"I am the root, but the root is not me?"

Yu Liang was alerted by what the bookmaker said. This was basically a reminder to him not to let his soul control this body unless absolutely necessary.

Consciousness is an acquired personality. Yu Liang can use his own consciousness to fall into a deep sleep with a source-level ghost story, and the consequence is that the soul in this body will come out to control the body.

The primordial spirit is the [villager] and has the ability to create and manifest ghost stories. When it possesses the instinct of a ghost story author, the effect will probably frighten everyone.

First, he found a way to incorporate Yuanshen [Village] and Consciousness [White Humanoid] into his body, and then he found a way to die together by self-destruction.

"Of course, this does not mean there is no room for change. If you want to revive your consciousness, you must prepare 'information' for your soul in advance."

"To a certain extent, the consciousness is the spiritual body raised by the soul. Just let the soul learn to make the consciousness return and recover."

"For any other human being, this thing is almost impossible, but for you, it may be possible."

"The reason is very simple. Several parts of your consciousness have been copied and successfully embodied. With them subtly guiding the soul, they can probably guide your consciousness to return."

The bookmaker continued, and then revealed a solution he had conceived.

After listening to the bookmaker's narration, Yu Liang turned back to look at Li Huachao and the others, with some thoughts in his heart.

It seems that Li Huachao and the others still have a great effect on him. They can act as special anchors at critical moments to awaken his consciousness from this body.

However, there is still a lot of content that the bookmaker has not disclosed, such as how to communicate with one's soul and consciousness after entering a dream, and how to make them truly become a part of oneself. These contents may only be asked by the little fairy. An Buchen is gone.

I'm afraid even the bookmaker himself doesn't understand these things, because after all, He is only known as the "God of omniscience" and is not truly omniscient.

You still need to experiment more on your own.

It's just not clear whether this is a good thing or a bad thing for him.

Yu Liang sighed in his heart, but after all, this was just a thought. Just like knowing that the nuclear bomb would destroy both the enemy and ourselves, he must get it. He must gain the ability to flip the table.

Yes, from beginning to end, the most important method a writer has mastered is to flip the table, and Yu Liang has a relatively deep understanding of this.

At least I don't have any ideas in the short term. I'll wait until I come back from Forgotten City to see if there is any chance to communicate with my soul.

On the other side, Yu Liang solved his doubts, but others were a little confused, especially Aze.

What kind of soul knows the spirit?

Oh, that copy of Cyber ​​Village, right?

I have the impression, but you told me that your soul and consciousness have become root ghost stories?


Aze didn't quite understand what the bookmaker meant, he just wanted to laugh a little.

Combined with the fact that Yu Liang completed the source ghost story in Cyber ​​City before, then the current Yuanshen consciousness must be related to him...

"Hahaha." Aze couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

So others looked at him, while Zhong Chen frowned slightly and asked in confusion: "Why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing." Aze suppressed his smile and hid the bitterness in his heart.

Others have ghost stories about their origins, but he couldn't get one after all the hard work, so it doesn't matter, he can tolerate it.

The only thing I couldn't bear was a person like Yu Liang in front of me. There were so many strange stories about one person's origins. The gap between the rich and the poor in society suddenly increased, which destroyed Aze's sense of balance.

Now he has an impulse, which is to launch a revolution around Yuliang, and then carry out a redistribution of social production means, so as to equalize the rich and the poor and make the world harmonious.

The adventurer and Aze have different ideas, but their emotions are the same. He still remembers what Yu Liang said to him in the Moon Community, so he has always regarded the source of ghost stories as one of his goals.

Now that he can steal the energy of the Root Kaidan, he can be considered to have the power of the Root Kaidan level, but how can this be compared to Yu Liang who is wearing the Root Kaidan!

So abominable.

Xu Cixi and the perfumer looked at Yu Liang with hints of surprise. They knew that Yu Liang took away a source ghost story in his first copy, but they did not expect that Yu Liang had more. Strange tales of origin.

Uh, is that Miss "Zhi" really not jealous?

It feels like something her kind of character would do.

The two expressed confusion.

"Why are you looking at me? Xu Cixi, Ren'an, are you okay?" Yu Liang waved his hand, indicating that they should stop paying attention to him, and redirected their attention to the bookmaker.

"Then let me." Xu Cixi nodded and walked to the bookmaker.

When she actually stood in front of the bookmaker, she no longer hesitated in her heart and asked the question she wanted to say the most.

"My brother's name is Xue Wubin. He disappeared in a copy of Ghost Story. Later, a bucket with his name engraved on it was found in the sea near Wangcheng. I want to know if he is still alive and in Wangcheng or Wangcheng. In the area around the city, where can I find him?" Xu Cixi gave a very specific background hint, but the question was also very clever.

If Xue Wubin is not dead and is near Wangcheng, where can he be found?

This kind of question pattern can ensure that the bookmaker can give an answer. It is difficult to have such an effect if he directly asks about Xue Wubin's whereabouts.

Of course, the disadvantage is that Xu Cixi may not be able to find Xue Wubin at the location provided by the bookmaker, but you don't need to worry about this disadvantage at all.

Xue Wubin's name appeared on the barrel and drifted on the sea near Wangcheng. It is definitely impossible to say that he has nothing to do with Wangcheng.

If even Wangcheng couldn't find any trace of him, then there was a high probability that he was really dead.

It wasn't that Xu Cixi couldn't accept his brother's death, he just wanted to wait for a relatively accurate result for so many years.

"I know." The bookmaker smiled after listening to Xu Cixi's question. Unlike the previous questions, he didn't even show any sign of thinking. It seemed that he had heard Xu Cixi's question. After Xi's narration, I already thought of something.

He pointed in a direction and said: "There is a dock in the sea city there. A cruise ship will pass by the dock on the 3rd, 13th, 23rd and 33rd of every month. You need to buy it in Forget City. You can buy a ticket and board the cruise ship for a week, and you can probably meet him during this time."

"Number 33?" Xu Cixi looked at the bookmaker in confusion.

However, the bookmaker just smiled and did not answer. He was telling Xu Cixi with his actions.

This is already the second question.

"Okay, thank you." Helpless, Xu Cixi could only thank her and leave.

Of course, from the bookmaker's answer, he had already asked what he wanted to know most.

As long as she finds the ferry ticket in Wangcheng and waits at the dock on these special days, she can probably find Xue Wubin.

For her, getting such definite news was enough.

Aze, who was standing not far away, was thoughtful. He didn't know what cruise ship or wharf it was because he had only been to Wangcheng and was not familiar with some special areas.

It was just the bookmaker's statement that gave him a sense of immediacy as he was well-informed.


This cruise ship is similar to the Hades ship that goes back and forth on the Wangchuan River, and the so-called Xu Cixi can see Xue Wubin, maybe he can see Xue Wubin's soul or something.

But Aze would definitely not say such words, because it would be too disappointing, not because he was not born like this, but mainly because he was afraid of making Xu Cixi angry and getting beaten by Yu Liang.

The personality clones around him now are the Dream Sleep Master and the others, all of whom are at the level of five scumbags, and will not allow him to wander around.

After Xu Cixi got the answer, the bookmaker picked up the basket again and looked ready to leave.

"Hey, wait, where's my question?" The adventurer was stunned, thinking that the bookmaker had forgotten it.

"Didn't you already ask?" The bookmaker responded with a smile, "You asked me why only five people can ask questions, and I did answer you."


Everyone: "..."

"Ah?" The adventurer suddenly looked bitter, "No, that also counts?"

"This counts." The bookmaker nodded, did not answer the adventurer's question, and then walked away silently, leaving only the last sentence, which seemed to be a compensation to the adventurer:

"Be careful, Wangcheng is not peaceful now, pay attention to those guys with human faces."

"Of course, you're safe with me, but you can't stay here forever."


The coach's figure flashed quickly on the street. At this critical moment, he no longer needed to walk at a walking pace as usual.

Now, with just a slight exertion, the naked eye cannot detect any trace of him, and when he runs with all his strength, cracks will appear in the earth.

The fat on his body drifted backwards in the wind, making the coach look particularly weird in his athletic state.

In order to rescue the priest, he unreservedly showed his strength and crossed the two territories from the path of the lawyer team to the area of ​​​​the "Sword".

Unfortunately, no one could see this scene.

"Wait." The next second the coach crossed the street, a group of people emerged from the street and stopped the coach.

The swordsman's voice wasn't too loud, but he and the coach had fought against each other so many times that he naturally knew that the opponent's hearing could definitely hear the light "Wait a minute."

"How dare you appear in front of me?"

The voice has not yet come but the people have arrived. The coach's figure is still gathering, and the pressure has already made the other three in the swordsman team couldn't help but take a step back. Only the swordsman narrowed his eyes and silently put his hand on the handle of the knife. superior.

"Because you won't take action at this time." The swordsman said solemnly.

"Tell me what to do." The coach did not deny that it was indeed impossible for him to fight four Azers here. It would make no sense.

These Azes may have appeared here to set a trap to stop him, but he didn't care. He still stood in front of them and asked about the situation, because traps were no longer useful to him.

He is very confident about this.

"Our body got the detailed information of the 'sword' from the bookmaker, and we will pass it on to you." The swordsman said, and then began to repeat what he learned from Aze's body.

He spoke very fast and read the entire content in just two or three minutes, then turned around and left without having too much trouble with the coach.

The coach silently wrote down these key points. He did not say anything stupid like "Why should I trust you?" He naturally had his own judgment on whether the information was true or false.

Of course, he would never believe that Aze used his only opportunity to ask the bookmaker about rescuing the priest, so even if it was true, he had heard it from someone else.

But it doesn't matter, as long as the method is true.

"If it's true, I owe you a favor." The coach left these words, and then in a few steps he came to the position where the sword was nailed to the priest.

In the center of the square, a slender ancient sword more than two meters long passed through the priest's body, and the tip of the sword penetrated deeply into the ground.

The priest was motionless. He had his eyes closed and looked extremely peaceful. The uniform on his body was stained with some blood. His expression was extremely calm, without any fear.

Suddenly, as if sensing the arrival of the coach, the crucified priest suddenly opened his eyes.

He moved his eyes and tried his best to look in the direction of the coach, but because he was locked by the sword, he could not turn his head and his body could not move at all.

When he saw the chubby guy coming here, an extremely subtle expression appeared on the priest's face.

It seemed like a joy and reassurance.

The coach walked slowly to the sword and the priest. He frowned and stood in front of the sword and thought for a short time.

If what Aze said is correct information, then it means that each sword is an independent individual. He did not see the freely moving sword here, which means that the current target of the sword is not him.

According to Aze, the best option now is to wait for any one of the beekeepers, programmers, and magicians, and then form a team to trap the sword.

The consequence of doing this is to seal the sword's ability, causing all trapped source monsters to escape.

The coach shook his head, there was no way he could do such a thing.

So he stretched out his hand towards the rusty hilt of the sword.

The ability of the sealed sword will release the root ghost talk, so there is no need to seal the sword, just focus on the current single sword.

The coach held the hilt of the sword and let out a long breath.

He didn't know if this was useful, but he had to give it a try anyway. At most, it would just be a waste of more than two hundred kilograms of fat.

The original coach had a fat head, big ears, and a mountain of fat, but now he is slowly losing weight. The layers of fat melt away at a balanced speed, revealing the hidden muscles. .

Fat doesn't just disappear, it's converted into another form of energy.

The strength was infused into the hilt of the sword, and then the hilt was loosened. The coach narrowed his eyes and realized that his approach was effective, so he accelerated the rate of burning fat.

The tall and fat coach completely disappeared in just a few minutes and turned into a skinny monkey. He was almost out of shape, but there was no other emotion on his face, only a slight hint of relief. .


The sword was pulled out of the ground, and then the thin monkey raised the dazzling sword.

"Oh, it worked." The coach murmured and let out a long breath again, "Sure enough, swords are for people to use."

Dragging my sick body from 9 to 8 every day is so hard. From now on, I am not allowed to say "Hey, hey, it's December, and the leave application form has been refreshed" in the comment area.


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