The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 531 Octagonal Two-Dimensional Technology

During the three days of preparation, Yu Liang was quite busy. He was rationally arranging his existing manuscripts, interspersing leave requests among them, and setting a release time for each chapter.

This is not a simple matter. Yu Liang has to think carefully about the reasons for taking leave and the interval between leaves. He must not only ensure that he gets the perfect attendance award, but also ensure that his book friends have enough hope for the completion of the book and will not directly Abandoning the book should show a kind of helplessness.

Yes, it's really not my fault that I stopped updating. It's because I've been too busy recently, with too many things, and occasionally feeling cold, so I really can't write anything, so I can only go on a business trip to Wangcheng.

Private Marseille, red bean paste private Marseille——

The second step is to sort out the gains from Flat Junior High School.

The enhancement coupons for completing the Kaidan dungeon have been used on Zai Zi, and then he received an unlimited coupon, three sets of enhanced series characters and a supernatural item as a bonus.


land acquisition block

Name: block

Texture: Earth

Note: Used to mark land ownership.

(Ability details: After placing a Land Acquisition Block, ownership will be confirmed within a ten-meter radius centered on the Land Acquisition Block. Any creature other than the placer will be 90% less effective at destroying parcels or buildings in the area, and Temporarily ban other creatures' abilities related to the land (the gradient must be no greater than the placer's).)

This is the special prop that Yu Liang obtained after completing the dungeon. On the surface, it looks like a square cube with a side length of fifty centimeters. Taking it out of the inventory and placing it in any flat area will trigger the land acquisition block. Ability.

When he first got this prop, Yu Liang still didn't know what it was used for.

Judging from the literal description, it seems to be somewhat similar to the adventurer's occupation ability, except that it does not obtain resources. However, after actual experience, it is found that it is completely different.

The first is to reduce the damage efficiency of other creatures to occupied land. For this, Yu Liang could only think of protecting the territory, and then he saw Room 225.


This thing should be considered a building, right?

Yu Liang has experimented. In the setting of Kaitan World, Room 225 is indeed a building, and he can place the land acquisition block in Room 225, which will cause a very interesting result.

Wherever Room 225 goes, it is its territory, and it has ten times the durability and protection power of before for a long time, which can be regarded as a great enhancement.

However, during the test, Yu Liang discovered that for the land acquisition block to take effect, the moving speed of Room 225 cannot exceed 15 kilometers per hour, which is about 4 meters per second.

Once the speed exceeds this range, the land acquisition block will temporarily become invalid, and it will take about 1.5 seconds to roll forward to take effect. When the tank road government slows down at a speed of 15 kilometers per hour for 1.5 seconds, the land acquisition block can be triggered.

This probably involves some of its more detailed settings. Anyway, it imposes certain restrictions on the tank temple. Originally, An Buchen planned to add an emergency stop system to the tank temple, which would stop it when it was about to be attacked. If you make an emergency stop to enhance your defense and take a hit, your strength will be maxed out. Now you still have to sacrifice speed and flexibility in exchange for defense.

At first, Yu Liang didn't understand what the ability to ban land meant. Fortunately, the land expropriation block was placed in the Tank Road Mansion, so An Buchen experimented with it after a while.

Very simple.

Ability to prohibit areas and domain concepts.

All areas within the effective scope of the land acquisition block will be invalid or even directly disabled, and this will have different effects depending on the triggering order.

If the land acquisition block is triggered before the realm is opened, then the realm cannot be expanded within this range, and the realm will directly "bypass" this area; and if the realm is expanded first and then the land acquisition block is used, the occupied area will The domain will still exist, but the releaser of the domain will not be able to use domain abilities on this area.

For example, the chess player opens a 50x50 chessboard, and then An Buchen uses the land acquisition block. Then within the occupation range of the land acquisition block, the chessboard area still exists, but the chess player cannot assign chess to the creatures in this area.

Then Yu Liang discovered something funny, that is, An Buchen could play chess in this area more easily.

This is equivalent to making it easier for An Buchen, who owns a tank palace, to steal other people's domain abilities and prohibit the original owner of the domain from using the abilities within a certain range.

That’s pretty much it—

Your territory has been commandeered by me, so get out of here if you know how to deal with it!

It's just so disgusting.

Therefore, after figuring out the real use of the land acquisition block, Li Huachao began to beg Yu Liang to give him this gadget. He would definitely be able to play a big role and he would not hesitate to act like a cow or a horse.

But it's a pity that Yu Liang knows that this guy just wants to use this thing to severely suppress Lu Mingzhe, so of course he won't let this happen.

Let the two hunters and the two gamblers fight more. Healthy competition is conducive to the improvement of both parties. After all, the two of them are classic short-hands versus long-hands, a balanced warrior versus a flexible shooter.

Moreover, after figuring out the land acquisition block, it became very obvious that this thing can have the greatest effect only if it is used by An Buchen.

With such a prop, the combat effectiveness of Tank No. 225 has skyrocketed.

Moreover, during the past few days of experiments, An Buchen conducted research and analysis on the fields he had experienced in the past, and simulated the corresponding field usage through the screening of energy by the Tank Daofu.

For example, when assigning chess, An Buchen can now assign chess to others through the Tank Daofu, but only players can do so.

Since she cannot directly summon the domain chessboard, the actual effect of this chess gift is often weaker than that of the original owner of the domain, and the chess pieces given are more random, basically the same as opening a blind box.

However, according to An Buchen's guess, as long as the chess assignment is performed on the chess player's chessboard field, there will be no such problems. The chess assignment abilities can be specified, and they are all complete, and there will be no castrated version.

It takes about five minutes to cool down once to assign a chess piece. After five minutes, the second assignment can be performed, and the ability effect of the chess pieces will only last for three minutes.

You can extend it if you want, but this will consume a lot of energy from the tank palace. An Buchen thinks that the tank palace itself is more important. He prioritizes protecting himself, and there is no need to extend the duration of the chess piece's effect.

In addition to playing chess, she can even simulate the Reversal Land of the Dream Master and the virtual space of the Metaverse Designer.

But just like Fu Qi, the results of her simulations were castrated versions, not that free.

The reversal rules simulated by Tank Daofu are fixed, that is, the sense of direction is reversed, and it is an indiscriminate attack. All creatures in the land acquisition block will have a disordered sense of direction.

However, this problem was nothing to Tank Daofu and An Buchen. After several hours of research and operation, they could completely ignore the disordered sense of direction.

This involves An Buchen's professional ability. As a little fairy, her learning ability is very terrifying, and her ability to adapt to nature is also very strong.

The result of simulating the energy of virtual space is that Tank Daofu has learned a very special ability.

Block remote skills.

However, this is a one-time event, lasts for about ten seconds, and only takes effect on the area within the land acquisition block.

The effect of blocking long-range skills requires a relatively long cooling time, about 15 minutes. Generally, it can only be used once or twice in a battle, so it must be used as a trump card.

Finally, of course, there is the gambler's domain Nai Hetian. An Buchen also simulated Nai Hetian's ability, but only half of it. She had the ability to win within the territory.

It's a pity that she is not Lu Mingzhe. She doesn't have [Thousand Skills]. Even if the chips are dropped, it will be difficult to trigger any effect. Unless you are very lucky and the fallen chips just stick together and the combination produces an effect, otherwise it will be of little use. of.

Of course, it is more useful in team battles, which is equivalent to speeding up the efficiency and speed of gamblers' accumulation of chips.

Moreover, under the influence of An Buchen's [Natural] ability, chips that comply with God's will will often fall where the gambler wants them to fall, and the cooperation is very tacit.

From this point of view, the current little fairy can be regarded as having experienced a wave of significant strengthening.

I have to say that Aze is a good person. If he hadn't brought over three guys who knew the field, An Buchen might never have known that he still had such abilities.

The arrival of the Octagon also made An Buchen and Li Geng feel sincere joy.

Yu Liang bought a leather case from Aze, turning Babian into a leather case man. Although the current Octagon looks a bit cartoony from the outside, what he does is very awesome.

When he felt the real three-dimensional world for the first time, Octagon couldn't help crying.

As an old guy who has lived in the two-dimensional world for decades, he should be used to the joys and sorrows of life, old age, sickness and death, and his heart has long been hardened.

Otherwise, he would not have hesitated to abandon his wife and children in the two-dimensional world and follow Yu Liang to the real world.

He is actually a triangle, and the octagon is just his skin. His identity is false, so anything he obtains on this basis cannot impress him and can be discarded by him without mercy.

However, when he saw the blue sky and white clouds and the high-rise buildings and busy traffic, he couldn't help crying, and then he started to go crazy.

Run wildly and feel the real world wantonly.

It is difficult for Yu Liang to evaluate the actions of the Octagon. He will not use his own moral values ​​and values ​​​​in the real world to evaluate the actions of the Octagon, because it does not make any sense.

Yu Liang only needs to know that the current octagon is very useful.

On the first day, Octagon learned as much as possible about the three-dimensional world in front of the computer, briefly read about history and philosophy, completed compulsory education, and gained a preliminary understanding of the world.

The next day, he was not in a hurry to delve into the human technology of this world, or flesh and blood technology, cyber technology, etc., but went back to study the technology of the two-dimensional world.

This was quite unexpected by Yu Liang, but what surprised him was that Octagon had really developed some good things.

He presented part of the two-dimensional world technology in the three-dimensional world.

Yu Liang didn't know whether this was a bug in the real world or a reward for two-dimensional creatures in the ghost world. In short, he saw a three-dimensional version of the prison.

This is a prop composed of special mirrors, light sources, and some other messy things. Its effect is similar to that of a prison, which is to imprison creatures with vision and basic spatial sense.

The three-dimensional world has one more "high" dimension than the two-dimensional world, so the internal design of Hua Lao is much more complicated and uses more principles.

Yu Liang understands how the two-dimensional drawing prison works, but now he can only have a rough understanding of the three-dimensional drawing prison.

Of course, he just needs to know how to use it, because the octagon is the one who creates the prison.

By adjusting the parallax, the prison can trap a person inside so that he cannot find a way out.

Yu Liang asked Li Huachao to test it. According to the hunter, it was a very strange feeling. He knew that he was constantly walking around in the prison, but he just couldn't get out.

His vision always misleads him and causes his brain to make some unreasonable judgments.

Of course, this thing definitely couldn't trap Li Huachao. After he got tired of playing, he just punched and kicked to destroy the prison and got out of it.

And An Buchen had a new name to describe this kind of painting.

Ghost hits the wall.

Through comparison of certain Taoist techniques, she felt that this kind of painting prison might have appeared in ancient times, and at that time it should be called "ghost beating the wall".

Due to the different materials and techniques for making picture prisons, the ancient "ghosts breaking the wall" can often trap others to death.

However, in those days, only ordinary people might be trapped to death. It would be an absolute fantasy to trap a T1 physical warrior with something like this.

Just look at Li Huachao and you will know that he will come out when he gets tired of playing. He knows that he will make some wrong judgments under the influence of Hua Lao, so he just doesn't make judgments and just comes out rashly.

An Buchen gave some guiding advice. She felt that Ecstasy, Sweat Potion and paper figures could be hidden in the prison to make it more difficult for ghosts to attack the wall through the influence of physics and ghost stories.

Apart from anything else, if he cooperates well with the paper man, even a physical warrior may not be able to get out of the prison, because he is likely to keep punching the air in place instead of destroying the prison.

In addition, Octagon has some more impressive research projects, but they will take some time because he does not yet have a very good understanding of some of the physical rules of the three-dimensional world.

After he figures it out, he will definitely be able to produce some research results that satisfy Yu Liang.

As for research in other fields, there is no rush now. Whether it is flesh-and-blood technology or cyber technology, in a sense, they can be regarded as mutated versions of real-life human technology. We must first understand the real-life technology before dealing with other things.

On the other side, Li Huachao entered the zoo with Zaizi and Hua Niang (squatting in the monster pen). After many days, the nightmare belonging to the zoo came back, and it was much stronger than before.

He wants to discover the secrets of the cub here, so that his mount Mantis can grow stronger, so as to defeat the evil gambler brothers.

Not to be outdone, the gambler brothers also entered the Cyber ​​City scene card. They wanted to find mounts in this more dangerous scene.

When they return, they will shock the entire universe!

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