The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 528 T2 Mantis, endless offspring

Forgot the city?

The departure time has finally been determined, and it sounds a bit urgent. It is estimated that the people in the Haicheng Alliance have been waiting for Xu Cixi to come back from the dungeon, so they all need to set off in three days.

Probably because it is difficult to adjust the schedule of the main combat power of the Haicheng Alliance. After all, not everyone can guarantee that they will not be randomly pulled into the Kaitan dungeon during the period of entering Forget City.

If the key combat effectiveness of the team is suddenly pulled into the dungeon in Forgotten City, then the overall combat effectiveness of the Haicheng Alliance will definitely be reduced.

"In three days?" Yu Liang silently counted the number of manuscripts he had saved, and immediately felt a sense of urgency.

If it's broken, you shouldn't bring a laptop to Wangcheng to write a manuscript, right?

That would be too grassy.

Or does it mean that at least half a month's worth must be completed within these three days?

No matter which one you choose, you will feel very painful.

The only painless way seems to be to stop updating.

Thinking of this, Yu Liang's frown suddenly relaxed.

Learn to let go, and the world will be as wide as one thought.

Then his face was filled with a happy smile again.

"Shall we come to your house now? Is it convenient?" Yu Liang immediately typed and sent a message to Xu Cixi.

On the side, Yu Niang kept staring at Yu Liang. She was very sensitive to emotions, and she immediately noticed that Yu Liang had a sense of happiness when he sent text messages.


Just because I messaged that hamster?

Could it be that my judgment just now was wrong?

Yu Niang was a little confused, but she suppressed her confusion deep in her heart.

"Okay, let's set off now." The adventurer said immediately. He looked at the characters present, "How about you go back to Yu Liang's body first? My car is not too big, it's probably only It can seat four or five people.”

"That's fine, let's wait until the place is right before letting us out." Li Geng did not refuse the adventurer's request.

So Yu Liang took the other characters present into his universe, except the female writer, who rejected this.

"I don't need it. The car can still fit in the car like this." Yu Niang said with a smile.

"Okay." Yu Liang looked at it. There were only four people present, and a car must have just sat down.

So under the leadership of the adventurer, Yu Liang and Yu Niang came to the underground parking lot together, and "Zhi" followed Yu Liang and the two of them, holding the game console.

After getting in the car, the adventurer naturally took on the responsibility of driving, and Yu Liang sat in the back seat as usual, while Yu Niang and "Zhi" sat beside him, one on the left and one on the right.

"Eh? Aren't you going to sit in the passenger seat?" Yu Liang was a little curious, and even though the passenger seat was empty, he still had to squeeze into the back seat...

When did he become so popular?

"For a man, the passenger seat cannot be given to other women." Yu Niang said plausibly, but she had no idea of ​​moving her seat.

And "Zhi's" answer was even simpler and clearer: "Too lazy to move."

"Okay." Yu Liang could only accept the fate of being sandwiched between the two. He wanted to be the co-pilot himself, but he was afraid that it would not be good to put Yu Niang and "Zhi" in the back row.

If two guys who are close to the source of ghost stories come together to compete, this small car can't bear it.

With this helpless mood, Yu Liang was caught in the middle and had no intention of resisting.

Looking to the right, "Zhi"'s small figure is curled up together. She is playing a game against the car door, and there is a vague feeling of guarding against the left side.

This is a potentially defensive stance.

Looking to the right, it was probably more crowded. Yu Liang could feel that his body was close to Yu Niang's.

"Sorry, it's a bit crowded." Yu Niang tied a strand of long hair that covered her ears back and chuckled, exposing her slender and fair neck.

As she moved, a fragrance that couldn't be told whether it was shampoo or shower gel surged over her body and surrounded Yu Liang's nose.

Even the smell has a gentle flavor, not irritating, just a light fragrance, like playing hide-and-seek. You can only notice it if you take the initiative to smell it. It doesn't have that strong aggression.

Just like a good dessert is best not too sweet, this slight aroma will make it more attractive.

Yu Liang glanced at it and saw that Yu Niang beside him was not sitting in an upright posture, but leaning lazily on the backrest. Her figure hidden under the slim white skirt was clearly visible, and the curves of her body had a feminine softness.

From then on, he silently took out his mobile phone and began to look through the contents of the first few chapters in his writing software, while imagining the plot of the next chapters in his mind.

Oh, she is indeed a bad woman again.

Although he didn't know what Yu Niang was thinking, he definitely couldn't fall into the trap.

Hidden under this gentle and generous appearance, Yu Niang must have special thoughts and must be guarded a little.

Yu Liang added in his mind that he should have thought of it a long time ago. What good things can the character he created have?

If there is, it is just hidden deeper.

No one without any obvious flaws in their character would dare claim to be a character in the author's universe!

The female writer who noticed Yu Liang's defensive posture smiled again and made no further moves. It seemed that such a tentative move had already given her what she wanted to know.

Xu Cixi's home was not too far away. After more than ten minutes' drive, the car stopped in front of Xu Cixi's home.

Several people got out of the car and met Xu Cixi and three others waiting at the door.

Two almost identical Xu Cixi and a perfumer with dark circles under his eyes.

"Oh? Two Xu Cixi?" Yu Niang's eyes circled around the two Xu Cixi's bodies, and she immediately felt an aura from a certain Xu Cixi's body.

In other words, one is actually the product of ghost stories, and the other is real.

"Hello, I'm Xu Cixi." At this time, Xu Cixi walked to Yu Niang's side and stretched out her hand.

Among the people who came with Yu Liang, the only one she was not familiar with was this female writer. Xu Cixi had heard Yu Liang mention female writers in the copy, so naturally she wouldn't be too surprised.

The only thing that surprised her was that Yu Niang's was much more beautiful than she had imagined.

He is even taller than her, and his figure is more impressive than hers. Even though he is wearing a simple and plain white skirt, standing here represents a kind of worldly desire.

If Xu Cixi has to fight in close quarters all year round, so her figure is more symmetrical, and she looks like she is good at sports, but Yu Niang is different, she has a more obvious sense of a wife.

Regardless of her body shape or temperament, she has such a strong sense of a wife. To put it simply, she has a more "desirable" atmosphere than her.

"Hello, little hamster, my name is 'Yu', you can call me more affectionate, like Sister Yu or something like that." Lady Yu shook hands with Xu Cixi with a smile, and greeted Xu Cixi at the moment of physical contact. The attributes of the seven deadly sins carried on the body were analyzed.


Being too depressed is not a good thing.

She easily injected a touch of yin energy, slightly stimulating Xu Cixi's inner emotions.

Since it happened while shaking hands, no one noticed it.

Except for "Zhi" who had been playing the game with his head down, she raised her eyes to look at the hamster and Yu Niang shaking hands, and then lowered her head again to continue playing the game.

"Ah, okay, let's go in first. There should be a lot of things to discuss today." Yu Liang quickly greeted everyone to enter the villa. From the "little hamster" Yu Niang said, he felt that something was wrong. Come out immediately and change the topic.

"By the way, Ren'an, help me pull the Li Hua out of my head towards them." Yu Liang pulled the adventurer over. He thought that if there were more people present, the atmosphere would be much more relaxed.

"Oh." The adventurer immediately came over and quickly opened Yu Liang's brain box.

When they reached the living room of the villa, the adventurer had successfully taken everyone out.

Yu Liang, on the other hand, looked around the universe and called out the money-keeping ghost.

Strictly speaking, the Scrooge is different from other ghostly creatures. It is quite intelligent and has strategic significance. It has the status of an observer in such meetings.

"This's called the Scrooge, right?" Yu Niang saw the little Scrooge, walked up to it, bowed slightly and smiled, "You are stronger than I thought."

"It is the incarnation of 'greed'. After it is gone, you should also have an incarnation of 'greed', right?" Yu Liang knew that she carried the seven deadly sins.

"Absolutely." Yu Niang nodded, raised her hand and released a small strange creature, "Wuxing."

It sounds like Yu Niang didn't give the new incarnation of "Greed" a name, she just called him by the name on the panel. After hearing the name, Scrooge raised his head and glanced at Yu Niang, and then looked at That's true insatiability.

Yes, it no longer considers itself Wubai, because its name "Wuhao" has been sold.

Sell ​​all the names, this is in line with the character setting of the incarnation of "greed".

"Eh? A woman?" Yu Liang looked at Wudi, who also had a small figure in front of him, and was a little surprised.

It has the same withered body and the same mindless creature. The only difference is that it has twin tails tied on its head, and the clothes it wears seem to be more feminine.

If you don't look at the face, she is somewhat similar to a little girl. If you put her next to the Scrooge, you can see that she is thinner and smaller than the Scrooge.

At this moment, the Scrooge took off his paper hood in a rare move, revealing the withered face in the hood.

Shou Gui and Wudi looked at each other for a long time, feeling a familiar smell from each other's bodies.

"Are you the same as me?" Wu Wei looked at the other party in surprise. She didn't expect that there would be people of her own race in this world.

"Are we the same?" The money-sucking ghost was also very surprised.

The two dwarfs couldn't help but get closer to each other, looking at each other up and down, and finally their eyes rested on each other's pig jars. Then they looked at each other's inexplicably hot eyes and took a step back together.

It's better to keep a safe distance.

For a moment, the joy of seeing others of the same kind became less obvious.

"Without the follow-up pouring of Yin Qi, your greed can actually be promoted to T1, which is beyond my expectation." Yu Niang could feel the energy contained in the body of the money-sucking ghost and said with a smile, "It seems that you are better than I imagined." He even knows how to raise monsters and talk about creatures.”

Of course, looking at it from her perspective, Wudi is much more powerful than the Lucky Ghost. After all, the former almost grew up eating yin energy. This energy has endless benefits for the Seven Deadly Sins.

In terms of levels, Wudi is considered to be at the top of T1, while Lucky Ghost can only be considered in the middle of T1. In terms of actual combat effectiveness, Wu Tie contains far more energy than Lucky Ghost. The two paths are very different. .

"Is that so?" Yu Liang thought for a while and made a request, "Now, can you use Yin Qi to strengthen the money-keeping ghost?"

"No." Yu Niang shook her head, "I can feel that the path for the Scrooge to advance to T1 is completely different from that of Wudao. If Yin Qi is used to strengthen the Scrooge now, it will only make him lose weight on both paths. fail."

"Okay." Yu Liang nodded, he could understand what Yu Niang meant.

The Scrooge did not upgrade into a ghost creature on the path of the seven deadly sins of "greed", but in another way.


Or maybe it's wealth. In short, it's not just a sin of "greed".

In comparison, Yu Liang still hopes that the money-keeping ghost can enter the Tao with "capital" and become a capital demon at the level of root ghost talk.

From a strong point of view, capital definitely has this ability.

"But I'm not a stingy person. You can summon a strange creature with a lower gradient level, and I will use Yin Qi to help you strengthen it." Yu Niang showed her generosity and ability.

"A lower... grass baby?" Yu Liang rummaged through the universe, trying to find a suitable ghost creature.

"Baby, bastard!" At this time, Li Huachao found the opportunity to interrupt, and immediately shouted, "Please give bastard a chance!"

Of course he would recommend Zai Zi, because only Zai Zi would stand firmly on his side, so strengthening Zai Zi's strength would allow him to slightly reduce the pressure when facing those guys in the sea of ​​flesh.

"Zaizi? That's okay." Yu Liang found the character card of T3 Zaizi and summoned her.

In the past, when he was not strong enough, Zai Zi made a lot of achievements, but unfortunately it is of little use now. It would be good if Zai Zi could be promoted and get another chance to fight.

Zai Zi appeared in front of Yu Niang, looked around in confusion, and then focused on Li Huachao.

Li Huachao, on the other hand, gently touched Zai Zi's head, feeling filled with emotion.

After going through thousands of mountains and rivers and hundreds of reincarnations, looking back, it would be better for him to be the miserable wife who accompanied him to conquer the world.

The white moonlight flower girls who fly away when disaster strikes are all fake!

"Okay." A large amount of Yin Qi emerged from Yu Niang's hand, and poured into Zai Zi's body in an instant.

"Ahhhh!" Zaizi opened her mouth, and a high-pitched scream burst out from deep in her throat. The Yin Qi in her body rolled for a while, and her body also experienced changes and began to split rapidly.

In just a few seconds, more than a dozen brats appeared in the living room, and Yu Niang narrowed her eyes and smiled: "What a greedy brat, he actually used so many clones to receive Yin Qi."

More Yin Qi appeared on her body, and it was divided into more than a dozen branches and submerged into each kid's body.

Then she looked at Yu Liang again: "Did you get an enhancement coupon after the last copy was completed? Give it to her directly. If you increase the level at this time, you can absorb more Yin Qi."

"Okay." Yu Liang immediately took out the enhancement coupon rewarded in the last dungeon of Ghost Story and used it on Zai Zi.

A few minutes later, the brand-new baby stood in front of Yu Liang. Her body was marked by Yin energy. These marks formed gray lines, which appeared on the pale skin, like some kind of special lines. , covering the whole body.


Character card Mantis "Whelp"

Gradient: T2

Attributes: Kaitan derivatives

Personality: docile

Abilities: Fission, Adaptability

[Split]: When the monster creature is damaged but does not die, another T2 mantis "cub" will be summoned. The copy will die after three minutes. When the main body swallows the clone, it immediately recovers 5% of its health and gains a 5% overall physical bonus. At the same time, it also acquires the characteristics gained by the clone due to [Adaptability] (lasts for three minutes).

[Adaptability]: You can immediately evolve to adapt to the environment and "discover" a mutation ability.

(Discover: Refers to choosing one from three items.)

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