The author's diary of ghost stories

Chapter 526 The strange new ability of the root adventurer

Title: Perverse villain.

Judging from the name, Yu Liang felt that it was very consistent with Li Huachao's character. Combined with the actual ability, he knew that Li Huachao must have fallen in love with this ability.

The ability to force a duel is very suitable for Li Huachao to seek revenge.

Yu Liang could already imagine that Li Huachao immediately had the ability to be arrogant. When he had a conflict with any other player, he could point his finger at the other player and shout angrily: "Come out and challenge! "

Staying with a mad dog character like Li Huachao for a one-minute duel may be a big challenge for any player, not to mention that Li Huachao in this duel field can use a heavy machine gun.

Even the bullets fired by the heavy machine gun will be regarded as a cold weapon melee attack, which can perfectly trigger multiple additional effects from the hunter profession.

In the past, the additional damage caused by the Hunting Mark was actually not too high. Each attack caused an additional damage of 5% of the target's current health, and an additional damage of 1% of the total health was triggered every five times.

It looks very powerful, and even gods will kill you if you dare to show the health bar, but in fact the effect is average.

Yu Liang asked Li Geng to help him calculate (it should be no problem if the book friend calculated it). If the damage caused by Li Huachao was ignored, a total of 65 attacks would need to be triggered.

In real life, a normal creature would definitely not be able to withstand Li Huachao's 65 table knife stabs, and would have to rely on 65 attacks to kill the creature...

It was probably something at the level of the Gengkaidan. If Li Huachao faced such a thing, there would be no way he could hit 65 times.

Probably they can only take care of the meat shield characters like Princess and Flesh Sea, which have extremely high health but average level in other aspects.

Oh, by the way, you can also target the Scrooge that has returned to full health.

If Li Huachao slashes the money-keeper, the visual effect will definitely be full, the sword will hit critically, and the characters will pop out like a fountain.

Therefore, the original additional effect of Hunting Mark can only be used as a general damage-adding skill.

It's different now.

"Perverse villain" Li Huachao was able to pull the enemy into a small dark room after initiating a one-on-one challenge. He then took out a bone machine gun from under his skirt and started firing.

It turns out that it may take a long time to cut 65 times, and it must be a close attack. In the future, it will be much easier to use a bone machine gun. Isn’t it easy to press the trigger to pour out firepower?

Although the bullets of the bone machine gun are not guaranteed to hit, as long as the firepower is strong enough, these are minor problems.

With Li Huachao's arm strength, the bone machine gun can be dual-wielded. As long as you load the ammunition in advance and enter the duel field, you can start doing whatever you want.

Facing a player like Li Huachao, even a swordsman would find it very difficult. After all, even he couldn't dodge all the bullets from the bone machine gun.

If you want to fight Li Huachao, you must destroy the bone machine gun before being hit by 65 bullets, otherwise there will be no need to fight.

Of course, Yu Liang doesn’t think this really requires 65 rounds of ammunition. The bone machine gun is not without damage. Coupled with the repeated damage of [Hunting Mark], it is estimated that it only takes forty or fifty rounds at most to deal with a T1 level. A physical warrior.

If you are not a physical warrior, it would be even simpler. Li Huachao will gain more if he targets support or field control characters, and he can almost kill an opponent without taking any damage.

Secondly, Yu Liang also noticed that there are some more detailed settings for title abilities.

For example, when entering the arena, clear some of the buffs on Li Huachao and the target.

If the status is given to them by others, no matter whether it is a buff or a debuff, it will be cancelled. If it is given to them by themselves, it will be fine.

For example, Li Huachao can use hunting marks to fill up his physical fitness before entering the duel. The buffs generated by him will not be cleared, while the buffs on the swordsman jointly added by the secretary and others will be directly eliminated. Invalid.

Secondly, during the duel, the outside world cannot affect the two people in the duel arena, and the two people in the arena cannot affect the outside world.

If Li Huachao chooses a chess player for a duel, the moment he enters the duel field, the chess board placed by the chess player on the field will become invalid, and the effects of the chess pieces that have been triggered will also be blocked.

At the same time, Li Huachao can also select a non-threatening enemy, which is equivalent to at least 60 seconds of life-saving time. Attacks outside the duel field cannot harm him.

The usage is flexible and changeable. A seemingly simple death battle ability directly elevates Li Huachao's team fighting ability to a terrifying level. Not to mention that he can also cooperate with the Confessor to refresh his title ability three times in a row. This is four uses. Chance.

Killing the four core characters in the local team in four minutes is too much for any team.

The only price is that Li Huachao needs to block his seal column and character column when using the title ability, but this is not too critical for Li Huachao.

Anyway, Li Huachao didn't rely on stamps or character fields for output.

"This ability is not bad." Yu Liangliang already felt the perversion of the "perverse villain", but it was definitely impossible for him to praise Li Huachao, so he just made a superficial comment.

"When the time comes, I will kill the opponent's main C alone and then I will ask you if you are strong." Li Huachao paused and expressed disdain for Yu Liang's reserve.

At the same time, he looked at Lu Baoshen who was standing on the other side, with an evil smile on his face: "How about I come and try out my new ability with you first?"

"Refuse." Lu Baoshen refused without even thinking, "T1 fights T2, shameless."

"Hey, that's not what you said before." Li Huachao snorted coldly. Lu Baoshen has become arrogant since Lu Mingzhe came back, and now that he has obtained the "Perverse Villain", Lu Baoshen has shown his avoidance behavior in a timely manner. An attitude of fighting but not giving in.

"We can fight, but we have to wait until we finish the special training in Cyberspace." Lu Mingzhe was inspired by Li Huachao to fight.

He still doesn't know what kind of title abilities Li Huachao's character card has, but he has such confidence.

A gambler who knows how to play is invincible.

As long as Lu Baoshen can play some more, it will be fine. Unless Li Huachao's ability is to directly block other people's character columns, there will be no problem.

The more he reviewed the battle in his mind, the more Lu Mingzhe could feel how powerful Nai Hetian was.

Secretly arrange the positions of each chip, and then switch the positions of the last two chips at the critical moment.

Just like pressing a button, after the first group of chips took effect, all the chips took a step towards him in a uniform manner like soldiers.

Put together a perfect map and kill all the enemies trapped in it.

There is quite a feeling of being strategizing and winning a victory thousands of miles away.

With such a high level of skill, even the corners of his mouth couldn't help but turn up.

"No, don't any of you really care about the ultra-rare professional root adventurer in the T1 gradient?" The adventurer was a little helpless. He thought that saying that he had root-level rule abilities would attract many envious looks. But that doesn't seem to be the case.

Root-level ability, eh, that is a root-level ability!

Even if I don’t know the specific usage, it looks like a very powerful root rule level ability!

"Yes, you just said that your new ability is a rule?" Yu Liang ignored the bickering between Li Huachao and Lu Baoshen and turned to look at the adventurer.

"That's right." The adventurer nodded, then scratched his head, "But I'm a little confused about the use of this upgraded ability, so I wanted to ask you. After all, you are more familiar with the source of ghost stories. .”

"Tell me about it." Yu Liang will naturally try his best to help the adventurer. After all, there are not many player companions that he can trust.

"There's nothing much to say about the other abilities. They are basically enhanced versions of the original abilities. To put it simply, I am more resistant to beatings and have a stronger ability to search for loot." The adventurer said briefly, he There is no need to hide his abilities from Yu Liang, "There are also many props that can exert stronger effects in my hands, and the cooldown is reduced, the consumption is reduced, etc."

"Well, this shouldn't be enough." Yu Liang looked at Li Huachao. Li Huachao also strengthened all aspects after being promoted to T1, but the extent of his enhancement was very high. Almost every skill was far stronger than it was at the T2 gradient. .

The adventurer has also become an adventurer with the root as the prefix, and his growth dimension is obviously more than that.

"Yes, my ability to 'open boxes' has become stronger." He continued, "This is the root-level rule I am talking about."

[Retrospective Box Strike]: Select any target. If the target needs to open a closed space with the concept of "treasure box" five minutes ago or five minutes later (except for living creatures), you will open the closed space and you can obtain it randomly. Some of these items (can be non-physical items). This ability will definitely take effect and ignore the influence of time and space-related root monsters. However, the items taken out by the ability across time and space are unique and may have a certain impact on the current time and space.

[This is my home, it’s you who should leave! 】: You can occupy a closed space with the concept of "treasure box" that has been opened within ten minutes, and gradually obtain the items in the space as time goes by (100% discovered by the original owner). If you obtain a physical item, you can clear the traces of the original owner and obtain the right to use it; if you obtain a non-physical item, you can use it on behalf of the original owner (you need to know the usage rules).

The adventurer read out the abilities written on the character card and their detailed explanations exactly as they were, hoping to get the help of many characters present to come up with ideas.

The box-opening ability is an upgraded version, and the other ability with an abstract name is newly acquired. From the perspective of the expression of the ability, it is really a rule-level ability that can suppress the root ghost story, but in terms of actual effect...

Yu Liang also didn't understand.

Can anyone be the target of this box opening?

It sounds pretty good if it includes the source of the ghost story, but the flaws are just as big.

How do you know that the selected target will open a closed space such as a treasure chest within ten minutes?

It's not easy to achieve this condition, right?

And if he listened carefully, Yu Liang also noticed something wrong.

"Wait, how did you open my universe? According to the description of the new ability, I need to plan to open the universe before you can open it, right?" Yu Liang said curiously.

This is very strange. This ability does not seem to be an upgraded version.

"No, the target selected when opening the box can be myself, because I will open your universe in five minutes, so I can select myself as the target and open the space I am about to open." The adventurer simply explained.

It was a bit confusing, and Yu Liang thought for a while before he understood it. This explanation seemed sophistry, but this inexplicable idea turned out to be the underlying logic of the box-opening ability. He had to admire the world of weird stories that made this ability effective.

"But even this can't be considered a powerful ability, it can only be regarded as an addition. Have your other abilities been greatly enhanced?" Yu Liang asked rhetorically.

"It should...can't be considered very big." The adventurer was not sure, but comparing Li Huachao's combat performance from T2 to T1, he felt that his potential had not yet been tapped.

"It seems..." At this time, Yu Niang seemed to have thought of something and said hesitantly.

As soon as she spoke, everyone present immediately turned their heads and looked over.

I saw the female writer's beautiful eyebrows frowning slightly, and a kind of doubt appeared on her always gentle and calm face, which made her look a little naive and cute.

"I may know what this ability means." She continued, then faced the adventurer and motioned to him, "You can choose the target for me to try."

When she said these words, the expression on her face turned serious again, as if she was conducting some important experiment.

Seeing her appearance, Zhi, who had been sitting on the sofa, realized in hindsight that he seemed to be thinking of gods and demons. He also looked at the adventurer and female writer with a look of preparedness.

No, it shouldn't be that outrageous, right?

The adventurer selected the target as a female writer and then used [Retrace Box Strike].

In the dark, he opened a certain space and took out some things in it.

These things were stored in the temporarily generated inventory, and the adventurer did not hesitate and chose to take out the items in the inventory.

"This is..." The adventurer looked at the gray air spreading in his hands, his face full of surprise, "What is this?"

The gray gas wrapped around his hand, but it was not easy to control. In just a moment, it showed signs of losing control and escaped from the adventurer's hand.

The moment it broke free from his hand, the Yin Qi quickly multiplied itself and expanded at an incredible speed.

"Yin Qi, be careful." The female writer saw that her guess came true, but she saw the Yin Qi getting out of control before she had time to explain, and immediately took action to stop it.

Loss of control of Yin Qi may cause a serious ghost story incident, which can easily affect tens of thousands of people.

However, when she stretched out her hand to take back the Yin Qi, she found that the Yin Qi no longer obeyed her instructions. They cleverly avoided and fled in the opposite direction of the female writer.

Somehow, they seem to know that the female writer can suppress their existence, so they want to avoid her.

Doesn’t the Yin Qi stolen by the adventurer even recognize her as its owner?

What a hassle.

Yu Niang's brows tightened, and new Yin Qi emerged from her hands. She rushed forward to intercept the Yin Qi released by the adventurers, and forcibly destroyed the Yin Qi with her absolute numerical advantage.

"He can steal part of the power of the source of Kaidan." At this time, "Zhi" also focused on the adventurer.

For such a guy who can "steal" the power of the root, normal root ghost stories are completely unacceptable.

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