The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 550 The petty Bone Lady

Everyone didn't know the fear in Aze's heart. They only knew that a crisis was solved with the help of the coach, so they all breathed a sigh of relief.

If a founding-level player is lost before going deep into Forgotten City, it will undoubtedly be a huge blow to the confidence of the Forgotten City Alliance.

Slightly more advanced players like Aze Yuliang will naturally not shrink from this, because they have always known what the words "root ghost talk" actually mean.

There is no distinction between them, and they are extremely dangerous and terrifying existences to humans and even all living creatures.

The Forgotten City is not like a dungeon in the game. It is easier at the beginning, but becomes more difficult the deeper you go. It is extremely dangerous from beginning to end. At most, when you explore the outside, you will find it easier because of luck.

To a certain extent, Forgotten City is more like a Souls game.

Even passing through the Kaitan realm and encountering a small Kaitan creature may wipe out an entire team.

For example, in the White Bone Monster Territory on the previous route, if Yu Liang and his team hadn't been equipped at a high enough level, other Haicheng teams would have lost at least half of their manpower.

The long skeletal snake that can imitate the abilities of players is far beyond what normal players can deal with. I am afraid that only founders like coaches can confront it head-on.

"Oh, I don't know when I will see my magician brother." The Dream Sleeper followed the crowd and sighed in a rather nymphomaniacal manner.

"Shut up, he's not a priest and can't hear your prayers." Aze finally failed to stop the hypnotist from going crazy in front of outsiders.

"Who knows? Magic is a very miraculous thing, and you can't explain it to a small audience like you." The illusionist retorted, and got to the point.

"What kind of person is a magician?" Yu Liang heard the murmur of the magician and asked.

He didn't know much about these founding seats, but he felt that he still needed to understand their capabilities.

Yu Liang asked Xu Cixi, but it was a pity that Xu Cixi's words...

She is not very clear either. She can only tell the appearance of the ability, which is similar to telling the manifestation of the ability that she has seen, but cannot tell the essence of the ability, so she has no reference.

Just like if you watched Li Huachao's Blade Storm, did you know that one of his abilities is to suppress the shot speed rule?

It's obviously impossible.

As an old rival of the five founding seats, Aze has a much better understanding of the abilities of the founding seats than Xu Cixi, the sixth founding seat.

There is no way, the person who knows you best is always your enemy, but Aze used being beaten to experience the abilities of each founding seat.

By the way, there is also the ability to steal other people's ability templates, which is similar to Yu Liang's career as a writer.

"I know, I know." The illusionist immediately said with a big mouth, "Before that, I want to solemnly introduce to you the composition of the magician's abilities."

"You'd better keep your story short. We are about to pass through the bookmaker's territory and reach the safe zone. We will have business to do later." Aze said immediately. He knew very well that the hypnotist was going to add fuel to the fire again, and He also said a few things that made him feel not so glorious.

Of course, Aze was shameless and it didn't matter a long time ago. The secretary thought of something and his face suddenly turned livid, but when he saw that Aze didn't refuse, he didn't say anything more.

"What is the composition of a magician's abilities? Didn't his abilities come from the world of ghost stories?" Yu Liang felt a little curious and continued to ask.

"It can be said that it is given by the world of ghost stories, or it can be said that every magician needs to fight for it." The illusionist replied enthusiastically, and it was obvious that he had a desire to share in this regard.

He continued: "Most of the magician's abilities are directly linked to his or her own magic level, because only by completing the next stage of magic display can the magician obtain the next stage of alienated professional abilities."

"In other words, the magician's fantasy profession is more closely related to the real profession?" Yu Liang could probably understand what this guy wanted to say, but he didn't quite understand what he wanted to express.

"You can say that." The illusionist smiled strangely and said the essence, "At T4, the system will distribute to the magician some relatively basic abilities such as [skillful hands] and [eloquence], and magic The master needs to use these abilities to complete a wonderful magic trick in reality, so that he can complete the gradient promotion and obtain an ability related to that ability."

"By the way, you can only use the abilities of ordinary people to perform magic. You cannot use characters, alienated professions, etc. to assist the performance. That is illegal, and a real magician would not bother to do such a thing."

The hypnotist raised his finger: "For example, after I completed a card magic in T4, I gained the ability to control cards in T3."

"I probably understand, but why haven't I seen you play cards before?" Yu Liang thought of some special superhero characters from playing cards, such as Gambit King, Clown, etc., but he didn't seem to see Huan Mian. The teacher has used it.

The Sleep Master shrugged and said indifferently: "I didn't rely on card magic when I upgraded to T2, so it was refreshed."

"Is that so?" Yu Liang was a little surprised. Looking at it this way, the profession of magician is indeed extremely special, because his abilities actually change with the gradient.

No, strictly speaking, that is not a change in ability, because the magician's essential ability at each gradient may still be [skilled hands] or something, and the magic ability is just something he has built up.

That being said...

Yu Liang narrowed his eyes and looked at the phantom sleep master. The situation he saw was similar to what Li Geng had guessed before.

The Sleeper is a variant of the Magician. It is very likely that he gained the corresponding abilities after performing similar magic when he was promoted to T1.

"You should have guessed it. Anyway, when I was promoted to T1, I completed a very difficult magic trick, and then I successfully advanced and got the current [Reversal Land]." The illusionist knew that everyone present should After knowing the source of his ability, he smiled again, "It's just that the number of magic performances to be promoted to T1 will not be limited to 1, but more."

He continued: "Simply put, the more perfect quality magic you perform, the more abilities you will gain when you advance to T1."

"You mean the magician..." Yu Liang understood what the illusionist wanted to express.

"Yes, he performed close-up magic, stage magic, banquet magic, street magic, large-scale illusions, psychic magic, large-scale escape techniques, etc." The illusionist said sincerely, "In terms of magic, he has unparalleled abilities. Creativity and inspiration, so when he was promoted to T1, his techniques and abilities turned his creativity into reality, and the world of ghost stories gave him the best reward."

"So what you are saying is that you only completed one magic trick, while the magician in Haicheng...he completed many more magic tricks?" Yu Liang immediately knew where the source of the other party's powerful power came from.

There is no doubt that the ability of the Illusionist is very powerful. [The Land of Reversal] is enough to instantly widen the gap between two team battles. And how many magicians are there with this level of ability?

What a horror!

"Of course, magic is the art of making fakes come true. As long as he successfully deceives the audience in his mortal body, the world of ghost stories will reward him with the corresponding abilities. It's fair, isn't it?"

The illusionist's eyes were full of admiration. This expression made Yu Liang wonder whether he still had Aze in his heart.

"If this is the case, his magic level should be very high. Wouldn't he be promoted to T1 very quickly?" Li Geng thought of this and was a little curious.

"Of course, it took him a short time to jump from T4 to T1. This speed is almost the same as Aze's, but the former is super good at playing, while the latter is because actors are promoted very quickly, and there is nothing they can do if they don't reach T1. It’s just a deformed profession.” The phantom sleeper explained carelessly, and immediately took off Aze’s underwear, seemingly not avoiding outsiders.

The secretary said with an annoyed look on his face: "That's enough of the illusionist. Stop talking. You've already said too much!"

"Then what's the problem?" The Dream Sleep Master said nonchalantly, "These secrets are not carried through life or death, so what does it matter if we talk more about them, and they are not secrets at all."

"That's right, it's not a secret." Aze also laughed in agreement, stretched out his hand to stop the angry secretary, and then looked at the hypnotist, "Let's talk about the key points first, we really don't have much time."

"Okay, let's just briefly talk about the abilities of some magicians." Seeing this, the Dream Sleeper didn't plan to say anything more. He was originally going to talk about the grudges between Aze and the magician, such as someone's various It's a shameful thing.

He thought for a while and began to submit the names of the dishes: "Golden cicada escapes from the shell, body separation, mind distortion, dimensional travel, thunder and lightning, flame summoning, etc. There are also some abilities that are just guessed that he has, but he has not actually used them. Judging from the magic he performed publicly during the time period when he was promoted to T1, there is a high probability that he has relevant abilities."

"This..." Yu Liang hesitated, he began to get confused as he listened.

No, why do these abilities seem more outrageous the more you listen to them?

It's traveling through space and there are thunder and lightning and flames. It's so fantasy?

But having said that, Yu Liang really wanted to see how this magician performed these magic tricks.

I heard the hypnotist say before that you can't use any supernatural power to perform these magic tricks, right?

To put it simply, magic is magic that mortals have the opportunity to do, and magic that can be done using the power given by the Kaitan World is naturally countless.

"This is the magician's ability. Who else do you want to hear about? I know that I have no words to describe it." The illusionist said that he was still proud of his name and was ready to continue talking.

"Say it all again, say it all again." The adventurer immediately encouraged him. He didn't know much about the five founding seats. It wouldn't be a bad thing to take this opportunity to learn something from Aze's mouth.

On the other side, Aze looked at Yu Liang and others quietly, with countless thoughts in his heart.

Only he knows what answer he just got from the booksmith. He has a deeper understanding of the "human beings" in Forgotten City. Now he can basically confirm——

There must be a strange "human being" among the founders.

At this moment, the founders themselves may not necessarily know whether they are Kaitan "human beings". Only at a certain point in time close to the depths of Forgotten City will the memory of Kaidan "human beings" in their minds be completely revived.

Of course, only he knows all this at the moment, and he doesn't quite understand how to tell the coaches and others the news.

Even if he said it clearly, the coach and the others probably wouldn't believe him at all, right?

Aze already felt troubled, but he had to strangle this evil and strange "human being" in the Forgotten City.

He didn't know exactly what Kaidan "human beings" were planning to do, but he knew that if he succeeded in doing it for them...

It wasn’t just Forgotten City that fell.

Thinking of this, Aze only felt that life was not easy. He never thought that this terrible situation would eventually have to be controlled by him as a villain.

Fortunately, Yu Liang is not the founding chairman, and he is also involved in this incident, so he will definitely not be able to escape.

It's certainly not a bad thing to let Yu Liang and the others know about Founder Xi's ability now, because they may become opponents next time they meet.

"As a beekeeper, his abilities are highly developed. You can think of him as a super queen bee who can drive a large number of strange bees he has cultivated to fight." The Dream Sleeper stood in the crowd and talked. "Be especially careful. The abilities of the Monster Bees are basically percentage effects, and there are so many of them that ordinary players will definitely not be able to resist them twice. In the past, beekeepers had combat bees, poisonous bees, and ghost bees. A common bee species, and now it is estimated that a new bee species has been bred, but we have not fought against him again."

"Beekeeping... I probably understand." Yu Liang nodded in agreement. He had already defined it in his mind as a profession similar to that of an animal trainer, but it was definitely different from simply controlling bees and strange creatures.

"Then there is the programmer. You can understand it as she controls the field, but the scope of the field is the entire world." The illusionist shrugged, "This person is quite special, and his ability is nothing to talk about. We are not very special. Clearly, I just know that she can change a lot of data and achieve many effects you can think of, such as clearing, copying, pasting, running reverse logic, and so on.

"As a priest, you can exert the power of [God] through prayer, which is close to omnipotence, but definitely not as good as omnipotence."

"Coach, you know very well that he is a representative figure who became a god in the flesh."

At this time, everyone crossed the boundary of the bookmaker's territory. Their voices suddenly stopped and they looked around them warily.

Only the adventurer unfolded the map, first hissed, and then said: "One piece of good news and one piece of bad news."

"The good news is, judging from the icon, there should be only one source of ghost stories in this area, and it's underground."

"The bad news is that the scope of the Land of Bones is changing. He gave up most of his territory, thus making his territory extremely thin. This guy wants to surround Wangcheng."

"If we let him surround Wangcheng and form an encirclement on the outermost periphery, we will definitely pass through his territory if we want to go out of Wangcheng."

The adventurer frowned slightly and complained: "This guy is so narrow-minded." (End of Chapter)

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