The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 534 Let’s go to Wangcheng!

Li Huachao never expected that this little cutie would actually use evil tricks.

In the three days of preparation, shouldn't everyone tacitly strengthen their own strength and come back for the ultimate showdown between hunters vs. gamblers?

As a result, you caught two wolf-faced monkeys. Isn’t it interesting to recruit them from outside the game? ?

Lu Mingzhe thought this was quite interesting. He had never thought that there would be such a connection, but he didn't mean it at all. He could only say that it was God's will.

"These two ghosts are what you gained in Cyber ​​City?" Yu Liang stepped forward and wanted to check the details of the two ghosts, but only received a "check failed" instruction.

"That's right." Lu Mingzhe nodded, "They came from the Nine Yin Sect. Since the control was transferred to me, I'm afraid you can't put them directly into the universe. They must be placed in my monster column. That’s all.”

"It's okay, it's all the same." Yu Liang didn't care about this kind of thing. He was well-informed about ghost creatures, so he could feel that the aura of the wolf-faced monkey ghost man belonged to the T1 gradient.

Unexpectedly, Brother Gambler subdued two T1 monster creatures in just three days after entering Cyber ​​City. This efficiency was even comparable to that of a genuine beast trainer like him.

"What are their abilities?" Yu Liang pointed at the two wolf-faced monkeys. His eyes were unconsciously attracted by the red things on the lower bodies of the wolf-faced monkeys, and he cursed Li Huachao twice in his heart.

"The physical fitness barely reaches the threshold of the T1 flesh and blood system. It comes with a violent ability, which deducts half of the health and defense power, and increases the attack power and speed significantly." Lu Mingzhe reported the ability of the wolf-faced monkey. He did not intend to Concealing it to Li Huachao, he has never concealed his power, "The second is a kind of divine light, which has two forms: defense and attack. Under normal circumstances, it cannot be triggered at the same time. In a violent state, the divine light can be used to attack at the same time. and defense.”

He paused and thought for a while before saying: "As for the defensive ability, it can only be said to be okay. It is difficult to withstand Li Huachao's full attack, but it can also cut down half of the damage. The long-range divine light is equivalent to a hit. 'Broken' characters, but the range is much larger than imagined."

Facing Lu Mingzhe, he mentioned Li Huachao intentionally, but Li Huachao just snorted disdainfully, looked at the two wolf-faced monkeys, and didn't take it to heart.

Haha, choosing the wolf-faced monkey is a wise move on your part, because it will affect the harmony between Yu Liang and me, but it is also an unwise move on your part.

Don’t forget, I am a hunter. How can a hunter be afraid of wolves and monkeys?

Except Yu Liang.

"The last thing is that they can create a special black hole to devour character attacks, and their two black holes are connected. They can be regarded as a kind of dimensional portal, but they can't teleport living things." Lu Mingzhe smiled. Then he revealed the last ability of the wolf-faced monkey.

According to the great elder, the original wolf-faced monkey also had the special ability to arouse lust, but that seemed to be closely linked to the "ghost-man roots". After the ghost-man roots disappeared from Cyber ​​City, such abilities disappeared. It disappeared.

The elder is also unclear about the specific reason. She is trying to let the new ghost people gain such abilities, so the appearance of the new ghost people is based on the wolf-faced monkey.

Of course, even without the special ability to arouse lust, the current wolf-faced monkeys are enough to satisfy Lu Baoshen. Regardless of their comprehensive abilities, the black hole ability alone is enough to make him feel powerful.

The black hole can be used in two ways: swallowing and transmission. Swallowing is to use the wolf-faced monkey's own energy to forcibly break down the characters, while transmission is to pass the characters through the black hole to the black hole of another wolf-faced monkey and eject them again.

The two black holes function as portals, but the disadvantage is that the black holes in the transmission state are not stable and may swallow the characters inside, or the characters may directly take effect, affecting the two wolf-faced monkeys.

However, in the face of the gambler's strong luck ability, the probability of accidents will be greatly reduced. If an accident does occur, it is basically because there is a big problem with the wolf-faced monkeys themselves, such as they are injured, etc.

The dimensional black hole of the wolf-faced monkey can play the role of transmitting characters. In addition, he can use [Thousand Techniques] to change the direction of the wolf-faced monkey, which makes the gambler's character attacks more unpredictable.

Silver coins, characters, chips, the gambler himself, two wolf-faced monkeys, and a dimensional black hole, the operability has been improved again, and the gambler's attack can become more subtle. Coupled with the wolf-faced monkey's active attack, it can be said that the gambler's strength Levels increased across the board.

Not to mention that Lu Mingzhe also trained Lu Baoshen for three days. He hardly gave Lu Baoshen any rest time and kept training at high intensity. This caused Lu Baoshen's operational level to rise sharply.

Maybe Lu Baoshen is not good at making on-the-spot judgments in some special situations, but he can still handle some common situations. After all, special situations only need to be left to Lu Mingzhe.

In short, today's gamblers are so confident that even Lu Baoshen's eyes look at Li Huachao with a hint of eagerness to try.

Of course, the two gambler brothers are not the only ones who are confident. Li Huachao looked at the big kid and his third brother Li Xiang in the monster column. They were also extremely arrogant.

In order to help Zaizi grow better, Tuyou, who regained consciousness, put forward extremely valuable opinions.


Mantis is essentially the same as any employee in the zoo. She can grow rapidly through devouring and reach higher levels.

While repeatedly saying "You must accept it" and "That's so embarrassing", Zaizi devoured part of Tuyou's body, which contained pure flesh-and-blood energy, which was enough for Zaizi to obtain great supplies.

She was just at the bottleneck of enlargement, and her huge body required more energy to support. At this time, the roasted whole rabbit set meal sent by Tuyou was undoubtedly a timely help, helping the flesh-and-blood bastard jump into the T1 gradient. .

The price is that Tuyou needs to recuperate in the zoo for a long time, but she doesn't care. After all, the internal fighting in the zoo has stopped, and she is not in danger even if she is weak.

What's more, there is Li Chan by her side to protect her, at least she thinks there is nothing wrong with this level of dedication.

Tuyou learned from Li Huachao that Yu Liang wanted to enter Wangcheng to explore, and immediately made such a decision, and also selected the natural disaster "elephant" to go to Wangcheng together as Li Huachao's helper.

The reason is simple. Almost all the zoo employees were once residents of Wangcheng. They have deep feelings for this city and are eager to know what happened to the city and what it has become now.

Although they themselves thought it was an extravagant wish, they still wanted to know if there was any news about their family members in Forgotten City.

Therefore, following Li Huachao was the natural disaster Li Xiang carefully selected by Tuyou.

After "Zhi" left, Li Xiang's ability has stabilized a lot, and he is strong and can definitely help Yu Liang.

Moreover, Li Xiang and Li Huachao have a good relationship. With this layer of natural protection, Tuyou doesn't have to worry about Li Xiang harming Yu Liang.

Therefore, Li Huachao is absolutely confident in his return. He knows the strength of his third brother Li Xiang, which is absolutely terrifying. Plus Zaizi has successfully been promoted to T1. Isn't it possible that he can't deal with a small gambler? ?

Of course, Li Huachao would not consider Li Xiang to be just a temporary helper, not part of his strength at all.

In short, after giving the gambler a lesson, Li Huachao will feel comfortable all over.

In order to surprise Lu Mingzhe, he deliberately refrained from telling Yu Liang about "Li Xiang".

"We'll talk about it later when you two want to fight. We're about to set off now. I don't want you to get hurt at this time." Yu Liang stopped the hunter and gambler lightly, and then went downstairs with the luggage he had packed. , "Xu Cixi said that we will set off three hours earlier this time. We must arrive at Wangcheng before dark."

"Okay." Li Huachao sighed, seeming to be sighing at Lu Mingzhe's good luck.

"As for you..." Yu Liang thought of the wolf-faced monkey, so he glanced at Li Huachao, "After entering Wangcheng, we will leave the car outside, and you will be responsible for my luggage. Although it is a bit much, but for me It shouldn’t be a problem for you, right?”

Li Huachao was immediately discouraged. He knew this was deliberate revenge from Yu Liang, but what could he say?

The group of people went downstairs. The adventurer and Xu Cixi were already waiting in a large-capacity off-road vehicle.

There were a total of nine people here. Xu Xici stayed behind to look after the house, and "Zhi" got into the shadow. Only then could the two cars barely fit in. Yu Liang discovered the reason for the crowd after getting in the car, so he severely The tiger retracted into the universe, and Xu Cixi's car became much more spacious.

In Xu Cixi's car were Yu Liang, Perfumer, and Zhong Chen, while in the adventurer's car were An Buchen, Li Geng, Lu Baoshen, and Li Huachao who were taking refuge.

In the car were not only their luggage and some supplies, but also some special items.

For example, Yu Liang brought almost all the ammunition, as well as three three-dimensional prisons made by the octagon. In addition, there were also some good things that An Buchen and Li Geng brought out when they entered the Flatland dungeon.

During these three days, An Buchen and Li Geng were not idle either. They entered the Flatland dungeon, put on their round skins, and once again led the triangular uprising in Ling City.

The original war had fallen into a brutal tug-of-war, but under the operation of An Buchen and Li Geng, Lingcheng Triangle received strong support and quickly gained the upper hand.

When An Buchen borrowed Room 225 and three Cao Ying mechas from Yu Liang, the situation on the battlefield became one-sided.

Yu Liang is not the actor Aze. He is too lazy to think about whether the success of the revolution at this time is a kind of progress or a blind destruction of the inherent order. He just wants to advance his own interests faster.

To make a profit, he must make the revolution succeed, and let the revolution succeed under his leadership.

In fact, this is exactly what happened. An Buchen, who transformed into a round elder, and the paper man strategist Li Geng were like divine soldiers descending from the sky. On the one hand, they withstood the pressure of the frontal battlefield, and on the other hand, they sneaked into the city to carry out beheading operations.

Naturally, those polygons in the city cannot be the opponents of An Buchen and Li Geng, even if they are not fighting professions in Yuliang's universe.

After winning the war, An Buchen led the army non-stop to Lingyi City and completed the unification of the three cities in one day.

Using appearance as a symbol of class is actually very easy to destroy such a rule.

An Buchen's method is very simple, that is to kill all these polygons and dispose of them. If the remaining polygons are not led by anyone, it will be difficult to achieve anything, and there will no longer be any influence on the situation of the unification of the Flatland. Impact.

In terms of this decisive method of killing, Li Geng was far inferior to An Buchen. He was still hesitating, but An Buchen immediately raised the butcher's knife.

Killing, killing, killing all the way, she didn't care about the good and evil of Ji Polygon at all, she simply planned the same ending for them.

On the one hand, it is because she has no time to care whether these extreme polygons are good or bad, and on the other hand, she has always adhered to one concept.

Meat eaters are despicable.

This is true from birth and has nothing to do with personal concepts of good and evil.

After ruling Flatland with absolute iron-blooded tactics, An Buchen began to search for special props in Flatland.

Most of the two-dimensional technology cannot be used in reality, or the octagon needs to be improved before it can be used, but An Buchen still found some special props that can be directly brought to the real world.

2D cornerstone

Effect: Reduce (increase) the speed of creatures within a 10x10 range to the average of two-dimensional creatures.

2D bomb

Effect: Causes an explosion within a 2x2 area, which only affects things on the same plane as the bomb.

Two-dimensional corrosive agent

Effect: Make holes caused by corrosion appear on the surface of anything.

These three props can be brought to the three-dimensional world for use. There are not many two-dimensional corner stones. An Buchen only collected 30. Their purpose is to make the speed of the creatures in an area consistent with the two-dimensional creatures, which is about one second per second. meters, equivalent to the walking speed of a normal person.

There are 100 two-dimensional bombs. The effect is average, but it is already a relatively useful explosive that can be used in the two-dimensional world.

The characteristic is that it has an extremely fast rate of fire. After being fired with the Cao Ying Biological Cannon, it will hardly encounter any resistance. It can hit the target instantly within a hundred meters and there is no way to dodge.

The second is that the explosion of a two-dimensional bomb will only occur in one plane. If it runs outside the plane of explosion, the bomb will be of no use.

Finally, there is the two-dimensional corrosive agent. Its characteristic is that it can corrode almost anything Yu Liang sees, whether it is dead or living things, but the result of the corrosion is only to cause holes, and it has no other use.

In a two-dimensional world, if a hole appears, it is likely to cause death. This is an extremely terrifying weapon, but this may not be the case in a three-dimensional world.

Yu Liang still needs to think about the specific use. After all, this thing is very large. If used well, it may be able to cause many surprises to the enemy.

After several hours of driving, the two off-road vehicles entered the mountainous area, passed through several tunnels, and Forgotten City appeared in front of them.

"Is Wangcheng a mountain city?" Yu Liang asked Xu Cixi as he recalled the journey just now.

"No, it's all an illusion." Xu Cixi shook her head, "The last time I entered Wangcheng, I drove my car directly into the lake before arriving. Normal people cannot find Wangcheng because it has been forgotten by the entire world, so The method of entering Forget City is different every time, and only the coordinates can record its true location."

When he heard these words, Yu Liang felt the "Zhi" in the shadow move, and he looked quite proud.

Yes, you are the only one in the world who can do it. You are really awesome.

Finally, under a dilapidated road sign, Yu Liang saw the "Forget the City" prompt for the first time.

"There are still 5km to ██."

Under the road sign, a car stopped on the side of the road, and a man leaned on the car.


"Aze...that is to say, Aze has always known the location of Wangcheng." Yu Liang thought of this instantly. (End of chapter)

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