Cixi" obviously counted as one.

"Okay." Seeing what Yu Liang said, Xu Cixi had nothing else to say. She looked at the place where Yu Liang had just walked over, with a slight smile on her face, "The characters in your works seem to be fighting. ."

"Eh?" Yu Liang made a confused voice. When he turned around, he noticed Li Huachao and Lu Baoshen making trouble, and immediately walked over quickly to see what was going on.

Xu Cixi stood there for a while and looked at Yu Liang's back, and finally sighed.

Yu Liang understood some of her thoughts, but not completely.

What she wanted to do was never to be protected from behind, but to bravely stand by someone's side.

What she wants to do is much, much more than what she is doing now.

"What are you doing? Can't you even cook something and eat it?" Yu Liang deliberately looked at the people in the center of the building with a straight face.

This building is not bad, only two sides are ventilated, and the walls on two sides are still intact. It only needs to temporarily build a windproof wall to make it more comfortable.

An Buchen had prepared everything a long time ago. She used special talismans to set up barriers around her. The smell in the room would not spread out, and the smell of the stew would not be discovered by the rats downstairs. .

The task of lighting the fire and cooking naturally fell into the hands of Li Huachao. Even though there were so many people present, the only one who really had cooking experience was the hunter Li Huachao.

Li Huachao's original incarnation, Lao Du, often went into the mountains for two or three days. Naturally, he had a lot of survival experience, so cooking something was not a problem.

An Buchen, on the other hand, was on the side. She used alchemy techniques to stew the dishes, and used Lu Baoshen beside her to test the medicine.

The Dwarf Alliance or whatever, it’s all for nothing if you don’t use it.

As for the ingredients, some of them were hunted by Li Huachao when it was dark, while Yu Liang and the others were renovating the building; the other part were cans and other things taken out of the large travel bag that Li Huachao was carrying.

After An Buchen's inspection, the animals here were really just small animals. They were not contaminated with any special toxins and were completely edible.

Even more delicious, after all, not everyone has the ability to eat two bites of game.

Some high-quality canned meat and canned vegetables were all boiled into a pot of thick stew by An Buchen, while three rabbits and two pheasants were disposed of by Li Huachao and turned into roasted whole rabbits and roasted chickens.

The problem between Li Huachao and Lu Baoshen just now was this. Li Huachao wanted to take a bite of Lu Baoshen's rabbit, and then tore off half of the rabbit in one bite, making Lu Baoshen sulky and secretly holding a grudge in his heart.

When Li Huachao took out a chicken leg and was about to stuff it into his mouth, Lu Baoshen suddenly took action and replaced the chicken leg with a brick, almost knocking out a tooth from Li Huachao, so the two of them put the secret fight on the table and prepared to wait. Let's find out who is the second brother.

"I found that you guys really have enough time. I should wait for you to finish cooking and take you into the universe. You don't need to eat anyway." Yu Liang snatched the untouched soup basin from Lu Baoshen's hand. , took two big bites, took away the chicken wings from Li Huachao's hand, and stuffed them into his mouth.

Not to mention, Li Huachao's roasting is really good. There is also his secret powder on top, which tastes very delicious.

"Okay, it's time to eat and drink. Use the 'Mu' character to clean up the dirty things on your body later and prepare to take a rest." Yu Liang did not pay attention to the people present, "Now Haicheng The alliance has no sign of coming, but I guess they will arrive in the middle of the night. We are busy, so let’s take a good rest now.”

Li Huachao still had time to respond to Yu Liang after eating. He pressed Lu Baoshen's head with one hand and responded quickly: "I know, I know."

"It's good to know." Yu Liang didn't care about the two of them anymore. For him, Li Huachao and Lu Baoshen, who were fighting in the universe, had become a daily repertoire.

Looking at the other people, Li Geng and Yu Liang had similar expressions. They were both watching Lu Baoshen and the Hunter brothers and sisters fighting around the roast chicken. An Buchen was sipping thick soup while sitting by the campfire to keep warm.

She seems to be quite afraid of the cold, and likes to huddle next to something warm at night.

Yan Hu was persistently dealing with the rabbit bones while looking around with vigilant eyes, looking for weapons that might be useful.

What can I do if a fight suddenly breaks out now?

Such questions often ring in Yan Hu's mind, so he will prepare for this at all times.

As for Zhong Chen, Zhong Chen's attention was very clear. Her eyes followed Yu Liang all the time, and she never moved away from Yu Liang's body for even a second.

Even the most affectionate lover may not be as attached to her as she is, as if he was born entirely because of the other person.

On the other side, the dream sleeper and the secretary were quarreling again as expected. The two of them were like Li Huachao and Lu Baoshen in the Yu Liang universe. One said he looked down on Aze extremely, and the other said he regarded Aze as himself. The only light of life will naturally cause various problems.

The perfumer was standing in front of the airy high-rise building with a small bowl of hot soup, feeling the smell factors mixed in the air.

It wasn't too strong, it was the wind that carried the smells from different areas to her nose.

Obviously, at night, many creatures began to move, and she had smelled a special odor, which was probably unique to rat people.

After finishing dinner, everyone was divided into two or three groups. Those who were not alert could sleep all the time, while those who were alert needed to be divided into two groups to keep vigil.

For example, An Buchen, Li Geng, and the perfumer all have certain professional abilities to assist in vigilance, so they are naturally the best candidates for the night watch.

Among them, for people like An Buchen, she must ask herself to stay overnight, otherwise she won't feel at ease.

Others were simply resting around the campfire. People like Aze and Adventurer, who had higher requirements for their quality of life, took out their sleeping bags and pajamas and fell asleep in a more comfortable posture.

The adventurer's pajamas are Pikachu, while Aze's pajamas are a fluffy green dinosaur. To a certain extent, they have similar tastes.

Just as Yu Liang guessed, the first half of the night was indeed calm. In the second half of the night, Aze stood up silently from his sleeping bag and began to change his clothes, changing out of his beloved little dinosaur pajamas.

"The Swordsmen and the others have entered the safe zone. Behind them are a group of players from the Haicheng Alliance. They are the priest and some of his clergy. The coach did not follow. The coach went to find another team. They seemed to be fine, but on the way The group of people under the lawyer he encountered were not so good." Seeing that Yu Liang was awakened by his actions, Aze whispered, "A quarter of them died, a quarter of them were injured, and they disappeared again. Some of them seem to be in bad shape."

"It sounds like they are the best in this batch. If I remember correctly... they should have encountered the 'mathematics' territory invaded by the rabbit-shaped god?" Yu Liang recalled the situation he mentioned before.

"Probably." Aze continued, "I'll go pick up my clones later, and then hide for the time being. I don't want to be surrounded by those players."

Hearing this, Yu Liang didn't stop him, and just watched him lead several of his clones to disappear into the night.

After Aze's reminder, everyone else present also woke up. They all gathered around Yu Liang and asked about their next plan.

"Go down to greet the lawyers first, but don't expose our temporary base here. Wait until the coaches and others arrive." Yu Liang said. He ordered An Buchen to tidy up the temporary base, and then released room 225.

With the Tank Daofu here, players are definitely safer than normal players. Even if they run into a large army of rat men, they will not panic.

Soon, everyone gathered and entered Yu Liang's tank road house. Li Geng created the road, thinking about the direction of the lawyer team to greet them.

In addition to the legal team, the priest was also followed.

If there were just those annoying legal teams, then Yu Liang would definitely be too lazy to deal with them, but with the priest there it was another matter.

Well, the priest can be regarded as an existence that can be equal to him. He can show his kindness appropriately and have someone to take care of him if something goes wrong.

Probably because it was late at night, Yu Liang did not meet the rat man and came to the priest and others smoothly.

Many clergymen in divine robes raised their weapons as soon as they saw the tank, but the priest stopped them.

"Don't worry, it's a human being," the priest said.

The next second he made his judgment, the door of the tank opened, and Xu Cixi walked out of it first, followed by Yu Liang and others.

"Father." Xu Cixi nodded slightly to the priest, and then began to report the current situation, "No danger has been found in the safe zone for the time being, but a monster with a rat head and body is still active on the surface. It is recommended to avoid it. They don’t want any conflict.”

"Okay, I will restrain them." The priest nodded, looked at the dozens of people behind him, and said loudly, "Remember, don't provoke the local monsters in the safe zone."

"Well, you should have brought some food, right? You can camp near here, take a rest and wait for the other teams." Xu Cixi continued.

"Okay." The priest naturally would not be embarrassed and resigned, and he and his clergy found a small building on the spot as a place to stay.

Similar to Yu Liang's judgment, he also wanted to station himself at a slightly higher place.

Then came the lawyer's team. Unlike the priest, they looked much more embarrassed. There were many wounded people in the team, and it was obvious that the atmosphere of the entire team was very low.

"Founder's seat, it turns out that you have arrived safely and safely a long time ago." The lawyer appeared in the center of the team, and the players on both sides slowly stepped aside. He stood in front of Xu Cixi. He looked at Xu Cixi and the other side. The group of people with neat clothes and full spirits frowned slightly.

At that time, Xu Cixi showed weakness and took away the route taken by Junzi, while they were assigned to an obviously more dangerous route. Now, the gap seems to have become apparent.

A team without a strong T1 is safe and sound, with no signs of missing members, while a team like theirs with two or three T1s has lost half of its personnel...

Sure enough, the coach and the others still favored Xu Cixi from the bottom of their hearts and this useless founding chair.

Damn it!

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