The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 546 The bookmaker is here, and the answer is here


Sent now?

A big question mark appeared in Yu Liang's heart.

No, are you serious about it, Founding Chairman?

Although he, Aze and the others almost stumbled in the Land of Bones when they teamed up, they still managed to survive in a relatively smooth manner overall, and the level of losses was still acceptable.

Now that one of the founding seats has been directly replaced, this is a big deal.

"Sword? I remember that when I passed through this territory before, it was not too scary. As long as you escape its sensing range, it will only deal with one person at the same time, so it is not too harmful." Xu Cixi remembered some information about the "sword" and had some doubts in her heart.

"That's because you haven't shown the same strength as the root." Aze replied without hesitation. After secret observation and the priest's stepping on mines, he had realized the triggering rules of this sword's ability. "When someone uses it with When the source has the same power, whether the source Kaidan appears in person, or borrows the power of the source, or uses the incomplete source Kaidan, he will be targeted by the sword with the highest intensity."

His eyes swept over everyone present, focusing on Yu Liang, Zhong Chen and the adventurer: "You three have the aura of root power in your body, and you will become the priority target of the 'Sword', and you will be targeted. It may very well be a fight to the death situation.”

"Even me?" The adventurer blinked, looking a little surprised.

He just stole some energy from the Source Kaidan, and it is far from showing the same strength as the Source Kaidan. If all of them are targeted by the "sword", this thing is somewhat indistinguishable.

And Aze shrugged, looking like he didn't believe it.

"So the priest misjudged the ability and rule triggering form of the 'sword', and that's what happened?" Yu Liang understood what Aze meant. Based on this judgment, the priest probably suffered a serious injury.

I originally thought that the "Sword" would consume strength in the fight with the root ghost, and we could try to burst out a wave to completely suppress the "Sword" and allow the subsequent team to safely pass through the "Sword" territory. As a result, the priest completely miscalculated. Instead, he The defense mechanism of the "sword" was triggered, and it was nailed to the ground like more than ten other root ghost stories.

"Well, even the source of ghost stories will be suppressed by the rules of the 'sword'. Even the priest can't do anything." There was a hint of gloating in Aze's tone, but it was not too obvious because he knew that there were still people present. Very concerned about the priest's safety.

So he continued to report on the situation in the "Sword" area: "The good news now is that the priest is definitely not dead yet. Xu Cixi, you should be able to roughly understand that the priest's life is linked to a certain source of ghost stories. This 'Sword' is not dead yet." The ability to kill him."

"Where are the other teams? Is there any founding chair to rescue the priest?" Xu Cixi asked.

The base station in Wangcheng has long since expired, and cell phone signals are unreliable, and satellites...

The Forgotten City in the satellite does not exist.

"Yes, the coach has already set out across several root areas to rush over. He is the only one among the founders who does not have a root monster nearby. There is a high probability that the 'sword' defense mechanism will not be triggered, and under normal circumstances, the sword should hurt I can't help him." Aze still has great trust in the coach, and he is really not an ordinary person.

It feels like it is an individual cultivation, with the characteristics of a "simple mind and well-developed limbs" in the normal concept, and may be more susceptible to the influence of ghost stories about the source of mental pollution.

Normal T1 warriors, such as Li Huachao, may have concerns in this regard, but coaches do not.

The extreme enhancement of his physical fitness has affected his brain. As his physical fitness continues to be strengthened, the overall level of his brain will inevitably increase.

Many things that consume mental energy require a strong and healthy body. It is difficult for a weak person to handle the work, even if it is just a mental worker.

It is definitely not an exaggeration to describe the coach as having sharp ears and eyes and quick thinking. At the same time, he also has high mental resistance. He can be immune to most mental pollution based on the panel attributes alone. Only those who are extremely good at the source of mental influence can do so. Threatens the coach's mental state.

"If nothing unexpected happens, the 'sword' in its normal form cannot hurt the coach."

At this time, "Zhi" seemed to be awakened by Yu Liang's previous question and spoke through the mouth of the little raccoon.

"Do you know that 'sword'?" Yu Liang heard that "zhi" probably knew something.

"I'm not familiar with it, but it's one of the few that has no interest in encircling and suppressing me. It's a good guy." The little raccoon continued, imitating "Zhi"'s half-dead calm tone.

Yu Liang: "..."

"Don't touch that sword." The little raccoon warned Yu Liang in a serious tone, "If you go to the 'Sword' territory in person, you will be able to find that there is a circle of blank space around the 'Sword' control area. There is no such blank area in other root ghost stories."

The little raccoon paused for a moment: "This blank area means that the source monsters around it don't want to have anything to do with the 'sword'. You humans..."

The little raccoon didn't say anything else. Maybe he felt that smart people would understand everything.

White space?


Judging from the characteristics just shown in the Land of Bones and the Bookmaker area, it can be said that the source ghost stories have completely filled the entire Forgotten City, leaving no gaps.

After all, in terms of the ability of the source monsters, many source monsters have the influence to cover a city. Now they are suppressed to such a small area, like a super-large bulldog locked in a rabbit cage, and the surrounding They are all raising big dogs in exactly the same rabbit cages, and the effect is naturally that the territories of the root monsters are closely adjacent to each other.

Then the meaning of the blank area that appears around the "Sword" territory is terrifying.

Even the root monster is repelled by the "sword"'s ability and doesn't want to get close to the "sword".

In addition, Aze said that there are more than a dozen things suspected to be the source of ghost stories sealed in the sword tomb, at least now Yu Liang has been completely persuaded to retreat.

He has "it" in him, so he will definitely not get into trouble with that guy.

"The root of my body tells me not to look for that sword. It is a very special existence outside the Forgotten City. There is basically no root ghost story to face it." Yu Liang looked at Xu Cixi and shared that he had just collected I received the information, "Those who have the power of origin must not get close to the 'Sword', Xu Cixi..."

He thought about it and felt that Xu Cixi's strange hamster ability also came from the shadow power of "Zhi", so he said something to stop him: "It's best not to get involved, even the coach can't do it. I’m afraid it will be difficult for you to do it.”

"I understand." Xu Cixi forced a smile, hiding the worry on her face in her heart.

Indeed, if even the coach cannot save the priest, then it can only be said that the priest's fate is like this, and it is destined to be broken in the hand of the "sword".

"I will let my people watch the situation over there. There is no need to worry too much right now." Aze said to Xu Cixi, but he was immediately amused by his own statement and added, "The premise is that the priest's men will I don’t have much hostility, and I just hope the coach can be gentler.”

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh.

If we were to say that the guy in the entire Haicheng League that Aze was most afraid of, it would definitely be the coach, because the coach's character was to hate evil, and he was very difficult to deal with. Basically, he would be punished whenever he met.

The other founders have more or less their own ideas and will not deal with Aze with deadly force. However, the magician and Aze got acquainted at several magic shows and have a pretty good personal relationship.

From Aze's own point of view, he didn't want the priest to be nailed to the Forgotten City like this from the bottom of his heart, because he knew that the priest played a greater role in certain situations than any other person.

The priest really mastered a strange origin story.

After playing against each other for such a long time, Aze had a clearer understanding of the priest's abilities.

This kind of control of the Root Kaitan is not the normal player using the Root Kaidan. The priest's Root Kaidan only provides him with power, which is equivalent to treating the Root Kaidan as a super nuclear battery.

With this nuclear battery and some special prayer rituals, the priest can reproduce some miracles belonging to God, including but not limited to creation, annihilation, time-stopping, etc., and even resurrection after certain conditions are met.

In other words, the "god" shown in the priest's ability is an extremely powerful source monster, but this "god" only represents the output end. He needs to use other source monsters as energy sources to officially start.

At the same time, most of the negative effects imposed on the priest will be applied to the root monster and have nothing to do with the priest himself.

Attacks are basically ineffective, and debuffs are also meaningless.

In this case, the priest would naturally take the initiative to test the "sword". As a result, the "sword" did not play tricks with him at all, and directly nailed the priest's body together with the source of the strange talk he controlled.

In this regard, Aze could only say that the priest was too unlucky. He met a guy who could absolutely restrain himself, and now he couldn't even run away.

"Find the bookmaker first. Maybe you can get the answer to rescuing the priest from him." Li Geng suggested, and this was the only thing they could do so far.

You can't ask them to cross the territory of bookmakers, mathematicians, etc. to aid the "sword", right?

"Well, as long as I get the answer, I can use my personality clone to pass it over." Aze expressed his goodwill.

In this case, the personality clones have become the best microphones, which can transmit information without delay.

"Okay." Everyone continued to walk along the same road. Facing the current situation, everyone had their own thoughts.

Yu Liang's thinking is relatively simple. His mind is full of special thoughts about "sword".

As a source that can indiscriminately suppress the source of ghost stories, "Sword" can be said to be an absolute alien in Forgotten City, and he is located on the outskirts of Forgotten City, which can easily cause a kind of reverie.

I always feel that this guy's positioning is a bit similar to that of a door god. On the one hand, he can prevent some root ghost stories from entering Wangcheng, and on the other hand, he can restrict some root ghost stories from leaving Wangcheng.

The more than a dozen root ghost stories that were pinned may be excellent cases, but Yu Liang looked at the map of Wangcheng and felt that this might be just a delusion.

The control area of ​​"Sword" is not large, and it will definitely not be able to intercept all the source of strange stories entering and leaving Forget City, unless the area controlled by "Sword" is called Jianmen Pass.

Yu Liang briefly opened his mind and didn't take it too seriously. In short, what is certain now is——

"Sword" is a very useful source monster without too much self-awareness. Its lethality against creatures below the source realm is not top-notch, but its lethality against creatures in the root realm is top-notch.

If there is a chance, Lu Baoshen must be allowed to see the sword, so that Lu Baoshen meets the prerequisites for hooking the "sword", and then if he encounters a source that cannot be defeated, he can forcefully pull the sword over to help...

Although this is likely to cause some irreversible consequences, for example, instead of being directly killed by the source monster, Yu Liang will still choose to pull the "sword" over to open the eyes of the source monster.

If he could understand more about the rules of "Sword", Yu Liang might even run near the territory of "Sword", and then try to pull the "Rabbit-shaped God" over, giving the Rabbit-shaped God a big surprise.

"When you see the bookmaker later, do what you said before." Yu Liang walked in the middle of the team and ordered the creative characters around him. Now he even called Yan Hu out, just to get one more Question quota for booksmiths.

In the previous meeting, Xu Cixi proposed a method to prevent the bookmaker from falling out.

When asking the bookmaker a question, if he asked a question that even the bookmaker didn't understand, then in order to maintain his name as the "all-knowing god", He would choose to kill the questioner.

As the questioner, it was not easy to figure out this point. In the final analysis, the bookmaker was just a source of weird talk, not an omniscient god. Therefore, Xu Cixi reminded them that if there were questions that they were not sure whether the bookmaker could answer, then they should first discuss a simple question. questions to assist in judgment.

The advantage is safety, but the disadvantage is that two opportunities to ask questions are wasted to get an answer.

Judging from the current size of the team, this disadvantage is not too important.

Anyway, there are many people and there are many questions that can be asked, so don’t worry.

"Here we come." Li Geng, who was in the Eye of God state, reminded Yu Liang that he had seen an unusually tall humanoid creature appearing a hundred meters away and carrying Shu Lou. This was consistent with what Xu Cixi said. The bookmaker has an eighty-nine-point agreement.

The bookmaker's territory is extremely special. Li Geng's God's Eye can only see the situation within a hundred meters nearby, and beyond that, he can only see blank spaces, as if the pages of the book have not yet been filled with content.

With Li Geng's guidance, everyone quickly found the bookmaker and intercepted him in front of him.

The bookmaker is a giant over three meters tall, half taller than Yan Hu. Two small gray baby hands grow out of his eye sockets, and the palms of the small hands have two smart eyes.

"Hello, travelers." The bookmaker did not speak, but the voice came from all directions. "I heard your voices. It seems to have many questions. Now, the answer is here."

Yu Liang raised his head and looked at the bookman. He noticed that there was an almost invisible special power surrounding the bookman.

Yin energy.

Yin energy?

Has she already met the bookmaker?

Or is it that booksmiths have the same origin as them?

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