The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 530 A moment of silence has begun for Haicheng players

"Fungi." The adventurer asked, "Is that the name you gave it? It sounds like something similar to a mushroom."

"Yes, it's a creature that looks like a fungus." Xu Cixi turned to the next page and showed the actual picture of the Forget City fungi she had taken.

The subject of the photo is a street, but the street shows relatively serious signs of weathering. There are varying degrees of rust and holes on shop fronts and signboards.

The cause of this excessive weathering is a kind of fungus. Under the golden sunset light, the surface of these fungi has a special glow, as if it is covered with a golden dust filter.

As you look around, you can see that these fungi, large and small, are growing all over the street. They can appear on any object and attach themselves to any object as if they are rooted.

The fungi are similar, but also different. The overall appearance is silvery gray, but the patterns on them are more or less different.

Some are blue, some are green, and some are red.

Colors and patterns have some things in common, and it seems that they can be classified, but this classification should take some time to achieve.

"Be careful of these fungi, do not come into direct contact with them under any circumstances, and use the 'Mu' character to clean your body every thirty minutes." Xu Cixi reminded, "Also, bring a Masks and goggles, and not exposing your skin to the air as much as possible, are the most basic requirements.”

"Is it because the air may contain dust belonging to the bacteria?" Li Geng realized the crisis from this restraint method.

"Yes, these dusts are not everywhere, but they need to be prevented as much as possible, and it is best to avoid the risk of dust infection." Xu Cixi said, "When entering the fungus area, the 'Mu' character we need to consume will be significantly Increase. Since characters cannot be obtained through normal synthesis methods in reality, if there are missing characters, I can apply for subsidies from the Haicheng Alliance."

"No need, I will prepare it for you when the time comes." Yu Liang accepted this responsibility generously.

The "Mu" character is not a particularly expensive character. It is enough for him to bear it. After all, he used the wealth of adventurers and Xu Cixi in the Flatland dungeon. If he is not willing to even produce such a character, it will be unavoidable. Too selfish.

As for applying to the Haicheng Alliance for transfer...

Although he could do it for free, Yu Liang knew that there was nothing in this world that could be prostituted for free. Since he could be self-sufficient, it would be better not to bother the Haicheng Alliance.

"That's fine." Xu Cixi originally didn't want to ask for help from the headquarters, because she knew that her position as the founder's seat was unstable and she might be restricted by it.

However, she knew that Yu Liang had spent a lot of characters and supernatural items in the previous copy, so she didn't want Yu Liang to pay for this output from the beginning.

"What will happen if you are infected by this kind of dust? Did you test it out last time you entered Wangcheng?" Yu Liang still wanted to know the consequences of exposure to dust.

"To a certain extent, the fungus is a kind of flesh-and-blood source myth, but its body is not made up of flesh and blood, but this special kind of fungus." Xu Cixi continued, "After being exposed to dust, Special spores will parasitize things that have the concept of 'entity'. Whether it is metal or wood, whether organic or inorganic, they will be parasitized indiscriminately, and then the sense of 'existence' will be absorbed."

"A sense of presence?" The adventurer felt a little surprised when he heard this word.

It is normal for spores to parasitize other organisms and absorb nutrients from the organisms to support their own growth, but this absorption of existence...

"Yes, being parasitized by 'spores' is an irreversible process. At least judging from our situation at the time, once parasitized, there is no way to get rid of 'spores'." Xu Cixi thought of the situation at that time. When the player reached After a certain number, it will inevitably go out of control. During this period, three or two players came into contact with this special spore, and fine small fungi grew on their bodies.

"Using physical damage cannot get rid of these fungi. Even if these fungi are killed with a knife, they will still grow out of the body in a short period of time and return to the state before being killed by the knife." Xu Cixi released There are several photos of parasitized players, and it can be clearly seen that the fungi on these players are divided into several stages.

At first, something similar to a pustule grew, but the pustule was not liquid, but special dust.

After completing a certain growth process, the dust will explode from the pustules and cover the parasite's body, turning into densely packed small fungi.

One by one, they look like goosebumps, but in the next few stages, these fungi will grow slowly and gradually enter the maturity stage.

"After the pustule exploded, the dust would automatically adhere to the parasite. I could see clearly at that time that the dust floated to the parasite as if it had self-awareness. This image was like a magnet attracting Just like a large number of iron fans." Xu Cixi said, "From then on, the presence of the parasite will become less and less, and the surrounding players' memory of it will gradually become blurred, and they will subconsciously ignore it when doing some things. Dropping him is like being affected by some kind of hallucination.”

"Fungi and hallucinations go well together." Li Hua said vaguely, perhaps thinking of some news.

"Indeed, it's just that the receptors for this illusion are not us, but the entire world." Xu Cixi continued what he said and expressed his guess, "The fungus caused the world to have a negative illusion, so the entire world The parasite is no longer 'visible'."

She sighed: "If I hadn't written down the exploration diary at that time, I'm afraid I wouldn't remember the existence of these few people now. Even so, I still can't remember their names. And according to my guess, They are probably not dead. This fungus is not fatal at all. They are just unable to be recognized by us. They are also in this time and space, but they have become absolutely alone."

"Yes." Yu Liang nodded slightly, looking at Junzi with solemn eyes.

The consequences of being infected with the fungus are irreversible. It can be said that once he is parasitized by the fungus, he is destined to disappear from the world, and he will not die, but the world cannot sense his existence, so all his actions will be wrong. This world causes any consequences.

Die absolutely alone.

Yu Liang speculated that those infected by these fungi probably died of hunger and thirst, because they were completely abandoned from the world and could not even take in food and water from this world.

Maybe some players can use their own characters and inventory to get some water and food, but how long can this last?

As you can imagine, this is a very scary origin story.

And from an intuitive point of view, Yu Liang had no way to clean it up.

Fungi have taken over a corner of the city. If you want to deal with so many fungi, let’s not talk about whether the fungi can be physically eliminated. Just the possibility of the root ghost consciousness sleeping in the fungi is very scary.

It is not difficult to judge from Xu Cixi's words that the current fungi have little interest in humans, and all parasites are infected due to poor prevention.

If you don't take the initiative to provoke the fungi, nothing will happen.

Unless this guy is completely awakened by some stimulation.

Yu Liang can be sure that the awakened fungus is definitely the last thing he wants to face.

"When you pass through this area, be careful and don't make any mistakes." Yu Liang said to his created characters, but the meaning in his words was less than naming them.

"I know, I know, it's not like I don't have any skills. Do you think I would provoke the source monster? I usually just bully the little monsters who bully T1T2." Li Huachao looked at peace and tried to use his past experiences to show that I am definitely in a harmless state in Wangcheng.

"That's right." After saying this, Yu Liang felt relieved.

In the past, Li Huachao would not take the initiative to provoke someone who was obviously stronger than him. When faced with the weird creatures in T1T2, he is a perverse villain; when faced with "his" sister or a female writer, he turns into a little puppy on the spot.

But now it's completely different, because T1's Li Huachao has an additional passive skill.

[Root Insights].

Gengen Kaitan's favorability towards him will decrease. Although this will prevent Gengen Kaitan from actively attacking him, is the bacterial infection considered an attack?

Hard to say.

The best thing to do is of course to take Li Huachao into the universe, at least not to let him out in Fungus's territory.

Or it could be to keep Li Huachao and Li Huaniang in a state of separation, so that they would not have the ability to be root hunters and would not reduce the favorability of Fungi.

"And you, don't think about opening the box of fungi or occupying the fungus' territory." Yu Liang glanced at the adventurer.

Strictly speaking, this pair of T1s from the root series are similar creatures.

"Of course, I know the importance. This root is not easy to mess with. I will not open the box." The adventurer immediately promised.

"Then there is our route. I have marked it on the map. When I passed through the fungus territory, I paid attention to the number of fungi around me. The route I chose should be a route with a relatively small number of fungi. There are only these three The location is more dangerous." Xu Cixi put up the route map of the fungus area and highlighted three places. "There are a lot of fungi here. According to my judgment at the time, the road that can accommodate us passing is relatively narrow. Yes, please pay attention."

She thought of something, looked at the perfumer and asked: "You should have got the protective clothing customized last time, right? Have you tested it?"

"Of course." The perfumer pointed to the ceiling and indicated that the protective suits were placed upstairs. "I tried. At least there is no way for my fragrance to spread through the protective suits."

"With protective clothing, the safety of our road should be the highest." Xu Cixi smiled easily, which was also the result she strived for.

Judging from the strength on paper, her team is full of T2 players. Even though Yu Liang's apparent strength seems to be able to compete with T1 players, they are still only T2 players.

In the eyes of the players in the Haicheng Alliance, a T2 player with no advanced ability or title ability is ultimately inferior to a powerful T1 player.

The last time lawyers suffered at the hands of writers, it was probably just a difference in ability.

Anyway, Xu Cixi didn't care what they thought. It would be better to say that she was happy that those in the alliance were despising her at this time.

If you want to show your strength, you will have many opportunities after entering Forget City, but before entering the safe zone, there is really no need to put your team in danger.

"Well, give me a copy of this information later, and I'll bring a copy to Aze." An idea flashed in Yu Liang's mind, and he thought of a clone of Aze's personality.

Shadow puppeteer.

Yu Liang, who reviewed the battle later, thought of the connection between the shadow puppet master and the monsters that Aze and the others turned into at that time. This shows that the shadow puppet master has the ability to mass-produce skin bags, and these skin bags can be used by other players.

If everyone put on a layer of skin and a layer of protective clothing, entering this fungus field would be like entering an uninhabited land.

Thinking of this, Yu Liang felt a little more at ease. It seemed that he would not encounter anything too scary before entering the safe zone.

As for gathering in the safe area, with the founders present, there shouldn't be any big problems.

What's more, there is Aze, a born actor, who is born and born, and is still very capable.

After that, Xu Cixi explained in detail about the calligrapher. Yu Liang already had a certain understanding of the calligrapher, and he was just letting others present have a basic understanding.

As an "encyclopedia" of root ghost stories, each person's share of questions is still very important, so everyone present is also thinking about the questions they want to ask.

Some people have no problems, such as Li Huachao and Li Huaniang, and some people have many problems, such as Yu Liangan Buchen.

Anyway, Yu Liang was planning to summon all the characters like Li Huachao before meeting the bookmaker. He even wanted to summon the money-keeping ghost and snake to see if he could get away with the bookmaker's problem.

On the other side, Yu Niang, who was observing the whole meeting, also showed a strong interest in this bookmaker, but she did not say it directly, she just kept it secretly in her heart.

After completing the meeting, Yu Liang opened the artificial intelligence "writer" in the monocle and ordered it to send the meeting minutes to Aze.

"I heard that you are going to leave in three days? Why so soon? How about you tell the coach, how about a week later?" Aze received the document and immediately sent a long message.

"It has been decided three days later, and I am not familiar with the coach, so I can't talk to him." Yu Liang refused directly.

It's better to refuse Aze's unreasonable request, otherwise there will be no place to cry if you get tricked.

"Hey, you can't even speak. It seems like there is a Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon within our Haicheng Alliance." Aze said. Since it was in text mode, I don't know whether he really felt that way or if it was a strange feeling.

After two seconds, he said again: "Would you consider me helping you become famous? I guarantee that no one in the entire Haicheng Alliance will dare to look down upon your intentions."

"No need." Yu Liang ignored the meaning of "our Haicheng Alliance" in Aze's words. He absolutely believed that Aze had the ability to make him famous.

He turned to ask: "But why do you want to spend seven days? What are you preparing?"

"Confessions." Aze didn't hide it. "Remember when the confession is turned on? It consumes confession records. Usually I go out to commit sins and then confess to him to accumulate confession records. Last time I used one Bare."

He made a sighing expression: "Originally, we could almost complete the collection in seven days, but now we only have three days. These three days will be very busy."

Then, Aze said plausibly: "Remember, you must be responsible for at least 40% of the troubles that the Haicheng Alliance has encountered in the past three days."

Yu Liang: "..."

A moment of silence has begun for the Haicheng players.

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